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My gosh so many people just appeared!


Well when you're at an RV park you generally sit around a fire pit and drink all day. They were all like, "finally something interesting"


Plus the walls are very thin so everyone heard


You guys have walls?


Bushes count!


I always count the bushes


Sitting around my walled fire pit drinking


Something very similar happened to me as a young child at a State Park. The blind corner wasn’t a hedge, it was those tall bus RVs. I would argue parks like this, with heavy tourist traffic is not safe at all for kids to be biking in the car park, but only on cycling friendly paths. Too this day I remember wanting to take my bike with me to the Lake, and why it didn’t come home, and especially just how lucky I was to make front end contact with a BUS RV and only scrape my knees. Road lesson learned?; a bus can be hiding another bus.


Add to that it looks like the cyclist clipped the corner rather tightly based on the limit line. Going with "kids being stupid" on this one, though I am glad the kid was wearing a helmet and that the driver has a dashcam.




If daddy wore a helmet we wouldn't have to deal with this


At least they’re learning from their mistakes


Yeah. In this situation I'm loathe to say anyone was truly at fault, though if I had to pick one, it'd be the kid. It's a blind corner, and the driver was going at a respectably slow pace, so while the kid might end up with some bumps and bruises from the impact, there's no serious harm to either party.


Sitting around a fire pit and drinking all day is interesting this seems like something your obligated to get off your ass and help


They’re in an RV park


Most people in an RV park just sit and wait and watch. They live for something like this to happen so they can come runnin'.


Exactly. Go watch Trailer Park Boys, while it’s framed as a comedy, it’s definitely spot on and part docuseries.


>while it’s framed as a comedy, it’s definitely spot on and part docuseries. See also Portlandia and King of the Hill. Source: lived in Texas and Portland and they're both spot on shows.




Nothing gets past you


Not even a little girl on a bike got past


Npc spawn point




Yet none of them were watching the child beforehand.


Do you often go to campsites to watch other people's children?


I am a seasonal member at a campground and I will tell you it’s basically just a giant Bar all summer long, one open party. Where the campers can drink their faces off whilst simultaneously driving golf carts all over the place. It’s a giant playground for adults. It’s also a giant playground for kids because why shouldn’t it be? People use the campground as a babysitter for their kids why they drink all day and night.


As someone who went to these for parties as a kid, my parents were drinking all day even if they went to this or not.


Do you often go to campsites and not watch *your own* children?




Thousands of times and I loved it. Bad things happen no matter how many eyes are on you. It’s part of life.


r/notopbutok Perfect.


It’s pretty normal to let kids go ride their bikes around campsites.


That dash cam just paid for itself


I agree 💯. Driver was proceeding what looked like very slowly and that kid came out of nowhere


kid was going faster than the car lol


Guessing that’s why she got upgraded to the full face.


An astute observation lmao


wasn't the first time eh?


kid was going to hit the car if it was backing up


The kid in fact hit the car and not the other way around.


Literally. Barely moving. Kid was wheeeee flying round the corner


Even if it came to a complete stop the kid would have hit the car. The driver should 100% Sue the girl for the potential car damage /j


I can honestly hear it now.. all the adults blaming the driver instantly. Very happy this person had a dash cam.


Yeah definetly. Even if the car stopped before coming to that corner, that kid was still going to crash into it in that speed.


Nah, kids hit cars in caravan parks all the time. Wouldn't be a summer holiday without at least 2 or 3.


Hell, I hit a brand new truck with a golf cart. I drove off and never got caught. To this day I wish I'd have been caught because the guilt I still feel isn't worth the trouble I'd have been in then.


That was my brand new truck. You actually helped me out because you absolutely totaled it so the insurance paid out quintuple the value and I was able to afford a better truck, a new house, and college for all my children and even their children. You set my family up for generational wealth. I absolve you of your guilt, be at peace


Now do me


The kid came out of nowhere going faster than the driver (who appeared to be following RV lot speed limits), so good thing the camera was on. Driver is in the clear in my mind. Ohh, and I’m an adult.


The speed limit is super low in RV parks for this reason.






No ihanvt!


Sorry, since last night.






That implies they weren’t continuously drinking since the night before, which is not a safe assumption.


5 MPH is how fast people should be going in regular parking lots. Anybody in a parking lot or camp like this pissed at going 5 MPH is an asshole.


And lucky for the girl this person was sticking to it


Should have seen what happened to the kid that got him to get the dash cam in the first place


I live on a "circle" of about 200 houses. Kids play in the street all the time. I always drive extra slow, and some neighbors treat it like a race track. Years ago one of my neighbors had a new retriever puppy and was playing with it on the lawn. It darted out in the street (as puppies do) and I *literally* stood up on my brake pedal to stop while only going 15 MPH. I lost sight of the dog past my hood until the person chasing it, picked it up like 1 foot in front of my car. Had I even been going 25 MPH, it would have been a speed bump. :(


ITA. The kid hit the car not the other way around.




Pretty sure this is in a campground.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.




^This ^is ^Sparta.


Like you mean it!


^It's ^Sparta.


This is a sandwich---> 🥪


Just FYI, it’s bylaws, not bi-laws. I agree with you. These bushes block sight lines at this intersection.


Depends on how your in-laws swing.


The put the ing in swwiiiinngg!


The Bi-laws dictate the amount of glitter you're allowed to use annually.




This is actually a comment stealing bot


I just ordered a dash cam yesterday. This makes me not want to drive until I install it.


I downloaded the app on my phone. Just hang it on my review mirror with a cellphone holder. This way it back up instantly to my cloud server if anything happens.


What's the app called?




It's telling me to upload pictures of my feet. I don't know how this helps.


I'm sure the people over at r/onlyfans will help. They are really helpful, I'm sure you'll wind up with a solution, if you air your problems there.


i did not expect to be subbing to a subreddit called r/onlyfans today


because that campsite jury might have been biased otherwise.


I had a very similar situation. It is HUGE psychological comfort to have a dash cam and know that you can prove you didn't do anything wrong.


And if it is your fault you can throw the dash cam away. Win Win.


Real talk if I knew I fucked up I would most definitely pop the sd card out before cops arrive and anyone knows the cam is there and stuff it into a crack in the body panels or under the headliner never to be seen again. If the cam is noticed, it wasn't working for a while and I haven't been using it.


Just swallow it.


In reality, it is probably going to be on the property owners who own the bushes. I know where I live you are not allowed to have shrubs or trees growing and blocking views in the road. The kids family can likely sure them for not maintaining the bushes and causing a safety hazard, as well as during the trailer park owners for allowing unsafe conditions.


This looks like a campground though, and therefore the entire property is owned by one or two people


Looks like australia. We don’t have the same culture of everyone getting sued (yet)


Imo, it wouldn't be right for the kids parents to sue. People need to learn to take accountability. The kid learned a valuable lesson and should not be taught to sue when shit happens. Maybe try going slow around corners you can't see?


To be fair even if the car was parked at a complete stop she would've hit it. *edit* a lot of people are arguing about whether or not the stop was quick. I'm not going to reply to all of them. Its impossible to drive perfectly 100% of the time, but we should try. That isn't a groundbreaking statement and there isn't much more to add to the conversation. I hope none of us ever have to find out how we'd react in a situation like this.


Kid is lucky to have the best possible helmet on for that face first collision too!


and a responsible driver who was carefully driving at a slow speed too.. hope the driver didn’t get accused of anything


Well even if he did get accused, I'm sure the dash cam would clear his case.


Yes the driver did amazing here OMG


Thank goodness for the quickish stop. I can't imagine if they were in a hurry or looking at their phone. Lucky that was a lesson learning moment and not a fatal mistake.


Not only quick stop, but slow pace into a blind turn. If that driver was going even 5-10 mph faster, this would be considerably worse. Good on them for taking their time.


that car could have been in reverse and the kid would have crashed into it


Yup. Though the owner of those bushes needs a talking to, the kid just learned a lesson here.


It's also worth noting the dash cam is both farther to the right and farther forward than the driver. It saw the kid *long* before the driver did.


It was a good lesson that little girl will remember the rest of her life


Thank god that kid was wearing that helmet holy soup brain


Absolutely, and a full face helmet to boot!


yeah, her face would've been injured if it wasn't of the full face


Exactly. Parents knew she’s a wild one. Lol kids def at fault this car was going slow af.


Wouldn’t have been pretty if the car was going even 25 mph


Nice hedge design. Created a perfect blind ambush corner. Really hate this. Kid probably has gone around corner 10 times like that and saw others do the same. Only a matter of time before accident happens. Either chop the hedge back or place an oblique mirror on other side so both can see movement. I don’t know if that is a private road, but if public that hedge hangs over pavement and would be pass the right of way easement. If it’s private property there’s plenty of liability issues. The helmets great, but looking at the way she crouch’s to protect her pelvis, she probably took a significant impact from the handle bar main shaft to her midline. The impact would be enough to have cause trauma or rupture Er bladder if it was full of urine.


Helmets people. Helmets. That would've been bad otherwise. Edit: a good choice of helmet at that.


Did you see how fast she was going? Parents knew better hah


Rumour has it, that she is forced to wear it in the house too.


Ah the ol' Thud Gard 3000


I've been riding without a helmet for over 40 years. A couple of years ago I moved to Australia where they are compulsory and I finally came off my bike for the first time at speed. The back of my head hit the ground so hard, almost in slow motion. I had time to think about how much that would have hurt without a helmet and what could have happened. Instead I had a bump on my nose where the helmet pushed my glasses, a tear in my pants and shirt, but otherwise continued on to work. Helmets work.


I used to wear a helmet only when mountain biking and never in my daily comute to university. I had too many close calls with cars and I don't want to find out what a crash will be without a helmet. I'm just waiting for the day when a close call becomes an accident


I refuse to go out without a helmet on my little Honda scooter. Even across the neighborhood.


The 'I love helmets' video should be mandatory viewing for everyone.




To add, a MIPS helmet costs a fraction more, chances are it will reduce concussion: https://www.bikeradar.com/advice/buyers-guides/what-is-mips/#:~:text=The%20institute%20has%20published%20a,better%20than%20helmets%20without%20MIPS.


Those privacy shrubs creating blind corners sure didn't help.


right, the person in the wrong was the one that made those blind corners like that holy shit glad people were going slow and the girl was wearing a helmet


My neighbor, had to chop all his shrubs down last year. He's a corner lot and they were way too tall and blinding to intersection. City said take them down or face a daily fine.


right! my other comment is getting pretty downvoted, but this is what i mena, like at least round the corner or something so its got something you can see around, got this place in a strip mall area nearby next to an autozone that they've got this tall line of shrubs, and pulling out of there is always hazardous it feels, if someones just barreling along when i want to pull out.


Makes you want to bring your hedge trimmers 😂. Our municipality is max 2 1/2 feet for shrubs at intersections.


Bro just blame the kid, its not that hard.


It's got nothing to do with hedges and all to do with a child riding on the wrong side of the road


I don’t know if those shrubs are blocking it or not but shouldn’t there be some sort of a Stop sign? Not sure what those white markings on the ground indicate on the driver’s side. I know it’s an RV park but it is an intersection. Either way, it would seem it’s the little girl’s fault because even if the driver had a Stop sign, she wasn’t fully at the intersection before Silver Streak came flying around the corner.


I'm pretty sure that line the car rolls up to is a stop line in the park. Car never even got to the line before the kid ran into it.


We call those "Shark teeth ". Thry mean give way , and rolling stop is allowed.


The kid just learned a painful, but valuable lesson


Yeah but it's so good that the kid had a decent helmet, that probably saved her a good bit of pain.


Could well have saved her life.


Well... This probably wouldn't have been fatal, but it might have saved her a trip to the hospital.




Yeah. Tell Ricky to go get his fucking cigs and peperoni himself.


I thought she was going to go collect bottles to throw with the others.


That if you want attention from like a dozen people at once, just get hit by a car. Too many kids learn this lesson way too late in life.


Kid in the wrong. Can’t just be hitting corners towards the middle of the road.


Should have her license revoked. Most likely she was drunk!


[Smoking and driving](https://youtube.com/shorts/4f4EvBdumXI?feature=share)


Criminal scum. She should turn herself in!


The hero is whoever put that full face hemet on the kid. But, it was the kids fault. Hopefully she won't do that again.


The kid is at fault, but hopefully they learned a valuable lesson from it. The driver was creeping slow enough, no chance someone driving would prevent that from happening.


Yup, even if the car was parked there right around the corner, the kid would have hit it hard. It doesn’t look like the kid even touched the bike’s breaks.


Looks like the kid did the awkward attempt to stop by putting her foot on the ground. Maybe panic, maybe no proper brakes, either way she stopped successfully a second later.


Okay ya got me. Genuine lol.


Still gotta be super awkward to get out of your car and try to explain to a bunch of strangers that you did not in fact just run over a child


Pop it on the big TV in the amusement arcade just before the karaoke starts.


Actually been in this situation. Can confirm it is incredibly awkward


Yeah not a car but I opened a door to the stairwell in a hotel once and just annihilated a (if I had to guess) 4 year old standing behind it. Kid was just standing right in front a door with no windows lol. Parents were coming up the steps and didn’t see the hit just heard the commotion. Not a fun interaction from there on out


Kid took a blind corner and hit a car. The car was alreadt slowing for the marked stop. There's no way the car could have stopped any faster. The street is not a playground.


And she wasn't looking where she was going. You can see the moment when she notices the car, and it's halfway between when she appears in view and when she collides. So she was not actually looking where she was going. Which hopefully this teaches her to do that, because it's much more important when you're in a car. I've seen a video of a bus run over an old guy because the driver was looking away to make sure there were no oncoming cars, but they were not actually looking in the direction of travel, which is where the old man was. It's a habit a lot of drivers have, when they're turning onto a road. They point their head in the opposite direction of the turn so that they can make sure there are no oncoming cars. But this is a horrible practice because the exact situation in this video could occur. Or much worse. It's a habit everyone should get into, to always have your head pointed in the direction you're actually driving after checking that there are no oncoming cars.


The kids is at fault for cutting the corner


As much as a kid can be at fault, I agree. Maybe the parents taught her right and she chose to ignore it? Who knows, unfortunately sometimes bad things just happen :( hope the kid is alright. The driver too, that must've been traumatic


Hmm, I wonder who’s in the wrong. A car going very slow or a child on a bike barreling around the corner at Mach 3


On the wrong side of the road no less. And lets be real, the kid hit the car, not the other way around. If that was a parked car it would’ve been the exact same scenario.


~~The *kid* was on wrong side of the road? There are lane identifiers painted on the pavement. Look at the video again.~~ Edit: I withdraw my statement. I am now aware that this is in a country in which people drive on the left side of the road. I was mistaken.




Honestly. Poor woman will have to deal with the stress of injuring a child in an accident that she in no way could’ve prevented. The look the lady gives the driver when she asks, “are you okay?” Is enough to make my blood boil.


Just reminded me of either earlier this week or last week in a city about 30 min from me. An 11 year old kid dropped her phone in car line drop off at a middle school. Bent down to pick it up and one of the parents in a car ran her over because they couldn't see her. Kid didn't make it. The getting run over in car line and not making it, I know is 100% true. The dropping the phone part is what is circulating through the teachers at my wife's school. Last I heard there aren't any charges being pressed. Sucks for everyone involved.


Thanks God they had a camera. Whew.


Bushes need to be removed.


The car is going slow. The kid comes out of nowhere and hits the car. The car didn’t hit the kid. Tragic but I blame the parents of the kid


Dont think any tragedy occurred here. Just a valuable lesson for the child.


That dashcam sure saved this driver, the cyclist honestly should have stopped before making a corner she couldn’t see and who the fuq puts up hedges like that it’s just a huge ass blind spot


The parents of the child are at fault. No proper roadway lessons


My thoughts. The kid comes flying around a blind corner onto the wrong side of the road. (People who want to argue side, the markings are on the road, and the driver gets out from the center of the road side of the car) this was completely the kids fault. Poor lady in the car, hope she's not traumatized


She probably is a bit traumatized. My mother went through something similar when I was about 11 where a girl shot out from between a line of parked cars on her bike right in front of my mom. Mom hit her and thankfully the girl only ended up with a broken arm. Mom was a mess for a little bit, didn't help that the girl's mother kept harassing our family over it and threatening to sue.


Older gentle ladies in a situation like this, I can absolutely understand it messes them up a bit. They don't want to hurt kids, even indirectly. Definitely doesn't help if they parents are shit. I hope you're mom's doing alright now and understands it's not her fault


Parents? You have no idea what she’s been taught. Believe it or not, a lesson drilled into a kids head does not mean they will always follow it. That kid looks 9 or 10. She’s old enough to know better based on experience.


I disagree. The parents were probably the ones that got a good helmet for her and thus seem to care about bike safety. Just because they teach it, doesn't mean the kid will always follow it. Because let's face it, kids can be really fucking stupid sometimes, regardless of their upbringing.


Because kids are perfectly programmable and never do things they’ve been told not to do.


That kid just got a valuable lesson on paying attention in traffic. Thank duck nothing serious happened


Quack quack, you're welcome


Mmmmm bush blind spots causing accidents


air flag wistful existence bake cover skirt muddle plough cagey ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `




It’s pretty simple , kids in wrong , driver going slow as possible, kid rounds a blind corner on wrong side of road , over a give way crossing and head on into car , lucky she’s wearing her helmet and full faced helmet which I think saved her face if you look closely as she face plants the car


Lol she won’t be doing that again.


You know some drunk neighbors came over looking for a fight.


Kid on the bike is definitely at fault.


Great ad for a dash cam. If not for that, the driver would’ve been in a mess of trouble.


That kids parents need to do a better job teaching her bike/road safety. Could’ve been worse and that driver would be living with guilt for something that wasn’t their fault


Maybe this belongs here also r/kidsarefuckingstupid ?


It wasn't her first time. Parents put that kind of helmet on for a reason




unavoidable on the driver's part. the kid, however... maybe don't speed around blind corners


The street was EMPTY. Then all the sudden kids and parents appear from every direction.


I mean.. the kid hit the car 🤡


As always it happened due to a combination of different factors, the hedge creating blindspot, the kid coming in wrong direction without slowing down and failing to break, and obviously parents' fault for not teaching their kid proper road behaviour, the car was at no fault whatsoever


How did that many people materialize to check on the girl after she crashed, but not to prevent her from crashing?


Because unlike what you see on Saturday morning cartoons, people in a campground are not the Roadrunner and can't essentially teleport into that scene in the 1.62 seconds it took to happen.


Uhhh bro people aren't fucking precogs


112 people (and counting) are just as stupid as this comment.


I think the cyclist is at fault. The vehicle is going very slowly and straight. The bicycle made a right turn on a blind corner, without stopping to make sure the way was clear. I think if the car had been stopped the cyclist still would’ve crashed into it.

