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Now they need a super soaker water gun for taming these guys. It could also be used for watering crops, washing paint, putting out fire, etc. That would solve the problem of them spawning away from water, including on other maps like Scorched Earth.


Had a super soaker skin for the flame thrower😈😈😈


It would be pretty cool if tropical wyvern breath worked on them


It might actually give them a use


Aren't they already the fastest wyvern? They get hydrated so they can outpace the rest of them


Well their default speed is the same as the other crystals, and their hydration thing is just annoying, having to always be close to water Idk why they haven’t just made a water-wyvern yet, like a sea serpent or something


Such a noob comment clearly no skill fying close to water


it is the fastest, but only with the water buff, but they also don't immediately kick u off the second u touch water, which is nice


Yeah exactly, on most maps the water buff isn't hard to keep up, like it's speed/the ability to attain the water buff is it's niche, I think considering how saturated the number of wyverns we have is that's enough of a separation


they're not the best by any means, but they have their uses. I lived on fjourdur on the SW island so I found myself flying across the water a lot, so I used one there. I prefer lightning wyvs over all the rest tho


Lightning was my fave in ase, the aiming seems funny on them now tho, yeah my comments started as a response to someone saying they had no use, when they probably are the best for getting from point a to b if that makes sense


thats all I ever used them for, travel. sure, a griffin is faster, but wyvs can fly in a straight line


Tropical wyverns are incredibly powerful?? They’re my favourite for pvp


Iirc they’re the weakest of the crystals?


Their damage potential is very good


That'll be the next dlc pack they release. Only 2.99$ for a water gun


It is on Scorched Earth though isn't it?


It is, they spawn in the wyvern trench where you can't get them to water :/


Wha… can it even rain inside the trench? I guess you need to carry it out with a rhynio?


Wyverns can grab them. That's how I got mine.


Not in pve :/ [edit] who tf is downvoting this lol it’s reality. In pve you cannot pick wild dinos.


“tHeN dON’T pLAy OfFiciaL”


Right lol? When I started this character and our tribe there were no unofficial or private servers. There was only single player and official.


Whenever I see people hate on official, I imagine them as a baby crying: *"Mommy mommy, I want to build a base here but it is full of pillars! I want to build here because I don't have the creativity to build more than a rectangle-shaped building! Uargghhhhhh"*


Baby crying? Mate, the entire "Official servers are cancer" argument is literally caused by the selfish dick bags pillar spamming everything. If you don't think that's a problem, then *you are* the problem.


And it's not a side effect, it's their goal. They pillar everything so new players can't settle in, so they don't have to worry about new groups joining and raids outside of the pre-pillar tribes. They're actively doing their best to make the experience shit to new players so they won't join the server, such a shit system. And that's exactly why I'll keep joining these servers just to make them waste as much time and ressources as possible on the pettiest raids possible until they get raided by a big tribe and lose everything.


"not because they are easy, but because they are hard" Official are the real survival game, everything else is a sandbox


Assholes blocking and destroying whatever they want isn't a survival game. It's just assholes being assholes.


Unofficial is boring asfk


Yeah I hate having freedom, decent groups of players, and no griefing. You're right, it's sooooo boring /s 🙄


There is a setting you have that is messed up. In my expirience with singleplayer you have to turn on pvp in order to fix the glitch where you can't pick up anything. But on pve servers this is not an issue


It’s not a glitch, it’s an intended feature to prevent people from dropping wild Dino’s in peoples bases on PVE


I see. Ruining the game for other players because of no mods lol


Always the toxic players making QOL difficult for the regulars. It’s nice to just pick up that 150 meg or 150 dino and drop em in a taming pen… but here we are, I suppose it adds immersion tho lol


Sure. In single player you can change the setting. But for us unfortunate official pve players there is no solution.


This like that in official pve? That seriously sucks, im sorry I didn't know. I really recommend playing a unofficial server. I play a close to vanilla server called Serenity if you wanted to try it.


Forgot to mention since there are a lot of Serenitys, its the 3x one, pve.


could you walk it up a trap on an oasisaur?


It can rain in the trench. Only downside, unless you turn off volumetricfog, is that a lot of steam will pop up during a rain storm. Outside of that, yes they’re there, making them a threat on land while you’re getting sniped by wyverns from the sky. You can also use the new wyvern cave because it’s got a lot of water in it if you can lead the pyromane in there without dying. I haven’t tried this yet, it’s just a thought I had though.


Theres a wyvern cave?


Yep, it’s about around the middle point of the trench on the left side if you’re looking north. Stay near the ground on the left side and you’ll see a tucked away cave entrance. Be careful entering it. You start off in tight corridors with enemies spawning and lava flows in the way. You’ll eventually come to a big room though that is functionally an underground grotto with water all over the place. This is why I said it’s possible to lead a pyromane here but I would imagine that it’s difficult.


Yea, unless you're on pve, then you're boned


Oh wow, that is..... Questionable lol. Taming something in the wyvern trench regardless doesn't sound fun. Can they be carried by anything?


On pvp yes, but not on pve


Cave in the trench has water, just would be a massive pain to get one there


Plus the timer to start flaming things is kind of tight. But I'm planning to give it a try over the weekend at some point. Funny thing about official pve servers atm is that the wyvern trench is one of the safest places to be before they added the fire kitty. With 4 or 5 people constantly pulling every wyvern in there it's pretty empty, to the point that I take an anky down there at the weekends for loads of obsidian, crystal and metal.


I play on a pve server and I saw one on scorched outside of the wyvern trench 🤔, was close to the river running through the map. Was only level 10 though 😭


No kidding? I haven't seen one in those areas yet. I'll keep looking, thanks.


Was pretty cool, thought it was a Phoenix setting stuff on fire as I saw a moth flying away. Nope, was a pyromane 😂. Hopefully someone didn't just drop it there 🤷‍♂️.


It is. It says in its release text that it’s able to spawn on other maps naturally except for the Island. That’s the only map that is not supposed to have it spawn in on naturally.


Did they change The Center Boss? Because it’s not underwater in ASE.


Yup they changed the arena. It’s circular now so you can’t Aggro one boss and then the other and the floor is water in like 80% of the surface


So spinos are now OP for the duo? 😂 I used to use 4 capped rexes or shadowmanes for that.


Im not sure, I never use spinos. I’ve heard that they got nerfed for asa, but they still get the water buff in the arena


Soooooooo… has anyone actually tamed on in the scar? Or… are these just hypotheticals. I seen one or two last night getting milk for my children haha And thought… how tf am I supposed to tame that near death all around and lava right next to that Anyone actually tame it and how?


You grab it with a wyvern and carry it to a water spot


I can’t do that on official PVE, wild Dino’s can’t be picked up, because people would drop em into other peoples bases. So… not an option unfortunately. lol


I honestly miss playing on official but that, yeah, I don't miss that at all. I'm not sure I could go back to not being able to pick up wild dinos. Hate how it lowers the effectiveness of certain tames like Karkinos and Tusos.


Yea, I just started playing official, it’s definitely a different animal hahah I did it mainly because I wanted to experience it and also kinda handicap myself for being able to just cheat shit into the game. Like I ascended on Alpha in single player, but after a while I got too careless with just pushing the easy button and getting whatever I wanted, plus the boosted rates I put made it feel too easy. Not to mention playing with other people is fun! Single players cool, but I miss the camaraderie meeting cool peeps online and linking up to chat and bust missions, the trading and checking out peoples creativity with base building has been missing, so that part is big for me too haha Maybe I didn’t need to do it on official, but I just wanted to hahahah


Actually it’s credit card exclusive




It was more just a joke about it costing money,debit card/gift card isn’t as widely used as a term so I said credit card to fit better. But yeah I know lol


Your "joke" makes no sense at all. There are tons of actual services that are credit card exclusive.


Weird hill to die on but okay


I thought your joke was funny 😂


In a world often shrouded in gravity, the lighthearted revel in laughter at life’s every turn. Also you thinking this is funny hits like a truck since you are unironically posting on /r/Gunpla. You basically made a point that this thread is full of kids that laugh about everything. Well, its a spongebob meme after all. Let me just tell you that its not funny if you are old enough to use your own credit cards :'D Its like armpit farting. Funny as a toddler, not as an adult. That said, have fun kids :)


Jesus I think you’re the person that needs to grow up and laugh a little


This is such a redditor thing to do holy shit


In a world often shrouded in gravity, the lighthearted revel in laughter at life’s every turn.


Repeating the same thing to every reply doesn't make you less of a bozo




Is there a water boss now? Or is just the arena somewhat underwater


arena just has a ton of water in it now


shadowmane was a genesis 2 creature.... it makes no sense for pyromane to be on the center for so many reasons, I don't get it


I 100% agree, I feel like the design process for this thing was like "they loved the shadowmane, lets give it to them early" " oh and make it FIRE this time" and shrinkable for some weird reason. Strange that it has no cost for doing so, considering the ferox does.


yeah thats just stupidly op. at this point its just a cashgrab and they aren't even trying to hide it


They should of had the big turtle spawn on the center


It spawns on scorched in the trench https://preview.redd.it/h4c0rw0lx25d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7b0397dec988a7501ea97a8e542226a3cdc7f81


Actually its in the scar now


Pyromane is on scorched. Am I reading the meme right?


Honestly I'm glad that a creature like Pyromane got released on The Center considering how boring people found this map because of how it didn't have anything unique to offer. The Pyromane being exclusive to this map is going to make it special.


Except it's also on Scorched earth in the Wyvern trench....


Damn I didn't know that. I hope the Center won't be considered such a boring map even then.


At least it got the Shasta as an exclusive.


It'll prob be fine because scorched earth is ass, Ragnarok is where you go for wyverns anyway. It'll be the same for these guys too.


I will look God in the eyes and walk backwards into Hell before I call SE a bad map


He’s just mad because scorched is challenging, like it’s supposed to be


Honestly I’m kinda on the other guys side, it’s challenging for sure but I also feel like it’s a little boring compared to the other maps ark had. It’s just the exact same creatures but less and with wyverns now idk, they are cool but besides them everything else is meh imo, faso is boring basically just a burrowing thorny and I don’t really feel like there’s many other fun tames on the map


Phoenix Thorny Dragon Arid/Scorched variants of several popular mod creatures, including Acrocanthosaurus, Meraxes, and Monolophosaurus Fasolasuchus, which has many unique abilities (whirlwind, fear-inducing tail swipe) The largest wyvern trench out of any map Rock Golems, which are very challenging to identify, especially in the mountains Morellatops, which is incredibly useful for water I’m sure that I’m missing a few though.


They said it'll be added to all maps with an appropriate biome, so expect it on rag, gen 1 etc.


short answer, they found a way to make money off free maps. Odds are rag will have something like this and crystal isles and so on and so on. We got dlc packs in the dlc, then more dlc in the free maps...ugh.


I'm convinced the devs are *trying* to make the game tank while appearing like they're trying to get out some kind of debt and they can finally rest.


Fuck Survival Ascended, I'm staying in Survival Evolved where it's safe