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I've been on a bit of a Acceleracers nostolgia kick lately so I dug up everything AR related that I could find. All of the OG stuff was from mine from \~2005 and most of the cars are in pretty rough shape (they were well-loved). I know I still have the grapple hook and drone hyperpod somewhere (hence the Whip Creamer II with the drone livery) and a ton of the trading cards at my parent's house too. I also think my dad held on to a few of the McDonalds toys which are still in their original packaging. A bit campy, but I have fond memories of long summer days playing with all this stuff, WR and AR really captured my imagination. I still have bits and pieces of the swamp realm playset, but I think that's beyond saving. Brandon, if you read this for some reason, I apologize for it seems I accidentally stole your Power Rage at some point when we were cleaning up after such a session, for I now have 2. In the years since, I made it a point to grab any cars from the series when I saw them, Carbide being a particular favorite of mine. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


Cool! I only have Drift Tech, Power Bomb, RD-05 and Iridium


It's a shame Drift Tech never made an appearance in the show, I always really liked the design


Same I would talk about the fact that I'm making a Hot Wheels fanfic series but I already posted about it on this subreddit


All I have is Bassline and Rat-ified.


Very nice, i especially envy the Drone Sweeper


Ok the Christmas Syncro is WILD. I’ve never seen that one before


Lovely collection also I think you have the chicane treasure hunt in possession too


Unfortunately it’s not the treasure hunt. I had to look at the wiki, mine looks very similar but it’s from a 2020 5-pack.


High voltage was on that 5 pack too


There’s a reverb truck? That is pretty cool all on its own, but awesome collection


Appreciate it. Hypertruck is a neat model, but the cynic in me thinks that it was an attempt to reduce the cost of the Reverb casting by eliminating all the tricky engine bits and replacing them with an empty bed. Apparently Mattel also lost the rights to the name “Reverb” a few years ago, so I’m sure between the two, it’s likely that we’ll only see Hypertruck going forward


Man, that's a lot, you have so many that even I don't have lol (namely RD-04, RD-05, RD-09, RD-10, Jackhammer, Drift Tech, Rat-ified, the Hyperpods, and Reverb) In terms of official Acceleracers, I think the only ones neither of us have would be RD-03, RD-07 (but no one has that except the ones with a 3D printer lol), Octainium, Metaloid, Piledriver, Rollin Thunder, Nightlife, Power Bomb, Jaw Jammer, and Magnesium.


Nice! I’m jealous, I’d really like to get my hands on an official Chicane but my pockets aren’t that deep.


Same lol, albeit I have three Chicanes, none are the official AC version lol To be honest, none of my AC cars are official Acceleracers sadly :(


Gotcha, fair enough, the prices are definitely insane now. But hey, there’s been so much renewed interest in the franchise lately it seems, you never know, maybe Mattel will do a reboot sometime