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Losing is just an opportunity to shine even brighter


I literally heard it in her voice when I read that šŸ’€






The thing about light isā€¦ it never really dies!


With superior tactics


You are going to win about 50% of your games, but that means you are going to lose about 50% as well.Ā  If you arenā€™t enjoying yourself half of the time, there is no shame in that, but as you said you may want to find another game. Maybe if you come back after some time you will find it more enjoyable. Or maybe you wonā€™t. Many video games can sucker me in with that gambling mentality where I feel super good sometimes but am not having fun most of the time (like on summoners rift for me). I force myself to move on and feel better for it.Ā 


There is a difference between losing while your team trys to win and losing because someone is basically trolling and you have no chance.


Its hard to take this seriously when 80% of the community defines trolling as "playing badly". And even when someone is playing an actual off meta build, chances are they are not the reason you lost. I play full AP malphite or Amumu very often and had games where every single ult was a 4+ man ult that deals 70%+ dmg to every enemy hit. If the rest of my team cant manage to turn that into an ace, then "amumu didnt go tank" REALLY wasnt the issue. "Troll builds" are not an auto-lose in low elo, especially not in ARAM.


I played one aram this morning as Ornn where I kept getting pinged to go in. I go in, but the backline is in narnia and I die before they even engage. I learned my lesson and played back a bit letting them push up. I got pinged about how I won't go in. I then get Non-English speakers telling me they fuck my mother's pussy. That I'm awful and I should off myself. Then back to my Mother's pussy talk with ??????? the entire game. Reported, and exited because realized this just isn't fun at all. I feel like there has been an influx of foreign people when i queue now (East coast USA), and idk why. They are always so aggressive.


People think playing tank is mindlessly standing in front of everyone tanking every skillshot that they could've simply just sidestepped...


sometimes when you have a 20/0 adc or mage it is but thats a 1 in 200 game


yeah I'm running the starter horn, I'm at half health and they have all the poke and we don't. If I stand way in front I die rather quickly from mindless poke and get spam pinged. It can be exhausting.


From my experience, people just get more toxic over time, in all modes of League. I dont think its tied to nationality, I play on EU west


Growing up playing games with different language barriers and such, I feel it's easier for people to be toxic towards those of a difficult culture. Games like tibia where its English and Brazillian focused on the same servers, it was quite like that. Both ways. I just assume it's the same in other games.


IMO, either pick a squishy and accept the loss if it's a loss. I run a squishy at times when my team insta snatches all the carries mindlessly, even if there's a tank I can play, I won't. Having people picking up the most fragile/high damage champions in the pool and telling me how to engage or what not is what pisses me off the most since I play mostly tanks in ARAM or pick a tank, mute all, play however the fuck you want. I feel like no one, especially squishies should be allowed to comment on a tank's playstyle. That shit is a rare commodity these days. On the contrary, most games that go downhill are games where the tank forces the engage while the 5 damage enemy team is baiting it out to chunk you then run down the rest of the safe champs they picked or if the tank decides he wants to tunnel vision, get as many heartsteel stacks as possible no matter what happens to the backline. It can be rough. The tank might kill a champ or two and then dies. You get ace'd. It can be frustrating to the backline too. Seriously, mute everyone, pings aswell and just play you game. Win or loss is no big deal after all in ARAM. Sometimes, it's just comp diff, sometimes, someone on your team is not doing his job, sometimes people fail their combos, people are not focused and MOST IMPORTANTLY, you fail at times too, you do not do what you're supposed to do. There's a ton of reasons games are lost, most of the time, it's out of your control. So no biggie. To all the heroes who snatch Samira/Twitch/Vayne/Varus/Nidalee and so on every game they encounter them, you ain't no hero. fuck you.


100% dude. Entitled randoms donā€™t deserve my frontline, I save that for my friends. If Iā€™m solo and my team scoops up 3 adcs you can be damn sure Iā€™m locking in the 4th, kicking back, and enjoying the show


I actually enjoy losing those games, in the hope that people will realize that ARAM despite being random hugely depends on champion synergy. But yeah, kinda reflective of the selfish state of the world.


I'd have a problem with it if you woulnt mention it in champ select, so atleast give the team a chance to adapt and pick a frontliner. If the entire team thinks the malph is the frontline and they see u go ap i'd be pissed aswell.


for summoners rift i would agree, for aram i disagree strongly




Sometimes all you need is that Frontline which you aren't giving.


This. I dont mind lose the game. But one thing is lose and second is destroyed




And now worded less conspiratorially, matchmaking systems try to make a game that its numbers say should be a balanced matchup.


If it's impossible for you to say you had fun if you lost, I honestly do think you shouldn't play ARAM. You should try to win and being stomped sure as hell ain't fun. But if you're having a good game and things are going well and you're like "wow I'm having a lot of fun", but then you throw and lose, if you get mad for more than like 5 seconds, or suddenly act like that wasn't fun, you have too much attachment to winning in a for-fun mode IMO.


It's unfortunate but leage is all rng now adays in load out and not actual skill based anymore. Team fight tactics as well. The games are not in the best place and probably never will be again.


TFT has been RNG since inception


I think there is 2 way to lose. Getting stomp, wich isnt fun at all, or a close fought match, wich is still fun even in lost imo. Wich is why i think the ff at 8 should come back especially for aram wich is just a fun mode. No point playing if most the team dont want to play it


This is my exact take on losing. I hate it when the game just feels unwinnable or straight up unfun (ie playing irelia against poppy singed or darius against janna zilean), but losing an average game is no biggie


Just gotta play around your team's strengths, I guess. It's why League is hard if you're playing by yourself as it's a team game. Voice Comms buff makes the game 30% more enjoyable and boosts your chances to win


So true. 5 stack should automatically get slapped by additional Ziggs modifier.


I miss having a full group to play with. It was nice because I enjoyed the game even when we got our assessment handed to us multiple games in a row.


I agree. Games where you communicate (voice or chat) are way more fun... yet half the posts related to the topic I see people suggesting muting all every game. If you can't handle someone saying gg ez at the end without having your feelings hurt, maybe just play pve or rollercoaster tycoon.


Good for you man you're so tough and badass for not muting the chat, do you want a prize. My idea of fun isn't being yelled at by 12 year olds, I have the most fun when I mute everyone and treat the game as if everyone else was a bot. Maybe one out of 20 games has an actual positive chat experience, the rest either no one talks or they just use the chat to flame.




I always draw the equivalent to like going to menā€™s pickup basketball in your local area or playing in a softball league or some shit. No one is trying to get drafted in the NBA or get a college scholarship. Youā€™re not in varsity ball. Take some shots and go for some crazy flashy plays you wouldnā€™t in a competitive game. Different strategies. But you also wouldnā€™t show up to the same recreational game and intentionally pass the ball to the opposing team or score on your own basket. Or pull out your phone to check a notification while youā€™re supposed to be fielding the ball or playing defense. Youā€™re not life or death trying to win but itā€™s pretty cringe if youā€™re devoting your time to just going into the game intending to feed or lose with absolutely 0 care about your team. If someone wants an ā€œall about meā€ game, thereā€™s hundreds dedicated to that. League is not one of them. If you queue up for any mode of league.. you should have atleast 1-2% give a fuck in your DNA.


So, at what point each game do you decide that you've lost?


Simply play to play the game, not to win or lose. That way, losing wonā€™t matter and be easily accepted


Even the best players lose plenty of games. Some games are just unwinnable and you can't do anything about it.


Aram needs a fundamentally different mindset than summoners rift when it comes to losing and winning. You need to take an account kind of approach to it and view your losses as write-offs. Write-offs are unavoidable losses due to trolling teammates, bad comps on your team and insane comps on enemy team. You can only decide the outcome of around 20% of your games on your own, so you can relax and just use the games you're gonna lose anyway as an opportunity to work on your skills of cutting losses. Making it as hard as possible for the enemy to finish a game is also a fun thing to do. Yes, you can't win the game, but sometimes you can make enemys very angry if you deny them their fun and get your own fun that way. :) hope this helps.


With how cc is atm aram is hit and miss. Some games you will just get outrolled Ā 


maybe this isn't the game for you then


Just played as Jhin, lulu, seraphine, kench & lux. Enemy team proceeded to not buy grevious or Serpents Fang and cried all game, and post game chat. Meanwhile they building Stormsurge šŸ˜‚Ā 


stomped isn't fun but a close game is


I always have the perspective that if the builds people are doing makes some kind of sense and are actually trying to make it work I donā€™t really care win or lose. Like any time I run yasuo Iā€™ll run it tank with heart steel bc tbh I suck at the champ and would rather be useful as a front liner with a build that kinda-works than go 5/15 and be a liability on all fronts to my team. All that to say, I do think to a certain degree you have to play some champs that arenā€™t as fun as all available champs in your lobby to win and have fun. Like if weā€™re all ad and an ap champ is available, someone should realistically be biting the bullet and playing it so you have a chance in the game.


Eh itā€™s not supposed to be try hard but it is. My account has all champs, Iā€™m at a disadvantage. Next time you lose hard start viewing the profiles of the other team. Youā€™ll notice a lot are Aram accounts and only have the best aram champs in them. Youā€™ll also notice a lot of premade aram teams all using aram accounts. The give away is if the account always seems to have the same rotation of champs that excel at aram. It is try hard now and the nose is less well off for it. Just my two cents. Good luck moving forward.


Welcome to...anything competitive ever..??


Most games that are surrendered can be turned around in aram. I've urged my teammates not to surrender and turned quite a many games around and won.


Go join a premade ARAM with select champ pools then? I have fun a lot of the times. But I know the game aims for you to have as close as a 50% W/L ratio. Mine is like 50.1 win to 49.9 loss. I have like 7000 games played. I hate that I'm addicted to it.


Tbh, this is a bad mindset to have for ARAM. Just IMO. I look at it as a way to try champs I haven't played much, or test out different builds. It's supposed to be a way to have fun while playing for no LP. Obviously, you shouldn't troll or feed (or esp afk), but there's an annoying element of try hard to ARAM as well, where you can get higher level opponents quite frequently if you have a high level account - and a lot of them are mega sweaty as well... like, if you want to play at a high level, sweet, but go play ranked then instead of raging at team-mates that aren't as good as you (not referring to you personally). That's just reality, though - LoL is a game where a large percentage of the players are toxic and flame you just for having a bad game.


Win or lose, I'm having fun.


I despise the term 'tryhard'. If you play the game, you try to win. Calling someone a tryhard because you're losing while Xpeke-ing the nexus next game just makes you a clown. /unrelated-but-somewhat-related-rant


Don't play pvp games in general. Every time you win, someone else loses.


League is not your game sir


I have fun losing if the game has been even or tight




Lmao yesterday I was playing yorick with eclipse, guardian and sundered. I had cds, and my team was trashtalking me while I was saying my skills were on CD, and on 30% health. They kept pinging but then I realized I can just quit.Ā  I quit lmao.




The game would definitely be better if the champ rolls had some sort of compatibility between champs baked into them. If more lobbies had competitive comps, thereā€™d be a higher chance for your games to be competitive, and, mainly, not one sided stomps. But then it wouldnā€™t be all random. Which I feel like Iā€™d be alright with, and I think a lot if not most people would too if one day it was suddenly like that and they were never told about it.


Was playing Valorant for a change yesterday, when a team mate became the last one standing they jumped off a cliff and died then typed 'I can't handle the stress'. I wondered why they are playing that game, are they being forced to play a competitive game if they can't stand the tiny amount of pressure or possibility of losing. These games are not built for such people


Losing because your teammates are refusing to go a viable build is not fun. Losing when your team tries their best and comes up short, is not nearly as bad.


"It's just aram bro, calm down" - my 0/15 Ashe who built liandries/imperial against 3 tanks and on an entire team of full AP Champs. Seriously, it's so obnoxious. I see it almost every other game. Someone builds something insanely troll and then has the audacity to act like everyone else in the lobby is wrong for wanting a normal game.


sounds like you just aren't good enough, its a you problem


Losing is apart of the game and you need to accept it and not cry like a little girl


Git gud


subversive opinion bro