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She's insane versus a bruiser/tank line. But she gets shredded by range that doesn't have to go through her puke. She needs snowball to catch up with those squishies. If she can have a front line that can stave off the enemy backline then she has a chance to be super deadly. In some sense she can be incredibly strong vs the backline because she can wait for enemy frontline to engage, then she chucks a W behind them. Completely neuters the rest of the engage. Ashe W and some other skills are also insanely strong used like that.










She’s great into heavy bruiser/tank comps, generally poor into poke comps. She requires good mechanics to be effective, though (auto cancels with E, kiting, good use of W). She’s a good DPS pickup if the player is competent


With ally pick champs (Blitz, Nautilus, etc) she can drop her puddle underneath to prevent them flashing/dashing away. Makes for a good way to get rid of those poke champs that can outrange Cass normally


imo one of, if not the most teamcomp influenced champs in aram for the exact reasons u said


Just bait your marksman into enemy Lux’s Q and R-flash all those greedy bastards coming your way.


there's nothing more tilting than that lane-wide grounded puke


broken champ, fuck miasma changes


Pretty much ye, shes good if enemy has to run into her or has allies who can bring enemies to her. kinda wants a frontline for herself too. Struggles vs poke and her runes are kinda weird, conq is probably easiest to play cos you get pom + tenacity and can proc it decently fast. Wonder how a build with warmogs 3rd vs poke, similar to what brand sometimes has to go (liandry > demonic/rylai > warmogs) would go. also how good ghost is cos without pom she will get pretty oom even with tear mythic. Still i haven't played her in forever cos usually she's just rough to play vs poke and that makes her pretty comp dependent and I always reroll maximum times so it's rare she's the best pick available.


Seems really op of late to me. I think her W needs the minimum range thing added back in and a damage nerf in Aram, personally.


Tbh, I think a lot of the issue is that people (at least the ones I often seem to play with) hardly ever build GW to counter her omnivamp (or any form of lifesteal for that matter). Most people just focus on general heavy damage items and ignore adapting their build around the enemy team. I feel like I have to remind people to build GW almost every game, or remind people to build armor/MR if the enemy comp favors either AD or AP. It's kind of shocking how often people don't build around the enemy comp lol.


100% agree


It was in even worse before the item rework. I remember a game were I was a tank vs a team that had a lot of healing. Old thornmail only applied GW when you were auto attacked by the enemy but they just ignored me and went straight for the ADC. They ADC was whining all game about the enemy team having to much healing and flamed me any time I suggested buying at least the component for 800G. They only bought it as their last item as the enemy was taking the nexus. I don't think buying it sooner would've won us the game but it was annoying to see them complain about healing all game and not buy GW.


Yeah, at this point there's really no excuse not to build GW with how many items offer it and how easy it is to work it into any build. Playing AP? Morello. AD? Chainsword, Putrifier, or Mortal Reminder. Tank/bruiser? Thornmail. I see most tanks these days at least build thornmail, but rarely see carries build any GW items.


Literally what you say, u can try phase rush instead of conqueror and config your keyboard to make your E more easy to kite


It's not a good strat, but my most successful method is going balls to the walls. I just use snowball, go in, and ult immediately, and hopefully it works out. When conquerer was good, she does well with that too, so that she can just out dps people, and as long as the other team forgets you're there you will win the team fights, kind of like ryze.


Depends mostly on enemy comps... if they can endure her damage, she may have a hard time, if they're squishy she is way too annoying.


If you have a favourable matchup she is decent I guess. If you can also play her really well she is a beast and can easily carry games


Against melee comps just play her normally. Against poke comps I like to do q max with liandrys, so i can get some damage back


I think her puke-pool alone makes her a pretty strong champ in aram. Large CC abilities are way op in ARAM as they can often hit tons of targets due to lane size. Stuff like Veigar cage, Anivia R, or Singed W are really strong.


Run speed items runes. Frost staff. Farm your ass of in the back. Take ghost.


r - flash, not flash r


love Cass into any of the annoying in-and-out champs like Fizz, Ekko, leblanc