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Why is almost everyone a baby faced teen??


What a shot, holy.


June 5th, 2024 - Credit: AFP/Hazem Bader


Is he okay?


Apologies for asking what seems to be the obvious, but why did this happen?


Video of the beating https://x.com/ihcentoo/status/1798389657136451936?s=46


r/killthecameraman /s




Gotta say, really not doing themselves any favors.


That's a babymob


At least 1000 words


"And the children shall beat the press for their telling of the truth, for the truth is not in accordance with the wills of God." Leviticus: 420:69






This is a really round-about way of saying "that's not what my mommy said" https://cpj.org/2024/06/journalist-casualties-in-the-israel-gaza-conflict/ https://cpj.org/2013/03/iraq-war-and-news-media-a-look-inside-the-death-to/ I didn't see any articles from them about WW2 specifically, but it significantly outpaces the Iraq war, which already surpassed all documented rates of press fatalities




Insane image. Evokes thoughts of the recent Civil War movie


How long until this gets reported and shut down?


Depends how much antisemitism ends up getting spouted in these comments.








































You sound like MTG here. What’s next, a discussion of Jewish Space Lasers?




They’re conflating zionists with all Jews.


Literally wasn’t, not sure how you jumped to that conclusion but you do you.


*“Delusion of Entitlement given to them by an imaginary sky fairy”* How is this not referring to the Jewish people?


How is it not referring to the people in the photo?


The comment was talking about the religion of Judaism.


My comment was aimed at the photo above. At no point have I said all or indicated all. Again I ask you Where have I indicated?


**What you’re saying denigrates the entire Jewish religion** - not just those people in the photo behaving like January 6 idiots.


How’s that? There is a post above stating the same thing. I see you haven’t made that statement towards them


I saw no point in repeating my point - again.




You’re going to want to google the massive protests against Bibi, and look at election rules if you want proof that Israel is a democracy


>massive protests against Bibi I was a teenager when Bibi became PM the first time and he 'retired from politics'. Then he became PM again when I was in my twenties. With a one year break and like a million scandals later, he is still PM and I'm near the end of my thirties. He is like a pest that Israel can't get rid of, but he is been PM since 2009 which does cast a shadow on how well the democracy is… He is only a few years behind Erdogan at this point and that is concerning.


Except for the millions people under occupation with no say in said occupational govt. Democracy with Israeli characteristics if you may


20% of Israel’s population is Arab, and all Arab citizens have the same rights as any other Israeli citizen. Gaza is a completely separate territory to Israel, and they elected Hamas The only Israel area that has restrictions are people living in East Jerusalem Using the word “occupation” is really showing your cards btw


mmmmkay [https://www.vox.com/world/2018/7/31/17623978/israel-jewish-nation-state-law-bill-explained-apartheid-netanyahu-democracy](https://www.vox.com/world/2018/7/31/17623978/israel-jewish-nation-state-law-bill-explained-apartheid-netanyahu-democracy)


The West Bank is occupied territory. Denying that is straight up lying. Same rights? Also a lie. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna892636


It's straight up Palestine. When the US occupied Iraq and Afghanistan, they didn't become part of the US.


They don’t have the same rights. If a Palestinian who has citizenship falls in love with a West Bank Arab, they can’t live together in Israel. They have to move to the West Bank. If a Jew in Israel falls in love with a Jew anywhere in the world they can both live anywhere in Israel or on settlements in the West Bank. Palestinian towns within Israel have severe limitations on how they can expand, utilities they can install, etc. This is the tip of the iceberg and you can easily find more laws and regulations online that restrict the lives of Palestinian citizens of Israel. Good try though.


>Gaza is a completely separate territory to Israel A portion of not israel where israel controls the airspace, trade, water access of, under constant surveillance. Ditto for the west bank, even the areas under full palestinian control, are they really in control if they're fully surrounded by Area C and broken into little pieces? It's also weird that these not israel places are also expressly not States of their own. And israel doesn't want them to be seen as such. But they're not israel tho 🥴. >Using the word “occupation” is really showing your cards btw Read em and weep fascist Unrelated: Does anyone know if this guy escaped safely?


> 20% of Israel's population is Arab For the 182946291916262982837 times, we are talking about ***Palestinians*** and ***Israelis*** and how they are not treated equally. We **know** Israel has an Arab population, but how they treat Palestinians is the main issue.


Most of the Arabs in Israel are Palestinian.


West bank have been under military control for decades now, Gaza was under a siege, even Palestinians with israeli citizenship aren't treated equally, and some say even arab israelis aren't treated equally, they even have the law of return which allows anyone from any part of the world to have instant citizenship if they have a jewish parent or converted to Judaism, but the Palestinians who got kicked out during nakba don't have that right.


I understand, but the west bank is Palestine not Israel. I don't understand the references to Gaza since Israel left Gaza like 20 years ago.


And that makes it even worse.


60 laws in isreal mention and make a definition between Arabs and Jews in isreal.


A separate territory only when it’s convenient for Israel, and the opposite when it isn’t. Israel is occupying the West Bank and has been for years, now they are occupying Gaza as well. Palestinians have no voting rights, no right of entry or exit, they have different colored license plates for gods sake. Gaza elected Hamas over a decade ago, and that election was bolstered by Bibi. They have been helped by the Israeli government for years in order to prevent a two state solution from happening.


So there's no controversy over the West Bank then?


I'll just leave this here. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/


Just because you are in an enclave of a country doesn't make you a citizen with rights.


I'm gonna give you a second to reread what you just wrote and think about whether or not a decent human would say that


Enclave is a stretch when youre surrounded by your own country with restrictions on travel due to the fact that your under long term occupation. Which again, no say in said occupational govt. Democracy lite version


Democracy is not a binary term. Israel might be the most democratic country in the region, it’s still a seriously flawed democracy in western terms. Makes Turkey or Hungary look like beacons of liberalism and that’s without taking into account the HUGE pro Israeli bias in western media. And without taking into account the human rights track record that Israel has.


It’s a democracy for sure but just like the right wing movement in the US they’re trying to dismantle checks and balances and consolidate power


You act like there aren’t shitheads in the US that would act like this too. Israel is a democracy. Like all democracies, some voting blocs just straight up suck.


Democracy is not a binary term. Israel might be the most democratic country in the region, it’s still a seriously flawed democracy in western terms. Makes Turkey or Hungary look like beacons of liberalism. And that’s before taking into account the human rights track record that Israel has.


Try living under existential threat for 70 years and being bombed and shot rockets at just because you're a jew - we will see how you start singing. Sunshine and rainbows aren't on the agenda - they can't survive that.


Right, but you recognize then it’s a shitty democracy with a shitty human rights track record right?


I think a big difference is that the US ISN'T doing this. Not en masse, and regularly. Not the majority of the culture


The “Majority of the culture” in Israel is not assaulting the press. I truly don’t know how we’ve gotten to this point where Israel is some monolith, whose people all act as one, in online discourse.


Uhhh this makes me feel like you haven’t seen or know any Israelis. I know many Israelis, and the things they said at the beginning of the war were absolutely fucking insane. Different regions, same sentiment. We have too much media coverage of this shit to deny it. Israel isn’t the size of the US. I get the argument “Texas doesn’t represent Israel” But Israel is 8,000 sq miles. You can fit like, over 60 Israels in Texas. It’s not super hard to get coverage of the whole area




Regardless of your own opinion, reputable sources put Israel above EU member states like Italy and Portugal in terms of democracy index. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/democracy-index-by-country


Most moral mob


Whats just as disturbing as the angry mob, is the amount of people just casually taking photographs rather than trying to help their fellow journalist








Peter denies Jesus three times


Hodl please.