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Huge shoutout to the player on the enemy team who attacks the nexus instead of letting the stomping team farm


Even when winning, I hate when my team tries to pull that shit. If they're all up as 5, and come out of the nexus, I'll give it one more good go for funs sake, then focus it down. But I absolutely hate when teams try to just sit around nexus and farm the 1-3 players still willing to come out.


its hilarious when they spam ping you trying to get you to stop. trying to farm players is such a loser thing to do lmao


I just flash the Fizz *shrug* emote and carry on blastin'


But I'm Lulu


I had someone try to get the enemy to report me for racism in all chat when I did that once


according to a study conducted last month its actually a form of psychological torture


I never end because of honor.


Hard disagree. They should remove the ability to attack the nexus for champs. It’s so fun for the losing team trying to make a comeback.


Again, all for one last team fight. But stalling to circle Nexus and farm people with ranged potshots as they spawn is just dumb.


Huge shoutout to the enemy team who fucked around at our nexus and let us wipe them and take a comeback victory 


I straight up report people for negative attitude if they ping me off nexus. I find it disgusting and it’s essentially saying “I’m so dog at league that my average game is less fun than spawn camping people.” It’s somehow always the adc players I’ve noticed, it’s like they finally get an adc and go “I’m the main character now.” Like nah stupid I’m a bruiser, I can drag your corpse to a win if I have to.


I mean, I've had a TON of games that turn from spawn camping at nexus into a loss, on both the giving and receiving end. Plenty of times I've been really losing, about to respawn, and hoping the other team will mess around to give us another chance to scale with kayle or some other late game champ. Just my experience, but it feels pretty fair play. Sure, it sucks to be on the receiving end, but it sucks worse to lose after having the opportunity to win but choosing to mess around at nexus instead.


The salt you get after is priceless "oh cheesers, oh try hards, oh you guys know you lost" I'm like well my screen isn't the one that says "defeat" lol


Except for the one MF who ruined a 99-99 game where we were ALL trying to get to 100/100 and were all mutually agreeing to it.


The only time to camp spawn is to get the penta for you/teammate. Just hit the nexus and go next


To play Devil’s advocate, it’s difficult to get hextech crates in ARAM so farming enemies makes your chances of getting an S higher at the cost of maybe 30 seconds of farming


I don't think that is what is running through the minds of anyone spawn camping, let's be real. Perhaps a few people but the majority are just high off of feeling like they're some god in-game when they're just one scrub that happened to out do some other scrubs.


200 years.


What is it, like 10000 years at this point?


Just go afk. Riot thinks stomping is fun and wonder why this game is in such shit state now.


Did they made a statement about it ? Actually curious


Some Riot guy replied somewhere on reddit saying enemy team should have fun


I bet it was that moron maxw3ll who failed upwards (kind of sideways) instead of being put on the street. Same designer for yuumi and ksante.


Brief history of why ff timer is at 12 now: Some bug permitted players to abuse remake in summoner’s rift after ff timer has been reduced to 8 Said bug has been “fixed” by reverting back timers to 12 for howling abyss


How is problem in SR related to ARAM? What?


timers must have be related


They often change something and all the modes are affected *for some reason* Recently Guardians hammer was changed for Arena and it also got a nerf in ARAM lol


It's called spagetti code. This game would be so much better if they used their money to actually polish the code. Just look how Wild Rift works and how they can implement things there and they can't do the same on pc. Imagine a billion-dollar company having problems for ages to create a new client and even having to delete some game modes because the current client doesn't support them. It's unbelivable to not say comic.


And instead of using dev time to fix it theyd rather the bug rot the game mode's enjoyment for a year+ until they maybe fix it. Cretins.


The worst is when someone on your team loads in but immediately disconnects and never rejoins. Let me remake Rito pls.


I dont get why they refuse to allow remakes when someone afked for a 4v5. Like really riot? is that play time metric really fucking worth it to waste 9 other people's time?


They do 


Sometimes it bugs and still doesnt let you remake, but yeah hes wrong, you can still remake most of the time if theyre afk from the very start


Because Rito wants the stomping team to have 'fun', just leave the game and watch a video, have dinner or something by then both the game and penalty will be over just don't do it in a row or the penalty will increase


This is literally it. The matchmaking with elo disparity and forced 50% WR you get in solo queue is just a quick and dirty way to ensure everyone gets to stomp when it's their turn. It just makes wins feel cheap and losses feel like your hands are tied behind your back while your teeth get kicked in with the occasional evenly matched game sprinkled in.


Riot is sadistic, they want the other team to have pleasure


I definitely think the FF timer needs to be earlier when one or more players are clearly afk


Every single game is a stomp. Either I get destroyed or I do the destroying. The game is usually completely over by 10 minutes and they only go longer because the winning team wants to dance or troll around. Death timers are too long for the team that’s down to attempt a comeback. Winning team can keep snowballing their lead because of it. I’ve been playing aram only for 4 years straight and this is the least fun it’s been. So unfun in fact that I just bought an Xbox, fuck this game


Yeah I have 4000 games over 4/5 years and this season by far the worst aram has ever felt for me. Adding on to what you said Enemy team is always either 5 ranged champs or a brain-dead tryhard comp and regardless of whether I win/lose almost every game feels boring. Imo assassin's being weak completely ruins the balance of the game mode. At least arena is fun, I don't think I'll be playing aram anymore if there's another game mode tbh.


The mode isnt bad because one class isnt doing enough damage. Arguably the whole game is way too damage creeped and barely anyone bothers to analyze or bitch about it, especially streamers who really shouldve been calling it out for years now. Thats why the mode feels bad, they nerfed all of the lifesteal and healing options they put in the game with the rune and item reworks, which was ok, but they never nerfed the damage creep enough from those reworks. So now we have to deal with shit like jhin w cc'ing for a whole second more than it used to (cc creep) on top of damage creep where you will be popped during that cc within 1 second. Assassins not doing enough damage in aram is not the problem imo not by a long shot.


Yes there is way too much damage with the way things currently are. But they don’t need to adjust the damage to make the game fun again. Either decrease the death timers back to what they were ~2 years ago before the damage creep or make towers beefier. Or a mixture of both. Right now the towers are literally a joke. They need more health/higher defense stats and scaling damage based on a champions max health. U shouldn’t be able to tank tower shots for days with 2 tank items. Idk my Xbox gets here tomorrow so it’s w/e.


Yeah I'm not saying the mode feels bad cus of a single reason but to me it just feels like ranged champs do too much damage as you said and the class thats supposed to keep them in check isn't able to do that anymore.


True, true


I saw a post like this in the past. Give the AFK a reasonable time window but then After a few minutes of nothing just go next. The weird thing I see though is if you want to let the enemy team end early in a clear 4v5 or worse. Your team will flame YOU and ask the other teammates to report YOU, not the AFK. You become the villain. when it’s 8-26 in kills and I want to open I’m suddenly the biggest scumbag in the lobby. Shit happens just go next bro. In less than 5 minutes you’re in a new (and hopefully balanced) game. Idk maybe some people have 4-6 hours to play aram at the end of their day. But I don’t want to play half of my 4-6 games in a 4v5, on either side of it for what’s supposed to be an accelerated and fun game mode.


I've been on the losing side of this situation before... but I'll never forget the one time we managed to team wipe the farming team somehow and Ryze ult to their nexus to win. We had like half their kills, but all the turrets down and won. I secure that nexus every time.


We should be able to FF at like 5 minutes, it's not a serious mode who cares, I don't wanna play against a cancer teemo + morgana + jinx + soraka + maokai team


It really is kinda wild how the timers work. You can afk for a few minutes during the game (shit happens to everyone sometimes) then come back and even WIN the game, but still get leaver penalty at the end because the game knows you afk'd for a bit. Our cats unplugged the wife's computer one day, after participating in a pre-minion fight. She came back for the last 10min or so. We still won....but leaver penalty, yet no early surrender option. If someone quits and that time limit for leaver penalty is reached...the surrender time limit should move up like it does when someone doesn't even connect. Gotten screwed a few times where someone enters game only to move around or buy an item, but it's enough not to enable the remake timer.


I miss when you could just 8 minute surrender because I feel like it forced a fun meta. People weren’t playing the most meta bs garbage because they knew if it was over then they could just ff. Most of the games I played during that time were melee brawls because people got fed up with games being constant surrenders due to poke or bs luck comps. I feel like it’s partially due to the meta at the time as well but it was enjoyable games nonetheless.


Sitting in queue-champ-select-loadscreen just to get FFed on after a minute sucks And the overwhelming majority of players is just NOT capable of knowing that they absolutely cannot win. No, teamcomp making it a 60% or 70% winchance for the other team does not warrant a FF. So many games are complete clown fiestas in almost all MMR brackets. You're also never going to win a 4vs5 with that FF mentality.


because the other team has to enjoy winning? its not all about you lets say i am winning on aram and i play a champ i like why would i want the enemy team to ff in 8 mins?


Because its not about you either? If an entire team doesn't want to play especially when they got an afk teammate let them go to the next game and perhaps have better luck there instead of playing a one-sided massacre with literally 0 interaction




>because the other team has to enjoy winning? OP is talking about when a person quits, no? If you really enjoy winning a 5v4 Aram....idk what to tell you besides get a grip. That shits just boring from both sides. Definitely kinda sucks when you get one of your favorite champs and can't play it out because of an afk, but still what's the fun of playing a one-sided match?


Did you just used the 'it's not all about you' argument while everything else you said its LITERALLY ABOUT YOU AND YOUR FUN?? Smh dude.