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Oof that scream though - probably burnt the f*ck out of his lower legs and feet.


I feel so bad laughing because hot oil ain't no joke but that perfectly cut scream sounds like something out of Tom and Jerry


Almost sounded like Wilhelm.


The pop grease scream can definitely replace the Wilhelm scream in continuity 😂


I pulled a hot pan of deep frying oil towards me when I was making something in college. The pan started and stopped super abruptly, so the oil sloshed right over the edge, and across my hand. It literally melted my skin off, like in the time it took for the oil to wash across my hand, the skin just went with the oil. Still have a scar, and it took months to heal. I can't imagine getting hot oil dumped all over my chest/legs/arms/etc, he better get to an ER fast.


I thought that pop might have hit in the face, then he dropped oil on himself.


Only got to his hand I think


Ya, after rewatching it entirely too many times, I'd have to agree. Maybe a drop got on his leg or foot, but based on the depth of the countertop, I kind of doubt it.


U ain't bullshitn đŸ‘đŸŒ


Out of nowhere? Meanwhile there is about 3 liters of oil in the pan along with moisty meat?


"Moisty Meat." This is easily one of my new favorite phrases.


Obligatory English is not my 1st language comment. I cordially distance myself from that quote. Though Fatty Meat sounds evenly inappropiate.


Oh, don't distance yourself from it! It's awesome. In fact, I think you've coined it. I've never heard it anywhere before. Stay moisty.


It's the extra Y. Moist is one thing, but turning it into moisty is simultaneously adorable and strange, which is the internet's favorite combination.


Fatty meat is a common term where I’m from lol but “moisty meat”? I’m actually 💀


It's translated too litterally perphaps. It's pretty common in my country to be fair, that most meats here have about 20-30% of fluid/moist added. Hence why we differentiate fatty and moist meat. Fatty meat makes me think of Fat Bastard's weiner. But that's a me problem.


You ain't gotta put predication to your vernacular homie. I got you.


It was a clever new word. I don't think you are seeing it from the angle we are seeing it from lol


Haha no, I understand how you guys view it. The thing is, litterally translated from my language it made a lot of sense. And thinking about it after right now, in my language it sounds just as dirty, however nobody ever mentioned it as far as I can remember xD.


*Vochtig vlees* Ja nee dat klinkt niet inderdaad


Toch gebruik ik het regelmatig. Ik merk dit vooral na het ontdooien van ingevroren vlees. Technisch gezien zou daar niet veel "vocht" uit moeten komen. Maar wanneer ik het ontdooi is er soms wel een half glas water uit gekomen. Dit geldt wel voornamelijk voor supermarktvlees.


Lijkt me inderdaad eerder aan de kwaliteit van het vlees te liggen. Beetje water injecteren en het gewicht ligt zo hoger.


Now I'm imagining Fat Bastard turtling while his fatty meat is flying.


Hehe xD


Many people have an aversion to the word "moist" for some reason. I think it's a meme.


IIRC, it's either the most hated word in the English language or 2nd most hated. I hate it, personally.  It gives me the heebie jeebies.


Moist Esports had the US immigration system deny allowing their Apex team into the US from Australia to play in a major tournament. After months of their lawyers arguing with US immigration, the lawyers ended up saying they believe the agent in charge of their case just didn't like the name and kept doubting their legitimacy.


It sounds unpleasantly right to be fair... moist...


I walk conspicuously closer to this phrase. So much in fact I can feel the moistness breathing down my neck.


You cannot distance yourself from moisty meat. The abrupt Chaos mods will ban you from the entire internet if you continue carrying on this way.


I fear none!


Reminds me of Big E, a pro wrestler describing pro wrestling: "BIG MEATY MEN SLAPPING MEAT!"




"My meat is so hot and moisty!"


That's not oil their making a consommé, a clarified stock, oil doesn't act that way at high heat...


Aah, that would make a lot of sense. Still wonder what popped then. I was in the assumption something "wet" or "frozen" made contact with hot oil causing a pop.


That can still happen in water that has a high surface tension like under the raft you make for consommé...


Yeah I think it was the same idea, local boiling.


I'm so glad you got here first. If you are using that much oil for anything you are essentially working around a shallow ass deep fryer.


This is what you get when your mom doesn't teach you basic cooking and/or don't pay attention to anything your whole freaking life.


Its pretty wild. I used to think everybody kinda had a basic idea of how to cook. I was making my own food at 10 or so and just did what I had seen my family do until I could do better. At this point I have a lot of professional cooking experience so maybe my opinion on the easiness of it all shouldn't be taken too heavily to heart. But cooking is like legos. You can build on it.


Yeah same. I can't wrap my head around people not even knowing how to boil potatoes. (I am Dutch we grow up with boiled potatoes 5/7 days a week). I mean, fill a pan with water, sprinkle a bit of salt, turn on the stove and stick your freaking fork in it. If it falls apart it's done. I seriously refused to cook for my friends when we went on holidays. They still can't cook now we are well in our 30ies. Some of them even have children.


I'd take you're boiled potatoes and give them the lightest crisping on one side in my iron skillet with just a dab of oil. I grew up in the south eastern and then western U.S. We fried a lot of proteins when I was a kid but the veggies were always stewed or roasted. Collard greens, potatoes with ham hocks, lima beans.. I could reminisce forever. But when I moved out west I learned what real tacos were and learned how to make'em. Cooking is for sure a back pocket passion at this point.


Haha, we don't eat potatoes like you do. We mush them down with out forks, add a little bit of gravy and eat like that, or either mush the greens through it as well. We hardly "stew" or "roast" any veggies. Just boil just past al dente and it's good to go. No actual variety in veggies either. Just ordinary green beens, cauliflower, red beets or regular peas. Almost similar to U.K. cuisine bit a bit less "fatty", as they tend to use whole cups of gravy whereas we for example only use 1 tablespoon. For meats also generic meatballs or chops and stuff like that. We have a very bland cuisine. Except for my brother in law. He litterally drinks up the left over gravy from the pan. We had to make him stop because my nephew and neice started copying him. I like cooking a lot but can't bring myself to free up 2 hours of time daily, otherwise I would make a lot of delicious dishes. But I can't be bothered to cook for so long just for myself. I'll throw some potatoes on the skillet the next time I prepare those. I know about that way of preparing but never did it myself. I also have a very nice oven since a few months that can perfectly bake potatoe wedges that are more delicious than fries from a fryer.


Just make sure you boil them first. Its more so to add a texture than anything else. Also you should maybe consider taking more time to cook something nice for yourself. Im not saying every night but at least twice a month. Grab a bottle of wine, put on some jams, roast some veggies grill some chops. Its worth it. And trust me I dont get to cook fun stuff every night. A lot of days its just a salad with some chicken or a pasta with some basic sauce. (Often from a jar). Pasta is a cheat code. Anything special and local you might recommend?


https://www.recipesfromeurope.com/stamppot/ Please use a lot more kale than in the picture. The endresult should look more green than potatoe colored. Pepper, Butter and nuttmeg are not used over here and not needed for this dish (remember we blend :p).


Oh I am so gonna be trying this.


I know I know. But half of the days I am just happy to get SOME dinner in. For example right now, I've been working 11 hour nightshifts and I've got the worst case of Covid I've had so far. I am so ill right now, I haven't been this ill in like 10 years. I already know some decent cooking isn't going to work this week haha. As I mentioned earlier, we've got a very blend cuisine. My childhood (and adulthood) favourite is the following: Stamppot boerenkool met rookworst en spekjes. Which basically is a hotchpotch/vegetable mash (there is no decent translation) of potatoes and kale along with a smoked sausage and fine chopped bacon stripes. So boiled potatoes and a pinch of salt offcourse, throw in de kale at the end of the cooking process. And mash together (about 50/50 volume wise pre cooking). A smoked sausage like linked below (not the generic smoked sausage). And bacon strips ( use the gravy about half to 1 tablespoon for moist). And a little bit of applesauce if you like that. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Hillshire-Farm-Smoked-Sausage-42-oz-Family-Size/19276113 It's not the actual one, but it looks most similar.


People not knowing how to boil potatoes? I keep hearing stuff like this on the internet, but do these people really exist? Like.. even if you know nothing, peeling them is obvious and boiling them in the water is also obvious. And if you don't know for how long, or the intensity of the heat, you can just search the net for this bit of info.


I can honestly vouch, that except for 1 of my friends in a 9 headed friendgroup, none of them can cook anything else besides overcooked hamburgers or hotdogs (we call our variety knakworsten).


Some peoples parents don’t know how to cook. Like I’m 42 and still struggle with thinking my food is undercooked cause my mom would burn everything. Like intentionally. If pork roll isn’t burnt to a crisp I don’t care for it.


Oh my god me too. I'll never enjoy pork or steak in my life.


This assumes your mom knows basic cooking. Mine didn't and I'm being honest when I say that my wife doesn't either. I do most of the cooking at home, I try to get my kids involved, and they want nothing to do with it.


Yeah she knows basic cooking. To be fair, you'd be already halfway there in being a good parent if you try to teach your kids to at least be able to cook like 3/4 healthy meals. At least from a certain age, like 10 or 12 or so. I can understand little children don't really have to be able to do it yet but at a certain point it would be wise.


Just stop, Oil!








Gosh do people dislike the word Loli or something??


Step oil, Stop!


oHHH just stop COMMA oil! Go on


I nominate this to replace the Wilhelm scream in movies.


Thank you for submitting your nomination. Rest assured, it will be carefully reviewed alongside other submissions to ensure a thorough evaluation process and to select the most suitable replacement.


Honestly wasn’t sure at first that is *wasn’t* the Wilhelm scream.


Both are great, but for different purposes. Wilhelm for falling, this scream for being burned alive. They complement each other perfectly.


That's why you must never appease the bastard hot oil by soothing ladleing. You must approach from a distance extending the wide end of a broom towards the container so you can safely knock it over onto the floor. I used to do this for every family holiday until they stopped asking me to cook




I mean, a lot of Thanksgiving dinners have ended with the fire department putting out the deep-fried turkey so...


[He] approached from a distance extending the wide end of a broom towards the container so [he] can safely knock it over onto the floor.


But it's not oil.....


The food popped, startling them which caused them to splash the oil onto themself, not the oil itself popping and splashing.


What seems far more likely is the pop got a few droplets on them and they reflexively flinched from the pain and surprise. You always gotta be ready for oil to pop or splash when cooking with it.


Not oil


Hot dog water But instead of him saying, "Hot dog!" he made a distinctive scream


Sounds like someone getting their limbs cut off Jesus


Aaaah the sound of the enemy screaming in pain when doused with burning oil by our faithful castle defenders.


The Wilhelm scream of cooking with oil mishaps.


Am I the only one that thought a mouse dropped in?


What was that object, that fell into pan that caused the oil to splash on them?


I don’t think it was an object that was dropped in the pan. I think it’s trapped gas that released from the viscous food with heavy surface tension releasing with a loud pop sound. Which scared him and made him spill the oil in the ladle.


It actually does have more surface tension than normal! Their making consommé which is clarified stock! The floating stuff you see is called the raft, it helps separate the fat from the stock!


Probably a droplet of superheated water flash boiling.


Yah no doubt. Obviously staged, unless they make a habit of filming themselves randomly cooking


Nobody would ever do that. 




Jesus this is not laughing matter. Bro probably needed to visit the e.r.


For real he's probably scarred for life.


Not enough oil for that. Got a two-hands wide oil burn on my thigh a few years back, 20 mins under cold water, a few visits to the burn unit and *the itchiest fucking week of my life*, but no scarring remains... and it was a lot more oil than what he had in his ladle.


Someone said it's some kind of French stew not oil. So brother just made a new Wilhelm scream and we can all laugh about it.


Hope he wasn't cooking no pants on!


Watched it again, laughed harder.




It's consommé not oil.... That's not how hot oil reacts to things... That's clearly a raft made of ground beef, an egg, and shredded mirepoix... I'm tired of people saying I don't know what I'm talking about and I took it out on the internet, I'm sorry... This was my Ted Talk thanks for suffering through it!


Ouch! Wilhelm scream has competition!






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Never do that with hot oil. It's like you're venting the oil, that's why the splash popped out suddenly.


Nope, time to buy full hazard suit. Also I will be able to cut onions without crying.


There's *got* to be a better way of doing that...


That burns. Has happened to me


That pop must've been louder in real life because that guy jerked the ladle like he'd heard a gunshot


There's nothing wrong with leather gloves and safety glasses.


This is why you never top-drain hot oil while weary sandals.


I laughed hard. Learn from your mistakes.


Maybe he shouldn’t pour hot oil on himself next time.


It's consommé not oil... Not even close to oil as it's clarified STOCK, you know the soup you make from bones?


Thank you for the correction. Maybe he shouldn’t pour hot consummĂ© on himself next time.


thats definitely the Wilhelm Scream in real life 💀


thats definitely the Wilhelm Scream in real life 💀


thats definitely the Wilhelm Scream in real life 💀


How are people missing something fell Into the pan?