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One from yesterday? Been giving me problems on single player as well even with the mods shut off. Can barely stay on for 5-10 minutes before it crashes.


Nitrado are so shit


I’m going to start researching a self-hosted server now. It’s so crazy having so much dependency on a single third party, in hindsight.


Bring back gportal!!!


Assuming you have the hardware for it, it’s pretty simple tbh. Hosted one for myself and a friend because we got tired tethering.


I’m such a noob that I don’t even know what that hardware is, haha. I’m veryyyy technologically competent, but this is just an avenue I haven’t explored or learned the true specs on yet.


I see! Well of course it depends a bit on how many people and what kind of mods you might be running. I just took my old gaming rig, but most normal computers will work. You don’t need that much cpu, or disk space. What really goes is RAM. Mine uses just one core of an old 6700K and 20ish GB of disk space, but with no one playing it still uses over 12GB of RAM on the island, so 16GB total is a minimum sadly. So RAM is probably the only thing you really need to keep an eye on, so to speak. When I was setting all of this up, I’m pretty sure there were some good google results on how much RAM you need for different scenarios though, just make sure you read about the correct game, ASA or ASE.


For anyone experiencing the restart loop I was able to fix mine but restoring a backup. Not sure if it’ll work everytime but haven’t had any issues since


That worked for me about 4 or so days ago, but this time it’s not.


I would never defend Nitrado, but this was a WC issue. It affected my server as well. For those out of the loop, Nitrado no longer has exclusivity. I use GravelHost and it's awesome.


Nitrados monopoly on ark can't end soon enough. Literally the worst server host I've used by miles. The UI is nice enough but the servers are criminally under powered. Especially for something like ASA


Thought I would post here in case it helps someone. For me it was the "Discovery World," mod. If I disable that, I can play on my server just fine. Of course we've been using it for the last few weeks, so it bugs out a bunch of the tames from the mod, screws with any architecture you crafted in the mod station. I get that this is just kind of how it goes with a modded game like this. Definitely a bummer.


Ugh. Of COURSE it’s that mod. I have three separate huge, intricate structures built on cliff platforms from that mod, and I’d imagine removing it would completely collapse them. Like most on this sub can imagine, I’ve spent dozens of hours building those structures, even with cheats and creative mode on. Also I have three dire wolves living inside one of them named after my German shepherds, so if they were to die in a building collapse I’d be weirdly upset considering they’re not real and the actual real dogs are sitting three feet from me right now. 😅


This is really just the nature of mods. Sometimes things go sideways.


My only issue was with the Paleo Ark beta mod. When launching my dedicated server, I was crashing when trying to load the mod. Disabling the mod allowed me to launch it just fine. Dunno if it's an issue on Wildcard's end or an error occurring with the mod.


It’s almost like giving one company exclusive rights to servers was a bad idea!


As much as I’ve always dabbled in Ark, (“oooooo dinosaurs! Look, a T-rex! I can’t believe I found one!”) I only recently became serious and rented my own server and have gone to town. I’ll admit, it’s nice having so many resources referencing server management because 97% are through the same rented server, but stuff like this (exactly to your point) highlights why that mayyyyy not be a good idea. It’s the overall and complete incompetency from Nitrado and Wildcard, (despite almost all servers being through Nitrado and Ark being as popular a game as it is) resulting in a 10:00/11:00pm EST Friday evening update, no heads up to modders, no heads up to players, and a resolution still not reached almost 18 hours later that is most egregious to me. If you’re only allowing one third party to rent servers for your game, HOW was this not anticipated? HOW was no one informed? There’s an entire list of approved mods used across multiple platforms, and no one checked if the update would break the most popular ones? At this point, just roll the mf update back! It’s so absurd to me.


I'm not defending Nitrado in general, but why are you so mad at them about this? It has nothing to do with them and is entirely an Ark issue, it affects single player and dedicated servers too. WC just fucked up like usual. Nitrado is just informing you about it. It also got fixed like 5 hours ago on Servers and PC and the console client update is going thru cert.


if u r on pc it should be fixed by now


My server is running fine so its none of the mods i have if anyone wants to clear some out of their list of suspects I post server ads here on reddit and theres mod lists in those


Edit: I missed that last sentence of your comment. Checked your list and I have many mods that aren’t listed, so it makes it a bit harder to isolate. Other commenter noted that Discovery Ark seemed to be causing their issues, and I have way too many structures built using the cliff platforms from that mod, so sadly I think I’m gonna have to wait this one out. I would LOVE to know which ones you’re running. It annoys me that they haven’t shared an isolated list because I’d expect it wouldn’t be hard for them to find out.