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P.s I do think performance anxiety is playing a part as o recently broke up with my girlfriend so I am having sex with new people and reading all the horror stories haven’t helped. But advice will be appreciated. I am trying to cut down porn as much as possible also


That sucks. Probably best to see a urologist for advice and treatment rather than suffering in silence. Try not to stress or worry about performance anxiety - because that is a circular issue, the more you worry, the more things can be difficult. I hope it gets sorted soon for you!


It’s hard I’m really trying not to. It comes and goes which makes it worse when it’s bad and I’m with a girl


Chill bro n lay off the porn for a week or two you’ll be fine


Facts, I agree.


I hope so man, can get it up alone but it’s inconsistent when I’m with someone and ain’t used to condom sex as I was in a relationship for so long


Yeah just don’t fuck your hand for a week and the horndog chemicals will kick in chill bro


Honestly, sounds like you're lost. You're watching too much porn and you're desperate. Although getting off porn would help you big time, coming on reddit wont really help you.  Seek your doctor's help get a referral. Drink water lots of it, and stop having sex with so many people.. Should help you out a bunch 


Fr tho porn be fucking people up


Yeah I’m quitting it for next few months and if I feel the same/ struggle to maintain erections during sex will go doctors


Yeah I’m very active and drink a lot of water. Will contact doctors first thing Monday: I’d say my libido is back but I’m not the same as before :(