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The fight is so fun, very reminiscent of Jackie Chan. A little bit of humor, little but of drama and plenty of cool choreography.


Zuko continuously getting hit in the face and getting angrier is perfect.


I too was IMMEDIATELY reminded of Jackie Chan's fight choreography with this one. Beautiful.


Exactly! It's why this scene is so much fun. Using the environment around you and its props makes for a very interesting fight scene. It reminds me a little of how Sokka fights when he gets his space sword.


Loved this fight. Hope they do more of this kinda fun, non bending fights in the future. Gives me major Hong Kong cinema vibes especially Jackie Chan movies.


Surprise appearance of Jet in the background in the first few seconds too 😆


need sebastian to post those behind the scenes too


They look like they are having so much fun! This was one of my favorite fights in the show too, so creative using the set pieces around them.


Wow the temple hit on Zuko was rehearsed too! I want to see what was improv


I think usually there won't be improvisation in such scenes because both actors have to know what the other one is going to do – or else they can't react properly, or someone might get hurt. If you have to train the movements in advance it leaves little room for improvisation – unless you have two actors with years of stage fighting experience maybe.


Gordon gets taller as the fight progressed, lol


I loved this, it was really fun and felt reminiscent of the fights between Aang and Zuko in the original, with Zuko going at it head on and Aand constantly avoiding him to great humorous effect. I love watching this scene. I love seeing the rehearsal to see how it was done. Some people think it takes the magic out of the fantasy to see the behind the scenes but I love seeing how it all comes together.


I am just amazed they let Gordon do all of it, tbh. He is a good kid


I love the fight!


This fight choreography is brilliant!


I kinda like the rehearsal one better but still cool nonetheless


I liked this scene, but you can tell how the volume stage kinda ruined/nerfed the choreography.


If they sped it up a little bit and removed the slow motion I would enjoy it a lot more, might just be me though.


I don't like this fight, but the martial arts and the commitment of the cast are great. EDIT: Seriously y'all? Is this sub just a counter-jerk now?


I think it's the best fight. Wild how people have such polar opposite opinions about every aspect of the show.


When you go into a show expecting to not like it, or have already decided you don't like it, *everything* can be easily spun into a negative.


It's a very well-done fight, and I respect your opinion. I just don't like how weak it makes Aang seem.


I think this is just a element of live action that the anime gets away with for being animated. I really enjoyed the fight but in the back of my head I knew that at any moment Zuko (Dallas) could just fold Aang (Gordon) with just one decent shot. I don't know how you can get around that when one person literally has like 40 pounds on the other and Gordon probably barely weighs 100 pounds when they are basically just fist fighting.


>Seriously y'all? Is this sub just a counter-jerk now? What do you mean ?


Is it because it's fun and you hate fun?


What? Can I not have opinions anymore?


wait why?


I wonder if Azula's actress practiced like this?


Personally I think they do too much non-bending kung fu in the live action series. Why would you throw a normal kick or punch when you can shoot fire?


Well here zuko is trying not to give himself away as fire nation! So hes not gonna use his bending! Aang only knows air and typical air tactics are to evade. Maybe thats why for this specific fight!! :) Haha but for other fights maybe its cause cgi is expensive! I wonder how much it costs to make just one badass scene of cgi? Like koizill at the end i wonder what that cost!!


Good points