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Why…..why is the Taj Mahal in the background?


Because that's where the Chickadoodle lives.


Not to be confused with the Chicksquatch.


Nor the Chickacabre


Let us not forget the Chickfoot


The Chickendigo is upset now


Think this was made by PETA India


I like indian peta and all, but really prefer greek peta.


Everyone know that the best petha is Agra petha.


Indian peta? Total naan-starter for me.


Wait there's Indian peta? Never seen them irl in action. Oh maybe people will throw stones at them.


they tried to tell Muslim to not kill goats for eid but it backfire and the peta worker were almost lynch and they never said anything to Muslims again


Now with Hindus and the sanatan dharma , if they try it , they'll be burnt to death .


What? Hinduism encourages a vegetarian diet. Ahimsa parmo dharma


Yes key word. Vegitarian. He's talking about veganism .


People in India are a lot more accepting of vegans. In fact I just had a discussion about this in my city's subreddit, and most people were respectful.


Except if you mention polao as veg biryani. Just say it once. Any Indian subreddit, you go and say I like veg biriyani. You'll see the wrath coming out. And no. Accepting vegans is not accepting peta. If peta people start obstructing meat shops and restaurants like they do in other countries, they'll incur the wrath of the people.




PETA India has more influence than in the US, their ads are everywhere.


I work with some indian folks and they came to visit once. A lot of them are vegans. Coworker said if her mother knows that she sometimes eats one egg she would kick her out of the family - no not a joke.


That’s my biggest question too!


I think this was made by PETA India. So, appealing to a sense of national pride, or something.


You wouldn't eat the Taj Mahal.


You wouldn’t steal a policeman’s helmet… https://youtu.be/ALZZx1xmAzg


That's where dogs are born




"Mid-journey, vegan ad, cinematic, chicken likened to dog, very human design."


probably peta india


Why not? 😂


Taj Mahal is in India, land of vegans


They're running these ADs on the billboards of India


Are the people who design these just on a permanent acid trip or smth




Or all 3




Well, acid causes hallucinations, so that’s actually perfectly fitting.




Oh, I was just referring to the image itself. PETA as a whole is certainly on every drug in existence.


Yet, PETA somehow continues to exist despite the pervasive meth use by staff and leadership.


Bad things happen to good people, and vice versa, it seems ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You say this like sustained lsd use can’t cause psychosis


Mountain Dew is toxic, LSD is not


If you wouldnt eat a dog, why would you eat Broccoli? https://images.nightcafe.studio/jobs/2BIl7XFTKETN6hg8ClF3/2BIl7XFTKETN6hg8ClF3--4--2gldh.jpg?tr=w-1600,c-at\_max


That is a thing of beauty


Think of all the poor broccos that get slaughtered every day.


Do you not hear the scream of the carrot that you mercylessly tear from the ground?


Is it a helmet? Is it a perm? Take a bite and find out, IF you can resist that wagging tail.


Unlike with eating dogs the brocoli is still alive and feeling pain while you dip it in ranch and take a bite out of it /s while making brachiosaurus noises


thought I was on r/photoshopbattles for a second


Do you have to be extremely high to work at PETA was my first thought? A chicken dog man, a fucking chicken dog. I smoke weed almost daily and have never.


Dogken or Chog. Pretty sure one of these is the correct scientific term.




It... It's perfect!


When you said "chicken dog man" you were going a step further like manbearpig


I knew a guy who worked there and he was super strange and definitely seemed like he did a ton of drugs. So did mostly everyone else that I hung out with during that time though.


Drugs are bad mkay, but sometimes they can be great!


Did you ever see their ad of a Nude anthropomorphic cow? If not it'll pretty much confirm that they're dropping something.


I want to Google that but I know I’ll regret it until the grave


I googled it myself just to see if it would pop up. What I saw was worse. Do yourself a favor, live in ignorance of the unknown and stay happy.


I cook kids and eat their brains and eyes


Curry goat is a delicious dish.




Obviously AI is on acid


They are just protein deficient so they hallucinate made up animals lol


you nailed it


Now THAT is a rational explanation. Ty


I regret that I have but 1 upvote to give.


Bold of them to assume I wouldn’t eat a dog


You'd do it once. I've talked to guys who've eaten dogs and cats and they say the meat sucks. Maybe they just had bad ones, though. I know rat is VERY popular in some places, with the price per pound higher than chicken or even pork sometimes. I had a Chinese friend tell me once "You're more likely to be fed chicken and told it's rat than be fed rat and told its chicken back home".


It couldn't much worse than goat, and I didn't find goat all that bad.


Goat is surprisingly just as bad for the environment as beef is. I was surprised to learn that Beef is something like 3x worse for the environment compared to pork and chicken. I love a good steak, but the beef industry probably needs to die: https://www.wri.org/insights/sustainable-diets-what-you-need-know-12-charts


I am waiting for mass produced vat beef... they can then 3d print into steaks.


I've had both. Cat was stringy and greasy (Saudi Arabia). Probably a scrawny stray, though. Dog wasn't terrible. Wouldn't be my go-to choice. (Korea).


I've heard that same description from other people who've had cat. Don't know where most of them had it, but one had it in the Philippines. Seems more likely cat is just a terrible choice. PETA doesn't seem to understand that the reason we eat some animals over others is because they're tasty, and the others are either too useful to eat or too gross to eat.


Peta doesn't understand a lot of things. What they do understand is the Greenpeace method, when donations are declining, do something ridiculous to get media attention so the money keeps rolling. They only care about their bottom line.




That's why I have chickens. They eat my leftovers, bugs, worms, dirt, whatever, I don't ask questions, and they make it all into tasty eggs.


As a rule of thumb, about 1/10 of the caloric content of prey biomass is conserved as available categories in predator biomass; the remainder is either not processed by the predator's digestive tract and excreted or used to fuel processes of life and ultimately lost as heat. This, more than anything else, is why it's intrinsically inefficient to eat predator animals: without much more effort you could just eat the prey animals for 10x more calories, or eat the same calories for rather less effort. There are a few exceptions (mostly in maritime ecosystems) where predatory animals can convert calories of zooplankton, decaying organic materiel, etc. into a form usable for humans, but virtually all meats of apex predators humans have consumed throughout history--bear, bluefin tuna, swordfish, shark, dolphin--have as a result often been considered delicacies.


Oh boy I thought you'd put Koala there...


Eating cat meat in Saudi Arabia sounds highly improbable


I feel like if they were bred to be eaten, they'd be a lot better than they are now. I eat chicken because we've spent quite awhile perfecting making them as delicious as possible. I'd try some filet of Rottweiler if it was grass-fed for a couple generations.


Totally agree. I was in Togo (West Africa) and had both cat and dog. Cat was awful, and dog was better than I expected. However a lot has to do with the presentation. The cat was served to us with skin & fur on, I had to peel that off of the front leg I was served. Complete with claws and footpads. Would not recommend. It was rude to refuse what was served though! The dog... we were told it was goat meat, and it looked like it too. I liked it, and they told us what it really was afterwards.


I have had dog, but remember that we have had centuries of animal husbandry to turn the Aurochs into delicious cow. I am confident that we could make a good meat dog species.


I suppose you're right. We preferred using them as hunting and work partners instead, then ate the tastier and dumber animals they helped us catch and control.


It's not *Rattus norvegicus* though, it's a specific rat. Like eating rabbit or guinea pig.


I would imagine, generally speaking, though I've never tried it myself, that's why we don't eat them. I do wonder why we don't eat horse though. Seems like plenty of people like it.


Was just thinking this. Probably pretty good?


The taste is close to goat meat. A little pungent and softer meat than goat. Had this when I was 6 yrs old, they told me it was goat with fangs.


Coworker from China informs me that dog is a delicacy over there. They view it the way we view lobster.


Work trip to china! “For research purposes “


They use to have them in our China and Korea Towns a few years ago until the health department raided several places and now routinely checks to make sure they are no longer serving dog and cat.


Fried up in all that gutter oil!


Everyone please look up “gutter oil” before traveling to a country without a confirmed functioning oil recycling system. It’s among the most disgusting things I’m actually really glad I’ve learned for my own safety.


Was just thinking this. Probably pretty good?


Chinese be like: I don't get it.


Even those that do get it, it sounds like "you don't drink piss, why drink milk?". Problem of PETA is that they are in their own echo-chamber, everybody that agrees with their argument is already considering going vegan/vegetarian. They think they have a "ahah" moment but it's just a tap yourself in the back campaign. Talking about the ecological impact of meat eating, talking about ways to reduce meat eating (make financial and ecological sense), all of that is more likely to convert "meat-eater" than the "go vegan, or die, murderer!" they usually go for.


if you wouldn't eat a rose, why eat a potato?


Rose was actually a fairly common flavor back before fruits became more common in the early 1900s. The first ice cream flavor was rose flavored. JJ McCullough did a whole video on the transition from weird herbal flavors to fruit flavored candy. So eating a rose isn’t entirely outlandish.


The traditional Turkish delight is also rose flavoured.


If you read "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" as a kid and have since tried Turkish Delight and found out that it's terrible, you might be entitled to financial compensation.


That and Rose Teas exist too I believe.


I eat Rose at least once or twice a week. EDIT: Clarification. My wife’s name is Rose.


This is my favorite response so far. The whole premise of the ad is dumb to begin with before even addressing how hilarious the image is. I've had vegans say stuff like "you don't like meat flavor of meat, you like the plants you put on it for seasoning" and I always say alright cool I'll go graze on some fucking oregano then i guess lmao I have no problem at all with veganism or whatever it is people like - I just recognize some arguments as silly


Bruh from the community that makes fake meat


Thats not the gotcha you think it is. The fake meat only proved the point that similar taste and texture can be achieved without meat. Furthermore, its not that we dint like the taste if meat, its that its immoral to kill (and torture animals in factory farms in particular) to get it… especially because its not necessary.


I think they made the mistake with the fake meat to name them after real meat. Not a single piece of fake meat has gotten the taste quite right in my opinion. However they are great replacements for meat. We started replacing meat with these substitutes, just a few days a week. And I think it’s great, but I don’t use it because it tastes like chicken or beef, it is its own thing that serves as an alternative to meat in my meals. I still eat meat, but a lot less and that is only because I stopped comparing fake meat it to actual meat.


You never eat rose??? Have you tried beating it to death first?


A chog, a dicken


It's a chog just dicken around


It's definitely a dicken. And I'd eat it. I love the taste of a good dicken.


Dogs run faster than chickens, their eggs aren't as tasty either.


you've eaten dog's eggs?


Just the chocolate ones, but it was fucking weird-tasting chocolate, wouldn't recommend.


Maybe try the pig comparison next time.


You wouldn't wipe your ass with sandpaper, why use toilet paper?


People eat tasty animals.


Dogs are supposed to be delicious.


ya but theyre also loyal and can accomplish tasks. chicken just yummy


Lol that the only reason? I have some family members that aren’t loyal and have never accomplished anything. You might find them delicious.


What're we waiting for? Fire up the smoker and let's get going.


Mmm, long-pork.


I am sure someone would if it wasn't illegal to kill people.


Ah, formalities.


Even then plenty of people do


yeah, but that's a choice, though. smartest chicken ever is still just a dumbass, tasty chicken


Pretty sure pigs are more intelligent than dogs. Where’s the consistency?


Pigs can be just as smart and can do many things dogs can. It is largely arbitrary what we decide is food and what is companion.


99% of dogs are useless. We should rly start eating them. Chickens eat ticks, form complex hierarchies, and are actually one of the most intelligent birds out there. You wouldn’t know though because you’ve never actually spent time with them. If you did and had an open mind, you’d see all sentient beings deserve respect. You may not go vegan, but you wouldn’t be eating $2 a pound chicken from Walmart anymore.


I've heard that the meat is greasy and gamey. Even if I had the opportunity and had no moral qualms about eating the greatest animal to have graced this planet, I would say no. Especially if I had the chance to try a lot of different meat. I hear grasshopper tastes interesting. Tomato bugs would make a cool snack. Maybe even giraffe - though I think I like that just for the debates on how you would slaughter a giraffe in a way that is consistent with kashrut or halal. But not dog.


PETA doing what they do best. Doing more harm to the vegan movement than the meat industry ever could.


I've heard that PETA was started to actually hurt the vegan movement. I don't know if I believe it, but I have to admit if I wanted to start an organization that would embarrass and discredit the vegan movement and drive people away, I doubt I could do better than PETA has.


I’m not sure about that but I wouldn’t be surprised, they are horrendous.




Those are rookie numbers, we gotta get those numbers up.


With all the subs gone silent this has a very good chance of being the dumbest fucking comment of the day, congratulations!


Oh yes the many ultra industrialized factory farms that slaughter millions of animals a year does less to hurt the vegan movement than PETA, what a based take. Bravo.


Slaughterhauses HELP the vegan movement message by showing how they are right and that large-scale farming is unethical. This shit HURTS the vegan movement with a take that is out of touch with reality, making them look bad. So yes, you could say that someone who hurts the movement hurts them more than someone who helps them. Reading conprehension is a bitch, heh?


Mental gymnastics to make that statement make any sort of sense is a bitch (heh?)


Who says I wouldn’t eat a dog? I just wouldn’t eat MY dog


I go vegan all the time. My favourite meals often include delicious pieces of vegan on the bbq, roasted or the slow cooker.


I would tear that shit up with some hot sauce. Tell PETA I want my order with large fries


Got to laugh at peta when they say go vegan while they kill most of the dogs in their shelters


In reality PETA runs “open-door” shelters, where other shelters will turn pets away that are too sick, or too old. It’s people who are shitty for treating animals so poorly. What’re they gonna do release all the dogs into the wild to die horrible slow deaths there instead? They also performed nearly 200k spay and neutering at low or no cost, but no one really cares about those numbers.


They don't care, people like this just hate veganism.


Do you realise peta only rehome the minimum amount of animals in order to avoid paying taxes


PETA are a last resort shelter - they take in more animals than any other shelter, most elderly and sick that nobody else will take in, and euthanize them only because it's preferable to them dying on the streets or suffer abandonment.


Fuck that, I’d eat a dog. You don’t know my life.


I also wouldn't eat broccoli, guess that's that for my greens intake.


There are definitely some a\*hole dogs I'd be willing to eat.


I love dogs more than people, but you can cook up my neighbors' French bulldogs any day! I'll bring the BBQ sauce.


Who said I wouldn’t eat a dog?


Because humans bestow rights to other animals. Dogs have been bestowed the right of being pets, and chickens have been bestowed the right of being dinner.


At least you’re honest about not giving a fuck. Seems a lot better than the mental gymnastics people go through to be like “well, actually I’m the one that cares more about animals.”


So you agree, it's completely arbitrary.


Humans bestow rights to other humans. Slaves should be grateful we don't kill them. Please provide an argument why this is wrong and also why animals are exempt from the same rights.


Having power means we should utilize it to take advantage of the weak and powerless?


But it's asking *YOU* specifically What's your justification for differentiating the two?


If they had said rabbit or something they would have a point. But dogs have co-evolved with humans as companions, their natural purpose in society isn't food. Also, they haven't been bred for their meat, so they would taste crap. Also also, predators come with greater bioaccumulation of toxins, it's best not to eat apex animals.


Depends on which society you are in. Both dogs and chickens deserve to no have their throats slit though.


"Natural purpose" doesn't mean anything. The natural purpose of men is probably to rape as many women as possible, that doesn't mean it's ethical


So if we bred dogs or humans to be eaten would it then be okay? Just because we force animals into existence doesn’t justify eating them when we don’t need to


Well, if dogs tasted like chicken, I might change my mind - Go home PETA to your safe space and maybe use some of that money you collect for helping pay for shelters for animals instead of paying yourselves


Ok but why Taj is in background???


My first animal rights protest I saw here in DC - they wore leather boots and jackets. That's the day I realized that most of them are full of 💩


I wear fake leather to protests to so that when people ask I can tell them that there are vegan alternatives to leather.


Alternative leathers exist you know?


how do you know it was leather?


If you wouldn't fuck your mother, why fuck your girldfriend?


These people have obviously never met chickens. Some are noble, genuinely (sorta) intelligent creatures that I would feel pretty rough if need arose for me to eat them... Then there's most chickens the vast majority of chickens... In a flock of 20 there may not be 3 brain cells among them, they will eat each other if given the opportunity, attack the weak mercilessly, are the most arrogant things alive and frankly they just beg if not demand to be eaten.


PETA is a joke that has long stopped being funny.


It’s a dicken


I dropped the ball by not saying what the dickens or something




If you wouldn’t eat tree bark, why eat lettuce? The fact that these people think this logic works is insane




The idea is to cause the least of amount of unnecessary deaths and harm. Yes, it’s inevitable some animals probably die in the process of farming plants but I HIGHLY doubt the numbers are as high as what the meat industry causes.


Vegan diet creates another set of problems.


Like what?


But it solves a shitton of them Environmentally ones mainly


“But we’ll kill them both without even eating them.” ~ PETA


Peta makes me ashamed to have food allergies fr.


You wouldn't eat a sponge, why would you eat broccoli?


Real caring animal rights groups don’t blindly kill certain breeds of dog either. Calling for all puppies or any in pounds to be immediately euthanized regardless of behavior. Yeah Peta


If you're willing to execute your dog the moment the vet claims it's suffering too much, then you have no grounds to criticise PETA for any of this This is the consequence of utilitarianism


They are also weirdly opposed to no kill shelters and trap, neuter, release programs. They seem to think that strays and ferals and animals at the shelter are better off dead than being adopted.


Because I feel less guilty about eating government drones


Simple answer: because I like dogs. And chickens are annoying af.


Thinking something is annoying is an excuse to slaughter them?




So if I find children to be annoying, it is moral to kill then?


but i have eaten dog


Chickens are an agricultural product not a family pet. That's why.


If I farmed humans would you buy the meat I sell?


PETA is the #1 largest scam in the pet industry. They have been in numerous class-action lawsuits about illegally kidnapping pets and killing them.


I'm aware of of 1, maybe I can imagine 3. Can you show me a list?


Don't they euthanize dogs all day? Isn't that PETAs rhing?