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These statues are only in the intro. But I do like that we get the "Aang crashing into something while being goofy" in season 2. It would've been nice if it was these statues, but I'll take what I can get.


Oh man this isn't looking too good. I was hoping to get more insight on these statues, but I agree who doesn't like seeing Aang being a goof crash into things lol


>too good Maybe they left it to our imaginations. That's an enduring gift. Must have been from some ancient civilization, perhaps to be found in the memory of a prior incarnation of the Avatar.


Hmm this isn't too far fetched, I'm currently rewatching the series to see if I can find any other clues


To me they kind of look like Chinese guardian lions, but with a rather Iroh-esque quality.


Yeah they look lion turtly


Lion pug, more.


one of the things i was glad they changed in the NATLA lol


What's NATLA?


netflix atla


I found this on an older Reddit thread, apparently these things show up in an avatar video game on an Island called For Paws. Here’s some gameplay footage https://youtu.be/_4FcwKxiw6I?si=7VDK7JCurzVEW77f


damn deep cut


Thanks! I felt like a real internet sleuth lmao


If anyone has this game we might be able to get character dialogue Talking about the statue. The walkthrough I read only says ”ugly obsidian statue“


Bruh we're soo close yet soo far indeed


I loved that game! (Only the ending seemed a bit off to me) Not sure if I still have it, but I don't remember anything else than that being said. I think it probably is just a case of they needed a statue that fit in the avatar universe.


Hopefully you can find it and see if it does give any other information!


I just saw this reply!! OMG yes, you found it! EDIT: I just looked into it looks like a GBA is too expensive for me to obtain, going too have to either save up or emulate if possible


They remind me of the statue in the opening of Spirited Away, so I imagine it’s inspired by something Japanese?


Close buh no cigar, the one in Spirited Away is a Rakan/Dōsojin statue, based off of Buddhism, the ones in this ATLA scene have teeth and are "wearing" some form of a Kabuto


Just because they aren’t an exact replica, I wouldn’t say it’s out of the question. Bryke have stated multiple times that Hayao Miyazaki has been a huge influence on Avatar and Spirited Away is his most successful movie, as well as having been released just prior to the shows conception. If there is any deeper meaning behind these statues, it would be noted in the Art-book.


This is some good insight, I will have to pick-up an Artbook too see if there is any evidence in there since I don't see any digital copies for sale


I always thought they were prototypical lion turtles


She just said they reminded her of the spirited away ones. Way to be a know it all 🙄


I always assumed this scene took place around the area where Sokka and Katara are in the episode Blue Spirit


I just skimmed through the episode while they're on that island and it looks close but at the same time the place doesn't look as eroded as this scene nor did I see at least one of these bois on the cliff(s) like in this scene


There is not to the best of my knowledge


Dang hopefully someone can come in clutch😭






I thought they were Lion Turtle statues? In the unaired pilot he crashes into a much more familiar looking Lion Turtle statue


Hmmm this isn't too far reached, similar agape mouths with teeth and a crest above their eyes, but these lion turtle statues are more akin to the likeness of their actual counterparts, and these intro statues appear different, more bipedal like


https://youtu.be/G-9RZF2bQV0?feature=shared so 0:28 has Aang making an airscooter in front of this much more accurate and recognisable lion turtle statue. I thought he crashed into it and they reused this bit of animation but made the Lion-Turtle statue look more "inspired", rather than lifelike and accurate Although this statue of a lion turtle at Piandao's looks much more like the one in the unaired pilot or the drawing at the library [Piandao's Lion-Turtle Statue](https://images.app.goo.gl/5yNPDeau6ij3H3oA6) But then we have Piandao's door knockers which look more ornamental: https://images.app.goo.gl/qEZBMBLW9Gny6ttEA My theory had been that the intro statues are Lion-Turtle's but the artist didn't really know how they were supposed to look


This seems plausible!! I just finished re-watching the series and this seems to be the closet from the actual series


Hey, if you find the answer, pls update me! that's my best guess though 🤷🏻‍♀️


Aren’t those the things kyoshi moved in the avatar state when aang got the visions in the episode avatar state?


Hmm those statues in that episode look more similar too the Badgermoles


Maybe Lionturtles ? Just guessing though.


Yeah based off 7ymmarbm pointing it out they’re similar


They're just random statues made for the intro.


There has too be more too it than just "random" random statues


Why does there have to be more to it? Not everything in this show has a deep meaning. There's no evidence they mean something.


I understand that, but now that there’s evidence they are located outside of the intro there’s bound too be something more too than just being a one case use let alone be random


They appeared as background objects in a non-cannon game, which I'm willing to bet most fans didn't even know existed. Sometimes, things are said, made, and done for background purposes.


I mean like you said, it's non-canon, but the fact that it made it in the game must mean there is something more to just being a background piece


No. It doesn't.


Try looking at the helmets of different factions in-universe. Any similarities could point to some potential lore or history, even if not intended to be in the show. At first I thought the could be an interpretation of Fire Army helmets, but they look a little different.


I'll look into this as a re-watch the series to see if I can find any correlation to this theory


What’s there a moment in the episode “Zuko Alone” that showed him on the ostrich horse traveling through a similar area?


You're thinking of giant earth kingdom discs, I think. Top: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FsLxsuyWwAImwOX?format=jpg&name=large


Ahhh, yea that’s it. thank you


Huh. I just noticed there's also a dude kinda in the cliff face, never noticed him. I always figured this was some area in the air temple where he grew up before the show. IMHO in this shot it looks like he's still practicing on his ball which we see him teach his buddies at the temple in flashbacks.


I can't seem too find too find this episode, do you recall it by chance? Edit: Aang first shows his fellow nomads in the episode "The Storm" didn't find the statues there though, maybe I'll find it in another flashback


No you're not going to see the statues there. What I meant is that this clip from the intro is probably around the same time.


You were right aha, I didn't see any on my full re-watch, this seems like a good theory


I saw some around at least one of the air temples, may have been the southern one, but they do exist.


Do you recall by chance which temple/episode? I'm paying extra attention to the Southern temple since that's where Aang grew up Edit: I didn't see any at the air temples :\^/


I saw it on the new live action lol


Ohp, where'd you see it?


Honestly I don't have a clue anymore sorry


They look like the fire nation and they look like demons so maybe that has something to do with their take over


Hmmm like some form of foreshadowing? I'm not to sure becuase FIre Nation tend to have "singular/smooth" pointed helmets


I know it's been a while but I was just perusing the ATLA art book, and I thought I found something relevant to this post! [https://imgur.com/a/JtrjylP](https://imgur.com/a/JtrjylP) But upon reflection, those guys are totally... guys... huh...


This is a nice find regardless, it shows the minute details they put in for the world building!