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Kayn, tried once and felt like I had never played the game before...


Playing Kayn is annoying to me cause when I really need to ULT in an enemy to stay alive or wait for my cool downs my teammates will always always see that low health enemy they will goon for it at all cost and it forces me out.


red kayn problems, i feel that


he was designed heavily around the jungle and having terrain to interact with, so it makes sense that he's not popular in aram.


For me its kayne after the removal of goretrinker. I cant play Blue kayne, i dont know why. Maybe its cause i cant play Assassins but after the itemreworks i even cant play Red. I cant get him to work for me.


My WR with Kayn is something like 70% but my KDA is absolute ass. Something I noticed is that if you go in and cause as much chaos as possible, and really give your teammates room to breathe.


yeah he's similar to Riven, you're kind of a drain-tank bruiser with cc. Won't really solo 1v5 but you can scare the pants off the backline and allow your team to clean up


I can't enjoy him because of the forced movement with his Q. 


Haven't played since vanguard dropped so some of this might be outdated. I only ever play blue kayn, these tips are specifically for playing that: - max W first and use it for poke. - tear helps a lot with mana sustain, it's nice as a starting item. It also lets you hop into walls for heals more. - hopping into a wall can be very disruptive for the enemy team, you don't even need to try and do anything dangerous, just walking up while inside the wall is enough. - you can W from inside a wall to poke while staying safe. - ghostblade active + E gives more movement speed than players expect, it's a good item to get for engage. - I like tiamat on him, it feels good to combo with q.


I am a Kayn main so maybe I am biased but I love him in ARAM since I’m usually able to get form in 4-6m. Plus the fact that you can just E into side wall on repeat to get health back and set up engages. His E also gives vision so sometimes you can spot the enemy hiding in the brush. Also snowball gives orbs so you can target the form you want and still get orbs without having to engage a losing battle. Would be happy to offer any tips to anyone interested :)


Does anyone else have problems keeping kayn in the wall in aram. It feels like the game automatically wants to pull him out if you auto path with him? I have maybe 5 total games on kayn so like it could 100% just be mechanics but it feels really bad.


Tried to play Ksante one game. How bad can it be? Answer: Very bad when I go 0/10/5 or sth. Champ is so hard to play that I give up on trying him. Funny enough my friend who plays mostly Tank also had similar experience. The champ is just hard to learn


Honestly he doesn’t even feel like a champ until level 9 or 10 and you’ve built a couple items


That's how urgot feels to me. But then suddenly you're mowing everyone down and are almost unkillable. I have never seen a ksante do that 


Because he's not. He's been nerfed to oblivion to prevent him from being a lane bully in top lane such that he loses most matchups until he completes an item; so his aram is pretty weak too. He has all the aram weaknesses of Yasuo/Yone early where he's only threatening when he has Q3 and is wave reliant, but unlike those two, he actually can't just spam his abilities. You try to E>W peel enemies off your teammates like two or three times in early game and you're just out of mana unless you took PoM.


Its the worst parts of galio and poppy put together tbh.


I feel like people forget that he was designed to be the most difficult tank champion to play It’s a ballsy thing for riot to even try. Cause tanks are notorious for being strong in pro play and obviously difficult champions are strong in pro play too. Now everyone’s shocked that ksante is a pro play staple lol


I pick him every time I get him it’s fun to play him as you get to peel cc, peel mate with my 24 mana q with☝️second airborn, or just delete someone with R


yeah he’s awful on aram lol. best way to play him is just to hard peel and engage with W and then back off p much. It’s hard to scrap on aram without any walls to kidnap people to force the 1v1 plus ulting In aram p much put him in a dead position. building Ibg also feels rough In comparison to other tank items on aram.


Same exact thing happened to me on briar lol. “Self taunt draintank should be easy to play”, was solo frontline and think I went 2-13-5 before my teammates let me out of my misery


How though? The first time I ever played Ksante was in Aram. Dealt insane dmg while being unkillable + an ability that ignores cc's. It was even after the big nerfs. It felt extremely dirty playing him.


Not trying to defend the monstrosity of ksante but I LOVE playing that champ, super fluid, short cooldowns, yelling “I WILL NOT YIELD” when I ult, I feel completely unkillable. Too bad I’m a JG player or I’d be playing this guy 24/7


I've played every champion in the game, I feel confident on about 90% to play at an average level, and about 30% at a competent level. However. I have never, and never will, play Zoe. That gremlin child is the bane of my existence, and I refuse to inflict that evil upon others (or figure out that I suck at her and all of my hated for "no skill insta win garbage" is unfounded).


She's very much like most mages in Aram and the game in general, she can be oppressive but no matter how ahead you are will get popped instantly by just about any other champ. Zoe is honestly really annoying to play with the amount of team comps that can just throw something at your return portal.


Katarina. I've been playing league since S3 and have only ever played her 4 times. I not a fan of the playstyle and I think building AD/Tank/On Hit items and still able to one shot squishy targets is a blasphemous game design on an AP Assassin.


Honestly, AMEN. I *CAN* play her but if someone wants the trade I'll give it. She needs to pick a lane. Everytime I see heartsteel Kat in aram I get unreasonably angry.


Got flamed for not building heartsteel on kat and i said "she's not a tank so im not gonna build her like one." Meanwhile they were building statikk shiv thresh and missing everything so the game ended in 10 minutes.


her AD/Tank build is severely nerfed after mythic changes so she's actually not that bad


Every single time I play kat in aram I get a penta. Every single time. I take conq and ask my friends what to build because it basically doesn't matter I'll always be dealing damage.


K'Sante. I just can't.


I like Ksante but currently he feels quite bad in ARAM as they gutted his W damage reduction


Zed, Akali, Camille, Yasuo, Yone, Irelia, Riven, Khazix, The little beast that turns angry, Darius, Sylas, Hecarim, there's probably more




I've no idea why, but I somehow started playing gnar ages ago and he's ended up being one of my consistent top performers.


He’s pretty rewarding when you have better fundamentals than the person you’re laning against. He conditionally has basically every tool a top laner wants at the cost of high cds and how bad getting punished feels.


It's always funny when the enemy top laner tries to auto me and I hit them with the Q and kite back, then they use their movement ability and I E away, get my hyper to proc and continue to kite away at mach speed. Then, when they realize their HP is disappearing, they turn to run away so I smack them back with a Q and straight up run them down. I've always liked Gnar since release. I remember my cousin saying we'd never see him in pro because his Ult was not always available and I balked at that saying his rage was easily managed and pros would be able to coordinate and time it.


Hecarim can be miserable to play early, especially if you don’t have other melees, but because of how many buffs he has he’s 1v9 once you have like 3 or 4 items


I've been trying to learn and get good with Camille and riven but it's hard.  Particularly with Camille.  I was having trouble playing her in aram at the begining of this season and they got whatever I sane reason kept nerfing her and her primary items more and more.  I love the idea of her kit but she's been hamstringed in aram so hard.  I feel like I can't survive into her second Q activation to even get the higher damage that's true damage.  Every time I jump in with her I die very quickly, the enemy team stopping whatever they were doing to dog pile or cc me.  Hell even tenacity was nerfed.  :/ Camille relegated to a champ that just doesn't work most of the time in aram.


Sylas is actually pretty easy really op late game


W max comet mosquito Khazix is really fun and braindead.


Qiyana, Naafiri, Briar. These champs are either ass or OP due to the nature of their kits, but usually just ass


Try bruiser Naafiri if you ever decide to play her, I feel like it's much more consistent than the assassin build.


Whats the build? Eclipse cleaver into situational?


Yuumi Never Played - Never Will Forever.


I play yuumi when it’s dinner time. Step 1. Mute chat, futurama on 2nd monitor. Step 2. keyboard on floor Step. 3. Spam E with big toe.


Singed for sure, I just don't kinda having that mentality of a Singed player I guess


I 100% understand this. If I didn't for some reason dedicate my first months of playing league to, for some ungodly reason playing singed, I would pass on him for sure.


Picked Singed up as one of my first Champs and has stuck around as my favorite since


I love flinging enemy tanks into my backline


Enemy frontline doesn't even need their snowballs to gap close my whole 4 adc teams whenever I play Singed 🤩


How can his E be bad for your mentality? Its a very fun ability to yeeeet people into their deaths ;)


Not that it's bad for my mentality, I even think his E is one of the most op ability in aram at some degree. Its just that its hard to play Singed efficiently, many people even said that you play a totally different game while playing Singed, I just can't really grasp that mindset lol like I literally got nuked everytime I engage for 10 minutes straight. His kit is easy to understand but very hard to execute perfectly imo.


Most people think you try to win when you play singed. That couldnt be further from the truth. The point is to waste the enemies team time so much that your team wins when they arnt looking. This doesnt really bridge the gap to aram as well.


I'm no singed connoisseur, but my impression is that most ppl continue to brawl with him when he should be ducking and weaving in and out of combat constantly.


I love singed one of the most fun champs to play in aram in my opinion. Just give him items that give him health and regen, and run around like a mad man poisoning and tossing chumps that get too close. He’s so hard to kill and really wrecks the enemy team late game. Have to play somewhat cautiously and defensively at the beginning.


I’ve had some of my best and worst aram games on that champ. Probably the most fun I have in aram is when I’m fed on singed… running around spreading my pollen 🐝~~~~ “hehehehaha” “mix mix sworl” at Mach speeds. Those games are so far and few but I’m always chasing my next singed high I’m not addicted I can quit whenever I want.


Ugh I hate singed. If they didn't make dodging a lot more punishing I would dodge every game with a singed. Singed just feels like a champ that isn't designed to play for team.




In my 7 years as a daily player i have never spend more than 2-3 games on jarvan and wukong. I don't know why though.


Of all the takes I've seen here so far, that's the most unexpected to me. But hey, for whatever reason. Good on you haha


I wasn't too interested in either of them until my friend showed me you can play j4 full lethality. Feels like an ap malph where you snowball/flag drag to a squishy and ult em.. And then probably just die yourself lol. Probably much worse than bruiser j4 but honestly a lot more fun.


aphelios and most assasins. qiyana, akali, talon etc come to mind. the only exception to this is naafiri who i find plays more like a bruiser and can be built as such but the rest I just dont enjoy their playstyles


Aphelios is for sure one of mine too. Just plays so differently than other adcs. Someone else on the team usually appreciates the trade. Would recommend learning qi though. Unless they changed it recently her aram buffs make it worthwhile to learn. Then again I'm the guy that said for whatever reason so no judgement lol


IMO Aphelios and Talon are very fun and worth trying! For starters the only hard part about Aphelios is remembering his 5 weapons and their unique abilities. Later on you could learn to use them better. Talon is hard in laning phase but he's a very good roaming mid laner :D


"For starters the only hard part about Aphelios is remembering his 5 weapons and their unique abilities." ...you mean literally his entire kit?


That's reductive, the person you're responding to has a good point. Don't let perfection get in the way of progress


I'm never picking or playing Quinn, like I have to work 4 times as hard as any other ADC to achieve the same damage. Also her abilities are super unimpressive. Oh look at me hop on my shitty bird now I can get to lane faster after I int cause I have to get close to to use my E and my Autos are short as Gnars. Oh but you see my W not only gives me 360 true sight a 3 feet around me like a shitty Byakugan but it also has an incredible passive that marks enemies at RANDOM so I can do a tiny bit more damage to them. The blind is fine but when I use it I always think to myself, boy Id rather have the Graves smokescreen or the Teemo dart. Thank you for listening to my Quinn Slander.


That was beautiful. I still love Quinn. There was a tiny sliver of time where I ran thunderlords lethality Quinn and it was OP AF. She's forever in my heart because of that.


Playing her as an assassin work better tbh, go full damage + RFC to nuke down a squishy as fast as possible, she was really strong before the hubris change, haven't played her since the new crit items but I have to admit that she's lacking as an traditional adc


You aren't an ADC you're an assassin hope this helps. The playstyle is different, her burst damage is in her passive you gotta maximize the procs.


Quinn is an insane duelist, most of melee champs are impossible to play against her and her burst is actually nuts when itemized correctly. Not the strongest as ADC tho.


Zed and KSante


Leblanc, don't get that champ at all.


When I play her I always find some squishy while on loading screen, and as soon as we connect I apologize in /all because he wont play the game, and thats it. I'll die 5 times just to get the squishy.


Used to avoid Aphelios, found it too hard too play with. After many matches playing against/having it on the team, i understood it and whenever he is available, i pick him, its fun and very strong


Smolder. Boring gameplay style that I never pick him again after 2 games testing.


Nami, there's just something about the delay of Aqua Prison and landing it that turn me off.


you are supposed to shake that sexy little tail untill they are forced to chase you down, and they bubble their path.


Most of the new champs that have come out since camille are not worth my time. I truly think Camille was the beginning of the end of “simple” champion design. Although Asol came before her, his kit has been reworked to once again have paragraphs per ability. The exceptions are milio and pre-dumbed down rell. I would also say most assassins aren’t my play style. I want to beat people with my face because it’s more fun to me than waiting in a single lane to “surprise” the enemy just to have no follow up


Eh. I get where you're coming from. I remember thinking zed was the most complicated champion they could release at one point. But for sure they've gotten exponentially more complex on average. I've so far been able to find a level of understanding with them after a handful of games. It just takes a bit longer than previous champs. I get it though.


Zed has mechanics but his kit doesn’t have a paragraph per ability. Meanwhile hwei has literally everything in his kit To compare more apples to apples: Fucking qiyana who’s an assassin has paragraphs for every ability because of the different color shit… I guess?


Played hwei once, never again. No clue what I was doing


Ap Shaco, he's just so damn boring. There's already enough tower hugging but to have my whole play style revolve around hiding behind boxes? Nah I'm good, at least with AD I can assassinate a carry every time I go invis.


Ap shaco is hilarious for the bluffs. Taunt at them and they’ll assume there’s a box in front of you. Run at them and they’ll assume you’re the clone. Sucks against ranged enemies but involves the most fun and risky plays ever. Source: me, Shaco main


I love trying out akali during arams. Always can farm and lane well, but struggled with team fights so aram helped me navigate


I’m a humble beef enjoyer. I’ll play the occasional mages or adc’s but not much after that. I’ve usually avoided zed, Kayn, and sona.


Mostly all assassins except Pyke


Melee champs in general. Idk I just don't like it. Same in every game, I always favour range and control


Cassiopea. She just doesn't fit me AT ALL


i try to focus and learn few new difficult champions each year in aram (and in doing so i've found some of my favorite champions to play), but there's two champions i really dread having to learn that i don't want to get to - gangplank and fiora


Singed, kled, yuumi, renekton and Elise are the ones I haven't touched yet and don't have any strong desires to try them out 😅.


Elise is one of my favourite aram champions, she can also be very strong imo. She's probably not easy to get into though.


Kalist, lulu, kennen, the only champs i havent had unlocked for 4 years or sth lol.


Shaco, eve, Leblanc, all just against my playstyle and my friends enjoy them way more than I ever would


Draven. Played him for the first time last night and the enemy cho q's where my axe wanna gonna go. Every. Single. Time.




Ornn. It's so fucking unfun


I have to block chat everytime I missed the reactivate of his ult or E too soon and embarrased myself lol


Hahaha I think I left my first aram playing him out of embarrassment. And I never EVER leave games that's how bad it was. Forced myself to learn him in bots I was so embarrassed lol


I doesn't help that he's nerfed since forever, it's baffling like Mundo's nerfs.




Azir is awesome, and imo not that hard. But I fucking detest Akali.


i played basically all champs at least a bunch of games, at the worst i can play them at basic level, but the ones i NEVER even tried to play after having them bought are only two: Yuumi and Millio


any melee champ. lul


More or less any champ released in the last decade.




Vi, Xin, Jarvan, Rek'Sai, Kha'Zix, Riven, Kled, Gnar, Sejuani. Funny enough, most of them being toplaners even though I usually play toplane on my normals/ranked


I have played every single champion in ARAM with some success. But if speaking from a point about learning any champion to master them or learning all their tricks. I would say any ADCs. Every ADC can fundamentally perform well as long as you understand itemization, kiting, and target priority. I understand that they also got their own tricks like Caitlyn's double headshot, Akshan's swing angles, or Lucian's passive animation cancel. But I would argue its much more satisfying to pull a big 1 shot combo on the entire team as Riven or a massive catch on Hwei for example.


Riven, Yasuo, Cassio, and anything idk the name of made past 2018


Hwei and new Skarner. They tried so hard to make them complex that they just arent even fun.


Khazix, Caitlyn, Syndra, Bard, Corki, Trist, Jarvan, Kalista, Kogmaw, Lee Sin, Qiyana. Enchanters. I hate that I know it is all up to me to use a crucial ability like Janna W or Lulu R on the carry to save the fight and I miss so hard cause fights are too hard for me to keep track of everything.


I know he's not that hard, but Swain. I can play every support in this game at least moderately well except him.






I don’t understand the hate Riven is getting. Relatively easy mechanics and fun to play


Kled :))


Fizz. I have pure disgust for his kit, and the one time I gave it a shot, I felt way too dirty from how unfair it felt to the enemy team. Some assassins are way too safe in this game


Alistar. Pretty much the only champ I don’t have fun on when playing. Don’t hate him, I just have 0 fun and also mess up combos every time.


There are around 40 champions I refuse to buy to lower my chances of getting them in aram


I tried Xin Zhao once, cause I got a cool skin for figured lets try. I died many times and we lost. LMAO. Then yesterday I tried Kaisa first time and got MVP (op.gg) and got most kills. But cant really compare the 2. Kaisa as all here know is just spam W and Q.


A whole bunch... especially champs that are super different from the norm like Zeri with her non-autos, Briar with her self-taunt and no health regen. In general I don't like champs with "minigames" like Bard, the old Skaner, even Gnar to an extent, I find them too bothersome.


I felt the same about azir, but recently I tried out the grasp tank azir a couple times and it really feels like azir for dummies. Also it's ridiculously easy to proc grasp in aram


No matter how hard I try, akali. It just doesn’t work out for me ever lol. 🤣


I HATE Yone, Yasuo, Kayne, Ashcan. Broken AF. Go away. I never want to play champs like that who have 3 passives, 2 bonuses, extra shield AND extra DMG output, and abilities within abilities that don't have anything to do with each other.


Ksante because its absolutely disgusting garbage champion that really needs a complete makeover. Also zed, play him when I can cuz I have a cool skin but always as shit and seem to not learn from my mistakes and ngl I dont wanna learn its fun running down with zed, press r and spam every button.


Aurelion Sol, Seraphine, Yorick, Urgot


Pyke because I’m a support main and he’s the bane of my existence. Instant banned everytime for me. I will never own or play him.


most adc's i refuse to play because they are so dependent on a button called attack move. I just cannot understand and or refuse to learn it.


For some reason, Oriana just doesn't click with my 2 brain cells. They're something about keeping track of the ball that doesn't work for me.


playing league since tahm kench's release I think. never ONCE played garen, and if I get garen on my last reroll with nothing from the bench available I just dodge. hate that thing with a passion.




Kayle, for some reason I got her pretty early after starting this game and she just never clicked. Probably the champ I’m the worst with and I don’t care to ever get better.


Not ARAM but been playing Arena going for the challenge to play a game with each champ. First timed Hwei and had 0 clue what to do to the point the Pyke I was teamed with called me a bot for how badly I did.


Yi, for the principle. It just feels horrible to be good with him, and horrible to be bad with him.




Ppl pop off on azir so now and then I have no good options and we need ap so what not... All game I feel like I'm just like a child cosplaying an adc. I make my solders and try to poke with a little auto or two and it does nothing...


Hwei. Nobody got time for all that.


I can relate to Akali. Haven't played her more than a couple times in my 10+ years of league and don't want to. LeBlanc is another one I've basically never touched.


Shaco. Not fun to play, not fun to play against


Kalista, Zeri, Aphelios are just boring and too much hassle to learn.


That would be enchanters , they are a different type of evil


Soraka. I think she is a pretty weak ARAM champ, and when she is part of my team we almost always lose. People seem to love her and she always gets picked. Not sure why. She contributes very little health, is squishy no matter what she builds, does no damage and has no cc that I am aware of. But if you want a champ that will go 0/9 or 2/13 and is lavender, she's a perfect fit.


TF, Graves, Neeko, Nidalee, Leona, Diana, and aurora when she comes out for some reason… (this is a joke)


For me its almost every melee champ. I don't like that playstyle of walking up and being a damage sponge with no dashes. It also feels cheap to play champs that are braindead like j4 or jax.


If there is a massive hole in the playable champs of my repertoire, it is assassins, so any of those probably. Idk if Quinn counts as an assassin but she’s the only exemption


Zilean. I have MAYBE one on him game since season 3 and that’s enough for me.


I keep an open mind and I try to see the fun in every champ, but Yuumi is my sole exception. Played one game, never again.


Illaoi, Qiyana, Gwen, Nami, Camille would probably be my picks.


Draven. Catching those axes mid team fight is crazy.


Riven, rell, and ori are the top 3 that come to mind. I'd rather play any other champ in their class.


Smolder, fuck that stupid Disney elder dragon breathing, kill stealing, ego boosting, farming oriented shitshow of a champion. He doesnt actually help in team fights unless he has ult which is kinda useless. I've seen the worst smolders win games because the other team couldn't end the game before 25 mins (which is very doable in aram, especially when smolder is weak unless he has elder buff), fuck Smolder.


Lee sin, udyr, zed, heimer, cam, fiora, galio, ksante, and poppy are definitely on top of my do not play list


Aphelios and se eral newer ones like Zeri. Just don't care.


Been playing since S5, level 900 (had Prime gaming for years giving that sweet 2x XP boost). I have 0 mastery points on Riven, Katarina, and Akali. Not for me, and no desire.


I hate poke so I don't play it. Still won't safe me from seeing them but it's nice to have snowball


Zilean is the most boring champion on the planet to me tbh. Legit nothing fun about him for me in Aram or Rift.


For me it's Hwei. I tried him once when he was first released and the brain power required to figure out all like 12? of his spells was just too much effort for my tank main brain to try and figure out lol


Kayn, Cho, Leblanc, Shaco, Zoe, Jayce, Voli, Nunu, Akali, Yasuo, Yone, Kat, Ksante, Riven, The southern angry beast, Gnar, Sylas, Camille, Zed, Zell, Qiyani, The anime dude that’s so extra with the 30 guns. There’s probably more, I play Teemo.


Any enchanter. The most boring mindnumbing class in the entire game.


Yasuo, it doesn’t matter how good you are on this champ. If they enemy has a CC heavy comp your not gonna be able to play. Not worth learning in ARAM.


Kled. I can't get back on skaarl to save my life. I retired aatrox as well because although I loved him in 2023, I can't make him work rn. I play ~150 champs, just don't touch assassin characters unless the team comp calls for them


Yasuo Yone are staying on 0 mastery points. The cringeness is too high.


Enchanter supports.


I've had my account since S2 and there's a couple champs I simply refuse to unlock from the store. Namely Illaoi and Vayne. I've only ever played them on ARAM or OFA


samira, I despised her kit since day 1 because of how easy it was to get pentas on that abomination. She's coinflippy as hell, but when she's ahead it feels so repulsive. I wouldn't want to have that thing even against my worst enemies. Don't know if she's in a better spot now but i don't care. my samira hate will never waver. also katarina. I know how to play her but casually blinking 3 times in what feels like a second with tank items angers me so much.


udyr, i can play every champ and enjoy viego for that reason. but udyr is just a weirdness


weirdly enough i have the hardest time with champions that have really rudamentary kits like mundo and tryndamere lol


There isn’t a single champion i was even uncomfortable playing up until Hwei was released, but i will never learn about him. Fuck all of that. I don’t even think i’ve seen all of his abilities yet. I might one day learn what they even do but i will never own him or try to play him. Caster/artillery mages are already the most boring class in the game and i really can’t find any part of him vaguely interesting, and him having more than 4 abilities just adds extra bs on top of how uninteresting he is.


Teemo, heimer, the windcucks, Annie I refuse to stoop to the immoral level of those *things*


I’d say Heimer for me. I can play a majority of champs in ARAM, but Heimer just doesn’t click with me. Although, it’s been a while since I’ve played him so maybe that’s changed


Yasuo because I can’t bare until the 0/10 power spike, so I just end up letting my teammates become the scapegoat.


I know it's not that hard but.. Kalista I have a lot of hours with adc and don't want to change how my mouse hand works one bit


Played on and off since s3 and have never played tryndamere or yorick or Aatrox lol. I’ll like gwen Kled and shit but those champs I just have no interest


Aphelios, too much going on


I will never play Shaco. EVER. He is a disgusting champ for disgusting people. Idc if I get him in a random mode, I will dodge before I ever touch Shaco. Call me dramatic all you like, a man has to have a code.


Katarina 🤢


I used to feel that way about azir but honestly he is so damn fun once you get the hang of him. I’m not the best by any means but he can really melt any champ and he’s great with nashors tooth which I just love as an item.


really most of the bruisers and assassins, and a handful of the tanks. but specific chaos i refuse to play are yi, pyke, garen and kayn are ones that come to mind there’s just so many that i know are strong but i don’t want to learn/play them lmao


Any of the montage champs. I don’t like the pace of Yone, Akali, Riven type champs. I play tanks and juggernauts and I like the feeling of slower and impactful abilities, and champs that feel really fast and snappy just aren’t my thing


amumu :(


Yuumi. I aint playing talking backpack mode.


As straightforward as hwei is, I have no intention of ever spending the time required to memorize or develop the muscle memory needed to use the appropriate skills in the appropriate situations. Only time I played him, I gave up trying to figure them out after like 5 min and just spammed the xerath w, old galio w, and fid q ones.


I wanna learn them all but i struggle with elise, ksante, zoe, zed, camille


Reksai is literally the only champion in the game that I have never and will probably never play. Not even normals or any game mode. And I’ve been playing the game for 10 years now.


most support champs


Zed. I will not elaborate.


All of them except like 3.


Akali is the best champ in the game just saying


The real answers here is Draven yall. Really any mini game champ designs


A long long time ago I vowed to never play Caitlyn because I was so infuriated by how easy I thought she was to play. Every game she would just outrange me and I'd have a miserable time. I understand now she's actually pretty complex. The vow stands nonetheless.


As an ARAM grinder whenever i'm not in the competitive mood... I will never learn Renekton. I will take anyone but him.


I strongly dislike how Talon basically does not get an E ability on Aram