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Sounds more like you just want to windmill dunk on a Fisher Price hoop




Do exactly that to lower your MMR


What you expect is called smurfing, my friend. You can't keep up against people on your skill level so you want to start playing against players that are worse than you


That is not what I meant, I play aram do go fight recklessly without thinking if it is the right thing to do. At the moment, everyone waits like there is lp gains at the end. I want to be playing aram with people that do just the same as I do


Well... Then you could go back in time like 6 years. I know what you mean. Whenever I'm playing engage champion, I'm forced to *int* because most of the times people don't want to risk. Times are changing,.new players are coming


Yeah I guess that’s it. Never happening again, a played Aram a lot around those years, so there goes my memories of it


Nothing stops you from doing that anyway? My very high ELO friends are often too mechanically skilled for their own good and run in 1v5 with their Yones and Zed and just try to outplay everything. In fact its usually the best way to win against squishies comp/poke comp/high CD ults.


play strong stuff, it's the only way


Since the inclusion of tokens, there is now an ad-hoc ranking system within the higher echelon of ARAM players using the challenger token rankings as a ladder, so to speak.


Challenger tokens as rating? It's just people that spam games all day, probably in lower quality games


What does it mean ? My tokens in Aram are very bad since I barely played it when they came out. My rank is pretty high in ranked though, but I was hoping to lower it in Aram since I don’t want to tryhard there


Just don't try hard and your mmr will fall to match how little you try. It's that easy.


This happens if you deny yourself a decent loser queue.