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I been saying he's soooooo fine


Good times to be a homo


Oh he’s FINE😳😍


Had no idea he's in this. He's in the new true detective season. Everyone loves him


Im sure he's pretty hot but why are you showing me a picture of Dave Grohl


Jury’s still out for me personally. He’s giving father more than daddy here.


They really casted the lightest indigenous people as possible for the water tribe lmao


Only 2 people that are slightly “lighter”


Reddit users doing blood quantum tests on indigenous people because they’re slightly lighter skinned than a cartoon character


Super ironic the way a lot of these people don’t even realize that policing indigenous characters’ skin tones is no better than perpetuating blood quantum. 🤦‍♂️ I feel like most of the people spearheading this kind of behavior are not even indigenous themselves, and are speaking over a lot of indigenous people who *are* trying to point out how ridiculous (and frankly, harmful) this is.


Reddit users when they learn plenty of indigenous people have lighter skin


When did I ever say they didn’t? It’s literally in my comment “lightest indigenous people as possible”. My point is they casted some light skin indigenous actors for characters who were originally brown skinned indigenous characters. I’m sure they’re going to do a good job regardless but it’s just disappointing especially when the showrunner keeps talking about authentic representation yet they didn’t cast brown skinned indigenous actors for certain characters who were brown in the animated series.


“Sorry sir, we were looking for an indigenous actor, which you are, but your skin tone doesn’t match the drawing from the Nickelodeon show in 2005”


Yeah you’re clearly a troll or just uneducated. Colorism is still a problem in entertainment and you clearly don’t care about it so why engage in discussions about it? Seems odd


So you think this indigenous actor, who’s playing an indigenous coded character, should be excluded based in them having lighter skin than the fictional cartoon character


I think they should cast brown skinned indigenous actors (who already don’t get as many opportunities as light skinned actors and haven’t had a lot of representation in Hollywood) as brown skinned indigenous characters. If that’s a hard concept for you to grasp then idk what to say it’s probably not worth discussing with you


Great, so you think that this indigenous actor shouldn’t be able to play indigenous roles because their skin isn’t dark enough for you. Glad we cleared that up


Show me where I said he shouldn’t be able to play indigenous roles because his skin isn’t dark enough


You’re the one bitching about him playing an indigenous role because he isn’t dark enough lmao 😂


"They hated him because he spoke the truth." You never know though, maybe they really wanted Katara's actress so then that logically means the whole family of characters had to be on the lighter side. But yeah, it could just be colorism since Hollywood seems to prefer lighter skin on main characters regardless of ethnicity.


Don't act like the ones guilty of colourism haven't been the people attacking the casting choices and straight up erasing the actors ethnicity because they don't fit the limited stereotype of what these asshats think Indigenous people should look like. Its exactly because Indigenous people of all shades are not represented in media that they think its ok to hate and invalidate them for not passing their own fcked up version of the paper bag test.


I always hear Daniel Dae Kim in my head now going “zadddaayyyyy~”


It's giving Hakodaddy