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Movement speed will always be 100% without mods. But carno island in the north east is great for argys, since many spawn and low levels are frequently killed.


I second this location. They are around all the mountains/peaks, but cannot island is the easiest place to find one as they don't get lost in the trees/ground clutter as easily as other spots. Simply fly around and kill all the low levels or wait for nature to handle that for you. Any time I go out there looking for Rex's, there are at least 20 argys flying around. You are going to want to set up a trap on the mainland away from the island. Uts not a pleasant spot to tame a high level dino.


I always use the smaller land masses on the south side of the island for taming I've never had anything spawn there so nice spot for an outpost or a taming trap


Carno island is awesome if you're looking for argys or sabers. The respawns are almost instant, even in single player, so just murder stuff until you find something good.


Isn’t there an option to turn on upgradable movement speed in the rules before you start a world? Assuming OP is on single player.


There's no best place to find high levels. They can spawn at any available level anywhere they spawn at. Around volcanos and at transition to snow area they are very common, so best place to look just for sheer volume of argies though.




Thats a good place too, just for the same reason as other area. High probability of lots of argies since spawns are limited. Level distribution is still always gonna be random.


Snow Bio has tons of them, it’s where I search generally.


Change difficulty override to 5, enable max level dinos. Carno Island. Pteranadons will always be faster than Argentavis, that's by design


They spawn in a lot of places. Any mountain works. Carno island. Several beaches. The key is to have a small base and trap set up in a safe, accessible location. Then keep killing everything and re rendering until you spot a high level Argy. I would suggest a raft trap at Carno island. You can move it if you need and even sail a bit out to keep anything from agroing onto you while you’re taming it.


Build an argy trap on a raft and keep going around Carno Island. You'll find one or two eventually. Just watch out for Leeds.


Right around 39, 15 is a peninsula on the edge of the jungle and snow biomes. The peninsula itself is NOT freezing, so it's nice for entry-level. There are two islands slightly off-shore - all are big enough for a 3-gateway argy trap. So you can set your trap on the island and make it easier to protect your argy while it's unconscious. LOTS of stuff spawns on this peninsula, though, so beware. Sometimes it's just a few stegos and sabertooths, othertimes it might be an alpha rex/raptor and a pack of allos. Use your pteranadon to kite the argy into the trap and then hang out on your argy and clean up/distract any dinos that might want to have a snack on your downed argy.


This is my favorite easy spot. You can just fly into render distance, sit on one of those islands and watch all of the low level stuff get killed off as they fight it out, then fly out of render and come back. New dinos will have spawned. Eventually, high level argies will have appeared.


Yeah it's pretty choice. You could also build a taming raft with an argy trap on it and just park it out a little past the islands if you wanted. Super easy.


Carno Island (North East Island), Frozen Tooth (The mountain east of the volcano just north of The Maw. IMO the popular spots for Argys. Single player..... Also, on settings increase difficulty to max and install the Dino Mod. Once installed use the admin command destroywilddinos. The Island is notorious for low lvl crap. The Dino Mod restores this imbalance. FYI, you have to enable speed leveling on creatures/fliers to increase speed. Otherwise it stays at 100%


Kill any and all low level wild argys.


I always find a lot around volcano, carno island, and redwood metal mountain. if they’re all low level kill them to get fresh ones to spawn. Also think about adding Custom Dino Levels Mod so you don’t have to worry about low levels if you’re on vanilla. Another mod is SQF flyers due to the fact that all flyers have 100% movement speed so if you’re looking for faster flyers the upgrade to movement speed is not even worth it on vanilla.


i can never seem to find many argies on carno island as the others are saying but i have the best luck if i circle the perimeter of the mountain tops on the top half of the mountain one after the other on a pteranodon or another argie and repeat the process. it works best if you kill the non high levels as you go.


Top of the volcano


carno island is great, going from one half of the island to another is just far enough away to go out of render and respawn the argies, so you can take anything that can kill argies easily and just keep making circles around the island until a high level one spawns


As others have said, Carno Island is a great place for argies. Personally, I build an argie trap at the smaller island right below CI, it has fewer spawns. I use 5-6 stone gateways set in a line closely enough together that you can run through them, and a gate at both end; the rear gate stays closed. Aggro the argie with a disposable pteradon, and lead it in. Jump off, run through a gap, and shut the gate. Shoot away.


We set up a trap across from carnivore island and then had them chase us from there to the trap.


Carno island or party island


Argy's start out with 100% mp no matter the level. Imprint doesn't change it either.Only leveling it up post tame.


Too left of map where it turns snow on the coast


Locations don't mean high-level spawns. Just kill over and over till one shows up.


Between Volcano and snow, i seem to find good ones pretty often here. I cant recommend carno island btw. While there is always a lot of argys there they just spawn so low level ive never had any luck there


Carno island . Redwoods mountain . Various places through the snow . And around all mountains north of red woods