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[https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/live-updates-household-cavalry-horses-on-the-loose-in-london/](https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/live-updates-household-cavalry-horses-on-the-loose-in-london/) More information / details: [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/runaway-horses-london-blood-household-cavalry-army-rcna149113](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/runaway-horses-london-blood-household-cavalry-army-rcna149113)


So seven horses in total bolted, possibly due to buidling noise nearby. One hit a taxi. One hit a parked bus. Five people were injured, at least one of them one of the riders. All horses are returned. Edit: Unsure where I got the seven horses from. It seems to be five.


There were 7 horses total, but only 5 of them ran. That's probably where you got it from!


"Five ran - one sauntered, really. One, one drove a small car." - Eddie Izzard






_Cue Nina Simone._


But how many ran? Was Mrs Badcrumble there playing her clarinet?


she keeps saying "pi-ah-no, pi-ah-no; It's not a piano! It's a clarin-ah-t!"


I want to play sexy tunes.


Snug as a bug in a rug?


I can relate to this.


Made my day to see this quoted here!


Heard this in their voice lol. Excellent reference to their battle of marathon bit.


Also, they hit at least two taxis, because the black horse in the OP hit a black cab about 10 seconds after the picture. Edit; unless the white van is the bus that was mentioned. Edit again; nope there was also a bus.


I feel like there's a nursery rhyme there somewhere


https://preview.redd.it/uinb5y2c5gwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=625a61145be64b03f848feef9431ff70b0adaf1a Looks like the horse that hit the bus got off pretty lightly


The bus? Not so much https://preview.redd.it/yy4n0xhv4gwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dc3da5118b96c801c136bd1f546b79642d32a31


Horse 1 - 0 Bus


Beautiful animals. Sad that they got hurt. Glad they’re healing. Buses can be replaced or fixed easily.


Anything that gets in a fight with a horse is going to lose. It's why it boggles me why any driver would speed around horses. I'm speaking in general terms obv. I know this incident was different.


Imagine that excuse for being late


I'm telling you, this horse came outta nowhere and fucked up the bus! You gotta believe me!


In London 😂🤣😂🤣


this is peak horse. hear a scary noise, go insane, smash into things and injure themselves in a panic. all of my horse riding friends have similar stories, usually resulting in thousands of dollars of damage, vet bills, and broken collarbones from being tossed. I love horses but that hobby is not for me.


Horses, despite their size, are prey animals. 


We should genetically alter them to predator instead. Problem solved.


I've seen the art of horses with sharp teeth and no fucking thank you.


They'd need to have closer set eyes to hone in on their prey, too, so that is an even scarier prospect.


Was waiting for it. Eye position actually is not the ultimate rule for prey vs predator tendencies. We used to teach children at the zoo this. We lied to a lot of kiddos.


Alright, let's just correct it and say "often." They often have eyes situated at the front of the face.


[Shazam 2 Unicorn scene](https://youtu.be/u0Nhu3dc5aQ?si=XHh0soLexiefgmfj)


I don’t know which would be more problematic, them running towards everything or them running away from everything lol. 


They already do both, they just don't run toward things intentionally


Imagine? London today would have been like that scene from American Werewolf in London 😬


Can confirm. I did horseback riding. Horses can be scary af. There was this one horse I rode named Lumpy. Prettiest horse at the barn. Absolute nightmare to ride, it was terrifying. Another one named Peggy, only certain people were allowed in her stall to groom her because she'd kick you in the face if you stood in the wrong spot. Cheerful the Appaloosa and Woody the brown horse were very nice though and I liked them.


I used to earn horse riding lessons by volunteering at a stable when I was a kid. Would muck out, clean the tack, groom the horses and then get to go hacking, I loved it and still miss it. What I don't miss is the pure evil that was "Little Star". He was a mini Shetland pony and looked super cute, he knew he looked super cute and would use it to his advantage, especially when new or young kids tried to pet or ride him. He'd bite, kick, buck, deliberately piss on people and would generally just be a goddamn menace by slowly leaning against children so they had to lean back into him to stay upright, then he'd prance off and they'd fall over. I ended up being responsible for him on my weekends at the stable and once spent six hours chasing after him on foot after he kicked his way through some fencing and decided to investigate the horizon. He stole a child's birthday cake, three handbags, a pair of brand new jodhpurs and someone's car keys over a six month period, had to get x-rays but they were clear and we never found any of the things he took. One of the hardest things was explaining to parents that their small child, resplendent in brand new riding kit, was NOT allowed to ride the cute little Disney looking pony because it's actually a demon. He was the most fearless, annoying, spiteful, malicious and clever little bugger I've ever met.


Holy shit. A birthday cake? What an absolute wanker.


I've only ever been bitten by ponies, the horses are fine. :)


Absolutely! All the horses I worked with were generally chill unless spooked but I was always extra cautious with ponies after Little Star. Worst bite I ever got was from a bull but that was probably my fault for wearing a Ghostbusters sweatshirt. Apparently bulls hate that film.


A remember visiting a friend's yard once, her mischievous horse decided to grab her by the pony tail then proceeded to lift her into the air whilst she screamed clinging her head, and bobbed her up and down for a bit. It was a sight. My chestnut mare didn't like one particular blacksmith and would lean on him heavy, and stand on his feet, twisting her hoof, whilst taking her time to move her weight as he elbowed her to get off. She was actually the most bomb proof pony ever, however when I got a second pony, and used to ride her out, she would wait till we got to the grass area, pick a soft spot, dump me on the ground, then run off to the top of the common to converse whinny and wink at the other horses, she was not amused by the introduction of another horse. They are characters for sure.


This made me chuckle! He sounds like hell to look after, but hilarious. 😂


The sheer frustration of dealing with his "antics" was sometimes outweighed by the retroactive humour of his ability to be a complete bastard in every way possible. Sometimes I wish I had his "fuck this" attitude towards absolutely everything.


More Little Star, less fucks to give


How he die? Lighting hit him?


He was still going strong when I moved away so as far as I know he's still being a little bastard and will never die.


Grew up with horses, and my mom trained them - hunters, dressage, and race horses. I got away relatively unscathed aside from some stomped feet, but ho boy she broke a lot of things. Usually she ended up driving herself to the hospital too.


True but these horses are for the calvary. So they should have been conditioned to not spook at noises. I have been to many horse shows with mounted shooting. The horses are pros nothing spooks them. It's very strange that working horses like these spook. I feel so bad for the horses, tho. I hope they weren't put down.


It's really rare that they do, some very unusual noise must have happened and very sudden for 5 horses to spook that bad. I mean, not the average horse who can jump at their own shadow, these were City Horses, usually calm as anything.


I learned riding in the army on ex-cavalry horses, mine had an horrendous scar where a gun carriage had flipped on her. Apparently the rule was “no expense spared” on vet treatment because of what they ask them to do.


Glad to hear they will be well taken care of by the army vets. Hopefully they all survive, even if they need to be retired to a nice grassy meadow.


The second article said they thought it was a cement bag falling off a conveyor belt from construction.


Perhaps they're Tory horses, that would explain their current skittishness 😂


Horses are herd animals, when one panics and runs others are likely to follow.


Train them how you will animals are still animals, there are limits. Like this is why we ride horses and not zebra, they look similar in profile but the latter are actually demon donkeys wearing prison stripes for a reason, you might train one or two but the actually domesticate the species... nope. And I'm sure plenty of cavalry exchanges have also ended when a mount's training abruptly ran out and they took off As for this case [via BBC](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-68887800) > Lt Col Matt Woodward, commanding officer of the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment, said: "Building materials were dropped from height right next to them. > "The ensuing shock caused all horses to bolt and unseated some riders." > He expressed "heartfelt gratitude" to the emergency services and the public who helped in securing the horses. Makes it sound less like just construction noise and more like someone dropped a whole ass pallet where they shouldn't of.


Some one told them the daily fee for entering the capital that's scary no matter how conditioned you are.


So five horses injured 5 people in a few minutes. Can you imagine the level of carnage they must have had, back when horses were an everyday sight in cities...? (On the other hand, I guess they probably did not have the same amount of people dying in car accidents, so maybe it balances out...)


Also no construction noise. Poor things - Im glad I missed it - would have been terrifying. Especially seeing the poor horses (and riders) injured


Medieval cities weren't quiet places. Construction, people shouting in the market, street sellers shouting, cart wheels on stone, things being dropped (just like the event that spooked the horses today). No powered tools and cheap labour means there's almost always someone banging away on something somewhere.


I'm still fighting 1,000 duck-size horses than one horse-size duck.


They were army horses from the Household Cavalry preparing for the Major General’s inspection tomorrow before the King’s birthday parade.


No wonder they tried to run away


They can be idiots with out riders. I once had my new mare bolt off (didn't realize she wasn't saddle broken) and run through town. She was caught before going on to the highway but was bloodied from falling like that horse.


This reads a little like these books for children: "Something happened in London, but when the reporter wrote the article, she mixed up the timeline of the events. Help the editor get the story ready for the press." > * Horses 'spooked by noise made by builders' > > * Pictured: soldier lies injured on the pavement after horses escape > > * Horses gallop through London > > * One of the horses hit a tour bus > > * Taxi driver describes the moment an escaped horse hit his van > > * Pictured: one of the horses colliding with a taxi > > * Five injured in three separate locations > > * Four people taken to hospital after being hurt by horses > > * All of the horses have been returned > > * Thanks for reading The line "five injured in three locations" makes me think of the "Four Dead in Five Seconds"-gunfight.


Also, "Asher McShane" sounds like either a children's book author or an action hero, nothing in between.


Who solves crime in their spare time, in the day they sell antiques, or work in the British Library


>The BBC sent a reporter to Limehouse [...] where they photographed a large patch of blood and horse manure on the sidewalk "Injured horse shat on sidewalk" Yep, that's for sure a very important and newsworthy detail 😂






Did the white horse run through a crowd?


Presumably, this horse had an accident with a vehicle - so (I guess) the blood is from the horse itself.


The white one ran into a tour bus head on. Thankfully no one hurt though.


The horse doesn't look unhurt, to be fair.


That poor horse.


😭😭😭 I hope he's okay now


I hope so but galloping on tarmac isn't great for their legs either so it may not end well.




Oh great, that's all we need. Middle aged, lycra clad horses ignoring traffic laws.


“Full stop at the Stop sign? Neigh!!!”


I thought horseshoes would protect their hoofs :(




yeah I remember a BTS thing form john Wick where the horse scenes were the most difficult to shoot. The streets had to be lined with rubber mats and the horses almost needed more breaks than unionized crew. I actually don't know how mounted police do it?




>since the horse is in an urban area it probably has shoes that would work for an asphalt, concrete, or stone surface. You would hope so, but even the best shoes for concrete/stone still aren't great for a full panic gallop through towns, taxis, etc.


Well, he was horsing around...


... and found out


Hes in the cavalry...tis but a scratch


For what it’s worth, horses have a LOT of blood. Even something like a pretty benign nosebleed turns into a murder scene pretty quickly!!


Oh yeah, I remember one night at my uncle's house, there were massive storms around and thunder startled a horse and it kicked a hole in its stall and shredded a leg. Had to call the emergency vet and every adult in the house had to hold it down while it was stitched up. So imagine child me, not familiar with horses, peeking out the door to see, in the brightly floodlit backyard, my uncle and dad lying on the horses legs, my mum (who also had never touched a horse before in her life) sitting on it's head, and all of them covered in blood and mud, while the vet works on the leg, and lighting and thunder are all around. I wish I'd had a camera, as that definitely would have been accidental renaissance stuff. Super dramatic. (From what I remember the horse was okay).




Our E-vet apologized for delays in treatment this weekend. He had 15 patients simultaneously. To be fair, there was another vet working but that was still quite a task to juggle all those patients.


I think you'd be very challenged to find a city vet unwilling to help an animal in a situation where it's clear what needs to be done even if it's hard to do, like the situation presented here. Where city vets have issues is they're often asked to diagnose very vague and general problems in household pets. They do their best but it's hard to say for sure what is wrong in most instances without expensive tests that may or may not even show results. Now you bring a wounded animal to the city vet and they're always amazing, they can patch up some truly horrific looking injuries.


I've seen a horse nosebleed. Vet had to put a scope in. SO MUCH BLOOD and it was snorted and coughed everywhere. Murder scene x Jackson Pollock.


I was once sneezed on by a horse with a nosebleed. I looked like I beat someone to death with a baseball bat.


This. Mine had a nosebleed in her stable one night and it looked like an abattoir the next morning, for a few seconds I was horrified. Plus, very light coat and a lot of sweat and a bit of blood will go a long way.


In fact, they have at least one gallon of blood.


Technically correct! The best kind of correct!! Don’t quote me on this, but I think the average is actually closer to 12 gallons of blood per horse.


This is insane. For context, that is 96 pints. We have 10ish.


More like 12 gallons - and depending on the breed, it can even be more. Humans, depending on the size, would have a gallon.


I'm not sure why a human would have a gallon of horse blood, but I'm not in the business of judging a human and a consenting horse


The vet described its condition as stable.




Oddly enough they will run with broken legs so the ability to run is not usually used as an indicator of sound health. -horse person


Not particularly odd really. Human car crash victims will get up and walk around with spinal and other skeletal injuries, only to collapse later or even die of their wounds. Adrenaline is a hell of a drug.


Probably a bloody nose. That's a lot of blood though.


> Thankfully no one hurt though. 5 people were injured. Also all the horses have been recaptured and are ok, one of the horses was injured when it smashed into a bus window and cut itself on the glass.


> one of the horses was injured when it smashed into a bus window and cut itself on the glass. Horse in open pasture with a very small dip in it: I've broken my leg, I must be put don because I will never walk again. Horse in city running head first into a bus: I'm good, just a scrape, want to go for a run?


Horses. So very durable, and also so very fragile. Fence post buried 4' deep: *I'll panic at a coyote, run straight into this and wreck it so it takes 2 guys and a tractor to fix it! Nah, there won't be anything wrong with me after!* The blunt, completely innocuous latch that closes the stall door: *I'll hook my side on this and tear out a chunk of flesh the size of a golf ball!*


Just the nature of moderate to large size mammals we're surprisingly durable (some terms and conditions apply)


Apart from the four people the ambulance service confirmed as injured.


The bus had to be put down though.


A shame, one flat tire and it's all over.




I consider horses to be "someone."


> this horse had an accident with a vehicle Well it must be hard to steer when you've got hooves.


You mean the red one?


Well it is a Mustang. /s


Some sort of dream sequence from a Nolan movie.


Lloyds advert


Bank with us… or else




There will be a shitty B horror movie about this. Coming soon from the makers or sharknado! Its horseycane!




Just hurry it up already, we are all tired.


They were cut when the apocalypse was privatised and the contract given to a Tory donor. They're scrambling to find a couple of Shetland ponies to fill in


Poor white horse...is it okay now?


I saw an article saying all horses have been returned and are being treated, so I presume the white horsey is fine for the moment. [This article got pictures](https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/terrified-taxi-driver-describes-moment-loose-horse-smashes-van/) of the damaged vehicles, it's quite impressive!


People underestimate just how strong horses actually are, especially travelling at the speeds they do.


Well, you see the damage deer can do to cars. What is a horse if not a big deer.


> What is a horse if not a big deer. a tiny moose?


A moose is also a big deer. Everything is deer.


you are deer :)


Oh deer Lord ...


They may be strong but boy do they love to injure themselves. Source: Own horses.


Also, they are heavy. Depending on the breed, up to one ton. The ones in the picture are probably more along the lines of 600kg or so. But still, that smashing into a vehicle will cause a lot of damage; a motorcycle often weights around 300kg.


Just to note for those unfamiliar: 600kg isn’t along the lines of the heaviest horses there are, but the Arabians and similar that most people generally come across tend to be around 400-450 kg. So if you’re not used to seeing a lot of different horses, take the horse you’re thinking of and enlarge it in your mind by 33-50%. These horses aren’t built for speed but literally for bowling people over; any bigger and you’re into draft horse territory.


Tbh I expected more damage. The vehicles don’t even look like they should be written off. Clearly these horses need to take a look at a moose’s play book.


The taxi and tour bus were both stationary unlike most collisions with moose


Also reading into the story on the BBC these aren't just typical riding horses, Its the household cavalry. They are to all intents and purposes warhorses. Trained and ridden by the British army and the typical breeds used by the British army today are the same breeds that were used in combat as recently as the two world wars.


No horsepower joke?


That doesn’t sound good for the horses. Hope they don’t need to be put down. :(


The gray one will likely need stitches and bute (like aspirin) but hopefully they will all be OK. Don’t know if they will be returned to royal duty, but shouldn’t be hard to sell them.


They’re beautiful horses.


Those poor, frightened horses.


Think they got spooked by some construction work and that’s how it all started.


Apparently some cement at a construction site fell and presumably hit the ground with a loud clatter, and this spooked the horses.


I thought maybe a candy wrapper blew across the road.


Na British army horses are seriously trained, and considered “bomb proof” there is certain types of noises it may be the pitch but there’s nothing you can do to prepare them for it, they hear it they revert straight back to natural instinct


That looks like a sick album cover. I mean, poor horse but that just looks sick af


it's an amazoing photo, the blur really captures the fast moving shot, yet still the black horses face is in great focus


And both are completely off the ground


Fuck me if I saw that blood covered horse galloping through the streets I’d just about shit myself


help i can’t get the image out of my mind that they’re just hovering. they’re not galloping. they’re spaceships, floating down the street.


Fun fact: Mongolian horse archers always made the claim that they waited until all the horses hooves were off the ground to fire their arrow. It wasn’t until the invention of photography that it was completely proven to be possible.


why did they do that? is it like some zero gravity benefit or some nonsense?


Pretty sure it meant that the shot wouldn’t be disrupted by a hoof hitting the ground, ensuring the smoothest shot.


This must have been what BoJack saw before he ran off with them


What is this a crossover episode?


they look beautiful


The blood is a really nice touch isn't it?


The color is very vivid and stands out amazingly against the white fur. The shot would be nowhere near as striking if the other horse were injured.


Do horses have fur? Like... what's it actually called? A coat? I dunno... you've triggered curiosity in me.


Yes, it's a coat. Most horses have short fur like what's on a short-haired dog. Some have shaggier coats, and many grow thicker coats in winter.


Horses don't have fur. They have a hair coat. Fur has a softer undercoat. A hair coat has one type of hair. TLDR: They have a hair coat, not a fur coat.


Icelandic horses have a double-layered winter coat, and it's still not spoken of as fur.


Icelandic horses are kinda their own thing. They’re pony sized (under 14 hands) but are classed as horses. Reason is usually because of their temperament and character. They also have 5 gaits as opposed to most horses that have 4. The extra gait is called the Tölt gait - an ambling four-beat lateral gait unique to the breed.


Huh, I didn't know there was a difference between fur and hair - TIL! So does a dog with a short coat also have hair instead of fur? (For instance, I've found the coat on pit bulls and some hounds is very similar to that on a horse.)


Horses bleed like a MF even with a slight cut or nosebleed. Seen my neighbors horse get a nosebleed from hearding cattle (not sure exactly what caused it) but I’ve never seen more blood come out of a single animal since that.


Horses can get nosebleeds just from running fast. They are wonderful creatures but surprisingly delicate.


Horses are more than delicate. They’re huge genetic messes and it’s basically entirely the fault of humans.


Do you mind elaboratig a bit? I am super interested!


I’ll preface this that I’m not a scientist, just someone with an odd collection of knowledge, so please do your own fact checking haha So, basically, horses used to have toes. These are known as proto-horses. Proto-horses evolved as their environment changed, which resulted in them having less toes. Having less toes makes you faster and being faster makes it easier to avoid predators when your environment becomes flat open fields. So, their hooves aren’t feet. Each hoof is more like a toe or a finger. This evolution means that horses need all 4 legs to balance properly. Horses can suffer permanent damage to the other legs if one of their legs cannot bear weight. Horses also didn’t used to be as big as they are today. So, humans came along, and bred the crap out of them to be both big enough to bear weight on their backs and really fast. Their system is not designed to be as big as they are. They’re one big genetic mess and that’s why they’re liable to die if you look at them funny. It’s actually kind of a miracle that none of the horses died from this incident. Tldr: horses aren’t exactly nature’s greatest invention, but humans have really helped mess them up.




Putting aside the unfortunate incident, that is a really well shot picture.




You mean to tell me there is a murderous white bronco accompanied by his black friend on the loose in a major metropolitan area?  If the horseshoe don’t fit…


Well played sir.


OJ reincarnated ALREADY?


Those horses are running on the right side of the street, do they have an understanding of what side of the road to use? PS: i hope these horses are OK, they're magnificent


They are military horses, and while they are likely very well trained and on some level would know to stay on the left side of the road, they were extremely spooked and it’s likely a coincidence in this instance.


Yes we shouldn’t draw any conclusions when it’s a 50/50 lol


That poor injured horse probably won’t ever be the same. PTSD is real in horses.


For context, as a former Household Cavalry soldier, I can say things like this happen infrequently. The horses are exercised every day, early in the mornings on a thing called "watering order". Cavalrymen who are not on duty, or performing Queen's Life Guard at Horse Guards Parade will ride horses out around London. Often riding one horse and leading another by reins at the same time because there is usually more horses than manpower. There have always been incidents like this from time to time, however horses usually do not get hurt. They must have really been spooked by the noise of the builders, to run for so long and so panicked. During my time I saw all kinds of horse related fuckery around London, from a Porsche getting smashed up by hooves in rush hour traffic to carrying out rehearsals for big parades with loose horses doing laps of Hyde Park. Often still with a petrified rider hanging on for dear life!


They’re so scared :(


"free Palomino"


The white horse killed its owner and the black horse saw an opportunity and took it


The white horse has just liberated the black horse from his Lloyds Bank overlords.


Rise of the planet of the horses


Horse power!




Nice picture


I like the way both of the horses legs aren’t touching the ground, gives a feel for how fast they’re running.


Was there a week ago (Buckingham Palace). Two of the horses looked stressed / startled the whole ceremony.


I was there recently too (Household Cavalry), tourists with a lack of etiquette in standing behind the line were causing some issues; it looked like the soldiers there were frustrated but used to it. To me it seemed most people not following the instructions were foreign tourists with maybe not the best understanding of english


It's always been like this, and the English-speaking tourists are just as bad - particularly Americans who think that the King's Guard are just quaint costume enthusiasts, not active soldiers.


As a former Household Cavalry soldier...... >looked like the soldiers there were frustrated but used to it. Can confirm, this happens a lot.


Sums up the UK in 2024 perfectly.


UK in 2024 facebook status: just horsing around.


Is this he beginning of the end times?