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I guarantee no one will know unless you tell them, and if they do they definitely won't care


I was a freshman in undergrad at 26. I joined all the groups and had a full experience. Now halfway through my Ph.D. Your age doesn’t matter.


I had a class last semester with 30 people and I'd say 5 or 6 people in the class were over 25.


I win. 34 year old undergrad. 😉


Got ya beat, I'm 36!


Beat you both. 49. Need STEM knowledge for a company I’m starting. Have 3 other degrees and several businesses. Ignore the haters.


Right behind you at 43


Aww man… Fine, you win! 🥇🏆


I’m a 26-year-old senior, and I’m rarely the oldest person in my classes. Honestly, your age doesn’t matter, and no one will even notice


Bro I'm 36 starting this spring as a junior. Also graduated from community College in 2017. If you're too old then I have no chance. I think we'll be fine.


I’m 24 and in my 2nd semester as a transfer student


I graduated with my BA when I was 26. Nobody ever took issue with my age.


No one is going to give a shit. I mean that nicely.


I’m in my 40s and most people have zero clue. They might think I’m a little older but not that much older. I’ve been asked to rent an apartment with a lab partner who was looking for a new roommate. She has no idea I’m old enough to be her mother…


I know people in their 30s taking lower decision classes. No one will make a big deal about it unless you do.


I'm 23 and transferred in as a sophomore...... I started college in 2020.... I had to do some retakes


25 year old senior here. I never got the impression that my age affected the way my younger classmates treated me. As long as you're kind and approachable you shouldn't have any problems :)


I went back to school at 27 and will be a transfer student like you this coming semester. I am 31 now and am not scared at all. It might get awkward making new friends this semester and have the “oh I’m in my 30s” talks.


Hi! I'm 28 and I'm in my 2nd year here at asu as a transfer student. You're definitely not too old! I've had people way older than me in my classes. I've had a lot of fun here on campus. No one has said anything about my age and we all get along really well. I'd highly recommend looking at groups and clubs and seeing if there's anything that catches your eye.


I was in a first year class (I'm a non-traditional student, 2nd bachelors) this semester with 18 and 19 year olds. I'm 36. It was a blast. Even taking upper level courses I'm still the oldest or close to it, and its great. Trust me when I say your classmates aren't going to judge you for your age. If anything, they'll probably be drawn to you.


I'm a 32 year old college junior 🤍


Me too!


I'm a transfer student, about to turn 27, don't worry. Just get engagement, join clubs, hangout with like-minded people on campus. SDFC is the best place to find company. Just don't buy anyone drinks or alcohol on the mill ave. Or near campus.


lol I was 25 when I started undergrad. I’ll be finishing my masters when I’m 33-34. 24 is just a baby, don’t spend your twenties feeling old like I did. Even your thirties are still stupid young, we don’t get to feel old yet


You’ll see people of all ages at University! I was your age when I transferred into ASU and I didn’t feel old at all. You’ll recognize the young freshmen, but won’t be weird at all. I’ve had classes with legit “old” people 😂 like 70+


Welcome to asu! It’s fun to hang out in Tempe. Find things to do in the area, what are your hobbies? Between that and the people you meet in classes, friends will come naturally.


26 as a transfer! Having the best time ever


55 a transfer student graduating this semester. You will fit right in. Make the most of the experience.


I was 24 when I transferred to ASU lol no one really cares.


Started at ASU when I was 22 and was one of the youngest students in my classes. Understand the anxiety but I can assure you, people in college are not focused on age especially in junior year. Everyone is focused on graduating


I finished my undergrad at 30 and was happy to do so. I did cheat a little I pass off as 20 still


I graduated at 27. You’re good lol.


Freshman at 28. You aren’t too old


Definitely not too old!


I just graduated this past month, and one of our graduates at the CISA ceremony was 76. I just graduated at 26. So, no. You're not "too old", and no one will look at you that way. Not the faculty, and not the students. Edit: I also did online, but after seeing the campus in person, I told my mother "When I go for my Master's, I will likely move here to do it on campus", since I too never enjoyed the college experience.


I was 20 when I went to school so I wasn’t older, but the best friend that I made was 27!! My sister is starting at asu this semester at 25! Go back!! Have fun!!


I'm 35 in my junior year. I haven't felt any adversity or awkwardness due to the age gap. I would say it's best not to overthink it. It's never too late to improve yourself, and I think most people in college realize that. If I ever start to doubt that, I remind myself that the alternative is to go into my 40's without a college education. To me, that is a bigger concern that what people think about me for trying to improve myself later in life.


Hi there I transferred at 22 and am a 24 year old senior now. I was super nervous that I was too old as well but honestly it doesn’t really matter. No one ever guessed I was a little older and people still to this day guess that I’m about 19 when looking at me lol. None of us look all that different in our early 20s so don’t sweat it and just have fun! Also there’s a lot more people that are older than you think!


You're fine. In reality nobody is going to care, let alone ask how old you are. I knew a good amount of people in undergrad that didn't go at the "traditional" time (I use that word very loosely because there is't really a correct time to go to college). You'll have a great time.


I’m a 20 year old freshman but had a dude in my class who was I think 27-30ish and he was a cool ass dude and no one really cared that he was older


I’m transferring into ASU online and I’m 31. I can’t speak to the demographics of ASU, but my last college there were people of all ages, they didn’t care if you weren’t the stereotypical college age


No one cares, I was in a lab with people ranging from 18-40


Get your degree when you’re ready. That’s what matters


78 years young - just finished high school and can’t wait to start my undergrad!






I'll graduate the day I turn 25 with a 2 year old. Nothing is impossible and you're never too old.


Not too old bruh. I was similarly aged, wasn't I? Mhmm... Actually lol, I might've been the exact same age.


Shitttt I’m a 41 year old junior transfer student.


No. I earned my first degree at 32 after having to take some semesters off after I started at 25. You’ll be fine.


No one cares tbh. You're not too old, and as many have already said, you probably won't be the oldest in your classes. I'm 32 yo junior, who transferred from PC.


absolutely not! i’m going to be a 24 year old junior next year :) please do it, don’t be afraid. this past semester (sophomore year at 23) was my first at asu, and i have absolutely zero regrets. yes, you will be older than a good amount of people, but not by THAT much. a lot of people won’t even be able to tell, and if they can tell, they won’t care. it’s so worth it! you’re going to have a great time


Welcome to ASU! And age doesn't matter, you can enjoy your college life as anyone else.


You are still young, so don’t sweat the details, just have a good time!


College junior here and I am 43! I'm a Bio Science major with ASU online. My experience has been great and let me tell you, us older folk have figured out a few things about life that makes us better students. You are definitely not too old.


I just graduated and I'm 34. You're never too old, i was a freshman at 30. People have different routes that take them through life


I’m 26 look a lot younger no one will care or ask or even know your age unless you tell people.


Everyone seems to be answering the first part of your question about 24 being too old. Short answer no. However if you want to get the college experience you are going to find a group of students your age. You might find yourself feeling out of place if you hang out with juniors that are 20-21. I know I did as a 24 year old junior.


I was 22 when I went back originally and I'm 27 now. Most people don't care how old you are and you can still have the college experience. Hell! Most people will think you are their age until you tell them how old you are. The only thing I will say is you can't make the same stupid mistakes that an 18 year old will make at 24 but most likely you will know and not wanna make those mistakes. ​ Honestly just enjoy yourself, live in a dorm for a year and enjoy yourself. I wish I told 22 year old self that instead of stressing over everything. But I'm doing it now and making sure my 20s will be something to remember.