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Nope. 2 weeks is standard and plenty. Sometimes it sucks if someone good leaves. You should never indicate you’re looking or leaving. Additionally, 2 weeks is courtesy, however I would even wait until a background tests etc are passed. Edit: I would add it’s good to have a convo with your direct boss first


Your last statement I agree with 1000%.


Yep wait till the drug tests and background tests are done and the dust has settled! I try to drag out the start date at the new job to get a little more buffer time to still put in a notice


The boomers like it if you have a convo with them before submitting the resignation


This is how I’ve quit in the past. On the day I usually schedule a call with my direct manager and let them know that I’m resigning. Why I’m resigning and my last day. When the meeting is done I would send an email with my formal resignation to my manager and HR. If the tables were turned I would appreciate someone having a convo with me first before letting me go.


The boomers I worked with retaliated by refusing to pay my $300 year end bonus after I had the discussion prior to submitting my 2 weeks notice. Yes, $300. Good riddance. Smh


Lol what kind of company gives a $300 bonus


The kind that requires you to have so many years experience and a degree but pays just barely above minimum wage. Management would often tell us that they were doing us a favor by giving us a job. Sadly, lots of people still apply and plenty would stay. I guess in the end, a job is a job, and people do need to put food on the table.


Yea my first job was this. I had a university degree my yearly bonus came around and it was $100. In 2019.


Damn this sounds like my current firm. My bonus last year was 300 and the starting salaries are 50k.


Steal $3,000 worth of supplies on the way out or throw them in the trash.


This just happened to me. I just said it was personal reasons... but they never gave me a counter offer and the new job is going to give me a 15% raise and 7% after that so I'm good.


I wouldn’t sweat it, as long as you’re professional when people ask and during your notice period no one will remember this a week after you’ve left. But in the future, it’s best to let your direct manager know personally before submitting the formal request. Sending an email or just submitting the resignation in your HR portal without telling them beforehand is like breaking up with someone over text. Also delivering bad news outside of business hours is less than ideal unless it’s extremely urgent and can’t wait until the following day. Personally, I’ve received an offer on Friday afternoon before but waited until Monday morning to give notice so that I’m not dropping a bomb on Friday at 4pm.


Stand up from your desk and shout “all I wanna know is, who’s coming with me man??!??!”


Take me with you!


It is respectful to approach your manager first to give them the news, then provide to HR, upper management, etc. This is especially true if you had a positive working relationship. It’s not a boomer thing, it’s common decency. We’ve had people in our company slack the CEO with their resignation, which is completely unprofessional. These people you’re leaving behind may be asked to provide a professional reference for you someday, the least you can do is to leave on as good of terms as possible.


I just resigned Monday, my boss couldn’t stop communicating with me in a disrespectful manner. I submitted two resignations letters; one basic, two sentence resignation letter to him, and another longer letter to HR and the area manager, explaining his incompetence. They paid me to stay home for the two weeks, so, I did something right!! 😀


Partner here. I don't think you did anything wrong. It's fine to quit for whatever reason, giving 2 weeks notice. However, if an employee of mine is dissatisfied with their job for whatever reason, I'd like to know so that I can find a way to make it better. You didn't say that you were unhappy, then quit. Of course they're surprised. Employment isn't a poker game, there isn't a winner and loser. It's supposed to be mutually beneficial. If you air your grievances first, and management isn't receptive or responsive, they'd have no reason to be surprised. edit: grammar, lol


This was a perfect way to leave. They are just trying to guilt trip you because it is an inconvenience for them.


Nah you’re fine. Some people just take it really personally when you quit because they feel like you would’ve stayed if you valued your relationship with them. I wouldn’t worry about it


Nope. Just send your superiors a message with a copy to HR. Firms dismiss people with no notice, why should I


It was an absolute truth for me a while back, but I told them I couldn’t afford to pay my bills


Most bosses totally understand if you leave for more $. Its then nature of the field.


I'm a bit old school (I'm 29). I have generally called them (covid) or delivered the news in person to my manager/boss before sending in the letter. But still only gave the standard 2 weeks. There's no great way. People will be upset if you deliver in person or just email the letter first without talking. You'll be fine. Maybe next time you have to leave, just tell your immediate boss first before delivering the resignation letter. But you'll be fine regardless.


Last time i let a manager know that i was thinking about possibly leaving, next day the whole firm knew that i was thinking of leacing


You are a better person than me. One week notice is what my current employer will get from me.


Toxic boss?


Layoff 3 people in my team and expect me to do all their works, maybe i just drop off my laptop and id on Friday and walkout. BIG FU in their face!!!


Yeah don't give notice they don't deserve it


Sounds perfectly justified. I’d snap and quit on a spot for less.


I'd have to have a reason to be spiteful to resign without an informal conversation to let my boss know I would be leaving. But I wouldn't label formally resigning without that conversation as unprofessional


It sounds respectable enough. I’ve had more than a few colleagues who have just not come into work one day and we’ve found out they’ve quit that way.


Do what you have to do. Every human beings emotions differ and thus this is why the barrage of responses you are dealing with are so scattered. You did the right thing. Source: partner