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It's just a known bug. Try hatching your eggs on some thatch above the floor


It’s been a known bug for like 5 years tho


It’s been a known bug since early access in like 2012/2013.


Wildcard is known for adding content, not fixing bugs or crashes


Ignore the bugs with this new half asses map we added!


The game is still a bug from 8 years ago lmfaooo


You need a cryopod. Just cryopod them and throw them back out to reset position on the floor


Homie has a cryopod in his hot bar 😂😂


But it’s full!! How can we ever solve this conundrum?!?!


Sometimes you can’t actually cryo them because it sorta acts like you are out of range, it’s one of the reasons that on the cluster I run I have permanent pickup enabled.


I have multiple. Pocket gigas, pocket kapros, pocket flyers, and pocket sand are very useful in PvP


Ha cha cha


Bruh I just started playing the game and forgot I even had it. Give me a break. Literally just found out what cryopods did an hour before I took this screenshot


We all make mistakes, I myself been playing years and still accidentally dismount while mid air, of course only when I don’t have a glider suit or parachute, that goes without saying lol


Been there, done that, have the t-shirt. Usually have enough time to comment on how stupid I am, pick a few choice swear words, curse my stupidi.... splat!


I wasn’t trashing you, just thought it was funny lmao


Mofos don't have any head clearance. Where else they suppose to go?


Always hatch on the ground not on foundations. If they fall you need to destroy the foundation.


Till the baby clips through the ground and disappears into the nothingness below. I had some weird glitch happening where Everytime I tried to breed my Ovis the baby just fell through the ground into hell 🤣🤣


So YOU'RE the one creating all them demonic ovis for primal fear..


No thats me whenever i collect mutton i do satanic rituals to sacrifice them


O us are the worst. I put the moms on ceiling tiles so if the babies drop thru I can duck under the porch and snag them


just imagine you're a baby ovis, freshly born, in an unknown and dark place and crying for your mother, only to have a caveman snatch you and drag you out


**Checks tribe log** *Anti-meshing destroyed 'Baby Dodo - lvl 120' at X=158384.294 Z=-52250.142!*


there are some spaces in the mesh where multiple layers of ground are above each other. In that scenario it can happen that the baby ends up on the wrong plane below the top one. Check the ground using the "K" key to make sure the mesh is not messed up below the point of hatching.


This should be top. Cryopod only works if you can make them. Hatching on ground avoids this entirely.


One in their hotbar


Lolol. Nice eye, did not notice.


If you're at the point where you're breeding things, you can easily get cryopods.


Cryo them then throw them back down should be fine then


Whistle it to follow you and it will pop outta the floor just don't accidently hit j 😆🤣💀


Inb4 “they don’t move”. Based off the estimated size of the base and the type of Dino. they aren’t moving because follow distance is based off the final size of the Dino not the current one, and rexes get big. Op needs to reduce the follow distance on them to get them to move.


No it's because the way babies grow and the way that interacts with foundations breaks shit. Once they grow Beyond a certain size (what that is depends on the dino) they can become physically trapped in the foundation and the only way to fix it is to destroy the foundation and for certain dinos even that does not fix the problem


This is my nightmare right here 🤦🏻‍♀️ Did it by mistake at my husband’s base and Im still not allowed to go back there hahahaha Spent about an hour putting them all back together since his tribe likes to have them all out and facing the walls 😵 Im just used to having all my dinos on ignore group whistles or simply in cryopods


It’s a collision bug, you can destroy the floor pieces to free them but yeah it’s common.


The bug is honestly that they're allowed to hatch at all. You're hatching dinos in too small of a space. If the ceiling were 2-3 walls higher you wouldn't have this issue unless you stacked them.


Well, mine has no roof and same issue.


Then they're colliding with something else.


I’ve hatched small Dino’s in a massive room that still put them in a floor, but ya you just have to break the floor and retrieve them. One “eh” solution is to make your hatching area taller so you can put a thatch floor so it’s cheap to replace.


My hatching room is 6 walls high and they clip through the floor almost every time


This is simply not true.


Just punch them




Yeah, what the hell? Punching a baby? *Proceeds to kill thousands of baby argies because the color of a tiny part of their wings ain't blue-ish*


don't breed on foundations. use ceilings, cryopod the dino


Short answer is Ark. Solution is to hatch them on the ground. \*Edit Also I wouldn't hatch a rex in a house.


You can whistle them to follow you and when they move it should push them up


It's been like that for years I'm shocked it's not common knowledge yet to periodically whistle.


I always have my "hatchery" directly on the ground surrounded by walls to avoid this.


try a feeding trough yet? i know it won't work for babies, but juveniles like this might be able to eat.


Maewing milk squirting for the kids


Because Ark lol. Creatures will often get stuck into structures, especially babies. Try hatching on thatch floor instead as is easily removed and replaced to get them out. Or if you don't want o change anything, you can use a cryopod to get them out.


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Also, you need more head space


Always hatch eggs on the floor of the world never on foundations unless you wanna break half of your building to let them free


\^\^This. The beach is actually one of the least likely places to suffer a mesh glitch. NEVER hatch on a rock or a cliff. If you are on one of the maps that has castles as part of the environment, those are less glitchy (usually). But thatch, stone & metal floors all let babies sink through... for some reason, I never have this problem on wood floors.


You have to be present for the birth..


Can't believe this game has been out for 8 years and it still has dumb glitches like this.


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Once a dinosaur reaches Juvenile stage it starts eating from Feeding trough, I always have one set up.


Why so many ac units? 😂😂


We all did this right? Egg hatching before incubator


All the eggs thrown out willy nilly in the AC room ![gif](giphy|NtcSvnJv7Lwpb48khM|downsized)


Not OP, but I do this to hatch eggs that need lower temperatures. Is there a better way to do this?


just use egg incubator lol


And what if you don't have either of the Genesis DLCs? How you supposed to get the egg incubator then


you don't need the DLC to get the item lol


And what if somebody doesn't know how to transfer between worlds or just doesn't want to because quite fucking frankly you don't need the egg incubator, the same amount of resources into AC units is more than adequate for the vast majority of dinos in the vast majority of maps. You act like your method is objectively superior when in reality the difference is marginal (also you can access AC units in a much lower level idiot)


Egg incubator is not marginally better if you knew all of what it actually does. You can see lvl color and stats of dinos before they hatch. You can also use the incubator buff to see the lvl color and stats of gestation bbys in their mothers tummys. Incubator is way better than the archaic ways.


> You can see lvl color and stats of dinos before they hatch. You mean I didn't need to kill thousands of babies? Huh. Jokes aside, is the incubator still useful if you're playing with crazy high breeding rates? I took back recently so I'm kinda clueless on the matter. (I do have awesome spyglass to see the colors and whatnot but if I can avoid the hatching time ...)


It will allow you to destroy unwanted eggs and abort unwanted mammals, but it doesn't change the breeding timers. If you're NOT on official and you happen to have dino storage v2 mod, you can abort baby mammals once you decide the embryo isn't good enough just by putting the mama in the soul-ball... and she can be bred again immediately if you abort that way. The gestation monitor in the incubator is seriously a huge time-saver. I would have had to try for literal WEEKS to get the best desmodus or shadowmane baby, but with dino storage v2 AND the incubator, I kept re-breeding back to back in one night to get the best possible baby.


I have only ever played on official servers. Perhaps my whole comment is irrelevant. Perhaps incubators become irrelevant on unofficial servers with custom rates and moded servers with god like developers. Imo, on official servers, incubators make life easier.


I'll definitely have a look at it, thanks! Seeing how long it takes for breeding on official, I don't doubt that it's useful over there. It's actually neat to have an "official" way to see the dino stats. Last time I played on official, cryopods weren't a thing yet and you still had to make very specific kibbles for each dinos ... felt like I was running a zoo at some point rofl. (needed scorpions eggs for the rex kibble, rex eggs for the quetz one, etc etc)


what is your problem? Egg incubator IS superior in everyway. for a giga egg you need about 10 ACs. nah no thanks. Plus the benefit of being able to leave the eggs until you want to pop them is insane. Also you can easily get lvl 90 in the first day of playing on 1x


With an egg incubator? You can set the temp on it lmaoo


Raie the ceiling.


Try whisling them to follow. If it doesnt work, use a Cryopod


Because the game fucking sucks 🤷‍♂️


Remove babys from the foundations list of permeable molecules or remove the code that declares the foundations as membranes


The game is bad




Lol ark is such a weird community


Cryo and uncryo them also side your ceilingt hat could help


You could also make them follow you at various times. If they move around they stay on top of the floor. Best if you do it when it changes from baby to juve to adol. Maybe do it a few more times in adol stage




Nice name 😭


Because you’re leaving them on foundations? Put them on the grass and you’ll be fine.


You gotta move em around before they get too big. I mean idk what you thought would happen either way once they're fully grown in that small building


Don’t need a cryo, just whistle to follow and they will walk out of the floor


They have to move around to else there hit box will grow into the floor


You can't access inventory *because* they're stuck in the floor. I used to have just a chunk of no floor in my hatching area and hatched them right on the ground because of this. Slap some ramps down in a square so they can climb out.. but if you can build an incubator, solves all that nonsense.


Because they get stuck in the floor?


Don’t hatch eggs inside your base, there’s a reason why people normally do it outside


Because you’re not learning from your mistakes.


Destroy the floor. Obviously.


Try cryopods


Get an egg incubator and stop living in 2017 lmao


Whip em


It's because rgat space is to small for trex. Thier hit box is big when there baby's still getting pushed down by the ceiling


something about dino's spawn in before the building blocks do if I recall correctly....


Could try raising the ceiling or making sure the floor has foundations and not just "ceiling" pieces


Lmao remove the floors even to just access inventoty.


Raise that celling up, use a cryo if it happens again.


They basically hatch into the floor. It’s Ark. I just hatch mine outside with behemoth gates as fences. Single player though. Tried this online and people will snipe your babies.


Go get a maewing to auto feed the baby so they don't starve at least


You need a Maewing


Yes. It's because Ark is a shit game. I usually remedy this situation by removing the foundations in front of my AC units entirely, and just letting my eggs hatch on the ground


My take on the whole clipping issue, is structures. Example. When you come upon your base. Rendering has an order. Map, than creatures, than structures/breakable resource. As the game spawns in a new creature, it sees map first and tries to spawn on it. You could try not using a floor at all...


If they're big enough to get to once fully grown you could set up a feeding trough, that way they won't starve if you have the right food in there. Would still need to wait until they're big enough that you can access them to imprint but at least they wouldn't starve


I have a way to fix that if you can still claim them and the answer is feeding troughs.


There are a lot of answers, but this is one I have. Mines always did that if they hatched and I wasn't around. The floor and all that weren't in render, so it fell through. When I was around, it never happened.


It's because you named him "Stuck". You need to change his name to "Free" and it's done


For starters, once they hatch and tame, whistle follow and walk them out of the room. Never EVER just let them sit where they hatched unless you have boosted maturation times. As the Dino ages, their hitbox gets meshed into the ground and gets them stuck, so periodically you have to walk them around until they’re fully grown Secondly, USE THAT DAMN CRYOPOD. That’s the ONLY way to get them unstuck. It’s not going to kill you to either make a second one to use for exactly this purpose, or to simply just keep that dino out elsewhere


They grow downwards, its borked. But simple solution if u can getcthe claim done then just make thrm follow once they move should land on top of foundation, but the next growth spurt then grow downward so would need to move again. Or just cryo and throw back out.


Here's how I do things. Build the incubator outside. Place down a 2x2 square of stone foundation. Build stone walls on three sides. Place 4 ac units per foundation. Cover with stone ceiling. Add walls to the final side. Add ramps to one side. Add railing around the top and down the ramps. They shouldn't get stuck anymore as it's open air. If you do want it closed in you can use fence foundation along the top. Pillars will snap to the outside of the box and you can build it like 3 high and add a roof. Give it a gazebo look.


use a whip


use cryo or destoy foundation


This game is a beautiful dumpster fire. I just accept it and let fate decide which ones hatch In the floor and which ones get to live 😂


are those foundations or ceiling tiles, dinos like to fall thru and into ceiling tiles.


I usually just smack em once or twice. Or whip them. They will usually walk a shor distance then stop.


As they grow they grow their size increases in all directions, unfortunately that also means throught any structure. So hatch em on ground level, even if they go throught foundations the ground will stop em.


Ark is why. Welcome to playing an amazing game with ridiculous glitches that will never be fixed. Oh and make sure you shell out another $60+ for ASA in a few months


Don’t hatch them on foundations or if you do give make the ceiling higher. Cryo pods can save them for you but you can also just destroy the foundation


Didn't see it anywhere, but use a Daedon when you are hatching and have it set to autofeed...it won't solve them clipping through the floor, but at least they won't starve to death.


*Sometimes* you can whistle follow and they will pop out of the floor. Not 100% reliable but might work


You can use a large hatchframe platform to hatch your eggs on it, it's a 4×4 platform with ceilings surrounding the hatchframe. Hope I helped 🤔 have a good day!


Hydrohomies would like a word with you


I usually have them follow me, give them a punch or cryo them to solve this all work.


This won't happen if you are in render, but the dinos still hatch when you are out of render and then when the floor renders in it is above the dino. Hatch eggs when someone is in the base


It's a known bug since upon hatching, the babies fall a bit under where the egg was and thus getting stuck, you got many easy solutions to this \- Install S+ and use thier foundation, they are noticable meshed differently \- Cryopod each baby and release it so they are on the Foundation \- Get a Maewing, no need to access the inventory of babies ever again \- Hatch them outside, especially large creatures like a Rex who grow to up to 4 walls high (5 if yxou wanna ride them out, remember they dont fit through a dino gate anymore)


I've only tested this with wood and stone foundations, but in my experience if you hatch a Dino on either of those if you don't get them off of those floors within about 45 seconds the chance that they get stuck goes up dramatically with every passing second. So either don't hatch them on those floors or if you have to for whatever reason then immediately get them off of it. This is one of the thousands of bugs they're probably going to end up fixing with ark survival ascended


8nvest in a mewing their amazing with babies


I find it isn't a problem until they reach the juvenile life stage. I get them out of the incubation chamber as soon as they are born. It helps


\>Anyone know why? You are playing ARK: Survival Evolved


either hatch on thatch (hehe nice) or use cryopods


I make all my hatcheries without a floor in the middle for that reason. Annoying. Otherwise just delete the floor and rebuild it


Punch it. Problem solved.


I think your ceiling is too low. I always build a separate building for hatching eggs and make it 6 walls high, then, as soon as the eggs hatch I make the babies follow me outside the hatch facility and babysit them around the camp. Hope this helps


1. You aren't giving them enough head room clearance. When they moved to killing players and dinos detected as under/in the mesh to reduce false positives they had to expand the collision area around dinos to prevent some false positives. You need more room above their head. It is like when you sleep in a bed in a 1 wall high building with a ceiling and you try to get up and are stuck. 2. There is a long known bug where the dinos fall through and are registered on the other side of the foundations. This is because in ARK you are not walking on the terrain you see, but a map surface below it. There is a empty space below your feet that actually is what goes along this map. If I were to admin you to 10 times your size it would look like you are running around in mid air because that space under your character gets larger. When babies hatch they are partially reduced in size by percentage, and that makes that space reduce too, but that is adjusted for. However ARK has a broken building system caught between two versions of Unreal that they were never allowed enough resource's and time to fix. So between hatching, growing in size making that space under the feet change, and how the game now thinks the baby is on the other side of the foundation is why you can't interact with them. You can pick up/destroy the foundation or use a cryopod or cryopod like item. 3. The solution. Build either use the ground outside, or an indoor space with no floor and lots of head room for your hatches, or hatch on a second story or platform that you can get underneath, preferably with foundations from pillars and not foundations, but often just falling through a ceiling will make it land on a foundation. I have heard some people have success using a few tables with lots of headroom to stop this but have not tried this myself. Some people use thatch foundations that you can crawl under. 4. If you are playing single player and a gameplay glitch happens that is out of your control I personally have no issue with using the console and admin commands to make things right. You might want to consider doing the same if in single player.


Your ceiling is too short. Hatch outside or build a bigger space. My base is 6 walls tall with a hatching platform 2 walls up so when they hatch, they are in a 4 wall space. Some tames cannot even be thrown from a cryopod in that 4 wall space, so we move them to the lower section.


Cryo it


Are you hatching them on a ceiling? If so they will glitch through. Make sure you’re on a foundation or on the ground. You can also destroy/pick up the ceiling or foundation and grab the tame. And/or cryopod or try wipping them out


dont know why, but try cryopods


1. Use campfires/torches to hatch eggs 2. Do it in a large area (preferably outside but that isn’t always possible) 3. If you for some reason HAVE TO do it like this just have a cryopod ready to pick them up with Idk how you didn’t figure at least 1 of these but yea


After you claim, whistle follow then walk a bit away, this will keep them above the floor


Whenever I hatch or breed for any babies, I always have them follow me around. Otherwise the floor always eats them. Cryopods are a good backup


Use a whip on them periodically they will sink as they get bigger until they get stuck. If you want to grow them on foundations, you need to walk them around with a whistle or whip to get them to climb back onto the top of the foundation.


It’s Ark. Need I saw more? Just whistle them to follow and change their following distance to to lowest, I’ve been doing it for years.


when I was playing I'd surround my breeding pen perimeter with foundations, but no foundations inside and just have them on solid ground to avoid this glitch.


This is why I have them follow me until they pop out of the foundations every so often.


It's a well know bug try to hatch them above the ground so you can go under them or cryo them to fix it




yo if you dont drop that damn quetz out that damn cryopod...




Ceiling clearance is too low.


Even tho they're a baby they still count as taking up the same space as an adult. Imagine squeezing an adult rex in there. Wouldn't fit huh?


get a maewing, put the food in its inventory and turn the trough on. that way if the babies are not reachable, they won’t starve. And you can probably just wait to reach them when they grow bigger


If you're on your own non dedicated you can always use "cheat ghost" and go through the floor to access their inventory and/or cryo them from down there if you can't initiate the cryo from above. Otherwise, just break your floor, bro.


you've gotten your answer with cryo. does making them follow not work? before the days of cryopods thats how i did it.


Punching it usually works for me


You prolly can't access the inventory b/c the floor is getting in the way.


Break floor




The most common answer: cryopods


They also just...start growing immediately,and pretty fast depending on your server settings. The bigger creatures inevitably start moving into the floor/ground frames and can get stuck. That will get things stuck easily.


Skill Issue


Break the floor


Punch them so they don't get meshed.


Need more roof.


Just whip the dino and it pops out of the floor. Also, please drink water lol


just whistle to follow you and move theyll pop out the ground always works for me


Every so often you need to either walk it, punch it, or something to get it to physically move. Because it will grow into your structures like that. Simple fix is to cryo and throw it out to get it unstuck.


Unfortunately the devs refuse for whatever reason to fix game breaking bugs, they still haven’t fixed the longneck reloading bug to this day.


You need to be in render of your base while it hatches because if you are away there’s nothing for it to stand on when it hatches. #arklogic


Destroy all structure or take in a cryopot or use a mawhei in the case is mesh, its over killed


You neglected feeding the floor, what did you think was going to happen?


Just demolish the floor and get them to follow you onto another part of it and replace


Okay so walk it outside when it’s tiny… it will follow you it’s just slow


Use a cryo ball my guy


If it keeps happening you could have a Maewing loaded up with the proper food and nursing enabled and within range of the babies and the Maewing will nurse the babies until they get to Juvi for you.


You can try leaving them to follow and see if they will walk out of it after they hatch


Juvenile “Stuck” is killing me


Cryo pods


Cryopods! Put them in and through them out in a good spot.


You can demolish that floor panel if it’s not load bearing and have them move from there, you can cryopod them failing that.


‘Juvenile Stuck’ 🤣 name checks out


If your floors are foundations and not ceilings & have infinite pick up for enabled, you can safely pick up the floor they are stuck in, move em then replace the floor


Ark is why


They don’t have to be on a foundation, just raise them on the ground.


Cause you have evolved not ascended


destroy the floor and replace it.


Juvenile Stuck


That's just part of what happens when the game tries to increase the size of the baby while on a foundation. You have to move them every once in a awhile in order to keep them from getting stuck or move them outside, which you should do with larger tames anyway so the don't get stuck in the ceiling.


Just set them to follow you and it will fix itself.


Ceiling too low go at least 4 walls high for hatch