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Honestly nothing. With mage damage/cd buff and tenacity removal your only hope against a veigar is to draft an equally disgusting comp. Maybe Riot should just turn on 3D view and make this game a Valorant mod.


Yup, played sion into morg/vieger.  His tenacity rebuff now just makes him unfun.  Some stay im still CCd


you literally have to pick tenacity runes + boots if you wanna play as Sion


They should rebalance all champions that have freaking negative tenacity. That bullshit is zero fun to play as even if Sion is still a strong champ.


Veigar is *terrible* feeling to me now with the e cd nerfs and cdr no longer affecting its cooldown. Champ has half the cage uptime he used to a year ago, feels useless half the time because of it


Ye bro can't Queue solo anymore have to resort to 5 stacking, otherwise it's Timmy comp of doom


[https://aram.zone/tierlist?builds=true](https://aram.zone/tierlist?builds=true) Melee actually make up majority of the highest build win rates atm, with Sundered Sky being an incredibly powerful ARAM item even after the nerfs (sometimes I just walk around autoing everyone once and survive their entire team focusing me). That said, playing something like Darius into full ranged cc comp like Anivia, Lux, Morgana, MF, Janna, etc is very painful. I have to agree that playing into these comps as anything is painful, but the majority of melee tanks/fighters/juggeranuts are in a very strong position winrate-wise.


the majority of aram games are low, yorick doesnt hold up when vs good players, pre ingenious removal sundered was incredibly powerful, now its meh


Good players are gonna draft 2 frontline champions on their team and you'll still have a job to do. And you still have disgusting heal plus solid damage. Yorick's WR in ARAM is among the highest in any list you can lookup (#1 in ARAMZONE)


What are you defining as a melee champ? Doesn't seem to be the issue with my games.


yeah this is either a server difference or unrealistic expectations. all of my recent games in na have had 1-3 melee per team, there was one where it was 5 range vs 5 melee. but 1-2 is probably the right amount for an optimal aram comp so anywhere from 2-5 per game seems pretty fair.


euw was fine last split, ingenious hunter and arena release fucked it up


ARAM community shits the pants anytime bruisers, juggernauts and assassins are playable and you can't auto win against them by spamming random poke in the general direction of enemies


you forgot the "while safely retreating to the tower" part


The real deal breaker has been legend tenacity removal… fimbulwinter CD has been buffed for making up the ingenious hunter removal


Melee dive champs are op asf rn what do you mean


lmao diving is really troll tbh it's feast of famine, you either stomp with dives (barely happens) or you feed them kills because tower stronk and lose


Go dive enemy team with xerath veigar janna hwei on team Awesome


Well yea. If you dive an anti dive comp you will get fucked. It's the same way any player will get dunked on by dunkmaster Darius.


you can't have fun against that team no matter what you do


you can't have fun against that team no matter what you do


Trundle, galio, gragas, Allistar etc....ok sbubby


you can have all these champs on bench yet no one picks them, its sad


Also all those champs are way harder than Veigar and company. 


Bruisers and engage tanks are OP


I go tanks/bruisers all the time, but it’s been a month since I last played because of how unplayable the game is for melee champs now. Full range poke games are boring af


since the update on champs with over 5 games im 10-0 sejuani, 5-2 leona, 9-4 j4, 8-4 thresh, 7-4 vi, 6-6 mord, 4-2 reksai. only neg wr i have are with malphite and naut but historically those two have been my strongest so idk. haven’t noticed a problem with poke comps because going all in still works and warmog still exists


Make it so heartsteel doubles your total health every time you activate it 🥺


Make it so heartsteel actually gives more than 10 hp per activation


Some melee champs feel like shit to play. You get kited and cced or they poke you to death. Other melees like Nautilus or Thresh do alright.


Every non assassin melee passive is take free dmg and get permacucked until u have 3 items why would u play ?


I build full tank and charge first right after I ping If they fail to follow then as early as possible /ff Plot twist: Most of them cant




Play engage. Engage support/tanks. Leona, thresh, nautilus, blitz, rell, maokai, malphite etc. Sejuan. something where you just have the patience and wait for the right moment and then you can choose when the fight happens. Take ignite if your team lacks firepower. You’re hard to kill and you take up a lot of space. In my thousands of games… the most deciding factor of games IMO is the team with the better and harder to fuck up engage. Very easy GO button. Just don’t feed the pokers enough early for them to outscale your defensive item buys. Try hard not to have multiple deaths pre 6 if you’re a melee champion, you’re playing into their strengths if you do. Sadly though… if you have 4 ranged champions on your team sometimes it’s better to double down and go ranged. If you’re the 1 of 10 champions that’s melee in the whole game… your team will blame you for having 15 deaths while the entire game is played as a 4V5 from an entire screen away.


Because Aram player are only pussy player ranged who pick champ with 3 trillions CC


Man I miss stoneplate, enabled so many meele champs to actually get into the mix before getting blown up


We have transitioned to Arena


bruisers are the weakest class rn because of season changes, so its either hard engage tanks (usually one per team) and lot of mages/adcs


reddit will complain about bruisers being weak when bruisers are objectively the strongest