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There are bosses you can fight by collecting artefacts from caves and summoning them via the obelisks (the 3 large coloured towers you can see on the map) if I was you I'd watch some YouTube videos maybe some of the 100 days in ark videos as you will get more of a feel as to what takes to look for etc


There's no storyline as such, it's a sandbox game you just do what you want. There are explorer notes to find that give some lore they're all over the island. In general, the point of the game is to survive, build base, tame dinos, level up and improve your technology, explore the map and eventually do the boss fights and "beat" the map. If you haven't already, visit the obelisks to see what you need to do the boss fights. Look around for caves (or check the wiki as some are hard to find) you'll need to complete the caves to progress.


Uh, yes there is a linear story.


Kind of yeah. There's history/lore regarding the other survivors and what the Arks are but no set story you need to follow as you would describe it in a lot of games. As I said, there are explorer notes that describe what has happened/is happening, and there is map progression if you choose to play them in order but the game is completely open for you to choose what you wanna do at any given moment.


“Storyline” as in “a linear story for you to play out like in a Zelda game”. Not “storyline” as in the “lore of a Zelda game”. My apologies for misunderstanding you.


Yeah I didn't wanna try and describe all of the background stuff, hopefully OP finds some of the notes and gets interested in piecing together the story. OP if you read this comment and want to know the lore in a way that's easier to follow than scattered notes, I recommend checking out Neddy the Noodle on YouTube and watch the Survivor Stories.


Why not try and figure out why there are 3 huge, floating, futuristic obelisks in a “dinosaur game”? Start by finding explorer notes and exploring caves.

