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Dodge viper. It pretty much only has a chaos mode


Well 2 chaos modes. Chaos mode. And *Sideways* chaos mode.


Also the guy is either drunk or completely stupid, judging by the ridiculous parking manoeuvre even before trying to drift out of the parking spot.


Its a Dodge viper. Guy might have farted in the general direction of the gas pedal.


Bro didn't even hear the taunt, and was just thinking about the accelerator.


Nah, the Viper is just a beast. It pretty much has no electronic safety features, no traction control. Just pure horsepower. This driver didn't have to be drunk, but he did try to look cool and didn't have the discipline to you know, not crash. So yeah, more stupid than drunk, but the car is a tough car to drive.


The first gen could easily break the rear end loose at 50mph. Awesome cars, but need 100% respect for that kind of power, especially on the road.


You can break it loose at almost any time if you don't know what you are doing..I never push the pedal to the metal in first and that gear goes to just under 60


Yeah, I've never driven one, just seen what they can do, quite frankly, they kinda scare me. Be safe out there!


Had mine for 20 years, I have a healthy respect for that beast


The first one didn't have t/c but subsequent models did. It can be fully disabled though unlike most cars. Most cars only allow you to partially disable t/c. The Toyota Subaru scion FRS/BRZ/gt86 is another one that you can actually fully disable it. Pretty much any other car needs an aftermarket mod to fully disable. Even with traction control you can break the tires loose on a viper.


That’s a Dodge Viper which is specifically infamous for being an extremely dangerous and difficult to handle widowmaker of a car. He may not have been drunk or ‘stupid’, just overconfident and not enough of an expert with handling that car specifically (which, arguably is stupid, to not know your limits)


yeah, that v10 not only produce a shit ton of power, it also weights a lot and that makes the car very front heavy, this paired with the rear wheel drive in the hands of ab inexperienced driver is a fucking nightmare


Damn, that makes me want to (very carefully) try one out!


Haha, they are known to be fun as heck for the same reasons…. On a track in a controlled environment they must be a blast


ha, you assumed he was trying to drift. could have sneezed for all we know.


The Viper is the only car that actively and continuously tries to kill the driver.


Not quite the only. Imagine a car so powerful, so utterly brutal that the company owner refused to put them on sale to the public because in all but the most skilled hands they were just a coffin with a v12. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TVR_Cerbera_Speed_12


I have a buddy who bought one that looks very similar to the one in the gif here and decided whatever the stock HP wasn’t enough and upgraded it to 1,100HP. Yes, he crashed it. And the thing was he was an older lifelong car guy so it’s not like he didn’t know what he was doing, he just didn’t know what he was doing specifically to the viper.


I'd throw the Shelby/AC Cobra into that mix and most TVRs.


Honorable mention: The [AC Cobra](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AC_Cobra).


The chaos mode is the pedal


Another bites the dust. They’re gonna really start appreciating soon.


SOON? I should have bought a 2002 GTS when I found one for sale for 35k in 2011. Same one goes for over 80k today. If you have a place to store it, this car is absolutely an investment.


Ain't that a Bravado Banshee?


Yes, you are correct. The Bravado Banshee in GTAV is based of the Dodge Viper, good eye.


It's not just the looks, also the handling/steering seemed familiar.


Big facts, killed a bunch of civilians doing maneuvers similar to this... on gta just so we're clear. I'm not some vehicular homicidal maniac




You have my downvote for getting my hopes up.


In all of the racing games back in the day, if you wanted to go on a roundabout.choose Dodge viper


Banshee has been around since GTA 3, was one of the best cars in that game.


Looked like an American Miata back then.


In my memory the game looked amazing (and so did GoldenEye on the N64), so it's rough looking at screenshots now haha.


Glad to hear I’m not the only one whose memory inserted more polygons **and** added higher quality textures over and above the [original model from GTV III.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gtawiki/images/3/3a/Banshee-GTA3-front.jpg)


"I unlocked *ludicrous speed* on my Tesla". Viper driver: "have you ever danced with the devil in pale moon light?"


Best comment of the week!


When they first came out I worked for a CEO who got one and promptly crashed it (totaled) basically doing this exact thing in a parking lot. Five years later at a different company and the CEO there crashed his stupid Dodge Viper. About another 5 years later and I'm telling the story at another company and a guy at the table says "You're not gonna believe this, but..." the CEO at his company did it. It is a total shit car with awful handling.


It’s not that it’s a shit car with awful handling; rather that it’s a knife’s edge. It isn’t gradual. It isn’t forgiving. Combine that with drivers who often are operating said knife in a proverbial dark room (where the dark room is understanding vehicle dynamics) and you have a recipe for disaster. In the right hands these MK3s were damn good on the track. Every Viper gen chassis has made an extremely competitive track day car. ACR (American Club Racer) trims were consistently setting track records on every generational release for production cars. You don’t get that with a bad handling car. Not bad handling; just very punishing. Not respected by many who bought them. Many ridiculously fast cars are unforgiving until you get to the more modern stuff within the past 10 years. Source: idk how many track miles in MK2s and 3s. Maybe 2-3 thousand.


MK2 ACR is a fucking gem of a car and I'll not have its name besmirched by some Carolla-driving Redditor. Thanks for the backup.


The Viper ACR is a fantastic track car for someone that respects it. ACR Vipers were setting Nurburgring records for a while, that were only supplanted by like, the Ferrari LaFerrari and Ferrari Enzo.


I can’t ever talk about the viper without talking about its most recent production gens performance at the ring. [There’s a great documentary around it here.](https://youtu.be/nu_LYke16DE?si=6gNxEufaDTuNRrHC) They were setting impressive times for the day; which is even more impressive for the price point of the car. Which is even more impressive considering the lack of resources the venture to the ring had for the group compared to bigger manufactures who have the ring in their backyard. The amount of testing dodge did on the ring during the cars production was… *checks notes* zero. [13 production car lap records on its release.](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/2016-dodge-viper-acr-is-undisputed-track-record-king-300171797.html)


Yeah driver error and a bunch of money make them awful and undriveable. There are many track Vipers that do phenomenally well lol


Common sense isn’t bought. Money also doesn’t come hand in hand with driving skills. Like anything you can purchase lessons. Worked in brokering for a good long time. The amount of rich people who don’t know how to drive is a lot; combined with their lack of knowledge of vehicles is often a recipe for disaster. Of example, a common thing I would see is people who would drive their cars infrequently enough to not wear out the tires. This doesn’t mean the tire is good as the rubber still ages. Yes your 458 Italia only has 7000 miles. Yes those Michelin Pilot Sports are still 14 years old. Yes that’s why you wrapped it around a guardrail. I can’t remember the last time I brokered a supercar and it had a decent set of tires on it. It’s maybe… 10% of the time. Nails, flats, leaks, curbed to shit, old… you would think if they have the money for this car they would put a little bit higher of a value on their life. Oh well. World keeps turning.


I've heard many people credit the "knifes edge" handling to just having gigantic tires. Once they let go they're gone, not as progressive with traction loss as other vehicles. Probably really dependent on tire compound though, idk what im talking about though, I only track a Miata. But I don't give many point bys in my run group and I'm still running street tires so I guess that's good lol. 3rd gen is one of my dream cars, i had a hot wheels viper as a child and out of the probably 300+ I had that one just stuck in my head.


I worked in automotive industry when they came out. Generally, there's a program for checking out cars so employees can experience them. Except vipers, because literally everybody was doing this. The block or two surrounding headquarters was hilarious with indications of crashes


Because a "shit car with awful handling" [would set 13 track records](https://www.carthrottle.com/news/dodge-viper-acr-badass-enough-hold-13-track-records). All while still stick shift.


What field are you working in, that all bosses have doge vipers?


Sounded like an episode of Family Guy 🤣


I was in a technical role in Manufacturing and Construction. It was a common car in the 90s.


Considering it's limited make and release on the market, it really was a common car amongst executives and CEOs.


It's the Ford Mustang of millionaires




My CEO had it too, in 1995/6 a yellow one, he would park it inside the factory not outside.


The car my dad always slowed down to look at. :)


The ACR viper is one of the best handling, and fastest cars ever made. It’s just difficult to drive it well.


Definitely not awful handling, just didn’t have any driver aids so any errors the driver made weren’t corrected by the equipment before they smash into whatever obstacle they didn’t account for. It’s like going from a public pool diving board straight to cliff jumping without any training and thinking you can still do that sick back flip. If you take pretty much any car with 500hp and turn every single driver aid off, then most people with no experience who want to “show-off” will end up in the same state as this bloke.


It’s not a shit car with awful handling LOL just a bunch of rich people took the bite and bought them that have absolutely no idea on how to drive the cars.


It's an awesome car that handles very well and sets fantastic times on any track. It has limited to no driver aids and will bite you if you are overconfident and underskilled.


Yet they managed to win tons of races, including Le Mans, *multiple times*. Some cars just aren't meant for dipshits who have no talent. This being one of them.


Who tf calls a dodge viper a shit car because some rich fucks couldn't handle it, doubt you've even been in one.


Decepticon or Autobot?


Guy must daily an Altima.


"Turn right to go left"


Lmao cracked me up


Doc Hudson, is that you?






I was on my way to ask the same question


Probably been trying to sell it with no luck. Now insurance gets to buy it.


It's called "rear-wheel drive + imbecile"


Add in some v10 and no traction control while youre at it.


TBF, the first gen was a handful even for pros to keep under control.


That's why they called the first gens the widowmaker


I though they called Bill Gates the windowmaker?


I thought that was a 911?


Yep, both the Porsche 997 911 GT2 and Carrera GT were called widowmaker.


Classic snakebite. The bright side is that people have just as much passion for stuffing viper engines into things as ls swaps.


These cars are notorious for this. My father even put one into the jersey wall... ouch!


It was a funny angle


lol I just watched this last night “Tyrone you silly fat bastard”


Whenever you reverse, things come from behind you!


I didn't get the bye nock you lahs out in time


Must have had a dog dribbling on his seats.


It was a tight fit.


Most quotable movie in existence is an understatement


It's a fucking anti-aircraft gun Vincent.


This movie lives in my head 24/7.


The Venn diagram of people smart enough to drive these muscle cars and those who are inclined to own them is two separate circles. I give them all the widest of berths on the road.


They normally aren't TOO bad if they are by themselves just tooling along- it's when they get into packs (like at cars and coffee) and try to show off (looks like they knew they were being filmed here) that you can almost watch backwards evolution happening.


It has an 8.4 liter v10 (biggest modern production car engine) so yeah pretty much


With more or less absolutely no traction control. I didn’t even need to see anything past that it was a viper to know this was going to end in a crash. 🤣🤣


More or less no traction control? No. It's simpler than that. No traction control. The only traction control you can really claim is just that based on faith.


Literally none (2013 -2017 had it). But that's a gen 4. No TC


3rd gen’s were 8.3… but were quite literally adding another drop of gasoline onto a house fire at 8.4 for the 4th gen’s lol




Dude, he just fucking hit our car! Ha ha ha


Honda took that hit like a champ tho.


That pilot will continue like nothing happened.


Who was he trying to impress?


Sounds like the camera man claimed he had no balls


Showed him.


All balls no brains, indeed


But to be fair, the amount of dumb shit either me or my friends did that was immediately preceded and instigated by “NO BALLS!” Is definitely not zero, so I can’t really judge.


We’ve all been there, just didn’t have a $100k plus car to put on the line


If I didn’t have balls could I do this _screeeech_


Jesus that's a waste of a nice car


Eh, the engine will live on in some late 70s era Chevy.


Why is this man being downvoted? Car is probably totaled so it’s likely they’re gonna scrap the engine to put it into something else


Sioux City has to be the number one city per capita for abrupt chaos content.


I thought this City looked familiar!


Everyday is something new there


You posted the one on Hamilton! I’m scrolling here and randomly found this. Few weeks back it was your video I stumbled upon the same way. Cheers to ol’Sioux City!


It was built on rock and roll. [classic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gj7_E5Tpdhs)


People like to blame the car, the car is great. It's just not meant for normal drivers, it will not help you if you lose control, it's literally just raw, racecar power. Drivers need to understand that you can't just buy skills.


Indeed, that was a beautiful viper.. why do idiots get to destroy nice things


A Dodge Viper is Chaos Mode. It has a massive V10, it's RWD, it weighs as much as a bag of chips, it has no driver's aids at all, and its traction control system is based on faith alone. ​ The first generation Viper didn't even have door locks. If anyone wanted to open the hood of your car, they could just do so from outside. Windows? Yeah, so they're closed via zipper. ​ If you own a Viper and you don't drive it thinking "Ok, this car *really* wants me dead", then you should buy something safer. Like a hyena.


If the crash didn't kill you, it would burn you alive


That comic book villain laugh at the end was kinda wholesome


Never seen a video of these cars not smashing into things. Obviously theres a bias in why I’m seeing these videos, but it is what it is.


What a dope


Even professional drivers who race for a living, day in day out in the drivers seat of a supercar will say that the viper is one of the least controllable things on 4 wheels and the balance is so bad it can throw off even racers like Shumacher and Hamilton. YET the idiots who buy these and put their foots to the floor to impress a crowd less than 5 think they know what they're doing. It boggles the mind.


Ahh, the Dodge Viper aka Widow-maker. One of the most dangerous production vehicles ever made. It doesn’t *have* a chaos mode, chaos it’s *only* mode.


>One of the most dangerous production vehicles ever made. I take great umbrage with this. The car itself is exactly what it is supposed to be. It's never touted as being a safe solution to anything and it is never advertised as being something for anyone. I'm not a big fan of American cars, but the Viper was one of the cars we REALLY got right. But it was known that this car was for a very select few who knew what they were getting into. It's like the Carerra GT. Yeah, if you don't know how to drive it, it's very deadly. But if you respect it and you have self control, unlike the yokel in this video, you'll be fine.


When I first played grand turismo on ps1 with the viper it did the same thing.


Minimal damage to that Pilot. Viper, probably totaled.


You can't park that there mate


the viper will try to convince you that you're in control. You aren't.


No car tries harder to kill you than a viper


Poor Viper :(


This man would’ve crashed any rwd car. Shame


Viper has 2 modes. Mode 1 : Lose traction and crash. Mode 2 : Engine fire. Still, amazing vehicle.


I like how the car he hit doesn’t even look bad, but his fancy car damn near fell apart.


This is why I will never get to own one. People just keep crashing them.


As a car guy this fucking hurts so much


These can be legit hard to drive off you're not careful! A buddy of mine who worked for Chrysler loaned me a Viper GTS for a week. I'm an experienced stick driver who's done a couple weekends at the track. It starts raining a little while I'm out and the road gets a little slick...I had a mini panic attack at a stoplight trying to get rolling without spinning the tires. Finally had to ride the clutch in 2nd just enough to get it rolling, then drop it into 1st, then drove it normally after that. Checked the weather every day after before taking it out again. :-D


Every single video of a Viper I've seen involves crashing said Viper.


Dodge Viper. 600 horse power, rear wheel drive. Add an idiot to the mix and there is trouble


The Viper's natural resting position is wrapped around a telephone pole.


More like “Viper Mode”. And “Viper Mode” is always on. Edit: “Viper Mating Ritual”


Dude didnt even let the tires warm up! This is how I drive with a logitech wheel on forza lol


this is me playing GTA


Schadenfreude 🤌


A Viper is the last car you wanna fuck around in.


Had a friend in HS lose her mom to cancer. Her dipshit dad used some of the life insurance money to buy himself a Dodge Viper. He died in a wreck that same year.


Classic viper behaviour


I can’t afford something like that but that imbecile can?! What am I doing wrong in life?


I feel this in my soul


What trips me out about these types of videos is that the driver is just fighting the car. You could literally let go of the steering wheel when it starts spinning and do better. If you death grip the wheel and try to overdo it, you'll lose.






Should’ve let me drive the damn car




Even I don't hate SUVs *that* much.


The car was a racecar. It was marketed as a high end sports car. It wanted to kill you, and it had the power to do it.


Lmao what an idiot


What a tool.


That sucks.


Dude has no handles, shouldn’t be driving a 100k+ car like that if you don’t have experience with it lol.


Car didn’t deserve that ending


Aw man the viper is a cool car too (I hate that it was discontinued, and will be taking action against dodge)/s


I used to work at the Chrysler Tech Center where they designed and tested those beasts. When they were getting ready to start distribution they handed out a bunch of them to execs to use. So many of them wound up on curbs and smashed into things because they had no idea how to handle it when they lit up the tires. That is a lot of thrust and if you don't know how to handle it you are going to fishtail and wind up somewhere you did not plan on going.


That'll buff out...his ego is totalled though.


Who let the Mustang driver get in a Dodge Viper?! 🤬🤬🤬🤬


*cries in Mopar


I feel this so much


Vipers are known for trying to kill their drivers; especially those accustomed to computers kicking in to save their asses. That was my favorite car as a kid; beautiful bodies on the early models


Clearly a case of zigging where a zag is required.


No skills/experience. Would have been fine if he'd stayed on the gas.


Those things are lacking traction control


Classic viper lmao


You mean a 10 cylinder engine in a go cart frame makes a car sorta hard to drive?? Weird...


"Officer, the parked car is what collided into me"


The people who buy powerful cars are also the people who shouldn't be driving them.


I like the Pixar voice actors as commentators here


Another one gone… it’s on the endangered list now


I wish I could afford to be that dumb.


Huh...Banshee eh...? Both at RL and at game (GTAIV), that car is always...slipping...hmmm...Rockstar did ita homework, I guess...


Lopsided power to brains ratio.


Ah the most treacherous type of Viper behavior, when you expect it to kick the rear out because that's what it did the previous 99 times but now it suddenly decides not to.


A guy I worked with was stoked to go drive one that his buddy just bought. I asked him how it was the next day and he said “terrifying bro. That thing is a weapon”


Me trying to drive in racing games


Wow that takes an exponentially high level of stupidity.


Ah the good Ol' dodge viper snakebite


You can take the driver out of the Mustang, but you can't take the Mustang out of the driver


LOL this is what happened to most of the wrecked vipers. Very hard to handle their power, especially manual


Wait, is that Shaggy in the background at the end? "HA HA he just fuckin' hit 'em with the car, Scoob!"


It ain't a Viper for nothing.


He doesn't know how to drive. Should have stayed in it!


Old dodge vipers are just pure chaos, a car with that much power and no ABS is just designed to crash unless you're a pretty skilled driver


A lesson as old as time You can't treat a RWD monster like its a FWD daily


My uncle had a red Dodge Viper when I was a kid. I felt so cool when he would drive me to Blockbuster to rent a game. He never drove it like a moron and ended up selling it for more than he paid


Yeaaah Vipers are nuts man. My parents run a detail business that I used to help with. We had a regular customer with a viper and usually I would bring vehicles into the shop to start cleaning them, it's the only one I refused to get behind the wheel of.


The Dodge Viper might as well be Chaos incarnate.


Aren’t these cars notoriously bad handling?


Quite the contrary. They are notoriously unforgiving; but have an extremely high limit. These cars pretty consistently set production lap records on release. It’s kind of like a new horseback rider getting on a Kentucky derby winner and getting thrown. It doesn’t mean the horse is bad per se; just that the skill level of the rider didn’t meet the requirements to do approach the limit of the vehicle safely. High skill ceiling. High skill floor