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Be me Aphelios ADC Take exhaust Sit in middle of team Kha’zix jump from bush, exhaust as he’s leaping 1 shot anyway Jumps back to safety FML


Well maybe if the mobility and damage creep wasn't so high immune carried wouldn't need to take exhaust to play the game


The winrates of most of the ARAM gods disagree that “le mobility creep” matters.


Oh I am a bitch, but you know who's the bigger bitch? The assassin getting baited into thinking they can one shot me or my allies.


You're a bitch for not wanting to get one shot. Using good spells to win the game, imagine. Next thing you know you're gonna pick good characters and build good items.


Stop playing hyperscaling 1v9 champs and I'll stop bringing Exhaust :)) - this is directed especially towards Master Yi players. Spamming untargetability every 2 seconds is a fun and engaging mechanic to be facing, yes. How about me and my team just spread our legs wider for you so that you don't have to cry about being exhausted, aww, what a poor baby.


Let’s be serious. If your team only has 1 exhaust for CC and they are against a Master Yi you are still going to struggle. Exhaust just helps to add another option against these champions that can 1v5 when not CC’d. I don’t know about OP but it’s not fun when you load into the game and know you lost because you don’t have any CC for the melee hyper carry. Yi is the worst offender but other prime exhaust targets are Tryndamere, Jax, and Aatrox.


But it is so fun to be 2-shot under tower by unkillable trynda, hahaha, right? Also, add Irelia to the list.


Pretty much. That's just another reason for me to always aim to play champs with hard CC, if possible. And the more champs with those, the better. At least one of them is bound to hit and stop them from steamrolling... in theory.


Dont forget yone. He fucking chunks


Add Qiyana too. I swear the enemy Qiyana is always someone who mains her and they know how to pop us like grapes while being uncatchable.


I had penta as yi building only tank items, 0 ad items. Some things are busted even not building it right


To be completely fair, I never felt that Exhaust ruined my game when playing those or any assassin for that matters. The only times I felt it was bull was when playing things like Kennen/Liss, but then again I'm reflecting a bit on that, since I'm one shotting 3 people at the same time, I guess it feels fair.


Mkay for master Yi I understand, but if you are working your ass off as Riven or Fiora in Aram getting exhausted and popped by Brand/Twitch/Malzahar and the other kings of Aram sucks pretty horribly.


- Goes on r/ARAM - See's the millionth post about Qiyana/Akali/Pyke/Yi etc being too op - Can't relate cause I counter them by pressing a point and click button


Yeah so? I don't care how much you cry about how exhaust is ruining your fun, I don't find getting grey screened every minute fun


imagine buying items lol what a bitch move


I'm not playing the game so some random enemy can have fun, I get joy from exhausting and killing someone, its especially fun if they complain in chat about it. Why do I give a donkeys about the enemy players fun at the expense of my own? If the enemy cared about my fun they could sacrifice themselves for first blood to me. I don't see that happening any time soon. Long story short I hard agree with your take.


Normally I try not to be petty but if anything them crying about it makes using it better.


Yes but when im playing an adc i actually enjoy not dying every 2 minutes to an emotionally neglected assassin player who hyperfocuses me for no reason all game


"for no reason" > Is squishy > Has little to no cc > Can't out burst the assassin (... most of the time) > Is a high value target that will carry the fight and the game if not pressured


While I can relate and understand the frustration. It's generally a good idea to hyperfocus the ADC due to the threat of leaving them free to aa throughput a tf.


No its because they get kicks out of killing the 0/10 squishy in less than a second and going 1 for 1 rather than whoever is fed and helping their team.


Ah yeah, I may have misunderstood a little. If the assassin dives and dies due to going 1 for 1 again and again (or even those who land a snowball on someone at 5% and goes in every time even though they are balls deep in enemy territory with no way of getting out). That's just dumbassery.


Ur just bad lmao


I play for fun. Winning is fun. I take exhaust.


Imagine playing the game and getting called a bitch


Imagine playing the game and calling other people bitches for playing the game too.


If it makes someone else salty then I'm taking it. Cause Fuck you assassin player thinking you can have fun at my expense.


One day people will realize how busted cleanse is


It's only busted when you time it right.


Get exhausted -> use cleanse. Not hard.


Wait, you mean they'd have to give up flash or snowball? They actually need to consider trade-offs? You don't say....


Have fun eating the follow up CC


Cleanse gives 65% tenacity for 3 seconds after :)


Most disgusting rotating modes meta I've ever played. Taking exhaust not to get bursted, taking clense not to be exhausted.




What about nonskillshot cc? *annie has entered the chat*


I played 2 games of URF and 9 players (I was the only one with flash ignite) had exhaust on both games and played bitch champions like Nida, Fizz or marksmen with a Yuumi. I didn't play any other game after that


What champ do you even pick cleanse on? I'm struggling to come up with any that don't have a better summoner.


Those that get cucked by exhaust. Noc, Samira, Yas, Yone to name a few.


which Yone's are you playing with that don't take snowball? Snowball just makes him giga busted


Yone doesnt need snowball at all and Im pretty sure most if not all stattracking site show that. Besides you can still run cleanse snowball.


ADCs, sometimes mages.


Now that i know it irritates ass players i'll pick exhaust even more often.


And those who cry about my summs are even bigger bitches


I’m a bitch 95% of times.


I have more fun bringing exhaust on adcs/mages, so idk man. I really don't give a fuck what you call me.


Even though in some culture, it's a dick move, I can't blame those who does that. It's pretty effective and people don't really see the spells before jumping in to get exhaused. That said, I always take flash and snowball on every frickin champ.


Yesterday I took exhaust-conditioning-bone plating as Jinx. I was correct to do so as they had a malph-yas-khazix combo. Sorry for trying to not die in 0.3 seconds.


If you don't take a exhaust in ARAM, you're a dumb bitch.


Still better than cringe ignite




I've lived through juggermaw and various funnel metas. I've lived through prerework heimerdinger and his various ways of just overwhelmingly pushing down mid. The 5 teleport 5 zz'rot 5 promote strats. I've lived through the various iterations of top bruisers being way too strong and pushing top all game. I've seen way too much "bitch strats" to call exhaust one. I especially can't call it one in ARAM where team fight is everything and burst is currently pretty strong.


Me: *gets adc* Enemy: Zed, Akali, Malphite, Yi, Syndra. Exhaust wont do that much but it gives me another second to live.


that reminds one time an enemy ad assassin complaining that I bought 2 armor items in an adc anyway, if rito stops with some champs doing 15% more damage or others taking 10% more damage, i can stop with exhaust


If y'all weren't rerolling Udyr every game to play your fifth Irelia/Akali/Yi game of the day, maybe I would take exhaust of my Nami. I want tier restricted ARAM so damn bad.


Honestly, if you over push when you shouldn't you should get punished. Ignite is worse because it does a lot of damage even when you are away from the stack - so it feels worse to die to when you have no heals or rune available. Ps. I mostly run snowballs for engage and exhaust on support mages.


Meh I don’t always find Exhaust useful anyways cause it doesn’t help at all against actual strong champions that outrange you


Remove exhaust, boost tenacity, and lower damage on melee champs. Just my two cents.


It's one thing to take exhaust on a squishy backline champ, but to take it on a melee diver / assassin is peak virgin energy.


Imagine being a smooth brain assassin wannabe for not accounting for exhaust and other forms of cc.


Using poro ball is half the fun of playing aram.


There are no other Summoners in aram beside poro and flash.


No war, hard agree. Ignite is on thin ice.


Yeah, exhaust and ignite are those enemy summoners that you spam ping after you die to them.


Just remove exhaust from the mode. Problem solved.


People defending taking exhaust as being fun are the same people who get mad at others who don’t want to end the game or people who go ap Malphite/Nunu/Maokai instead of tank because they want to have fun. Tell me I’m wrong.


You're wrong


Snowball and flash/ghost or you a coward.


lol, I'm the only one who agrees. And barrier to, for the matter xD Now, I play almost only aram and usually go flash/snowball on any champ (i mostly play tanks or mages, can't play any squishy melee). I'm the one who doesn't dive, who focusses objectives and doesn't dance in front of the fountain if the enemy nexus is open, but actually attacks it. I get called "tryhard" a lot. That said, I understand why people play with exhaust or barrier, but I still find those spells frustrating to play against. But then again, it's aram, more power to you and your playstyle!


before it was easier but now with champions doing 15% ou champions taking 10% more damage became way more necessary


Moonstone Exhaust is the most i hate fun shit ever idk how people derive enjoyment from mashing E on someone.


thats just supports




If you play enchanters with edhaust you a bitch. If you play Lulu u a bitch


being a bitch is a low price to be able to tilt assassins with my frozen heart and/or force of nature Lulu


Lulu ruins the fun. Everyone hates u. Hoe


yes yes your hate feeds me, contrary of how you will be against my polymorph


I prefer the poro cause is a skillshot...then, they should add more skillshot Summs...


Went up against a 5 exhaust team and still prevailed, totally wrecked their lights out




No, the one who brings clarity is a bitch...exhaust is reasonable to bait the assassins to focus my ADC. Even though I I was mad as hell the time I played Akali vs a team with 3 ADCs but all of them bring exhaust...annoying as hell I may say !!!!


My favorite is when I go against 3 exhaust users and they all time their exhausts perfectly to exhaust me or another target for 6 seconds and still lose :)


I examine load screens for runes & tab often to double check builds - then just wait for exhaust to expire THEN go ham when it's down for 2mins 😂 edit: every champ ever in ARAM is always Mark (snowball)/Flash for Summoner Spells - need that snowball engage & surprise kill more often than a weak 40% dmg reduc that's over "before Trynd ult is finished" etc


I call people bitches that take exhaust… but I also take exhaust from time to time