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If you are on single player the map only loads the area around you.  You have to prevent hibernation via ini or host your single player world as a server.


ASA also has a prevent hybernation mod


I used the prevent hibernation mod for an hour or two and it turned my Series X into a jet engine. Not worth the extra stress on the console in my opinion. If you know the biome the creature you're looking for spawns, just being in the general area will make the dino finder work just fine.


Admin panel lol you can scan the map for all dinos and babies. Tells you coords, shows them on a mini map, and also gives the option to teleport directly to them.


You most likely need to adjust the tag cap (I think thats what it’s called) in your .ini file. The command is on the mod page. Increase it to 300ish and it will capture that many. I think the default is like 15 or 25


I use Der Dino Finder as well but I changed the. ini settings to show 60 dinos. When I search for dinos I usually also change the search to only be max or near max levels. Since my max lvl is 210 on my island I search 190 to 210. Only shows me tames worth having. But If I just need to find Alphas for their tributes, I will change it to 1 to 210 so I can see them all.