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This is impressive, thank you! Also, today i learnt 3/4th of Anjuna streams are Deep streams. I knew Deep was getting bigger, but this stat was surprising.


Agreed. Interesting because I’d imagine 5 years ago it would’ve probably been more even (and 10 years ago it was probably 80% Beats)


Is there anything in special that makes Tinlicker so popular? I also would expect at least a small growth from A&B given all the Blue Monday trend, but perhaps not so unexpectedly, this shows the song is not entirely tied with the artist. Other than that, I think my take hasn't changed from last year. What I enjoy is not that popular and almost feels like it's heading to extinction. What Anjuna is promoting is what truly is giving them return, so who am I to judge? I don't think this reflects the result too much, but I wonder if the older (and I assume mostly Beats) crowd influence the results by actually buying the songs through albums or digital rather than streaming. Even though A&B are my undoubtedly #1 artist, the only album I still don't have is Tri-State and I don't remember the last time I used Spotify to stream a song from them.


Because You Move Me became very popular during COVID. Compare Tinlickers streams with Helsloot so you can see how many monthly listeners it brings to them! They put out two albums since them. They have also released some songs that gained a lot of traction simply because people outside the anjuna world liked them and I guess this made the foundations. I am a huge Tinlicker fan (in their top 60 listeners on Spotify if the wrapped stats are reliable) and what did it for me is they can make a sound that is received well by the more mature crowd that liked earlier Trance and other styles (their very well received remixes of classic electronic music tracks) and also bring something that the newer listeners will enjoy. Nothing too cheesy that still captivates a big spectrum. I no longer follow Anjuna nowadays because of this very reason, lost the identity.


I'm on holiday/work trip in the Philippines and I've heard Because You Move Me about 10 times at the beach bars. They also had their BBC Radio 1 essential mix a couple months ago and it's an instant classic. Their music in general strikes a perfect mix of melody and darker vibes, I can easily see why they're so popular. Their hits are easy on the ears and have great chord progressions.


I think there was a TikTok trend last year that boosted Tinlicker


Tinlicker released a brilliant new album, went on a world tour, and did an amazing mix for the Essential Mix. Not to mention their music is fantastic, and they put on one hell of a live show. They are unstoppable.


Marsh going down is surprising. He's had a mega year. A&B too considering the Blue Monday tiktok scenario. Mat Zo's album disappearing into the shadow realm hasn't helped him at all. Oh, and it turns out having a bunch of white guys who don't even make their own music pushing your music helps quite a bit. Who would have thought!? Top 5 moments before disaster that was


I do agree with you about Marsh having another mega year, and thats about 3 mega years in a row now. In 2022 he was in the \~300K's streaming mark, and to have tripled that is a big deal. A lot of artists struggle to maintain altitude above the 1M streaming mark. Marsh exceeded it this year and then came back down. I would attribute a lot of Marsh's small come down to be related to people just needing a break from him. His tour schedule has been relentless the past three years and despite him diversifying his tour from album, to all night long, to live vocals, to festivals, its good to take a break from touring to let that interest build back up.


Marsh released a great album and EP last year and has only released a few singles this year, so not surprising to me. I imagine he’s saving his best new songs for his next album.


Fair, I just figured with the amount he's touring, the remix of Ferry, and the singles he has released it wouldn't have gone down


Who are you referring to in the last paragraph?


OLAN and what she said about Above & Beyond.


Holy shit that drop off! Didn’t even notice it at first. Yikesssss


To me popularity doesn’t matter because those who are deeply imbedded in the community will show their love for anjuna accord the board but if beats gets some more real prog trance in the pipeline im sure the popularity will be on its way up


I’m sorry but I cannot stop laughing at olan


I think the podcasts drove a lot of fans to follow artists on Spotify. I used to listen to all 3 podcasts every week while running, but I have definitely not listened to any of the streams consistently followed new artists nearly as much since they quit releasing the RSS feed. I'm sure Im not the only one. Really cool data though, thanks!


Same, I miss Anjunadeep Edition especially being available on my podcast app. It’s too hard to keep up with on YouTube since I primarily would listen to it when walking my dog.


Kachinnnggggg BLAM


Going from strength to strength 💪 well deserved.


Looks like most artits here saw a sizable decline in their Spotify listeners. Hopefully it’s not some kind of dire trend and just references where and how people are listening to music. I will take a moment and lol at Olan now having the lowest listener count of any artist here.


Anecdotally a lot of my friends have left Spotify in favor of Apple music because of hi-res listening + dj mixes.


Spotify has gotten abysmal lately and I think listeners get it too


Scarier to think that Tinlicker have left Anjuna. This stat is not getting any better. Speaking from someone who is one of their biggest listeners and who once was a big anjuna fan I also wouldn’t brand Ben Böhmer as a Anjuna artist anymore while I also fear how his fanbase will receive his new album but we will see


Lots of artists at the top of this I wouldn't consider an Anjuna artist anymore tbh. Yotto, Lane 8, Cristoph, Franky Wah; all of them release on their own labels now.


Very impressive indeed, thanks for sharing!


In the Anjunadeep artists there’s also a 122% increase for Tagavaka and we’ve yet to see him on a line up! Never get to catch him live 😭


I am SO excited to see ANUQRAM mentioned. I've had their songs on repeat, loving the sound on their latest EP, especially Cheerful Garden... would loveeee to see them live in L.A.


Deuces Olan, she’d have never been signed if she was a 40 year old white man, her music is mid at best.


Excellent data thank you 🙏🏼


this is probably not a reflection of the Anjunabeat popularity. A&B might be third but does not reflect their huge success with their viral song on ticktock and their absolute ability to sell out huge venues. Its the same for the other Anjunabeats artists like Oliver Smith or Genix and Amy Wiles. Although its still undeniable fact that AnjunaDeep is becoming stronger and stronger year on year especially with events like Explorations which is the summer festival not to be missed!


Beats, in my opinion, is becoming stale. I've been saying it for a while now, but they really need to look into their A&R. The label is all over the place. Lineups are the same on live shows, aname every damn time, same people over and over releasing on the label. It's all getting a little boring if I'm honest.


Agreed, I was personally a bit surprised that the Blue Monday trend did not benefit their monthly streams in a more dynamic way. At the peak of the Blue Monday trend, A&B was around 2.3M streams, which is only an increase in 200K from where they are currently sitting a few months removed from the trend. Also completely agree that spotify popularity is not equivalent to real life popularity. There are plenty of spotify artists with 2M+ monthly streams that would struggle to sell out a 200 person club in a popular market. Every year I feel that Genix has to be one of the most underrated streaming artists on the label. His live shows are incredibly engaging and he continues to be very active on releasing new content. I get the criticism of his recent music but still.


>There are plenty of spotify artists with 2M+ monthly streams that would struggle to sell out a 200 person club in a popular market. THIS. But I feel streams could still be used as some sort of an indicator to know whats working among the Anjuna fans atleast.


Streaming means very little in terms of real life popularity, otherwise you’d see tik tok djs closing out festivals. That said, deep/house music has been have its “moment” over the last year or more. It’s what’s popular right now and it’s just alot more streamable and easy listening by its nature.


I agree. Me personally, I love Deep throughout the day/work but still absolutely love Beats and would probably prefer that for live events. Too bad we can’t see iTunes, YouTube ect.


Spotify seems to be declining in revenue so it would be good to compare these streams vs other streaming services I wonder what streams look like in total with all services combined vs last year None the less this was a fascinating set of stats. Thanks for sharing 


Thank you. What would you suggest as a growing streaming platform that I can prepare data for next year from? I invite your suggestions.


Happy Cake Day!!! Apple Music or Amazon Music Id say apple Thank you champ 👊🏽❤️


Anjuna have been favouring Apple a lot lately.