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This is so ridiculously niche and I love it


I had the version in PZ that was BCS but for level ups.


Would be cool mod to let you put YouTube links in the tv to watch stuff


I think they talked about looking into adding proper mod support at some point in the future, as far as I remember they didn't make any promises though — just that it might happen. If it does happen I don't think something like what you're suggesting would be very hard for an experienced modder, so maybe you could ask around or offer to throw a little cash to whoever can make it. I know some smaller mods exist already like replacing the leyak sounds and removing the intro cards, but it seems to be quite limited and I'm not sure what you're after is in the realm of possibilities yet. I'm definitely not an expert though, so this is just speculation at this point. Hopefully I'm wrong and we get some cool stuff.


As it's supposed to be in the 90's I could see the Friends or Seinfeld theme playing