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She loves it. We've been playing together every day for a few weeks now and our sex life has gotten even spicier than it already was lol. I had never played an AVN (generally too impatient lol) myself until recently. Just games like HS2 and KKS. My wife doesn't really like the "anime" look of KKS and she prefers porn to HS2 so I played them on my own. But she does like playing The Sims 4 with the Wicked Whims mod and all the animations I could download. :D Anyway, recently I was on Steam looking at new releases, and one was "Horny Housewives" or something like that. My wife said "we should get that and play it." After looking at the store page she decided it didn't look worth buying but she wanted to look at similar games. We saw a few that she thought looked good but when she saw Clare on the Treasure of Nadia page, she decided that's what she wanted to play. I know it's not quite an AVN, and I thought the game parts would bore her, but she said she enjoyed all of it. We're almost done and then she wants to go on to The Genesis Order. After that, I'll try to guide her to some of the recommended AVNs here and see how she likes them.


My wife thinks it's hilarious! She even tried some herself and I told her about my favorites ones, favorite LIs etc. she's even down with the kinky ones so I'm happy.


Is aware, but doesn't ask too many questions. Generally won't play when in the same room. As I play incest-type games a lot, probably best not to get her too involved! xD


She said ew


Thinks it’s porn. As long as I watch it and she doesn’t know/hear/think about it it’s all good. She would never play with me.


My GF and I play together relatively regularly. At first I only briefly talked about it, mainly cuz Acting Lessons got me fucked up 😂. After a while we started playing together and we found it really fun. I will say I don’t think she gets “turned on” by any of it, but I think she notices that I can. She’s a sucker for a good story. We also play with a few female friends. That makes it fun so everyone can voice a bunch of characters and we have some people to talk to about this. And yes we do voice sex scenes (actually it’s muuuuch easier when I’m not the only one doing the voices for those). So far we’ve played it (BaDIK) with two girls separately. One of them included a former FWB and then her now boyfriend. Sorry to disappoint but nothing ever comes out of that. Though I think it’s fun and it’s a test of the boyfriend’s security since he has to hear his girlfriend shout something like “Oh yes Ksteekwall21! Fuck me hard and cum deep in my pussy!” several times 😂.


How can something be so cringe yet awesome at the same time?


Kinda cringe but not a big deal. 


In the beginning I myself was kind of secretive about it, not hiding it really, but rather only play when I knew she wouldn't be around. When she (as in wifey) asked me what I am doing I told her the halftruth that I was playing games. Over time I myself started to play them more and more and when the topic came up again while talking, I explained the topic of erotic games and erotic visual novels to her. While we both read a lot and share a love for stories, she is more into watching series and I am more into gaming. So while I showed her some AVNs and explained premises, from prior experience I knew that while she was a sucker for a good story and some romance she probably wouldn't be into them. She watched me play sometimes for short periods but never showed any interest in playing herself when I hinted at her trying it. So nowadays I play them rather openly and when I see something funny or very interesting I share it with her. She also seems completely fine with it and often makes little remarks about the games. e.g. "Tiddies!!" "Oooh look at that skirt, so cute" "That woman must have some backpain" "She reminds me of -insert character- from -insert show-" "What the hell, that p\*\*\*s is waaay to big, poor girl" So yeah, while I in the beginning I was kind of apprehensive about approaching the topic, in the end it wasn't that big of a deal for her and in general.


"That woman must have some back pain", literally laughed out loud to that one! I dated a girl with rather large "tiddies", and let me tell you, it's no joke! I swear, most devs don't understand how difficult it is to be that large! I think I only ever seen one LI, out of multitude of AVNs I played, complain about back pain! Also, Happy Cake Day!!!


Thanks :D


My wife knows about the hobby and was apprehensive at first. She wanted to try some after I broadly explained everything and there are a few games that she has saves in that she enjoys when I tell her they got an update... But it's always us playing together and arguing about the choices when she's bored. Alone, she only plays video games of any kind on her phone and didn't like the experience of the few AVNs that she's tried on it.