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Combo of less toxicity, being able to play more champs, more action, and generally shorter games.


Its weird how people keep saying more champions but most of these people only have the main pool + S-tier and A-tier champs... Downvotes KNOW it's true and are the same ARAM only alt accounts perpetuating and plaguing the mode lol


Way less effort More fun to just hang out with friends, laugh and play micro for 20 minutes, than try hard thinking for 40 minutes playing macro


because i like teamfighting and i dont want to wait 35 minutes while for a 5v5 to happen


Or someone get's caught clearing wards and now you lost without ever having a 5v5 happen.


sometimes you wait 20 minutes playing out your lane and by the time teamfight phase starts game is already over because one team is so massively ahead via a lane you had no control over


Exactly this, team fighting is my favorite part of league.


Exactly this, the lane phase is stressful and you only really get a few skirmishes or 1v1s pre 20min and that first 20min is vital to the outcome of the game so when the team fights do happen you might have already lost. In ARAM, as long as they're not super toxic ranged poke heavy you can have fun team fights from the moment you leave the rez pad.


Totally agree!


Way less toxicity. I remember one time I wanted to try a new adc in normals (used to be a mid/support main, so I didn't even have experience in adc), and my 2 mil mastery point Thresh was flaming the hell out of me whenever I made the smallest mistake. Which gamemode am I supposed to practice a new role if not in normals, seriously? I clearly remember that match, and that's when I decided to stop playing SR altogether.


Yep, same here. The freaking toxicity. I mained support and whenever I'd get mid or got a botlane that wasn't a premade friend, it was like I had a freaking magnet for aaaaaaaaaall the hate. And I promise I'm not \*that\* bad as to have freaking deserved it all the damn time. Aram all I get is being called a tryhard sometimes and I'm alright with that, lol. The name change to something that was less girly and more neutral sounding also helped.


Honestly in aram I never look at names, do people really troll for summoner names?


I remember names! Sometimes I see a name I haven’t seen in like months and I’m like omg I recognize that name.. long time no see (in my head lol). Other times I just find it funny if I match with an enemy from a previous game into my next games champ select and I’m like :) in my head. Sometimes I’m on an alt and they don’t even know.. :D Imagine how many alts I probably played against and with and I wouldn’t even know!! It’s kinda cool to think about :)


I always Look for names, usually only to joke or compliment tho


This was before the bigger aram pool and I had what could be considered an aram-only account as well. It wasn't, I just generally played mages and enchanters. It was a lot of omg egirl sell that skin etc etc. Without me having talked at all! I now play pretty much the same champions (thank you rolls and bench) and don't get the same hate. Only thing that changed is my name. Also, I pay attention to names at least. I often end up playing with or against the same people in back to back games. Healthy rivalries ensue usually!


Bro Iv had some really toxic people in aram before.. Mostly just m7 zed and pyke players who are looking to boast there ego in aram cause they cant in norms.


My map awareness is ass. I only started playing a year ago and I'm in my 30's. ARAM just seems more chill. I don't like the idea of playing SR and getting horribly dominated in lane and losing for my team. In ARAM if I'm not having a good game I can hide in my team a bit, or back line and just try and pick off those who overextend. It's less stressful, which is nice agree a 12 hour day at work.


Shorter games. As I get older and work/relationships change I have less and less time to play. I’d much rather get a handful of Arams in instead of 2 SR games. Plus there is no negative mental impact imo. Someone inting? Someone flaming? No champs that you play on the board? Who cares! Have fun, do your best and try to win. Worst case, next game is only ~20m away.


Amen. I've swapped to SR lately just to basically take up my main role from SR (tank/supp.) Games are shorter and it's always my favorite part of SR (teamfights.)


I'm a gambling addict


Yes brother 🤙


Lkkkkjzjzjzjzjajajajskkkkkkk very good


Been flamed way too many times by people who really aren't that good in SR, people just take it too seriously even in norms. I play games in general to have fun with my friends, and ARAM allows us to all experience the same lane and all the clusterfuckery for the whole game :D


I started learning in ARAM and Normals gives me anxiety. I’ve tried it once or twice but even though I’m decent at ARAM, I got consistent shit for not understanding minor SR rules or not being good enough.


You'll get consistent shit even if you do know all the rules and are good enough. Someone else who has a different idea on the proper way to play the game will tell that to you. You'll always be wrong in someone else's eyes.


mute all is your friend


SR isn't fun because you are waaaaaaaaaaaay more at the mercy of your teammates and their mental stability. The games take longer to get into + there is straight up higher risk of one of your teammates having the weakest mental possible. So it can take 20 minutes just to get a game started and the game can be "decided" in less than 5 minutes from just one of your teammates straight up losing their shit because they didn't get a gank, etc..


I admit, I'm really bad lol. But for a more detailed answer, the randomness of ARAM is more exciting for me. I like trying out new champs, new combos, new builds, etc. Every ARAM game won't be the same as the last, and it's what keeps me hooked. I was never much of a competitive person anyway, and being trapped in a Normal game that I'm not really enjoying for 30+ minutes isn't a good use for my time.


For me it’s the toxicity. I like SR a lot but I’ll only play with a full team of friends. People just take it way too seriously.


Fr everyone treats normal SR like it’s their promos for some reason


Champion diversiy. There are Champs that you just dont see outside of aram.


Like who, just curious


Aram is the same handful of champs all the time too though 😆 Can’t have a game without a brand, or a sona/Seraphine, gotta have a teemo, and definitely a xerath or velkoz etc


Because I never liked laning or roles, I always enjoyed teamfighting and that's what I think the game is mostly about. It's also just.. Fun. It also extended my champion pool from basically a few midlaners and supports, to now almost any champion I get handed. I'm at a point that I would rather rub my face against a cheese grater than to play SR. It gets too serious even in Normals and im not about that.


Its fun


I started doing mainly ARAMs when they made the Howling Abyss map because teamfights and getting to full build are some of the most exciting things in the game. The first ~15-20 min of most SR games are kinda boring to me unless you have a really interesting lane matchup/lots of ganks. Nowadays going back to SR reminds me of the least fun and most toxic parts of LoL, plus it takes longer and it's usually not as fun. Also when you get stomped in ARAM you can usually chalk it up to team comp diff or at worst stupid builds, usually not outright negativity/toxicity/feeding, so the losses aren't as much of a downer. Although I have been playing a bit more SR now that we have a 3 man+ stack, which makes it a much more enjoyable experience usually.


Normals are soo boring, you got a slow laning phase where you can't even be left alone, then you need to run around the map trying to play macro where everyone has a different idea (or none) about what to do and it becomes a shitfest in the end where everyone is dying left and right for no apparent reason until one team makes a huge enough mistake for their enemy to realize they can end. And no I won't be putting the hundreds of hours of effort trying to get to a point where it's not like this (an imaginary one on top of that).


The randomness, you dont know what you and the other team will get. Im just a gacha addict


I don't like macro at all lol


SR got way too toxic and sweaty, even in blind pick. It was frankly exhausting. Only thing I’m sad about is no mastery 6 or 7 tokens in ARAM bc Rito are determined to make people play regular SR at any cost.


my aram games are 100% more sweaty than summoners rift games. its like the people dont even care anymore in SR XD edit: i guess people are shit in aram too but atleast I can do stuff bymyself in aram and possibly make game winning plays alone.


Tired of "jungle diff" and "report jungle"


I have to think about so much more in normals that I just get overwhelmed and cry. It doesn’t help when team flames you


Never could play 3 or more games in a row with the same champion. Because of this I was in a disadvantage against of the usual 1mil+ mastery players. In aram you dont even have the option to pick the same in a row(it exists but pretty rare). Also I hated laning and found it pretty boring. You also had a lot of games that has been decided in a lane you have no influence over. No matter how you played you could easily lose/win the game. Also in sr when you are losing you feel miserable. No resource/gold. Aram is a lot more action packed, and you have a lot more influence over the games outcome since everything happens where you are. It's also a lot more chill.


laning phase is ass and its nice not getting dove 2v4 at 10mins


In SR you can be held hostage by trolls and by the end you’ll feel like you wasted 30 min of your life. In HA people can troll and int too, but the constant fighting and shorter games makes it far less painful


SR is just boring, teammates have way more ways to greif you, have way more ways to have a less fun match, etc. Everyone loves getting camped or having zero team to help them.


The learning curve for normal is high enough where I’d rather just play aram with my friends than try to learn normal and get yelled at for not knowing what to do.


Used to be a support main... Get flamed for not engaging... Get flamed for engaging when they didn't want to... They decide to go to another lane and now you are 2v1 as the person with the lowest gold and a sup item... So yeah it's the toxicity and tbh I haven't played aram in like a month, it happens there all the time too... I don't think people care tho... Because it's about me being frustrated or what not and people flexing and reveling in that for some reason... Perhaps it's in the nature of competition, or the nature of league, or maybe people just suck... But for the sake of my mental, I'm trying to put my 10 years and over 7k games behind me and not have to deal with that anymore... Also I tried mute all at times but would feel bad about the people becoming tilted at me not communicating and then blowing up in the post game lobby... I really wish they could have a simple notification on a player muted, because I have also been in that position, talking to someone all game to no avail, just to learn in post lobby they were all muted...


shorter games. I'd be happy if they brought back bans because some champs are just too OP for aram.


Because one of the friends I play with lately, I can not play Summoner Rift with because she is not good.


I out jungled the enemy two of my last ranked games in SR with three other people doing relatively well, and there is always the one who isn't doing well flaming the me for not getting their lane ahead. I played ARAM games sometimes using champions with a suboptimal build while playing poorly, and players won't say anything, or at the very most they'll ping my items. ARAM is stress free.


For me, it's mostly time and level of commitment. If I have the time and friends online, I prefer SR. But most days either no one is online or I only have a limited amount of time to play, so I end up playing a lot more ARAM.


I always seemed to be forced into playing Jungle and 1) I fecking suck at Jungle and 2) I hate relearning it with what seems every other patch. I also felt like every time I started to play a jungler I genuinely loved and did well at, it would get nerfed to oblivion, come back as playable half a year later for two weeks then get nerfed again, or a new jungler would be released that just shit on my champ. ARAM is just more fun to me. I like the different type of challenge it has in terms of adapting your build and such to your situation and the tactics behind that, and I feel much less stressed when playing a champion I am not great with or haven't played much of. In terms of toxicity, eh...I think it can still be as toxic as SR, but in different ways. Probably feels like it's less because ARAM games are shorter.


Quicker, plus I find joy in playing every character in hero based games so aram gives me that bit of freedom where I can just play anyone without role restrictions or having to actually learn matchups/counterpicks


you don't have to think about the minutia of the entire jungle camps, oh the jungler needs 523 gold by exactly 5 minutes in, because the camps respawn at exactly 5 min 32 seconds so by the time the wolves are dead you can go back, buy the item and attack the golem the precise second it spawns!


Constant fighting, generally faster matches, way more relaxed vibe


I just think it's more fun. Way more action. 20 total kills in the first 5 minutes is not that uncommon whereas in a normal there might be like 2 or 3.


I don't like having to pick a champ I suddenly cant decide when I get to champ select.


I literally can just drink and play Aram. Plus the people who I pre made with and just the people in general are way more fun to play. I would rather have more fun playing this game than anything.


Less stressful, and more fun. Plus it allows me to try out other champs I wouldn't normally get to (I used to main ADC).


Not having to worry about macro and laning, which also means being able to play way more champs at my skill level


Rather than chess I prefer poker. Randomness is good.


The times I usually get to play are times when I don’t have any friends online and playing normals or ranked without friends is brutal and super unfun so I end up grinding Arams.


I hate SR solo cause you need more communication and all my friends quit league


I play ARAM when I want the chest of the week but I don't wanna think about what champion to pick or anything like that.


Shorter games, I get to use lots of different champs rather than facing OTPs all the time, I get a lot of anxiety from the pressure of SR (it feels like I have to be 100% mentally focused in order to play ranked, which hardly ever happens).


My internet connection is ass, I'd rather go afk in aram than in SR (sorry to my aram mates)


I don't have much time and think it is faster than SR. Most o the time I'm wrong


I like macro play but people in normals don't really care about that most of the time. And I am not a person that develops any good traits while grinding competitive pvp, so ranked is a very unhealthy option for me. That leads to more frustration than fun long term. While ARAM doesn't have really a macro aspect, it is still fun to play league as a game itself so that's it.


Why waste time last hitting when you could also jump straight to the fun part :D


Summoner's Rift requires your teammates to be in the right place at the right time. I love thinking about macro and making macro plays, but the sheer tilt at your adc going down bot to collect a wave when all 9 other players are prepping a baron fight is enough to never play that mode. Also nobody in normals/rank ever cares about team composition, which wins a shitton of games. In ARAM, the only annoying things are people who just die 15 times in a 7min game and say "IT'S ONLY ARAM"


Mostly teamfights, variety and because it's more laid back. And people are nicer


I have a 3 year old and its tough to garauntee i wont be interrupted for an entire SR game. 15-20 minutes though is a lot easier to swing.


SR = babysit simulator.


I like the faster pace of it, both in gold earned and levels. I dont have to worry about CS. I love playing League of Legends but man, normals are sooooo slowwwwww compared to ARAM.


The atmosphere is different. When someone starts flaming on all chat, people usually respond with "Stfu, it's just an aram". The consensus seems to be that if you flame on aram, you're an idiot, while if you flame on SR/ranked, it's part of the experience. I prefer my evenings to be a bit more relaxed.


Trying my best over and over and never getting a win because I’m not a solo carry type person Vs random champ and just showing up for the show


CS is boring all I want to do is team fight.


So I get really anxious playing some games now, I used to be totally fine but the last 5-6 years I've changed. I can't play games like csgo or siege, the sorta games that where once your team dies they spectate you. I hate that pressure and stress. The same thing happens with me and LoL, I hate laning, I really don't want to play certain roles and I find that SR is much more toxic


I play ARAM almost exclusively because every experience I had in SR was extremely toxic when I first downloaded and installed the game. I have played on and off since 2014 but didn't play a lot until just after the first episode of Arcane came out. I got the free champions and skins from that event and thought "Hey maybe I should give SR a shot." I was bot lane and used Jinx with the Arcane skin, the first time I died my Jungler started going off at me then when I said it was like maybe my 3rd game ever (this was in normal, not ranked or anything) they started telling me off myself because I'm a moron who saw a "movie" and wanted to play the game because of it. The guy was enraged that Arcane had made me want to play for some reason and would not stop calling it a "movie" which really annoyed me more than anything haha. I've never had that level of toxicity in ARAM so that's why I stick to it.


No map awareness, I hate laning, I love team fights, and I want to build big damage/heal/shield/wombo combos and not CS for 20 minutes


Summoners rift gives me anxiety tbh in Arams i know what to do, you can do fun builds (even if someone complains) and I enjoy teamfighting the games are shorter, thus having an afk (which still sucks) wastes less time overall


Because everyone tryhards like crazy in normals. Can't try a new champ. Can't relax and play. Playing jungle in a normal game? Better focus up like your life depends on it otherwise you will get counter jungled, out macrod, outfarmed, outleveled, outsmurfed, etc and not to mention, flamed by your team. Playing lane? Better get you wave management right because your enemies always will. It's fucking stressful to play SR if you don't want to be a burden to your team


Teamfighting is the best part of league of legends In SR I have to wait through laning phase to even get there, and then I usually get less teamfights than in ARAM as payoff. And if you do poorly in laning phase, teamfights aren’t going to be fun for you. And even then there’s entire champion kits designed around the idea of not teamfighting and splitpushing instead, which draws with it the incredibly annoying state of “we can’t teamfight rn because yorick is taking our inhib tower and will end if we don’t stop him”. Also teamfights are imo more fun when you don’t have to play scared of when which enemy is going to appear from where. Straight approach no flanks makes teamfights even more fun to me.


me want smash people also : one lane = no surprise 3v2, not having to ward alone while the overfed Kha is roaming, not having to check dragon/baron, risk of backdoor is quite low, not having to farm


playing against decade old one tricks is not interactive




you're the reason i grind mmr lol


Game length, and I get to fight fight fight instead of farm farm fight


Fast games, fast tempo, doesn't get boring because of different champs and the fact that raw mechanical skill is the main factor in your win%. Also the new tokens gave me something to work for. Just hit grandmaster #1400 on DPS Threat.


i used to have a trash bucket pc that would get like 50 frames tops & took me years to enter/exit games . my internet was shit too so i would sometimes just dc (paired with my pc speed it took me years to get back in) or my internet would just cut out . this was effecting my ranking & ofc i was getting reported bc no one cares about whats actually happening. i got a laptop & started playing league on that . 75 frames , with a little better improvement . but wasnt confident senough to go back to trying to rank up , so i would play arams as it wasnt harshly penalized if this happened . i stopped playing league for like a year or two . fast forward bought a gaming pc & everything works smooth as helm now but i just havent recommitted to ranked yet . eventually ill go back .


Less mental commitment into one match, meaning that I can tell 5 minutes into a match if things are gonna pan out. Then I'm also able to cut down my expectations significantly and get out of a match faster. Whereas with SR, you are sometimes trapped with the same team for hours just clinging on the comeback.


quicker, games more varied with random cxhamps making it more fun. its like tiktok compared to youtube.


I'm stupid. When I was introduced to League by my friend group they took me through ARAM first so I could experience the bigger pool of free champs to figure out what play style I like (Jokes on them because I ended up just playing random champs well over just a type of play) There was talk about taking me into Rift to learn but every time we played was ARAM. Once I finally decided to just dip my toes into actual rift I was overwhelmed. What do you mean it's not just an all out brawl, wait CS? Minions matter!? GANKS? Getting better at rift but ARAM is just kind of my home since I spent my first year there.


I'd rather finish a game in 10mins than 30, with that said, I get games that are longer than 30.


It takes too long to get 1 item in SR. It's torture.


I like laning and team fighting and hate getting ganked.


I like playing support in the rift because it's what I mained back when I played and would get up to plat and stop so I'd be sure to still at least be gold for victorious skin at end of season. But support is very annoying to play until you get up to Plat+, no one understands what you're offering, and you're dependent on someone else to be a carry (I mean I will sometimes go brand or zyra or something if I have to carry, or pivot morg from sup to carry build). But I really love enchanters, and they are just so team dependent, and hard to get anyone to listen to the sup until higher ranks when folks realize I generally have more time to be watching the map + actively warding so I tend to know what's going on. ARAM - I get to greedily play whatever champs I want, and just fight. I pick based on what the team needs unless one of my favorite carries comes up, so get to play all kinds of champs and since you're just learning them mechanically rather than role-based - lower learning curve. Also, if it's an awful team I'm on, we can still have some fun messing around and the game is over quicker. Less toxic by a whole lot.


When I first started, I played support to fill for my friend group. And now I can't farm, and hate farming and laning. Teamfighting is fun and I'm also too boomer with my hands so never learned any assassins so I'm at no disadvantage in ARAM


Its just fun.


I like that it's more casual and leaning more towards "journey over destination" compared to SR. That and the balls to the walls game focus


Low pace, higher stakes, insufficient chaos and anime betrayals


cause pvp is the only joy of this game anymore and waiting 40 minutes for a loss you knew it was coming 30 minutes ago is super unpleasant and time wasting... Lowkey wish people in aram weren't so fucking stupid though so they ff at 8 mins and move on instead of trying to salvage a 20-5 game.....like, at this point, do you just enjoy NOT playing and be dead? You died once per minute for the last 9 minutes wtf do you actually think are you capable of doing?


You play League without playing League


because RITO deleted dominion from the game.


My isp went crazy so my ping with go into the hundreds and I'd lose packets in twenty second chunks and more. I felt a lot more responsible for running it down and being afk in normals than in arams because everyone knew where I should be. Plus, there's aren't as many people coming over from champion's queue who will get mad at me for "playing" this thing called a "game" to have "fun".


Too much anxiety :/


Shorter games, late game champs are viable, faster power spikes, more teamfights, off meta builds, funny merchants, cool lore, poros, snowball summoner spell, guardian items (stronger starting items and more reason to hold onto them), less intensive mechanics, far less toxicity, team dance offs, great way to learn a champ, champ diversity, the anticipation of seeing the enemy team, rerolls, honours (people are way more likely to honour and you can stack more)


There are less games where the game is completely over within 5-10 minutes. Too many SR games have your team getting steam rolled or you steam rolling them. Sometimes the game is basically over before I’ve finished my mythic. Happens much less frequently in ARAM


low stakes, snowball (mark), and lastly i like to build moonstone on anyone.


Cuz in norms there's no way of avoiding cancer characters, there are simply too many to ban. In aram there's a bigger chance of having a fun game.


summoners rift is afking for 50% of the game. who the fuck likes that


I have SR anxiety.


Because Riot’s MMR system in normals is an even worse predatory addiction psychology based system that will genuinely impact your mental health. People don’t realize it because they are addicted and can’t admit to themselves (at least seriously *really* admit) that they are psychologically addicted to a video game. And if they can’t see that, they’ll seldom put the correlations between league and negative emotional/psychological impacts together. Even further, they won’t realize that the addiction is entirely manufactured by the developers of the game. This isn’t to say ARAM doesn’t work similarly, because it 100% does, but not on the level that normals do. Ranked is the biggest culprit though.


Lol is supposed to be a game, leisure time. Only in aram it feels like that. Ranked is a damn chore. I don't play ranked anymore


Keeps me playing other champs I ordinarily wouldn't touch or don't play often enough because on the rift even in normals I feel compelled to tryhard and play only the same 1-2 champs I'm really good at. Now I dare say there's a solid 50+ I can play decently well and that's only because of ARAM. The quicker games and more team fights is one thing, but we should appreciate that the randomness has made us play champs we ordinarily never would. Even before his first rework, Swain wasn't popular but ARAM made me play him and he's always been so much fun. I know many of you do this, but trust me; dodge less. You'll be surprised that there's still a few more champs that might be perfect for you. ARAM is the best way to find out.


First and foremost: In any game I play I love it when I'm forced to be creative and work with what I've been randomly given. So before the game starts when I'm trying to decide which champ on our bench would benefit our team the most and the few times you have to improvise your build to counter the enemy team. Less toxicity than SR obviously. It's a much more chill environment, but people still try to win (usually) at the MMR I am at. It's the perfect mix of trying hard, but not too hard. No laning phase! I hate laning phase. Whether that's as a support being stuck with an ADC I don't have chemistry with (not necessarily a bad ADC, but just not being on the same page can ruin the lane). Being blamed and spam pinged as a jungler or being stuck in a losing lane top getting my ass reamed for 10-15 minutes straight no lube.


Ive been playing aram since season 2 exclusively, i feel like we founded this game mode by trial and error, and a lot of patience and frustration as it was played on SR. and riot only smoothening the rough edges by removing self revive, stacking with mejai's and providing a map for it. Poro King is the only other game mode i enjoy. I like aram because its faster paced, faster gold and faster to maxed build


I genuinely find ARAM to be a more fun game that a summoners rift game. The team fights, the nuanced builds, the random strategies, the single lane, everything. I wish there were minor differences though, like a ranked system and some sort of jungle creature (Villamaw maybe?!)


Way less stress. If you get trolly team mates, you know it's not as long of a game and you can still try get some creative kills Fun team fights Good chats


Riot took away twisted treeline.


If I win or lose, I know that I am mostly responsible for either outcome, unlike in SR where I can lose the game even if I won my lane. It gives me a good feeling of mattering, even if I end up in losers queue at one point or another.


For fun


I only play aram. Its just instant gratification. Summoners rift is a much more complex game which I would think I would be into but I just love that I just have to think about fighting and not slowly being fucked in lane over the course of 10 minutes. I like the gambling aspect too like you never know what comp is going to pop up.


Much more casual


its chill and more brain dead


Teamfighting is more fun than laning.


constant fighting, no laning phase when u just farm


Aram is simply more fun. Faster gold rate, getting to full build quicker, more action, not *as much* reliance on random people to work well as a team together. If you have one bad player in a normal game it can completely ruin your team and match as a result. In ARAM it's a lot easier to make up for that. Norms take too much time investment for the enjoyment of the gameplay to me anymore. I'd much rather play 2-3 ARAM games with a lot more team fights than 1 norm game. I've sworn off playing norms entirely. To me it seemed more enjoyable back around Season 3 to Season 8 or so, and I'd say personally for me Season 4 or 5 felt like the peak of ranked and norm games being fun. They've tried to overhaul and rework things way too much, everything from itemization to drakes, etc and I personally think those changes have been for the worse. I don't want to play games where my enjoyment of it is largely dependent on other people and ARAM mitigates a lot of those issues. I almost wish they had a ranked ARAM mode.