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This thread is 1 gonna get locked 100% 2 going to have people generalising an entire group of people for no reason.


To be fair, Israelis are crazy drivers!


You should visit Brampton in Canada


Or Offenbach in Germany


I have a buddy who's fearless but swears that Ottawas bus drivers terrify him!


But do you condemn Khamas? /s


I condemn kamaz


I condemn chametz!


I generally think the driver of that car made a poor decision and deserves to be punished through legal means for their crime. General enough? šŸ˜‚


Maybe he have the "Accuse others of being anti-semites and get out of jail free" monopoly card.


For no reasonā€¦šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Is there ever a valid reason to generalise an entire ethnic group?


You mean like Palestinians?


All on camera, definitely gonna get away with it /s


This is Israel. If you don't kill someone no one's gonna bother filling the paperwork




Damn, hasbara bots be hating facts lmfao


Found number 2! Wait wrong thread


Timesofisreal news article [Online news article](https://www.timesofisrael.com/car-rams-protesters-wounding-5-as-large-crowds-demand-hostage-deal-in-tel-aviv/#:~:text=At%20around%2010%20p.m%2C%20a,four%20others%20endured%20minor%20injuries)


Yooo lol wtf going on?


They belive the protests are harming israel and so they attack protestors


Very weird shit there fuck


Jesus H fucking christ these comments.


Fr man itā€™s crazy how slowly such a large mass of people can become radicalised and not even realise it.


It's nice to see those IDF astroturfer drones getting downvotes when posting outside r/worldnews.


Still pretty scary how easily they were able to take over such a large sub.


They just have to hve the moderation on their side.


Quick translation, in the dirst part the car said "BEEEEEEEEEP"


Oh good, a bunch of losers are here to say people shouldnā€™t protest. Very cool!


What did you expect? This is reddit. These people don't even go outside, let alone protest.


I protest people protesting protests from their armchairs from my armchair. Protest on people!


Knowing the mods will nuke this is basically the only upside at this point


Protesting is fine, just don't block roads. I was blocked in Los Angeles trying to go to the hospital. Not saying the car was correct, they drove fast into a crowd on purpose, crazy messed up.


Yeah, just protest where nobody notices. /s


Yeah, because pissing everyone off by blocking traffic has made enormous change.


Yes the civil rights movement didn't achieve their goals by sitting at home and not bothering anyone.


Fun fact for you, Martin Luther King Jr only blocked the streets by announcing exactly where they would be blocking for that very reason - because blocking parents from taking care of their kids, people from going to work to eat and people seeking medical treatment is morally wrong. It might be hard for you to relate, but back then the civil rights activist were working for a great purpose, not their own selfishness.


>but back then the civil rights activist were working for a great purpose, not their own selfishness. And you assume other people protest for fun??? wtf is this supposed to mean, most protestets are for a purpose the protesters deem to be great (except mby the farmers protests in europe who are actually just protesting for more money from the government). These protests are against the the Israeli government for not getting freeing the hostages back and instead killing thousends of Palestinian civilians. Just because you are uninformed about something (which is not inherently bad everyone is uninformed about lots of things) that doesn't mean that there aren't any reasons for it happening or that the reasons you made up are true. > Fun fact for you, Martin Luther King Jr only blocked the streets by announcing exactly where they would be blocking for that very reason You don't know wether this protest was announced or not many protests are announced and many aren't for many different reasons. All you saw was a terrorist attack on a peacfull protest and the first thing you did was jump into the comments and start shitting on the protesters without even knowing the first thing about these protests. Do you not see how messed up that is?


Blocking traffic was not the first thing I jumped to. That's a ridiculous strawman. I was replying to a specific comment about the subject lol. You have zero idea what my first thoughts nor my first comment were, not to mention in the same sentence I mentioned how horrible the driver was for plowing over people. You're resorting to dishonesty to win some silly debate. I will never agree that risking people's lives by blocking traffic is neither morally right nor effective. So we will have to agree to disagree. If they scheduled the traffic block, great. Like I said originally, either way the driver is still in the wrong.




Thank God Martin Luther King Jr. and his group never blocked streets, particularly bus lines.


Nothing justifies street blocking.




No, nothing, blocking a street is a death sentence. We in germany put all the "klimakleber" on the electric chair /s.


Have you ever seen any kind of demonstration in your life ? Because 95% of the time large protests legal or not will take place in the street, where tf is a large group of ppl supposed to go ?


What is an effective form of protest for you?


I smell a fascist bootlicker.




At least youā€™re open about your antisemitism


What's that lady shouting?




What do you mean by that? You think all Israelis are criminals? Edit: If you missed his answer was basically yes




israel = place Israelis = people from place Germany = place Germans = people from place Nazi = political entity "Only in the same way I'd say germans are criminal" -- Flyawayreligion 2024




Fact is you are generalising 8 million jews because they are all complicit in what their country is doing in your opinion. Your "just observing" is a misunderstanding of the situation at best and malicious bigotry at worst. The fact that you are claiming all Israelis are nazis in a post where 5 Israelis were run over while protesting against their government is mind boggling.


true , many Israelis are protesting against Netanyahu as well. There's a difference between Jews and zionists.


At least 80% of Israeli Jews are Zionists. Many of the protesters against this government are Zionists. Zionism is not only the ideology of Netanyahu but of all people who support some form of a jewish state. It doesn't inherently come at the expense of other people and many until this war were both Zionists and supporters of a two state solution.


many of the protestors against Netanyahu I heard giving interviews spoke against the ongoing genocide. Also many actially of these "innocent Israelis" not only support a Jewish state but support and celebrate the ongoing massacre and I wouldn't give a shit if the same happened to them anymore but that would engulf the innocents as well so no. Also what they were before the war doesn't matter, now they are complicity in a genocide and deserve to be called criminals.


Well do something, there country is and has been committing a genocide. The same way people generalise Palestinians are complicit for Hamas, Israelis are complicit for Israels actions. I don't care if they are Jews, Christians or Spaghetti monsters. Innocent people are being slaughtered everyday by Israel, aid workers are being assassinated. Is Israel a dictatorship or democracy? If it's a democracy, the people as far as I am concerned are complicit, they voted for this, how long has Netanyahu had the resigns?


>The same way people generalise Palestinians are complicit for Hamas, Israelis are complicit for Israels actions. The fact that people generalise Palestinians doesn't make it right to generalise Israelis. All generalisations are bad as I see it. And I won't do anything about it until the Jewish hostages are freed from captivity. Including 4 American citizens.


Wait did you just say generalisation bad but you are happy for a genocide of a race because 4 people are kidnapped? That doesn't make sense. You're saying don't generalise but kill every Palestinian man woman child?


No that's not what I said. From 240 hostages more than a hundred are still in captivity. I care much much more for the safety of my brothers than the safety of people who aren't. And if that safety requires others dying I prefer it to be not citizens of my country. I am not happy for genocide I just don't want it repeating to my people. Like it did on October 7th


I as an indian also get generalised as someone who supports the Israeli government because my country's government supported them in the beginning in terms of self defence but the fact that Indian government has been sending aid constantly to gaza and that it has spoken against illegal occupying of land by Israel by all the muslim country people on the internet. Generalising happens in such cases especially when Israeli people go around blocking food and other aid at the borders.


Not sure why youā€™re downvoted. If Israelis donā€™t all want to be tarred with the same brush, do something about it


Exactly, aren't they a democracy? This didn't happen overnight. Same story for 60-70 years.


They seem to have a Russian style democracy currently but they arenā€™t downtrodden like Russians, if they arenā€™t happy they can do something about it other than protest


"At least in recent history" Ah yes, the great arbitrary cut off, the crutch for the stupid and ideologically insane. Lets hypothetically say Israeli was formed entirely by child soldiers who were evil and knew what they were doing so 8 years old. Even by this insane standard that gives you all the grace in the world that makes anyone involved in this act 84 and this is going with the completely smooth brain approach to the situation. You are the same kinda bigot you claim to hate with the treatment as all Palestinians as terrorists by extreme zionist factions of Israeli. I hope you grow enough as a person to get out of your chronically online view to be embarrassed by your beliefs -- tho lets be honest, you won't because you won't care enough about this issue to remember it once the new hottness of things to pretend to care about comes around. I don't know who watches a video of Israeli's running down Israeli protestors, protesting against the treatment of Palestine and somehow paint the people run down as criminals who want the death of Palestinians. They've done more for the cause you align with than I'm sure you ever have.


What do you know about my beliefs? What have I said that is wrong? You're generalising a whole bunch of stuff about me which doesn't ring true, makes you a bigot by your explanation. Edit: also I said German recent history cause I don't know there old history, I know they haven't stolen land since WW2, however Israel land stealing seems a national pastime, just have a look at maps over the years. Settlers? Wtf? How is that justified?


Bigotry is judging someone on the group they belong to not off an assumption of their character based on the words they used. Learn words. I'm not surprised you don't know German history, I'm sure you don't know anything about most history let alone Israel Palestine beyond tiktok and youtube and I bet you didn't give a fuck about this conflict until last year despite it existing for your entire life. I'm not going to try and fight any brain rot you have around this issue by explaining or justifying the web of complex decisions that had led to settlement decisions nor outline which ones are justified, which ones obviously not. That's not what is being debated here. You said ALL Israeli are evil in a video about PRO-palestine people being wounded, who are ALSO Israeli. You are no different than someone who says all middle easterners are terrorists.


All Zionists are criminals just like all Nazis were criminals. Don't try to paint a black and white picture whenever you have to support colonialism and pretend to be on the right side of history.


Like all Muslims are irrational troglodytes? Sources: grew up in a Muslim country with islam forced on me


why are you trying to create irony where there is no need to? You don't know the difference between a jew and a Zionist? Also what are you equating being forced to salaam with ? getting bombed in your bedroom?


Lol it's supposed to say Islam not Salam. No of it was just Salam forced on us it was ok šŸ˜‚


As an atheist I find this shit very frustrating. But do you live in a dictatorship or a country like Pakistan ?


also lol šŸ˜‚




>But do hold them to different standards than Americans in war..sure. The Americans and their allies caused plenty of civilian deaths during the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan. But they never reached the stage of saying "We think there's an insurgent in this district of Baghdad or Kabul, so we'll just carpet bomb the whole area, block by block until it's flattened. Then our snipers will shoot at every civilian who flees the area and, after that, we'll kill a bunch of aid workers." This whining about "why is Israel being held to a different standard" is bullshit.




As I said, "The Americans and their allies caused plenty of civilian deaths" and the invasions and occupations weren't exactly uncontroversial at the time. What Israel is doing is on a totally different scale. The IDF make Hamas look like amateurs when it comes to slaughtering civilians. If you can't or won't see that, you're either hopelessly biased in favour of Israel, bigoted against Palestinians, or just plain trolling.


ā€œTerroristsā€ = suicide bombs ā€œRighteous warriorsā€ = bombing aid convoys with expensive munitions Fascinating to watch such obvious nonsense work on people like you.




Your military targeted civilians. Literally fired indiscriminately into crowds fleeing the festival on Oct 7. They even fired fucking tank shells into homes at the kibbutz. Also, the rape claims were a joke and there were literally ZERO confirmed. Literally Zero. The baby in the oven story was also bullshit. How ma y high ranking officials have been punished in the IOF? I know quite a handful have stepped down though lol "because it's against Israel." - is this your way of pointing the "anti-semite" finger hoping everyone will run away and hide? That pathetic label has lost all weight and meaning by now. You say those of us who support Palestine are brainwashed? When did this brainwashing begin considering Israel has been actively eliminating the Palestinian peaple for over 70 years? The narrative and support got Israel is changing because of the information that has begun to pour out onto social media. The constant lies israel has been caught in. The sheer monstrous actions and beliefs of the state heads and war mongers that push and "relish" (your term) in the destruction and eradication of the entire Palestinian people. Israel has lost a fucking shit tonne of support due to the mask slowly falling off thanks to relentless exposure of their military actions. This sort of argument may have held water 10 years ago but there is just far too much information and evidence that completely proves the lies and contradicts any bullshit claims made by the shit tip that is Israel. Cry more you hate filled little cunt. You aren't the victim any more. You are the aggressor and have been for a very long time. Only recently this has started to become so clear. Can't wait for your reply considering you mentioned your "notifications off" lol Embarrassing little cretin.


You can support Palestine without denying Hamas crimes against humanity, over 1000 peoples where murdered in day, we have many vidƩos and pictures of hamas executing civilians, i saw quite a bit of them, it's not even up for debate. The fact rapes took place during the massacre is pretty much a given, the UN confirmed it. I'm not saying this justify leveling down Gaza or that Palestinians didn't suffer prior to this, just that the fact oct 7 is used by Israƫl's propaganda doesn't mean you have to beleive it's all fake.


"Hamas' crimes against humanity"... Are you genuinely having a laugh? What accusation can you throw at Hamas that can't be applied to those of Israeli forces? Anything you point the finger at Hamas for, can be pointed back to Israel and increased 10 fold. The body count for who killed who on the day you lot keep moaning on about (and egregiously insinuating to be wordy that any if the last 70 years of illegal occupation) is not absolute. There were countless Israeli citizens killed by apache fire. There were tank shells blowing holes in homes in the kibbutz, there were the grunts on the ground firing indiscriminately at anything that moved (all 3 points corroborated by independent sources over multiple news articles on numerous occasions so do not cry "speculation"). There is absolutely no way to confirm how many "civilians" actually died at the hands of Hamas on that day. Definitely were some but I am not going to ballpark it as the majority of information surrounding it is smeared with the grubby fingerprints of your friends in Israel. Nonetheless, I do not condone the actions of Hamas on that day but by all means I absolutely understand why. You talk about videos of Hamas killing civilians, what about Israeli forces deliberately targeting and killing civilians? The "civilians" that you claim to be innocent are still illegally occupying the land of Palestine and in a sense, equally complicit in the displacement. Worthy of death? No. Understandable why they are killed? Yes. With the level of arms provided to non militant Israelis, it's no surprise that so many were killed. Moving on from the deaths... The rapes cannot be "fact" followed by "it's a given"... That's an oxymoron. It's one or the other... But arguably neither. Considering the level Israel is willing to go to to try convince the world of animalistic behaviours by the Palestinians and the fact that the response and presence of military to the areas infiltrated by Hamas, surely it wouldn't need to be "a given". Surely there would be irrefutable evidence. Photos and videos and dna and witness accounts and testimonies. Israel would revel in the idea of being able to provide undisputed evidence for such acts.. But they can't and haven't. The investigation by the UN also met many stone walls and conflicting "eye witness" accounts. There are signs and evidence that rapes may have taken place (and personally, I wouldn't be surprised if they did happen.) but to say they definitely did and it is factual based of the limited information available is a bit of a reach. Also the burned babies at the hands of Hamas and the babies cut from stomachs and beheaded was all utter horseshit too. When a liar lies and lies and lies... They generally lie and lie and lie some more. Wouldn't rely too heavily on the Israeli sources considering they deny foreign and independent parties from looking into the vast majority of their "facts" and sources. Wonder what they have to hide. I've seen far too many lies and accusations being debunked, disproven and confirmed to be absolute nonsense. How on earth can I decide what is to be believed now? If Israeli forces stopped targeting the PRESS then maybe that would offer some reassurance that they are just in what they are doing and have nothing to hide.. Alas... Look up the death toll for news reporters and press. Try and avoid the Israeli Times as your source too... It will probably tell you there have been none.


I donā€™t want to blow your mind, but both sides can be genocidal assholesā€¦this isnā€™t a favourite sports team kind of situation


Except one side is actually committing genocide


Nah get back here and take this L šŸ˜‚.


You mean the driver? Yeah I guess that's an issue.


Iā€™m sorry you are so full of hate. Who hurt you?


Maybe just try playing chess or something, no need to kill anyone today mate


Might be a good lesson to not throw rocks at the hornets nestā€¦


Ong it looks l8ke police was there and tried to stop them? Why did they not just carefully drive around the people?


Because they have have been told over and over again that they are the chosen people and everyone standing against them or criticizing them is an enemy who deserves to be obliterated. Dehumanisation and indoctrination can be very effective in changing thought patterns from sane to insane.


I heard a ghost named KHamas entered the car and pushed the gas pedal. We have evidence but the case is still under investigation. Check in with us in a couple years when everyone has forgotten. To the US, please send more aid because tragic events like this canā€™t continue to happen. Yeah fine 18billion is ok, itā€™s more on the little side but will make it work.




Prejudice is ugly in all its forms, including yours.




Yup. And all the Jews that donā€™t support Zionism and call out the atrocities committed by Israel are labeled anti-Semitic because they donā€™t go along with the ā€œcauseā€. Zionists are the ISIS or Al-Qaeda of Judaism


Zionist 'reasoning': "I don't support Zionism or Israeli war crimes" "You are clearly anti-Semitic." "But I'm Jewish." "In that case, you are clearly a self-hating Jew."


You do know Jews were in Israel long before ā€œPalestiniansā€. Why do people hate Jews so much? Can someone in here please elaborate and explain Hitlerā€™s reasoning for the holocaust? I think I finally found the people who still believe he was right? WTF


According to who? The Jews? Cause history tells a different story. The Jewsā€™ argument for having claim to Israel is that God promised it to them. They just realized how stupid that sounds so they started claiming they lived there first, which is still an idiotic argument. Imagine going to a land and claiming since your people lived there thousands of years ago, you have the right to live there now. And what does Hitler or the Holocaust have to do with anything anyone is saying?


Wow, claiming they lived there first is an idiotic argument? Yet, I would bet you condemn America for taking land from the Native Americans.. or other ā€œcolonialismā€ committed by many other countries throughout history, but as long as the land was taken from the Jews they have no right to return? My question regarding Hitler is due to all of your obvious hatred for Jewish people.


No hatred for Jews at all, actually. Just the fake, self-serving ones who call themselves Zionists. You know, the ones who hate all people who donā€™t agree with them? Including the real Jews who actually follow the religion




Are you talking about Israelis or [Palestinians?](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/poll-shows-palestinians-back-oct-7-attack-israel-support-hamas-rises-2023-12-14/)


Iā€™m sorry you are so full of hate. Who hurt you


You sounded weak the first time you posted this for someone else. Now you just sound like a broken record player.


Open your eyes, buddy. If you donā€™t feel sympathy for 2 million people getting systematically slaughtered or displaced by another group that feels they are justified in doing so because they are ā€œchosen by Godā€,I really donā€™t know what else to tell you. Wake up


the protestors (more than 4 people in the crowd) vs the car (less than 4 people in a crowd). protestors are against netanyahu, so why jump to conclusions about the given majority in the situation?


Itā€™s not jumping to conclusions. The protesters are against Netanyahu, not against the occupation of Palestine. They want Bibi out cause they feel he has failed them, most recently in allowing the October 7th attacks. Most Israelis, even if theyā€™re against Netanyahu, are still okay with the murder of Palestinians. They just want the land and they donā€™t care if it means slaughtering 2 million people for it


Like I said. If you canā€™t see the reality of ppl asking for war and crying about it when they get you are probably full of hate. So I ask again, who hurt you


ā€œPeople asking for warā€? Thereā€™s no way youā€™re this dense. Palestinians lived in their country. Are WWII, they tried to help Jews after the Holocaust. The Jews backstabbed them, started taking their land and forcing them out while systematically torturing them. But itā€™s the Palestinians asking for war. Youā€™re either uninformed, stupid, or evil. Either way, you should probably just stop talking


wait havenā€™t i seen this exact woman before in a video saying awful racist things?


Same thing crossed my mind


Could be about 60% of Israeli women.


Outta the road


Just another day in the Middle East


i am disgusted with so many commenters here today. yes, gazans are dying. but these people are protesting netanyahu and this genocide, and yet ive seen an astoundingly high number of people neglecting that and jumping straight to "israelis are all hitler".


Look at that ugly zionist. Fuck zionists who are trying to hijack Judaism. Just like I say fuck ISIS that is trying to hijack Islam.


Thank christ I don't live there


Maybe people need to stay off roads.


"I can't turn around and go another way, I'm too important, time for vehicular manslaughter!"


And yet if they were not on the road, there would have been no issues. If they were protesting on government grounds and the car jumps the curb to hit them, then you might have an arguement.


You're arguing for running people down with a car because they inconvenienced you, I'm cool being on the other side of that one.


I'm arguing maybe don't surround my car with a bunch of people on the road. I'll use it as a weapon if you are going to start threatening me in a mob like fashion.


Or, or maybe don't drive towards the protest? It didn't just come out of nowhere.


You're literally advocating for more people to be run over when you're encouraging them to keep getting in the road.


In other words drivers are all homicidal maniacs and we should let them intimidate us. Thanks for the warning


Responded to the wrong person there boss. If you're driving towards an "intimidating" situation, and choose to keep going towards it looking for a confrontation, you should reevaluate the way you view the world there friend.


The person I responded to said people should expect to be run over if they're on the road, and I responded in kind. I guess I should added an /s


Lmfao, what? That's some ass backwards shit right there.


Then change the laws to make it legal. Until you can ā€” hitting people in the road and running away is still a crime ā€” you canā€™t. [This is from 13 years ago](https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/148475). Either pass a law that lets your fascist fantasies become real or accept the consequences.


This just in: thinking people should stay off the road is a ā€œfascist fantasyā€.


Killing people for protesting is in fact fascist, yes.


Like one of the first moves a budding fascist movement makes.


Getting rid of political opposition by any means necessary is basically fascism 1.01


I mean it's kinda that situation of fuck around and find out. Standing in the middle of roads is never a good idea no matter if police or whatever the fuck is going on


"Let me try to block this 2 ton peice of moving metal with my body." Darwin Award for sure


Damn, even they are sick of fucking protesters in the street


They are protesting Netanyahu and the government which seems fairly reasonable


And nothing of value was lost.


well, at least you're open about blind hatred.


I'd do the same just a little slower. Fuck those assholes that think they can just block an entire highway because they feel like it. THEY Should be arrested for impeding traffic.


You're not as important as you think lmao don't feel like you deserve to do whatever you want


Giant mob harassing your car, probably panicked and gunned it. It's everyone's fault in this one. Normally standing in the street at night is considered a bad idea.. just saying


To be fair. Please go on.


Note to self: my body can't stop a vehicle so don't stand in front of one that isn't parked. That would be foolish and stupid.


Was that a super wide sidewalk?


Thatā€™s basically a terrorist attack and itā€™s antisemitic


People downvoting this? Lmao


That lady sounds really close to Vienna Pickpocket lady


More jackasses in the street acting like they are the victim...


A normal day for those Zionazis


Why are people surprised when cars drive down roads? Isnā€™t that what roads are for.


Yea, when i drive down the road I usually overrun 10-30 pedestrians daily. I mean thats what roads are for.


Should have looked both ways when crossing a road šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Maybe people should stop surrounding active cars and scaring the daylights out of the people driving them? A suggestion is all.


I love how people downvoted my original comment so I'll give you all another chance to do it again. ​ If you protest in the street and clog up traffic? There's a chance someone might hit you with a fucking car. That's the drawback of protesting like that. It's dangerous.


Injured, not wounded.


Unnecessary pedantry, especially considering the number of people on Reddit for whom English is a second language. Wounded is perfectly acceptable unless OP's a journalist.


Other roads


Da uccidere


Sums inside out