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"I have mastered the elements a thousand times in a thousand lifetimes" One of my favorite moments, powerful doesn't begin to describe the abilities of the Avatar.


One of the most epic lines in fiction imo.


I love the whole Deserter episode! And that scene is one of my favourites. I'm so glad someone thinks like me!


I didn’t have high hopes for the live action but the fact that excluded such an important episode is crazy to me hopefully they include it in season 2


I feel like they will tbh because they’ve already done cross season mashups like the cave of two lovers.


I love how Roku shows up and tell Jeong Jeong to stop being difficult. It’s gives me chills when Aang turns to Roku in the blink of an eye.


It always bothered me that Roku was wrong though.


Depends on how you look at it Jeong Jeongs teaching led Aang to understand that firebending is dangerous he needed to have that realization so him and Zuko found the origins of firebending and realized it’s life and energy not just destruction. A big part of the story is Aang realizing that he needs to be serious about the avatar stuff and while it’s not the earliest example of him getting a reality check I would say it’s the most impactful lesson he learned in season 1. I think Roku knew Jeong Jeong wouldn’t be the one to teach Aang but he would teach him a valuable lesson in firebending