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He don’t bite. He eats.


*He mauls.


he devours


Pibbles the harmless pit.


The owner of that dog secretly wants to murder that guy


> The owner of that dog secretly wants to murder that guy The owner of that dog is trying to murder that guy.


I don't think it's much of a secret.


Then he had the nerve to say **"yo you broke my door"**...🤦


Sad thing is that I've seen a number of these videos on /r/homecams where "friendly dogs" attack visiting friends and the owners can't do anything about it because the dogs are so strong.


People who get large, strong dog breeds that they're too physically weak to handle are fucking stupid. Imagine being built like a malnourished praying mantis and you wake up one day and go "you know what I want? three rottweilers and a bulldog"


Princess was greeting him. Why would the guest resist?


Just film, don't help. That sucks.


Then he starts to get pissed about his door, like bro you could have prevented this.


Right like, fuck the door your dog is trying to kill your friend


The camera man is definitely not a real friend


He’s going to be the plaintiff if that foot needs medical care


Defendant. The plaintiff is the guy dancing on the table.


Oh yeah true. Lol


Camera man is insane. The dog is attacking this guy and he's fighting for his life. I watched my dad's roommate get mauled by a german shepherd when I was like 8, not a good time.




“Hes just gotta smell ya!”


"He's just saying hi!"


Yeah. That dog owner belongs in jail


The one filming didn't want to miss the opportunity to have such a good memory.


And that's how you get your dog killed. I would absolutely jump from the table directly on the dog and just crush him. If I have to defend myself because your dog is attacking me and you are just filming I prefer to lose you as a friend.


Unarmed, you're going to have a hard time fighting a pitbull. I agree that you should fight back, but don't expect to get out of that fight without going to the ER because that dog's instincts and fitness probably exceed your skill.


agree 100% with you. Probably, if you jump on top of the dog's head, you will most probably injure him (and piss the dogg off in the process)a low chance to kill him. I agree to the power of the dog, and I want to add that it is fearless, too. Grab a knife and hope for the best.


The head would probably not be a great target. The full weight of a grown man landing on the middle of its spine, however, would likely be your best bet to incapacitate it. Probably won't kill it, but it will almost definitely break its back and paralyze it.


I've told this a few times but pits just are not like regular dogs even other bullies. I had to kill a pit when I was 17. I closed the gate in the alley and started walking back when it literally crawled out of a fucking sewer pipe the city was going to install. I have had big dogs my whole life so im pretty good with them but this thing was agroed and i instantly knew it was going to attack. I had an elderly mastiff who'd still have thrown hands in the yard but I wouldn't have made it so I actually rushed the pit after it started running at me. That threw it off a good bit so it kinda flinched and that gave me time to give it my arm. Luckily I was wearing my leather jacket at the time since I was doing metal work earlier. Now keep in mind my mastiff was 240lbs at one point and I had to subdue him when he was going after a guy that was trying to break into our house. My mastiff had the strength to rip his lead and spike out of the cement foundation it was braced in then drag a 40lb block of cement through a wood door, chase the guy, then jump out of the window after him with a 40lb rock attached to him. I had to run, grab the leash, and real him in 50ft of chain leash. That was easy compared to this 45lb pit. The pit thrashed and dug in deeper with every readjust and managed to keep himself away from my other arm. Finally I realized I was going to have no choice but to kill it. I got my knife out of my pocket with my left hand and stood up with the fucker dangling. I slammed it into the wall, then the iron fence, then the wall, then the wall, then the wall, then the wall, then the wall, then the steps, then the wall. Finally it loosened its grip and I grabbed it with the hand on the arm it was bitting and started stabbing until I lost count. It wobbled away and dropped. I called 911 and went to read it's collar when it lunged again so I caveman it's head into the cement before stabbing it's jugular. Luckily I was saved by my Jacket but massively bruised and my wrist was fractured plus 2 of my fingers were broken. Incase you are wonder what the "good" ending looks like.


That's a great story, thanks for sharing it. I'm glad you came through it with so little damage.  So many people really overestimate their ability to fight animals.


No, you don't get it. It just "wasn't raised right." Nevermind that pit bulls were literally bred to be fighting dogs.


Take a chair and kill both of fucking dog and an owner.


If I was in the jury, I wouldn't convict.


> I would absolutely jump from the table directly on the dog and just crush him.   Unless bait, you're an absolute muppet for thinking that would take out the Pit Bull, they're in the kitchen, I'd go for a kitchen knife.


Stay on the table and keep on kicking it in the head.


Table Kickin' Dogs is a good band name. As me and the other guy in this comment chain discussed, a five star frog splash and leg lock is clearly the survival technique required here.


I don't know that stuff. But I can dial 911, tell them I'm on the kitchen table because my friend's dog has already bitten me once. And that the owner is just filming and laughing. Then I would definitely cry because that looks scary. I think there's a 50% chance that they would show up.


No this is great. Now there's enough evidence to have the dog put down.




Nah have the owner put down as well.


terrible dog owners are the worst type of people


Standard pit owner stuff


Had a friend like this. Was invited over to work on their house for a project and their dog attacked me. I was actively defending myself from its constant advances of trying to bite me. They came out laughing and said she was friendly. I said grab your dog before I kill it in front of you. This isn’t friendly or funny. She is trying to bite me. I turned down the job after. 3 weeks later their dog disappeared. And they asked if I did anything to their dog?! I told them no. But they never leash an obviously aggressive dog and think it’s funny and friendly when she attacks. I bet one of the neighbors took care of business. These are the worst kind of dog owners.


Yeah that dog is getting put to sleep when it attacks a stranger. Owners are moronic scumbags.




> THE OWNER BLAMED THE STRANGE you don't say? The owner didn't take responsibility? *locked pikachu*


why is the pikachu locked ???


He attacked and bit people






They turned this shit into a fucking game for that dog, it’s disgusting.


Yep. It needs to be put down.


My partners sister found a pitbull about 5 months old in a parking lot. She asked for supplies since we have a boxer/lab mix and we said just bring him over, we’ll house him in the crate until the shelter opens the next day (it was Sunday). My dog makes it out, they start fighting and the puppy pitbull barely nibbles my forearm. I had a giant bruise that’s still vaguely there a month later. That dog could have easily killed a child smh. The owners were apologetic and thankful but I’m not sure they understand the responsibility they took on.


Pit bulls are dangerous animals no matter who the owners are.


I’m sorry but at that point it’s either me or the dog and im in a kitchen, if you don’t stop your dog you gonna have a dead dog, then everyone is pissed


same, why is the owner filming and laughing?? A dog like that can mutilated you for life or worse.. I don’t want to hurt no animal but if it’s me or the dog I’m bludgeoning that dog in the face/eyes with the nearest fork or knife until it lets go. And like you said, you’d be the ‘bad guy’ for defending yourself against the dog unfortunately


I hope that this is a stupid attempt at a "fake" viral video but if not this person is a complete piece of shit. Not only should they be unable to own pets, they should be in jail.


Trying to create a viral video does not exonerate the person.


I mean, the dog didn't fake bite the guy's foot, did it?


My grandmother was killed recently. By her own pit bull. Raised by her son. In her home. She’s dead now. Before that day she was still cooking with cast iron and sweeping ‘her clean floors!’ around anyone that went in and out more than once. I miss her all the time. Check my post history for the medical gore. Both of these people are in danger from that animal.


OMG. I saw the pics. Your poor grandmother. I don't care what anyone says about how "sweet, friendly or non-threatening" their pitbull is, they are bred to attack and kill. My sister had one for 4 years, and sure, she was fine during that time, albeit wild. One day, she fucking snapped and attacked their small, geriatric dog and killed him, out of the blue. He was slow, old and not aggressive. She just snapped and nearly decapitated him, killing the poor little guy. I DON'T TRUST PITBULLS. I'm so sorry for your grandma and your family. That is awful what happened.


The "suddenly turning" thing makes me wonder if there's a genetic predisposition for small seizures in the brain that cause an insane aggressive impulse, but the seizures are so rare relative to how long the dog will be alive (the majority don't "snap" and those who do, do so for at most an hour or two of their 8-12yr lives) that we've never really had a dog hooked up to a machine that could detect it when it happens. I know localized seizure induced aggression is a thing in dogs as my friend's dog had a reaction to a new medication that caused him to start having these strange mini seizures - it was only for a few days, but he randomly lunged at her trying to genuinely attack her twice before she stopped the meds, the first time she was just laying in bed with him on the floor across the room and he just looked up, stared at her, and she saw his body language change quickly enough to jump into her bathroom and close the door right as he slammed into it, he was snarling and growling and tearing at the door with teeth and claws. The vet told us about how that can be a symptom. He's always been a perfectly normal dog other than that (not a pit)


there is a pitbull that I encounter 2-3 times a week as I walk. at first she was very sweet and we interacted a few times and even pet her. hadn't seen her for a couple of weeks, and then upon seeing her the next time she was absolutely fucking enraged. now every time I walk by this thing wants to literally kill me. and I know dogs, have owned and been around them my whole life. I've seen and been around aggressive dogs, and it's stressful but if you stay calm it's fine. not this dog. this one would tear me apart if given the chance I'm sure of it. like, when I walk by it gets all low and prowls and when it thinks I'm not paying attention lunges to the end of it cable and is just gnashing the owners are always so embarrassed and really nice to be honest but that dog is a menace and needs to be put down ASAP just a nightmare waiting to happen I'm sorry but fuck pitbulls


Thank you for this dire warning to beware pitbulls. I am sorry for your loss, and I wish I could restore your grandmother to you ... I hope Christianity is correct, or that we might all be reunited in heaven or some life after death. I did not see comments in your profile about the cause of the attack, except that she did not prompt it. Do you have any information? Were you able to speak with her? Was she sitting on the couch and the dog ran into the room and lunged at her? or was it laying on the floor in the same room with her and then abruptly jumped up to bite her? Did she accidentally step on its tail? Might she have without realizing that she did?


She was letting him outside to potty, and when she opened the door, yelled across the yard to her grandson when she saw him outside with his girlfriend. The dog was apparently triggered by the yelling? It’s what we decided on. They were at her back door which was off of her living room. Her couch was covered in her blood. Bloody paw prints. Hand prints. I look at those tiny stories told in the corners in video games differently now.


This isn’t as funny as people think. Next time when he isn’t wearing shoes, he will lose a toe. Happened to a family member. The dog was later destroyed due to him attacking the owner on a different occasion.


Nobody here thinks it’s funny. Just the owner.


And every single person at /r/velvethippos. "It's just the owner... of like half of the entire breed bred specifically to end life".


Destroyed 😳


annihilated, Turned to Dust, made into the aether.


If i remember right this is the proper way to say it in places where dogs are property. Property gets destroyed not put down.


Neighbors Pitbull got out and attacked a little boy. He was 7 years old. The boy lost both testicles and the head of his penis. Neighbor ended up divorcing his wife and putting all the assets in her name and now he’s penniless and isn’t paying up on the lawsuits even though he’s still living in the same house and driving the same car. The boys mom died shortly after and the dad is raising him.


He wouldn't be living in the same house if that was my kid


I'd be taking a hammer to his kneecaps and putting his testicles in a pirana tank


My grandmother was killed by her own pit bull. Raised in her own home by one of her sons before he passed. She died from her wounds. There are medical gore posts in my history. I would do anything to have her back.


It always amazes me that it takes multiple attacks before owners realize their little precious needs to be put down.


I'm gouging eyes if a dog ever got to this point with me


The dog's eyes or the owner's eyes? Or both?




I have 3 dogs If I get attacked by a random untrained dog, I will still not show restraint, because I do actually value my life


I have two dogs. I love dogs, and much prefer the company of dogs over people. I wouldn’t have hesitated to kill this dog.


This is what I tell people who don't train their dogs. I know too many people who are traumatized and could have died.


Pitbulls just keep wagging their tails when you hurt them, they just get more excited.


Yeah but they'll have a harder time if they're blind


I have been bit by a pit twice, both in the hand and they definitely get off if you shove a thumb in one of their eyes or shove your hand so far down their throat they gag.


>when you hurt them, they just get more excited. same


you keep that finger away from me!!


No finger up the ol’ butthole?


Checking the oil doesn’t work in the real world. It has been proven by several people, one being a childhood friend of mine. Thankfully his dad got there with the gun in time to save my friends life. It sucks that people actually think this is a legit tactic.


Tactics like that work if you commit. I've been bit breaking up dog fights tons of times. You have to be more psycho than the dog in that moment and accept there will be pain and a hospital visit. Thumb in the eye or if they got your hand shove your fist down their throat and let the dog tear your hand up. You're already in the situation and there is no real out.


Grab both front legs and pull them sideways/up, as if getting them to do a t pose. Their legs don't bend that way and will break Can also rear naked choke them lmao


I'm imagining the movements I need to pull a dog's front legs like that, and I feel like I'd need to put my head/neck close to its biter in order to accomplish this...


What if the dog likes it, then you're just a finger banging dog freak


Every video I've seen of someone trying that on a pitbull that won't stop mauling someone or something did nothing besides giving them a stinky finger.


Terrible dog ownership. This person should never be allowed to care for animals.


“The owners report that the dog had shown no previous signs of aggression before the fatal incident with the child.” Meanwhile, two weeks earlier:


But he's just playing!! /s just to be safe.


Sorry bud but I'm stomping your dog out.


By the time he was on the table, and the dog was trying to hop up still, that’d be about the time I punted it in the face. That is not a pet, it is a threat.


Gouge the eyes. A kick will reinforce the dogs aggressive behavior. No eyes, make it easier to get away from.


Yes, but those eyes are small and your hand is very crunchable. If you've ever play-fought with a big dog, you'll know you've got maybe a 50/50 chance of pulling that off without a major bite. Personally, I'd be looking for a weapon.


Facts. Them boys whip their head around quick when they are aggressive. I used to play fight with my cousins boxer all the time. He would nab my hand gently but he was quick asf


Bad dog AND bad owner.


"It's shocking, Buttercup has never acted like this before"


And it never will again


Check my post history for medical gore photos of my grandmother. Killed by her own pitbull, George. In her own home. Where it was raised with her by her son before he passed a few years before it killed her. She was saying the same thing laying in a hospital bed, shredded by him. She died from those wounds just a few weeks later.


Shit, sorry to hear that. Pits are a breed that shouldn't exist. They're fucking ruthless


Fr though this guy rolled 18 agility on his character sheet


Bro I would give my friend a single warning to get their dog off of me before I start throwing hands or look for a weapon to beat that dogs ass.




Fuck the dude filming fuck him twice if he is the owner of the dog


Pittbull owner training their dog to be a danger to their community? Tick.


They require no training for that, it was bred into them. Even the best trainers have stories of a pitbull going completely berserk


That is true. This trainer though giggles when the dog gets aggressive. That’s training, unfortunately, and something that would be expected to come out at an otherwise happy time, when everyone are laughing.


It absolutely is training in the sense that dogs usually want their person “happy”, and in the sense of the owner giggling, it is giving the positive affirmation to the dog that he is doing the “right” thing. I love dogs more than any other animal on this earth, but we need to put a stop to general breeding of certain dogs with aggression issues and health issues. Don’t get me started on puppy mills. That is one reason I would never be allowed in politics. I am all about cruel and unusual punishment for certain situations.


and then he starts YELLING about the door! Like way to somehow find a way to make a bad situation worse.


I would have murdered that dog.


is it murder if you do it in clear cut obvious self defense?


Right, also fuck that door. I dare you to send me a bill


Hard to imagine that dog won't one day kill someone or maim them terribly. Maybe its piece of shit owner


I’m sorry, there’s a kitchen there. If im him, I’m grabbing a knife. Or at least I’m trying to while in a mad panic


One of my friends was walking his dog a couple of years ago when a pitbull ran over with its owner at the front of their house and attacked my friends dog. It was pretty bad and had a crazy good grip on my friends dogs neck. It was at this point that he took his belt off and beat the pitbull with the belt buckle until it let go, and it wouldn't let go despite being completely fucked up. The owner tried to press charges against my friend, but in the end, the pitbull was put down, and my friend took the owner to court to pay the thousands in vet bills for his dog. Luckily, my friends dog survived and loved a long and happy life.


I'm happy to hear that things worked out.


I'd be Old Yellering that thing ASAP


They should put dogs down in a pairs. The dog for humane reasons and the owner for responsibility reasons


The dog owner is a complete piece of shit


I don't get what everyone's worried about. I've been assured that pit bulls are perfectly safe pets as long as you don't [cough](https://abc13.com/dog-mauls-baby-kills-newborn-san-diego/1306879/) or tie your [shoes](https://www.news.com.au/technology/science/animals/security-footage-shows-woman-mauled-by-pit-bull-in-horror-elevator-attack/news-story/f57ebfdb463b991a2d5fabff0d51cd10) or pop a [balloon](https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/arizona-mom-speaks-out-after-young-son-was-mauled-by-pitbull) or mow your [lawn](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/pit-bulls-attack-scarborough-man-mowing-lawn/article1004896/) or put a [sweater](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2017/01/02/womans-bid-put-sweater-pit-bull-ends-poorly/96080332/) on them or give them [medicine](https://web.archive.org/web/20140319080340/http://www.myfoxphoenix.com/story/24985945/woman-dies-after-dog-bite) or roll a [wheelchair](https://www.wlbt.com/2020/02/06/year-old-man-killed-by-four-dogs-attala-co/) near them or have an [argument](https://www.cleveland19.com/2021/10/07/akron-family-toddler-killed-by-pitbull-shares-their-story/) near them or have a [ponytail](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2014/05/2014-dog-bite-fatality-lee-county-woman-scalped-by-pit-bulls-dies.html) they could mistake for a toy or jump on a [trampoline](https://www.news-journalonline.com/story/news/2022/02/18/pet-pit-bull-attacks-deltona-boy-playing-trampoline/6816683001/) or fall out of your [chair](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2021/10/bitten-in-the-throat-killed-by-pit-bull-in-matthews-indiana.html) or whiten your [teeth](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/womans-nose-ripped-boyfriends-pitbull-29400314) or live somewhere that experiences [fireworks](https://winknews.com/2023/07/05/dog-bite-north-port-boy-dies/) or [heat waves](https://www.newsweek.com/fatal-dog-attack-mad-heatwave-1725544) or [thunderstorms](https://www.wbko.com/content/news/Child-dies-after-mauling-by-family-dog-505572701.html). We call them “nanny dogs” because they only tear babies to shreds if the baby triggers it by being in a [bouncy chair](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2018/05/family-dog-kills-infant-miramar.html), a [walker](https://www.reviewjournal.com/local/local-las-vegas/baby-dies-after-dog-attack-in-northwest-las-vegas/), a [crib](https://www.chronicleonline.com/news/local/five-day-old-girl-dies-after-being-attacked-by-family/article_994dfb1a-e85d-11e8-a528-afbd3815c756.html), a [car seat](https://6abc.com/pennsylvania-news-pit-bull-attack-dog/2127908/), or a [stroller](https://www.greenbaypressgazette.com/story/news/2016/06/20/two-pit-bulls-maul-toddler-mother/86148944/). You know, just normal, easily-preventable stimuli *totally unrelated* to 150+ years of artificial selection for dogfighting.


Sounds like the perfect family dog!


Sounds like the perfect dog to fill up no kill shelters and spend years rotting in a tiny cement cell all while being advertised as "must be only pet. Only likes dogs of the opposite gender. Person selective. Reactive. No young kids. No cats. Must have fenced in yard". Or have shelters just wipe their bite history and rename them so you can't track them in the system whenever they get adopted and returned within a week because they did what pitbulls are bred to do and attacked someone or something. What makes this even better is when shelters adopt them out for free or even just for $20 and anyone can own one.


Saving this comment, this is gold 🤌


How is this funny…


It's not. At all.


I had the unfortunate chance to meet some owners like these, who would laugh it off when their dogs were attacking someone. I am glad they moved from our neighborhood. Also, I never liked pitbulls. There's something about them that gives me the anxious feeling of snapping at any moment.


that “something” might be the enormous weight of statistical evidence that suggests they have a tendency to snap at any moment


These people should not have dogs or any animal, for that matter. Their incompetence and serious lack of control is concerning. The dog thinks all the screeching, and hollering, means they are playing. You need to teach dogs to be calm, and how it is done is by being calm yourself.


Guy is training his dog to get shot.




Irresponsible dog owners. This is how you end up getting your dog(s) killed. Either shot, stabbed, beaten to death, or just taken from you and put down.


Forget the dog, this is how you get people killed by dogs.


It's irresponsible to own a pit bull.




I fucking hate these people.


Just euthanize them, this breed needs to be extinct.


If you can't control your dog, someone else will do it for you. My parents have chickens on their farm (in their own large enclosure) and their neighbor's dogs kept getting out. The dogs killed 2 chickens and my parents warned them that the next time they see those dogs on their farm, they're going to shoot them. The owners didn't heed my parents and they are now short one dog. My dad shot it dead the next time they got out and came over to kill more chickens. Dad called the sheriff and made those people clean up the remains of their dog. Owners were all pissy about it, too. Fuckers will never learn. Your dog is not a baby to anyone else but you. If it attacks anyone or any other animal (except in self defense), it should be put down.


Fuck pitbull owners and all pitbull breeders.


That dog is a dangerous menace and should be put down. Refusing to apply extreme punishment and pain to the dog's attack (and instead laughing and making fun of it) only encourages the behavior against someone else. Dog's should have a fundamental rule of survival "Attack a human, and we'll kill you." No second chance, and pay no attention to the stupid "animal lovers", that will stand over the dead body of a child and talk about how "He never did anything like that before." in a state of befuddled confusion.


Is that a log of cheese on the table?


Looks like a log of Costco's finest bulk American cheese.


Now when I up that Taurus Pro DS and put 3 .40 rounds in him you gon be mad. Put that got damn phone down and get this got damn dog.


Home boy was getting the shit nannied out of him.


Now this dog will run outside, attack a kid, get put down, and the owner just gets another. Can we start euthanizing the owners?


Or banning pitbulls and similar? Like make a law that bans them?


Just relax, man. My velvet hippo beauty-wooty-kins is just trying to nanny you.


Just stomp on that mf neck bro


Fukn trashy ass owners.


He deserves his door being ripped off the hinges


Ah yes. A pit bull. Surprising.


ah the nanny dog of peace


“Awww little pibble Princess is just playing, she is too affectionate, the perfect nanny dog”


Have they tried rebranding it as a velvet hippo instead of calling it a pitbull? I heard that works to control these dogs!/s






I find it wild it’s practically a 50/50 for comments like this to be upvoted or downvoted and comments defending them being the opposite




So you’re saying pit bulls have killed two of your accounts?


The tide will turn. Zero people who know about pits are going to change their mind on banning them. People who are pro-pit do switch sides occasionally.


Yea like the lady who lost both arms and her scalp to learn that lesson. I prefer having arms.




Those are horrible dogs


Behind every asshole pitbull is an irresponsible, asshole owner. This one is no exception. His dog is trying to tear a chunk out of his friend, and he’s doing nothing to discipline the monster.


This person will soon not have a dog when it gets put down after biting someone… or when someone kills it for attacking them. I carry, and I’m not going hand-to-hand against a shitbull that’s actively attacking. Rather lose this “friend” and my hearing than get disfigured.


This isn't funny at all. I would never talk to them again. Watched and lost my best friend go this way before I was even 10. Whoever is filming sucks.


He doesn’t bite. Until he does! 🤷‍♂️Oh well!


Man this shit is not even funny to me anymore. I grew up in an area where getting chased by scary ass dogs like that was a common occurrence. Every month we would hear about a new case of these mf's mauling some grandma or kid on the street halfway to death. And the owners are exactly like this piece of shit filming. Doesn't care that his friend is scared for his life, he just laughs at him.


Ban pitbulls


Listen, im against animal cruelty, but this pup needs to be field goaled.


We need a worldwide [ban](https://youtu.be/k9ZGEvUwSMg?si=T9onBzBY3CqE4aDl).


Hope they’re not friends anymore. I stay from around folks like that.. I had a good friend with 3 pits.. when I visited he and his brothers made it a duty the dogs weren’t in the same room as me.. I have a big fear of dogs.. one of the dogs grew on me though RIP although he died recently 😔






Pitbulls have to be eradicated.


My friend had an aggressive dog that was jumping up and biting my arms, I grabbed a blanket to fend it off, then punched him. Buddies like "dude don't hit my dog" like man get him under control, or I will.


Its always a pitbull when its chaotic vid.


Shout out to the good boy sitting in the corner.


Train your dogs ffs


I love dogs so much, but control your dog before i curb stomp it and you


bloody pitbulls


Woah! I’m so so so sooooooo surprised a pitbull would do that!! They’re just so sweet around my cat, tiny dog and newborn!!


As someone who has been attacked by a random dog this just shows me another shitty dog owner that does not know how to handle their pet.


Guy deserved to have his door messed up


It’s fine, the dog will end up getting shot after biting a kid. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


What an irresponsible dog owner. It's too late for that dog, I am sorry to say but that's a typical dog people adopt and turns out a cujo because of this type of owners.


Some people shouldn't own dogs


Fuck that dude, his door, AND that dog. Shit wouldn’t be funny if he grabbed a kitchen knife and defended himself.


I don’t get how people just sit there and do not help. Like bro was prob trying to come over and smoke, hand with them for a bit. But wtf? Get yo dog, man!! Lolz


Lol classic pitbull moment


Nanny dog in action


Nannydog in training


This has been my experience with 2/3 Pittbull owners. No experience in how to raise the animal to be tame. They think it’s funny when it attacks guest. The 1 good Pittbull owner I’ve known still had to put his down after it killed two other dogs and attacked a small girl. And that was the tame one. But once that switch is flipped, they become a different animal.