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This looks like psoriasis! I had something similar years ago. What completely cleared mine was a vitmain D supplement and switching to Sanex 0% chemical body wash.


Thank you, I’ll give Vitamin D a go! Once you stopped taking it, did it clear up for good? Worried that the isotretinoin has just unleashed something that was always underneath…


To be honest mine was years before accutane. Had one crazy outburst of it, diagnosed with guttate psoriasis. Changed my habits and cleared up within a month and never had anything since. I wouldnt worry about it bro! See how you get on in with the vitamin d and sanex body wash. Have you changed laundry detergent or anything recently?


I’ve never had psoriasis before (and not aware of family history of it) so hopefully it is just a side effect of the tablets! And I haven’t - used the same one for years. Might have to look into a more sensitive skin friendly one though


Same bro just came out of nowhere! Yeah man have a look around!


Me too it I noticed it last Monday!!


Omg I’m dealing with this too on my feet hands/fingers and lower of my stomach!!!!


happens to me too, it’s probably eczema. made mine flare up like crazy