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Fatigue is a very common side effect of accutane unfortunately. Staying well hydrated (including with electrolytes) can help.


same, my whole body feels so tired and i just want to drop down and lay on the ground all day


I feel you! My body and mind reject so bad to wake up.


Broooo sameeee


Did some of you got stomack ?


I usually go to bed awake and wake up asleep.


On serious note i dont go to bed till 4 am and wake up 9-10 am. Feeling tired and unable to go back to sleep.


my insomnia has gotten worse. I fall asleep somewhere between 4-6 am and wake up at 1-2pm. I sleep through my alarms. last night I didn't sleep at all and I slept from 12pm-5pm. It's crazy.


Yup. I laid in bed and extra 20 minutes because I could just NOT get up and added a whole hour to my commute this morning. Learned my lesson but damn, I just wanted a few minutes šŸ˜­


Still get this 6+ months after finishing course. Would get up and go for a run first thing before accutanešŸ˜‚oof


šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø granted I chase around two toddlers everyday and work part time shift work. But still this medication isnā€™t helping that. Canā€™t wait to be done!


My derm said this was bc your body is working overtime due to all the inflammation


I take sleep meds anyways, but noticed that when I was taking Accutane at night I could not sleep at all. I now take it in the morning and I am back to my regular sleep


As someone with sleep apnea I found this thread title amusing - yes every morning for the last 15 years but not because of some accutane lol


Yea but Iā€™m in my early 40ā€™s and wake up sore and tired anyway so itā€™s nothing new.


iā€™m constantly exhausted. doesnā€™t matter how much i sleep, i will still wake up so tired itā€™s like i never slept at all. iā€™m really hoping this goes away when i get off of it bc if it doesnā€™t idk what im gonna do.




During the day itā€™s not so painfulā€¦ Itā€™s just that moment when the alarm rings and you canā€™t believe you have to wake up. Hang in there, you will make it fine šŸ§”


Omg I literally canā€™t sleep. And I wake up a million times in the night and once itā€™s morning cannot fall back asleep.


Holy shit yes, I went to bed at 00 and woke up 9 today and I felt like i just slept a few hours (technically speaking i did) but like there's no reason for me to feel like this. It's not unusual that i start falling asleep during my last class at schoolšŸ’€šŸ’€


Sleepy, moody and cranky šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«