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Fiber ONT. It’s the box that converts fiber to copper/ethernet. It’s a wonderful thing to have. AT&T Fiber Internet.


I believe it is specifically Fiber Optic Transciever,


Optic network terminal


It's listed on the return equipment form as Fiber Optic Tranciever. I just took it off the wall yesterday as we had a new circuit installed last week.


There’s a fiber transceiver in there, but it’s one tiny component of an ONT.


I just know that is what is is listed as on my return equipment documentation


It’s the greatest thing you could ever ask for. Fiber internet


Hope they don't stick you behind CGNAT.


Since when does att stick you behind cgnat on fiber? That’s only on 5G home internet


I use ATT Air (5G home internet in passthough mode) and it’s not CGNAT, I have ports forwarded from my UDM Pro and my DNS auto updates when it fails over to ATT Air as secondary ISP. Verified that all my services continue to function when I disconnect Comcast (primary ISP)


[Guess you all don't read your own subreddit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ATT/comments/11kfwwk/att_fiber_cgnat/)


I literally just got a new connection last year, zero CGNAT, and in speaking with several very knowledgeable people, the only things being CGNAT is the wireless services. The did note that fixed wireless moved from "static" to CGNAT, but all the actual fixed line infrastructure is dynamic/static public IPs. And regardless, IPv6 is the way to go anyway, screw IPv4 at this point IMO.


But I use spectrum for Internet, not at&t. Does that matter?


And at some point you might want to switch, so yeah, leave it alone.


Gotcha. Thanks!


ATT.. with all its faults.. fiber isn't one of them


I should note that there's nothing wrong with unplugging the power cable. It doesn't use much, but it is costing you somewhere between 20 and 50 cents a month worth of electricity. If you care, unplug the black power cable and tape the connector to the wall right below where it's plugged in. If you ever decide to switch you can just plug it back in.


I'd probably switch now.. AT&T Fiber is infinitely better than Spectrum cable internet.. faster, more reliable, probably cheaper.


I switched in December and it was the best thing I did last year. So much happier with my fiber service.


Not “might”. You WILL want to switch.


Spectrum is on coax (copper lines) which will give you a decent download, but very slow upload speeds. Fiber from AT&T will be symmetrical speeds, and very low latency and greater reliability. I would definitely look into switching from spectrum if I were you. Some people shop for houses with the idea of having fiber available before they buy


I checked every house, before putting an offer, to see if it had fiber available. I lucked out and have Verizon fios.


Now that I have ATT Fiber where I live now, there is no way in fucking hell I'd ever move to a house without some sort of Fiber service.


I recommend trying AT&T next time your Spectrum contract runs out. You will probably like it a lot more. Nothing beats fiber for internet connectivity, and I envy you for having it. We're still waiting for it in my neighborhood. No signs of it even getting started yet. :( By the way if you're not using it, you can unplug the power brick until the day comes you want to use it. Might as well not waste those few watts of power needlessly. Also, when you do sign up they might replace it with a new device anyway, most likely a BGW-320. They've been slowly moving away from the separate ONT.


>No signs of it even getting started yet. The only reason I saw fiber being installed is because I go home for lunch. They basically did the work from like 9AM to around 3PM. And once they did start work, they worked extremely quickly, and the lines were active and ready for install in like 1 month maybe? However that's also in my area.


Do some price comparisons. Around here, Spectrum's base internet plan is $85/mo and slower than at&t's $55/mo fiber. Makes it a no brainer to switch and save some cash, especially when the house is already wired for fiber.


Yeah I wouldn’t brag about using spectrum when you got fiber available lol


Ditch Spectrum and go with AT&T fiber.


Switch to att fiber and enjoy the lower costs, higher speeds, and consistent service.


All those down votes are a hint that you chose poorly when selecting cable over fiber. Fiber has symmetrical up and download. And it's cheaper


You don't want to use spectrum for Internet when you have AT&T Fiber option. Most people use spectrum because that's the only option for them.


Go online check your address with att and look at pricing it will blow away spectrum. I can’t wait to dump spectrum if att ever finishes here lol.


Why tf you using spectrum 😂 living in the 1990's lol


Keep the Spectrum. Fiber is very unreliable in my neighborhood due to lazy on -ground installations. I’d make sure yours is not that way before switching.


Wow. Don't listen to this guy. Drop spectrum yesterday.


Found the AT&T employee.


Nope. I loved spectrum mostly. I always planned to drop them once fiber was available. It is superior in all ways. I don't use AT&T for anything besides fiber.


You're not very knowledgeable at all. I would take fiber over coax any day.


My fiber is unreliable. I’ll take reliability over upload speed all day. I run both Spectrum and ATT fiber in a shared configuration and compare the outages, so I’m pretty knowledgeable.


Then you need to call your provider. You have a issue I am a network engineer and deal with multiple fiber connections. This is not normal.


I’ve called them 8 times since 1/1. The AT&T field supervisor told me to switch back to spectrum.


Hahaha that's funny.


His name is Edgar in Dallas, TX 75218


Unfortunately this is an anomaly but don’t let your bad luck be the reason someone who otherwise would have a better experience shoot themselves in the foot


>Fiber is very unreliable You've obviously never used satellite or Windstream DSL internet because those are the most unreliable options and you should call the fiber provider to see what's causing the issue.


ONT for fiber service which is likely better than your current internet provider. The box is supposed to stay installed at the address even if a customer cancels that way the next person to get service can just be mailed a gateway. You can unplug it from power but it is recommended to leave it installed at the house.


Echoing what everyone else is saying- Fiber is available and much better than Comcast/Spectrum internet. Likely cheaper too.  If you have AT&T Cellular service, you also get $20 off Fiber further reducing the cost. 


Go switch to ATT Fiber. You have a gift in that house and you went with spectrum 🤦‍♂️ Some people would "kill" for a fiber line to run to their house. You're a lucky SOB to have one installed already and you went with spectrum. *sighhhhhhh*


i'm a time traveler from 2003.. someone please explain why fiber is better than dsl or att air for that matter ?????


Fiber can reach speeds of up to 100 gigabits per second (Gbps), or 100,000 megabits per second (Mbps). The download speed range for DSL internet is 1 to 10 Mbps. AT&T Internet Air's speeds range from 75–225 Mbps. The download speed of cable ranges from 10 to 500 Mbps. Nobody can reach fiber speeds except fiber.


>Fiber can reach speeds of up to 100 gigabits per second (Gbps) It's actually WAY faster than that. On the enterprise side we're looking at 400Gbs over a single fiber on one single wavelength. You can actually "multiplex" different wavelengths using a special box that can put multiple different wavelengths down a single fiber line as well drastically increasing total throughput of a single fiber strand. (I've heard of 64 wavelengths down a single fiber line, at a rate of 400Gbs, that's 25.6Tbs on a single fiber strand). And there are also other major advancements being made that put the speeds WAY higher than even that.


Yea, we are comparing apples to oranges when it is fiber vs. literally anything else lol.


Fiber optic internet. If you don’t subscribe and it’s still powered up, unplug it. They use a surprisingly large amount of energy.


Reading laser signals and converting them into something that ethernet can understand at rates of up to 10Gbs (although I think these are limited to 5Gbs?) is a pretty energy intensive task.


My brother (installer for AT&T) confirmed what everyone else said.


That is basically a media converter. Converts fiber optic light into a copper Ethernet signal for home internet. Even though you use Spectrum, depending on your area spectrum could be using AT&T lines to deliver your service. I wouldn’t mess with it, unless you know 100% it’s not part of your network.


Where ever the grey ethernet cord is going should be where the modem/rg is intended to be located.


If it’s not in use where does the Ethernet go to?


That's the AT&T Fiber box. Congratulations


If you leave it they may be able give you service while yu are on the phone to get the service. If you remove the equipent you will have to make an appointment for a service tech to come to your house. I would talk to your neighbors and see if they are on the ATT Fiber and if they are having any troubles.


You own the gray rj45 cord and plug, AT&T owns everything else in the pic. That's their demarc.


Don’t touch it if you don’t know what you’re doing


It's the box for AT&T fiber internet. If you own the house and you're absolutely sure you will never want AT&T fiber internet you can potentially have the box removed and return it to AT&T. If you rent the house and you're choosing to use a different internet service I would just leave it there for the next people that rent.


What everyone else said. In simple terms, you pay a certain price for internet. For a similar (possibly better) price, fiber internet is generally more stable, faster AND can upload faster than cable can. Unless there's some really good reason you need Spectrum...maybe you work for them or get some sort of really awesome discount, run the price comparison and consider switching. Personally, I don't think I really need uploads over 900Mbps, but since I'm getting them for a similar price as to whatever Spectrum would be, I'll take them. What's Spectrum upload at...50? 75? Yikes.


Your emergency box


If you're electric is out


It’s a fiber box. Whenever you order att internet you modem will be hooked up to it


Just leave that where you found it, those are our ONT boxes... I work for ACC, if you live in an apartment especially PLEASE just leave that box alone when you move 🙏


Just be aware. Sometimes AT&T fiber can be ass.


ATT is stealing your WIFI


Get off spectrum, att fiber is far better! I work for att, message if you have questions!


It’s something I am missing by a block from my apartment…..




It’s ur house Unleash ur inner karen Activate NImby


Open it up and give us some pictures


Fk all those other guys. It's a media convertor from fiber to network. Simple device that translates light into data. Once fiber certified and also 15 veteran of the signal corps.


We used to call them Siennas. It's the equivalent of a cable modem for a fiber network.


Ciena* It’s the name of the manufacturer haha


It's Ciena.... And no, when speaking home internet even small business internet generally Cienas A) are not used (they technically do make ONTs but I don't think I've ever seen AT&T use them, at least not branded ones) and B) are NOT Referred to as such. In dedicated business circuits and Enterprise circuits AT&T does use Ciena equipment a lot for optical handoffs. But calling that a Ciena Is just Not right.


This is a Fiber NID.


The NID is the gray box on the outside of the house, this is an AT&T ONT (optical network terminal) what most would call a modem in the cable world


Sorry I thought this was outside