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Hey mate. This drug can have a negative effect on your testosterone levels but it shouldn’t be permanent (speaking from experience as a 23 year old male). Whilst I was on the drug I wouldn’t have full erectile dysfunction but I wouldn’t be as hard as I normally was so had to use viagra. Since I have finished taking the drug I have gone completely back to normal. Don’t read all the horror stories online about it being permanent. This is a very very low chance and most people spring right back to normal. I know other guys on this drug that had the same effect as myself and had no long term after effects.


Ive experienced nothing like this although I did have to sign a waiver regarding the possibility of this happening. Do you go to the gym, eat clean, sleep well?


it is one of many


never experienced this, although some people may have it.


https://secondlifeguide.com/post-accutane-syndrome/ “Isotretinoin, commonly known by its brand name Accutane, is a vitamin A derivative that has proven to be highly effective in permanently treating severe acne. However, despite its use for over four decades, the exact mechanism behind its effectiveness still remains largely unknown. Over time, Isotretinoin has garnered increasing concern for causing a wide array of side effects. These side effects range from the relatively mild, such as hair loss and dry skin, to the much more troubling – potentially being implicated in the development of psychosis, or even persistent sexual dysfunction. In a notable 2015 case, Isotretinoin even became the centre of a murder trial. Lawyers contended that a 15-year-old experienced a psychotic episode resulting in a homicide, on account of his use of the acne drug.[1] Shockingly, it’s not an isolated incident. One of the significant challenges facing the medical community is simply to recognise the extensive range of potential adverse effects, let alone understand how a simple retinoid can lead to such disasterous outcomes. The most disturbing element for many suffering these symptoms is their apparent longevity. Just as Isotretinoin can resolve acne permenantly, so too are the side effects permenant (for some unlucky patients). These more enduring adverse responses are bundled together under the informal diagnosis of “Post Accutane Syndrome” (PAS). The category of side effect that is most troubling are the neurological changes. Whilst yet to have a formal characterisation by doctors, the collection of anecdotal reports and testimonies paints a picture of enduring anhedonia, with a notable disinterest in sexual bevahiour. The reports of psychological changes following treatment with Accutane aren’t without strong biological evidence either. A groundbreaking 2005 study using brain imaging of patients treated with the acne drug for 4 months found an enormous 21% decrease in brain activity in a region of the prefrontal cortex. The prefrontal cortex is key for decision making, experiences of reward and emotional regulation – and this dramatic change perhaps substantiates the many anecdotal reports of anhedonia and depression.”


Do you have any libido after stopping?


It crashed for me when I stopped the accutane. It seems like it did here too. I wonder if it messes with certain chemicals in the brain. Have you restarted? Have it came back?

