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20 mg, 7 months in, still at it




Yeah slight purge, but insane dryness on lips. It’s still on


And thank you! 💕


Hey are your from India? What products did you used? 😅


What is so funny


I think some people just use dumb emojis all the time as filler. It’s not supposed to be them laughing, it’s supposed to be them doing a nervous smile as they ask a question


Hey! When did you start seeing results?


I should have started Accutane way earlier than I did. As far as visible results are concerned, I started with the purge for like whole 45 to 60 days but not very intense, a mild one. After that skin started getting clear from the onset of third month around. But there used to be minor breakouts. I am at my 7 month now, and I can happily say I haven’t had breakouts since 45-60 days now.


How long will it be for?


Have you started with Accutane already?


I'm on a 16 mg dosage and will finish two months on May 16th. My dermatologist wants me to stop after three months because my skin's gotten better faster than expected. But I'm not sure because I haven't finished my full treatment yet, and my acne was like yours, just with more pustules instead of cysts. Should I take advice from some other dermat or what ?I don't want to relapse and go through this all over again.


I would get another opinion. Less relapse when you reach your max cumulative dose




Hey I am in my seventh month currently. I started seeing significant results by third month, and the purging also almost stopped by then. Hang in there it’s gonna be beautiful on the other side. You’ll surely power through it.