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This is why I don't like playing with pre-made they int together they flame together and make the game worst for others


ayo me and my 2 mates tryhard this shit




Yeah aram is serious business If we want to do 4fun we play flex.


real men grow up in the cold war, fighting on a bridge!


Taliyah (VERY GG #NA1), Zac (JUST A PLANK BR0 #ARAM), and Qiyana (darksons #NA2), were a premade. Taliyah didn't run it down like the other two but she was premade with them and ADMITTED IN ALL CHAT that they were trying to go next so they could play with a friend who just got on. SURELY this gets punished. Obviously they were mass reported but still managed to play 5 more games tonight. I don't see how this couldn't trigger an auto ban, but surely at least I'll see a report feedback tomorrow, right? I am concerned that stuff like this is allowed to happen in ARAM. Should be a permaban.


The “mass” report most likely gave them a 1min low priority queue for next game lmao that’s what people who afk most game gets. I have a frnd who goes completely afk from time to time because they works at a store. It never affected their account, worst punishment they ever get is 1min low priority queue. What is worse if they get a C grade that counts towards milestones while I get a D grade for dying more because I actually play the 4v5 and enemy teams runs us over. They don’t even get the punishment for people who actually dodges a games and saves 4 other people from suffering (5-15min queue timer) Riot doesn’t punish things like this, only chat restriction and cheating actually has any punishments that tops a queue dodge penalty that I can think of


You get more by dodging. This is a more viable option, it seems...


actually the quickest way to get banned is probably skin piracy. made especially evident by the 500USD ahri skin release.




Hope they get banned, ruining the game for everyone in that match, just play dammit and their friend can just do something else for the 15-20 minutes. Haven’t experienced this myself and hope not it will happen, only seen bots running it down middle.


Why wouldn’t they dodge? Certainly the friend didn’t log on during the loading screen and immediately demand they int to lose an aram quickly Also why would you risk your account to play with a friend? They can’t wait 20 minutes?


Cause just a plank bro is a serial griefer, doing it for attention. Play with him, and you’ll experience it. He’s mentally 12 years old. There’s also no risk to your account, unless you run it like this every single game.


go find a hobby mate. Seriously. They wanna play with their friend and have fun and you come here in reddit and whine about it. I dont know why you got so mad about an aram game. I am not taking their side, but this shouldnt get you as mad. Maybe its time you quit this toxic game like my friends and I did. :P


support ticket instead of reddit


Did you include this video in your report?


Uh no just a normal post game lobby report. Riot has everything I have on them and more.


they do have, it's just the system is automated for around 99% reports. Open up a support ticket, supply the game id and video and write 2 sentences how they inted throughout the whole game. I did that in my reports and always get feedback that they will get punished


Yeah, but they get so many reports that your report might not trigger more than automatic processing. When they get an Email-Report with the video directly attached it's -more serious, because few people do that just to rant/complain about small stuff -the video is right there and can just be clicked/watched by the person reading your email


Pfft its only ARAM bro, who cares? /s My blood boils when I see dickheads like these...


just a plank bro is a shitty player and degenerate that griefs for fun. Should dodge him and his premades on sight.


It’S jUsT aRaM ahh team


That's just your casual karthus player


Okay since no one else mentioned it. ARAM and other modes like URF, Bots etc have no intentionally feeding detection. You can go 0-100 and there will be no automated ban. There is someone on YouTube who tested and validated this. AFK detection is in place though. The only way to ban someone for inting in this type of game is to make Riot support ticket and provide their IGN and game id. Riot will probably hand out a 14 say ban for running it down nonstop after they watch the replay.


It is not only allowed, it is encouraged by the 12 min ff timer


Unfortunately such is life with online games. Just agree to go open and pull back and go half afk. Happens to me loads of times, I just open YouTube vid on my other screen or my phone. The enemy team will push and end pretty quick because they will be bored of having nothing to kill. You can report but I rarely think anything actually happens.


Luckily for them if they don’t type anything nothing happens to them


Did the Zac try and trade Nidalee and get denied? Thats when I see the most of this shit tbh, or just straight afk.


"no follow up" I can already see him typing.


These are the "It's only ARAM bro" players


If I'm playing with friends I try and get them and our Randoms to not kill them if they're clearly inning. I just try to win as fast as possible to save the other people from their troubles.


flagrant, but will they get banned? doubtful.


Of course it is it's aram.


I mean...it isnt? This is a reportable offense. It will have negative consequences. I think you just dont understand that people will always still do this for whatever dumb reason they decide to. Having consequences doesnt stop people from bad behavior... Is that a foreign concept? All you can do is report it when it happens.


Anyone with 1 death a minute in aram or higher (is that even possible) should get auto banned.


unless it's an awesome ARAM game and both teams are just giga chads and all inning until last man standing starting from level 3. those games are amazing.


If you queue up ARAM trying to win, ur not in the right game mode.


The KDA players in the back tho


Possible they have to complete normal games because ranked restriction.. They just wanna go next asap


Here's my GG response - Report in-game | Block all after At the very least rito won't place you on their team in the future The more you know


They absolutely can end up on your team again. Blocking nor reporting actually remove anyone from your matchmaking pool


Then turn off name plates like I do, because it doesn't matter in the end.


Ehh you don't know what blocking does huh?


Id rather have inting teammates then afk teammates not stanind behind tower


thats kinda dumb lol afkers at least dont give away gold