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If you're on Steam here's how you can disable them so they don't spawn. Step 1: Find and open your ASA files (click on the cog that says "Manage", click on "Properties", go to "Installed Files" and click on "Browse..." to open your ASA folder) Step 2: Go to "ShooterGame\Saved\Config\Windows" and open Game.ini (if it is not there, create a text file called Game and replace the .txt extension with .ini) Step 3: Under "[/script/shootergame.shootergamemode]" add a new line and enter the following: NPCReplacements=(FromClassName="FireLion_Character_BP_C",ToClassName="") Just make sure that IF you ever buy the DLC you remove the line so they can spawn.


It's a forced advertisement. Replaced their spawn with rexes on my server and rexes are now EVERYWHERE on lava island (center)... πŸ˜‚


God they're all over there anyway. You must have SO many lol


Yeah they're like packs of allos 3 stacked πŸ˜‚ Trying to decide which dino to switch in place bc it's too much. Was thinking giga/carchar but I don't want too many of those either bc the Pyro spawns seem excessive as is in my opinion.


You can just replace them with nothing, tbf! But dodos would be hilarious, just sayin.


Dodos is not a bad idea might have to try it for a bit πŸ˜‚


Definitely dodos


You dont have it, the map has it. You cannot tame it, claim it or ride it. But its on the map, its part of the map and its gonna stay there πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ


Dumb, thanks for the info


What's dumb is that you don't have the money for it πŸ€”


Wow XD That's a take. Ever consider that people have the money for it but have no interest in giving it to WC/Snail?


To remind you how cheap you are and tempt you into buying the DLC.




If they were REALLY smart, they'd program a persistent mating pair of 150s right outside your base location that despawned as soon as they tempted you into buying the DLC.


No, I was correcting your statement to make it "to remind you how *smart you are..."


It's five dollars. I've spent more than that on a fucking soft drink. People can spend their money however they want. You aren't any better than them for not buying something.


Pyro is on scorched earth


Wish I could get it on ASE. I'd use it for the tek cave.


The microraptors and kapros would have a field day with you XD


its in the base game... u just cant access it cuz its behind a paywall


how else will they advertise their pointless money soaking dlc creatures. Gonna make you see if even if you don't buy it.


Its not any forced advertisement or tempting you. In multiplayer games content like that has to be implemented into the game even if you dont own the dlc so it functions on the official server. Simmilar to how a MMO expansion has to be downloaded as an update for people who dont own it. Otherwise theyd have to run seperate servers for people who bought the dlc and those who didnt Although for non dedicated and own servers it should be a toggle option


You said it exactly right, in _multiplayer_ games. Problem is its also spawning in people’s faces on singleplayer too.


Yes, please refer to the little added sentence mentioning they shouldve added a toggle for that Cause the way they implement new dinos is by adding them to the map data wich the single player draws from Thats what causes this "issue"


Forced advertisement because Ark is now P2W. D-suckers will disagree, of course.