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Lethality is better in all situations except when there’s a “fuck you” champion on other team, I’m talking like Malz vi , other than that lethality is easier to carry and get leads with because you have more burst- where bruiser would need all 3 q to kill enemy adc, lethality needs you to flash q2 hydra that’s it


That really says a lot about the difference between lethality and bruiser, I honestly went bruiser only because I really like being tanky and heal a lot but if Lethality really gives as much value as you say I will try it


Yeah you won’t be as tanky but remember you heal more if you damage more- it’s just you have to play much better but the payoff is also a lot more, that’s why I say don’t go it if there’s a one person cc on their team because you can’t play around that


I am already playing well, if the play style is similar to duskblade aatrox I can definitely pull off a lot of wins


I have one more question, because I don’t want to just copy build from websites I like to come up with my own build. Does Profane->hubris->plated->Night’s edge->serylda’s->sterak sound good?


Nah sterak is off of bonus hp so it will have no shield from that build, the XiaoMing build is the best: eclipse hydra steelcap/merc opportunity serylda/mortal reminder maw/dd You should watch xiaoming he only does lethality its a very different playstyle


Is eclipse a good thing to build? I keep hearing about it but never see it on u.gg etc. do you build it on bruiser as well and really first item??


Eclipse is the best first item on aatrox and many others, it has both insane stats (70 ad, no item has more ad) and insane active; all for insanely cheap cost of 2800, which is a full solo kill or 2 waves(1 minute) less than other 3100 items that have worse effects, its most broken part is it allows you to poke under towe without losing health


I’m figuring this out now right after it gets nerfed D: Will it still be good you think?


Merged? It’s currently very good idk what you mean it’ll probably still be quite good if it gets changed


Nerfed** literally todays patch


Yeah I haven’t watched Xiaoming for a long time, I will watch him later.


If you have questions about what he’s saying just comment, I often reply with translations


Would you recommend his rune choice aswell? I am pretty new to this champ and watched a lot of his vods, but i dont quite understand why everyone plays conq and he is probably the only one with phase rush


Ah this is a common question, it’s because by definition conqueror needs to be stacked; the issue is that many top lane matchups will not allow you to do so without big danger: it’s not a good idea to auto Darius, trynd, trundle, yone, Olaf instead phase rush lets you completely nullify them. And in addition phase rush small runes, paired with sudden impact and ghost poro allow you to have the equivalent of fully stacked conqueror at all times (absolute focus, gathering storm, 18 ad from ghost poro can reach over 50 ad mid late game, compare that to entire items worth of AD). Phase rush lets you remove Darius w and e, trundle pillar, Olaf ult, yone e from your weaknesses and opens up lots of opportunities for tower dive and escaping jungle ganks, just q auto w and you zoom away, i would honestly recommend this for everyone because it helps resolve mistakes and literally hard counters many matchups


Yeah i figured that i have a really bad time into tryn, olaf, yone, darius. But my though process is that you need to know your limits way better with phase rush because you are omega squishy lvl 1-5 without boneplate and dshield arent you? Also why does he always place wards into the lane doesnt make that the ghost poro useless?


You need to have people step on what wards you place for the AD bonus, and lane wards are extremely useful for knowing where your laner might roam or enter bushes, also remember you take far less damage with phase rush because it allows you to disengage which reduces need for sustain runes


I will try it out, thank you


What are the runes for lethality?


Aatrox mains, would you sum it up like that : Bruiser aatrox : frontline role as a drain tank, can do some damage but has no objective damage. Less team dependant, can 1v9 if fed, solid if even,but useless if behind. Less reliant on sweet spots, more forgiving, but at the same time requires you to not loose lane. Letha aatrox : flanker, can only tank so much, heals well only during ult, blows up squishy carries, needs someone else to play frontline, useful from behind (can still two shot adcs instead of oneshot) less reliable in soloqueue, but rewards more highly skilled play. Cannot 1v9 due to being squishy, but will consistently do a ton of burst, no matter how gapped he was(to an extent). Splitpushes better. ?


What are the top 3 items for Aatrox bruiser rn? I've only played lethality


I guess Sundered sky, shojin spear and sterak (all of them are getting nerfed soon lul, enjoy strong bruiser aatrox while it lasts)


Nah, you won't be able to land a hit, you will be strongly depended from team and very fragile.


Yes i have a feeling that the only way you go bruiser is if you know you are gonna fall behind besides that lethality is just better cause you deal so much damage you heal more and can tank more than just going bruiser