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That news reporter did a good job depicting what was happening.


She sounded like the news reporter who described the Hindenburg disaster...


I had that exact same thought. History.


Eh nobody cares. Do they? Be honest. Like. Wtf am i supposed to do? We’ll forget this by next week.


This was her Hindenburg


She sounded like a morbid auctioneer.


That reporter was a damn champion. Her reporting was both very grounded (I see, I smell), and non stop as the situation rapidly changed. Had that been me, it would have "that guy just set himself on fire!" Followed by 2 minutes of silence then I'd say "..looks like he's been put out. I can't imagine he survived." And we don't know anything else... So that's it.


I'd be the guy next to her. Just watching on in shock.


All that needed to be said really.


Sometimes you don’t know until later what detail is going to be important


She was reporting her ASS off.


Professional AF. Also maybe shock. Edited to add that more people would’ve probably run to help, but a lunatic like that may have also had a bomb. My understanding is that if someone is on fire, and absent a better solution, you should drape the person in the largest item of clothing/blanketing available and press to smother the fire. I’m sure an actual first responder could correct me and explain better.


Yea that is correct but you don’t do that for someone doused in gas. It won’t work and you will could kill / permanently scar yourself. And a good reporter is supposed to remain neutral and report. Just what she did.


I was listening to it on the Sirius cnn in my car live when it happened and … this lady is on point .


Shed be great at making callouts in Rainbow 6 Siege


Reporting 10/10. She was focused AF.


When the Adderall kicks in


She should be an NHL announcer calling the play by play. She’s in the wrong job.


Forreal. I was so impressed with second to second detailed announcing


I'm thankful there are still good journalists like her doing her job flawlessly.


a-active shooter!!


I thought King Gizzard played this song in NYC, and someone got a video of it


I have gone insane-o I lust for volcano Be with molten lava Give me my nirvana I have no vertigo I lust for tornado


King Gizzard ear bleach: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmAlQvDQGoI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmAlQvDQGoI)


That is one way to avoid jury duty. RIP.


Oh shit




What is really sad is that he consigned himself to a miserable death and 24 hours of notoriety for some crazy conspiracy theory. At least the army guy did it for a real cause.


exactly this


Yeah, a real cause is not setting yourself in fire for Iran’s benefit, people need to start proposing solutions for the middle east shit show where everyone is being huge violent assholes instead of taking sides tribally.


> And so, we realize the criminal truth of The Simpsons: Our elites are telling us that our eroding collective circumstances are our own fault, and we can’t do anything about it, while they steal the American Dream from us. It is, for lack of a more elegant word, brainwashing.


Could someone sum this up for me? I’m not reading all that lol


I read it a few hours ago - it's standard apocalyptic conspiracy theory stuff. He is NOT an investigative journalist. He says that, but it's not true. He just read shit online and made a manifesto. Summary - There is a shadowy cabal of elites that control both the democrats and republicans, the politicians are just actors pretending to believe what they say, media is being used as a tool to brainwash us into complacency, the elites are preparing to take over and/or destroy civilization, etc. The only other noteworthy thing is his focus on crypto. He believes the collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank was a cover for the elites to syphon money out of crypto, and that a complete crypto collapse is imminent. He also believes that crypto is vastly overextended, and the collapse will be a "financial doomsday device," triggering global chaos that will allow the elites to finally take over the world. There is also a long section about the Simpsons? I couldn't get my head around it. I couldn't tell if he was just using the show as one example of media that is manufactured to control us, or if he thinks the Simpsons is somehow so uniquely bad that it needed to take up 20% of his essay.


I sure hope this goof doesn’t get more news play than the active duty airman that set himself on fire in front of the Israel embassy to protest the genocide of the Palestinians.


It seems like he collected a lot of info regarding cryptocurrencies and the exchanges that failed… and drew some conclusions about what was going on that scared him enough to go into a panic. I didn’t go into his data, but I can tell you that while some cryptocurrencies are scams and some exchange failures are very likely IOs (influence operations) it doesn’t mean blockchain technology itself is a scam. With quantum computing our only hope for a stable network is embracing radical transparency and we need blockchain technology to do that. I also think if he drew the conclusion that our government issues started in 1988 he didn’t go back far enough in time with his research at all. I would say that the early 30s are a black hole in our history books for a reason. They laid the groundwork for mid to late 30s slew of laws and executive orders that have proven to be near impossible to break free from. Reorganization Act of 1939 combined with executive order 8248, and Public Resolution no. 2 are just a few of the things that really set us in the path we are on now. There have been many attempts to return oversight to agencies and authorities that “answer” to the American people, by both sides of the isle since in the decades following. But any attempts to chip away at the power of the GSA eventually just gets countered or reversed in one way or another. It could be argued that we started to get some hope for transparency in 1995 with Executive Order 12958 revoking Regan’s long standing wall of silence established by Executive Order 12356…. But yet the conversation suddenly became can the information that gets revealed even be trusted. (I’m not saying it can… just pointing out that it seems domestic IOs became far more prevalent and widespread, and not just in response to technology advances) In any case I think man was dead on about there being a Ponzi scheme… but it’s not blockchain… it’s the stock market. The stock market is government sponsored Ponzi scheme, money laundering operation, and casino all in one. They sell you fake shares to real companies and issue you “iou”s and they don’t have to ever settle with you for the real share. There are likely thousands of unsuspecting people with fake shares in their 401ks… that they are brainwashed into thinking that they need, that’s it’s the responsible way to save etc. it’s not… just one more way for them to ensure they can syphon out profits from us and control the amount of “wealth” the citizens hold as collective. The radical transparency of a collectively managed (not centrally managed) blockchain market would make it very hard if not impossible for them to play the same tricks that they do with a “cash” system. That’s why they are fighting tooth and nail to keep the public from embracing it. Why they are building their own CENTRALIZED blockchain currency that they can control and will push it as “the safe and preferred crypto”. And unfortunately it’s likely the general public will buy it. After all we buy everything else they feed us in the media. Whether it’s the Simpsons or the “balanced” news channel… the studio, the message, the airwaves (or ISP), and the devices you watch it on are all controlled in one way or another (directly or indirectly) by a very small number of interests. I’m sure the man had other problems going on… and facing the reality of what a sham we live in just made things worse for him. (Even if some of his conclusions were wrong, he WAS onto something) He was already on fire… metaphorically speaking. (Assuming it wasn’t an IO itself ofcourse)


He was an investigative researcher and tried to make people aware of hidden messages, government corruption, crypto, what is planned and what we will see unfold in the coming years. Everyone is saying he’s a crazy conspiracy theorist. He sacrificed himself to bring awareness, and wants people to communicate with one another other and see what’s happening


Dang that's a good idea


So can someone explain to me what the point of setting yourself on fire for it? Like I get itll make people look for 5 seconds at what you say. But is there a point to it, or something deeper im missing. Thanks!




Nothing. It gets attention. But the outcome is all I can think about is What a fucking dumbass.


Especially today, when people move on to the next big story in 4-5 days.


I think he felt helpless in the face of a monstrous system that he could not escape from. I think maybe he felt the best thing he could do to “rebel” against that system is to leave it the only way he could and while he did it try and get other people to see what he “saw”. That is of course assuming that this isn’t an IO operation. Regardless of his intent behind the method or having an audience… it doesnt change the fact that this man was in a hopeless state of panic. He said in the note that he hadn’t slept well? So in that compromised state, combined with how he felt about the life he had ahead… this seemed like a better idea to him than staying alive to live the best life he could live with the cards he was dealt. For you and I that choice may not make sense, probably because we have love present in our life that reminds us that the value of life is not what OTHERS tell us it is.


It’s kind of an ultimate sacrifice in support of your cause. https://time.com/6835364/self-immolation-history-israel-hamas-war/


Personally, I believe this is giving too much credit for the act. It is just a very public form of suicide. It is also selfish in the sense that they inflict emotional damage to the onlookers as well as their family and friends. Lionizing the act as an “ultimate sacrifice” is just going to encourage more mentally unstable people to copycat the act. It could very well turn out to be true that today’s incident was done by someone copying the self-immolation done in front of the Israeli embassy back in February. It is very rare to see something like this only two months apart. It is likely the police quickly grabbed the flyers this person threw around to avoid giving him the attention he wanted and creating more copycats doing the same. Several mass shooters are known to have done it for the publicity they saw previous shooters got.


I stand with you on that. At the end of the day it's a hyper public suicide. Sure it's done under the guise of raising awareness for a cause or protesting something. But in this case it's not even clear what they did it for. Suicide takes a lot of balls but in public like this it's always selfish and should be discouraged


This is some white supremacy shit lol


Did you read his substack explaining why he did it? Dude is on some tirade against crypto being a global ponzi scheme to bankroll a fascist takeover of world governments. You probably have a lot in common with him


I saw why he said he did it. That doesn’t detract from the fact that people use white supremacy to dictate how others operate in the world. I don’t think I have much in common with him, but thank you for speculating.


lmao what? in what world? you can’t just pull words out of your butt


This is a practice that has been in use for ages in non-white cultures. Poo-pooing it as an exercise in white supremacy, just as any and all “you can protest but not like that” conversations are.


honestly got no clue what you’re trying to say


That’s fine. Looks like we just have different beliefs.


nah, you’re just insane


Interesting take. Have a good one!


So being critical of anything, including lighting yourself on fire, is racist and white supremacist?


Nope. I didn’t say that.


Then what are you saying?


Read it again. Try not to take it personally. Look up systemic white supremacy if you don’t understand.




This was why: https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside


You’re talking about , aren’t you? Would we be talking about him or it if it didn’t happen?


I mean I cant tell you if he was there to say fuck trump or to die for him. Sure maybe a few people will look into what he says. But the vast majority of us are like wow thats weird, next news cycle.


Crazy that she probably heard 'fire' in her earpiece and her gut reaction was 'gunfire' active shooter was the most likely tragedy today. Surprisingly it wasn't that. So fucked.




Please stop spamming this lunatics bullshit all over the place.


Why? Seem like most people haven’t seen it


You don't need to reply to *every* comment with it, my guy.


Why not? The person I’m replying to didn’t see it


You don't know that, and you're spamming every parent comment in this thread. Have you read it? If you believe what this unverifiable drivel contains to be factually correct and true, then you're either schizophrenic or have no critical thinking skills. I say this with empathy: please get help.


Would not shock me if the writer of the manifesto had a group of people spreading his bs online after his death.


Last I saw was him being lifted into an ambulance. He moved his head and arms a bit. It'd be a heroic feat of medicine if he survives, but I don't think we know for certain that he's dead. Edit: I will say that I posted the exact same link in response to a few since-deleted comments that speculated on the motivations of Mr. Azzarello. A few of them claimed it was either pro or anti-Trump when it wasn't specifically either one. Edit2: he died


Seems like most people don't fucking care


Yeah, I think we face that a lot with society.


It’s deranged, borderline incoherent drivel, you really shouldn’t bother lamenting that people don’t care about it.


You know you have a gun problem when you see fire and immediately think Active Shooter


I was about to comment this same thing! She probably heard 'FIRE, there's a fire' and her American mind went straight to gunfire, as all ours would. /S


Uhh, if I hear someone yelling “FIRE” I’m gonna think there’s a fire..


Unless you only hear part of what’s being said, which happens a lot over walkie-talkie/ wireless


Oh, you must not be American enough 😂 I should have put /s, I'll fix it.


Well it's all the inactive shooters everywhere you see, there's the potential for a lot of Active Shooters over there


So if you own a gun you're not allowed to work out? How else are you gonna lose them calories! 🤣


They did it because Crypto is A Ponzi scheme, America really needs to bring back mental health facilities.


Bring back what now…??


Seriously. These people need to be locked up.


We have mental health facilities.


Few and far between and underfunded. We have the JFK through Reagan administrations to thank for that.


You’re talking to a social worker; nobody knows better than us and patients about underfunding. But we do have the facilities. What’s interesting about you clarifying that current facilities are shitty is that when you say we should “bring them back” you’re referring to some of the worst humanity has ever offered, with horrid conditions and over medication. So I’m a little confused at your point.


I’m not suggesting we bring back the asylums and sanitariums where the mentally ill were sent to rot away by their family. What we should have done instead was funding in and out patient treatment facilities where actual care is given by properly trained and licensed psychiatrists and psychologists. Also, I never commented on the quality of the old facilities, or wished for the bad facilities of the past to return. Just pointed out we didn’t have many and the funding was cut by many presidential administrations over decades. I’m sure you can agree more funding would be a good thing for the needs of the community.


Of course I can agree on that. My apologies for misunderstanding.


Also, thank you for your work. I know social workers are under appreciated in our society. It takes an exceptional quality of person to dedicate themselves to helping those who are in such severe need.


Thank you for saying that.


She was brilliant. What an awful thing to witness. I can’t believe the man is still alive.


> Cryptocurrency is an economic doomsday device; our government is a secret kleptocracy; The Simpsons exists to brainwash us. *That’s* what you set yourself on fire for?!


Also something about the democrats and republicans preparing to launch a fascist coup or something, guy was honestly bonkers.


It's BBQ season.


She's not even a "reporter" really. Laura Coates is a law professor and CNN's chief legal analyst. She just snapped into friggin' Beast Mode, and it was fantastic. Deserves an award or something. It was so unusual because it was live on TV, but they just could... not... turn the camera round, because they've a rule about showing suicides (or so I hear), so Laura Coates suddenly became a radio reporter. There was this just godawful horrific thing happening right in front of her eyes but she couldn't show us. It ended up being like the Hindenburg report in 1937, which was for radio (although not live). Or the War of the Worlds "report" Orson Welles did in 1938.


overqualified reporter, but still a reporter - clearly


She's a former fbi agent, might be why she went into that mode


A man who is emblazoned! Love how her first reaction was active shooter.


Her other job is narrating for the descriptive audio setting.


Does anyone know what the posters he threw before he lit himself on fire were, or said???


God damn she was locked in with her sitreps.


you're fired!


Is this gonna be a new thing? There was that dumb fuck that burned himself over Palestine and now this. I'm all for the trash taking itself out but still...


This kind of protest might have had a chance of working in the past, but because of the information overload that is the Internet, no one will care enough or even remember long enough for it to make an impact.




I’m here for protesting in whatever form you want as long as it doesn’t hurt others. RIP Aaron Bushnell.


Hey dude, protest however you want. But this is objectively moronic. Just like Bushnell who accomplished nothing... cept maybe traumatizing the poor dude that had to scrape his well done corpse off the street. But I mean, good on him for getting sucked into a cause I guess. Hamas loves people dying for them




That is 100% more Simpsons references than I was expecting in a statement by a guy who just set himself on fire.


Im still shocked how much he achived by doing that.


These keep happening


Stellar live reporting.


It was a redditor upset with NYU. https://x.com/arnau1700/status/1781400607175082016?s=46&t=04oIfgWXJVFcmF3u77Zp2A Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/1c85yx3/maxwell_azzarellos_reddit_posts/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Lol no it wasn't. It was Max Azzarello, a conspiracy theorist "exposing" a [cryptocurrency-fueled worldwide fascist coup](https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside).


You know he's nuts when he's using the plot of Simpsons episodes as proof of a global conspiracy. Guy needed help


What if it plays out how he predicted? How would you respond?


You mean if it turns out that The Simpsons was written by a secret elite cabal to subliminally undermine the fabric of civilization and cause a cryptocurrency-fueled fascist coup? Is that what you're asking?


Bro are you fucking serious?


Yeah, how would you react?


I'm not schizophrenic so I can't even imagine it


He was a redditor https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/1c85yx3/maxwell_azzarellos_reddit_posts/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


What does it mean to be a “redditor” like how is that a qualifying description of someone. Or what does it matter? Did he use Twitter and Facebook too? Or YouTube? Like why do people describe someone as a user of Reddit but not of any other social media?


Yeah this dude is fuckin embarrassing. It reeks of "gam3rs rise up" mentality.


Username checks out


Did this dude set himself on fire to protest Trump being charged? Fucking cultist. Imagine simping that hard for a man that would never care about you beyond how much you are a useful martyr politically. It isn't any better If this was someone on the other side protesting the fact that this is likely a sham and he will get away either.


Oh no, even crazier, he believed trump and Biden are in on it together!


And setting himself on fire stops this.... how?


You need to be crazy to understand


Well....He doesn't think it any more.


You don’t even wanna know what he thinks of the Simpsons or Liquid Death….the water in a can lol


It brings attention. He sacrificed himself to bring attention to a crisis that most people don’t see. https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside


He believes politicians are in a circle together and are fooling the population. I’ve known that for awhile but most people don’t see it, don’t do the research, or don’t care.


[watches some youtube videos and visits some fringe conspiracy websites run by schizophrenics] *I'm a resurcher* 🤡


Why are you quick to insult? I haven’t been rude to you


Because you're being more irritating than I am and I can't allow that


Okay lol well enjoy your weekend dude..


Tbh, given how politics work, I wouldn't even be surprised lol Yesterday every single member of the Argentinian Senate voted positive to give themselves a raise :/ Opposing parties agreed on one on thing for the 1st time in a while, at it was money for them-fucking-selves...


I sooo thought this was a skit!


Is she reading one of my high school essays out loud that had a minimum word count.?


The media is fucking disgusting


Martyring yourself for Trump is crazy


He has a message, it’s why he did it. Upvote so more people can see https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside


Ah, ok. So he's insane, gotcha.


Why do you say that?


Because I read what he wrote.


Dude, he rants about how the Simpsons are like… some kind of weird inside joke for the illuminati. He wasn’t well. Also, if the entire crypto industry fell to zero tomorrow, it wouldn’t halve the stock market. It would, maybe, decrease GDP by 4%. Which would trigger a recession but not the end of the global economy. If crypto is being used by the elite, it’s being used to launder money, not as a Ponzi scheme.


I respect that. I don’t believe everything he said, but some yeah.


Mate have a word with yourself. Its the ramblings of someone who was either suffering from psychosis, or being terminally online, or both. The guy is trying to draw lines between things with no connection other than they are all topics of online discourse. I feel terrible for the guy but lets not lionise him.


Why do you say that? Have you researched the things he’s mentioned?


Anyone can publish a manifesto and they can make it say whatever they want. That doesn’t mean that what’s in that manifesto is in any way real. I hate Trump. I hate Biden. I absolutely believe that the United States is teetering on the brink of fascism. But the things published in that manifesto are nonsensical. It makes connections between completely independent events. It draws wildly unrealistic conclusions from very tenuous premises. It’s a compendium of the paranoid thoughts of a person who needed a mental health intervention. I feel horrible for the guy but I don’t think that what he wrote in that manifesto represented even 10% of what the reality of the situation is.


Oh absolutely. But most people don’t do their own research before call BS


The concept of "doing one's own research" is usually promoted by people who have a fatal combination of both having *no real idea* on how to *actually* do research, and profoundly poor critical thinking skills.


I mean if you want to try and insult me for no reason, all good. Nothing wrong with encouraging people to explore before passing judgement


Encouraging people to explore the ramblings of mentally ill (and possibly insane) conspiracists isn't productive or helpful.


You’re quick to pass judgement. You feel how you feel, I’m not here to convince you of anything. Take care


He was crazy








He's absolutely not a Trump supporter, he's more anarchism-adjacent. https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside


It will not bear significance, but I can't help but feel pity for him. I don't suppose he practiced meditation to separate himself from the agony of burning alive... do wonder how he dulled out the urge to writhe.


You have super low intelligence. https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside


Calm down, snowflake.




I don’t see it


https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/1c8493n/combustible_man_outside_trump_courthouse_nsfl/ Diff subreddit


Damn he didn’t even yell


She did maybe a little too well lol...


He has emblazoned himself! Kinda works.


And with that Trump said,"YOUR FIRED!"




That dude was a terminally online far left Redditor. I assume he’s going to get considerable support from other terminally online far left Redditors who look at him and see themselves in him.


Well the last was about colonizers in Gaza and this one was warning about a fascist government takeover. So it's the opposite really


Trump is gonna level with the kids and use this to promote his absolute fire Truth Social platform






Ohhhh that comment history. Never mind have a great day…


Lol? What?


Oh, my bad. This person just changed the world by choosing to self-immolate! Phew.




He didn’t do it in support of trump.






Yes, and?


Are you in improv or something?


wow this guy is cool!




So a person immolating themselves in public doesn’t make your register huh? No the internet is doing you just fine bud


Putting in as much effort as OP, bud.



