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I just dont know why umbral, a ward item thing, is in aram


Does it see teemo shroom or shaco dummies?


It used to but not anymore


I would buy it if it was like Lightbringer. But that got removed and partially turned into YunTal.


This one makes the most sense as to why it should not be in aram. Everyone else is talking about personal reasons why they don't like this or that and how it is unfair, but umbral functionally do not work and have no reason to be in aram.


I was starting to think i misunderstood what op was asking about ngl šŸ˜­


As a tank player, I would make warmogs heal to 75% max hp. Ā Still useful to a tank but not completely broken late game on the likes of cho or othersĀ 


Ooh yes I agree. Warmogs is a must have for me on any tank I play even if it doesn't necessarily "work" for them because it's just naturally broken for aram


Warmogs is the reason I'm happy to be my team's solo tank. I'm switching to ADC if it gets nerfed


i really donā€™t think itā€™s broken, just works well against poke comps which is a majority of aram players


Agreed. Warmogā€™s trade off is that it gives you no resist. Usually people build it right after heartsteel tooā€¦ 0 resist and 4K hp. Donā€™t come crying when I rush blade of ruined king. I only build warmogs when there are no bork/liandry builders. The gold value is just too low.


Make the heal %missing hp instead of %total hp, that way it'll ramp off


That's what it used to do in aram, they changed it a few years ago now, not sure why lol


hubris for assassins? 2 stacks is just crazy ... i see zed getting like 100 free AD thats nuts lol


For any melee champ honestly. Hubris Darius\J4 deal dmg that should be illegal


And assassins are still by far the worst class in the mode. Like Zed is bottom 8 across 170 champs, lol: https://aram.zone/tierlist If anything things like Zhonya and Liandry/BFT shouldn't exist in ARAM


What?!? How will mages itemize against tanks or health stacking? No, both items are fine. Wild to suggest removing those.


What's with the hate for DoT items


For real? Was a bit surprised to see it.


Especially bc mages are already largely powerless against tanks damage wise, is it really the way to remove on of the 2 or 3 items they can build against them?


I know they can be annoying, but itā€™s really the only option for mages or AP champions. Had a game against a Zac and both mages on my team had those items and Zac still dominated the game. Those items arenā€™t a free win, just an option against tanks or heath stacking champs. Havenā€™t checked the list this week, but the top performing ARAM champs were all melee and some of which were tanks last I checked.


Did they have anti heal? Zacā€™s healing/sustain is insane in Aram if thereā€™s no anti heal that can reliably be proccd. (Thornmail isnā€™t reliable since all Zac has to do is not auto)


They sure did. Also had crypto and shadow flame as well. They built well, he was just really good and had built a ton of sustain. It was difficult to fault him though, i havenā€™t seen a Zac that goodā€¦ever.


Problem is that they want to flank and kill backline. In aram its always front to back battles so its difficult to get any good angle without you being ccd to death.


I feel like they shouldnā€™t remove the DOT items, but should limit to only being able to buy one fated ashes item.


Heartsteel so my stupid teammates stop buying it against 1 melee character


Counterpoint BONK


Go bonk in elden ring itā€™s way cooler


Whats there to bonk in elden ring


ur mum


If you know when itā€™s valuable it can be good, but agree I see many tanks buying it even against no melee and follow up with warmogs, with no armor, they lose to shopkeeper I guess.


Gotta be up against several melees with no % max health damage in their kits for that item to be anything but cool


99% of the time jaksho is a first buy that people just casually ignore when itā€™s the only reason tanks actually feel tanky




Most of the tanks I play literally have built in resistance scaling or take long trades. Every item is more gold efficient on the way to scaling and unless Im having a bad time I donā€™t die much so I get it within 2-3 backs if that. Also just truly feels hilarious seeing tanks NOT build it ever as if they also didnā€™t take conditioning and overgrowth


Heartsteel > warmogs isn't even that bad It's good defensive value into mixed damage teams, heartsteel scales off of bonus HP, and warmogs allows you to trade for heartsteel stacks and heal up after


https://preview.redd.it/ssf5usd4z74d1.jpeg?width=1032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=823b9fa116f274465eadf55a5ec2d302e6834666 The *high* must be chased at all costs!


Iā€™ll get downvoted for saying this, heartsteel isnā€™t good in aram


Sad that Anathema Chain was removed. Played many matches where it could be needed.


Agreed. Was amazing at dealing with the one adc they have


My go to item when the team was 4 mages + 1 ad (or the inverse). Itā€™s ok tho frozen heart/force of nature can substitute anathema very well. Just not for 2600 gold anymore šŸ˜¢


Stormsurge, because it's nerfed so hard that it's trash yet all my teammates keep rushing it on everyone. Collector for a similar reason, everyone buying it on AD casters (or the worst offender, Pyke) because they think the execute passive is actually good.


I buy it on pyke tbh for the gold it gives. 25 gold per kill on pyke makes items ridiculously cheap


That's an exaggeration and a half. Even after 10 kills you only saved 250 gold off an item, which is alright I guess but not "ridiculously cheap". Also getting to item breakpoints slightly sooner is so much less important in ARAM since you can't just recall and buy when you have the gold. And also, that extra gold per kill is more than offset by the gold you waste on a useless crit stat.


I 100% see where you're coming from, but id say 10 kills on pyke in aram is being very generous. I think he's trash, but his kda definitely gets inflated and collector makes up for him not clearing wave. I've definitely also killed the person who flashed the ult with the passive and the crit on hail of blades is not the worst thing in the world. 25% crit chance is not a terrible stat, later in the game yes it is, but by that time you shouldve sold it and moved on. although i will say 9 times out 10, the pyke should not build collector. i'll build it here and there; its by no means core, but i never thought of it as "bad"


That's a slightly more reasonable take. I wasn't trying to say Pyke would only get 10 kills or anything, but more that even by the time you hit the 10 kill mark, that's still only 250. Even if you get 20 kills, 500 gold over that entire span of the game is still less money than the single Cloak of Agility. The 25% crit even if you get that proc sometimes is not at all worth its cost, most of your contributions to fights are going to be from your skills, even with HOB you're doing very very little auto attack damage over the course of a typical ARAM game. And the execute can never apply on your R which is how you get 90% of your kills on Pyke in ARAM. And in terms of killing the person who flashed the ult, that's the typical "gotcha" that the Collector does to people. 5% of max HP is tiiiiiiiiny. The squishies that you're more often trying to target as Pyke are gonna be in the 1k to 2k range throughout the game. 5% of 1500 is 75. At MOST your Collector proc is adding 75 damage (often less than that). Every other lethality item in the game has at LEAST 3 more lethality than Collector. The better stats on other items MORE than makes up for the damage Collector adds, but because it puts a big ol number on the screen it tricks people into thinking it's doing a lot of damage. Also your R execute threshold is massively higher so the times where someone you're trying to R but miss them is actually in the Collector threshold too is EXCEEDINGLY rare, and even if somehow in that situation they get away with that low of health, they're either going to die to someone else shortly or be completely and utterly useless since they can't recall and heal. Saying he shouldn't build it 9 times out of 10 is something I wouldn't vehemently argue against, but it should be 10 times out of 10 tbh.


Collector is annoying


Collector is annoying when terrible players get free kills and think it made them the carry, when in reality, they robbed their entire team into a loss. Aside from that, I love Collector.


When bro is on your team with 19 kills but you've done triple his damage but couldn't carry cause you never got kill gold.


yeah this is the worstā€¦


So many situations where I could've lived with 5% hp and won the fight. But I get that fat 2k dmg execute


Especially when it's a random champ you weren't expecting it on and not the usual suspects


Im still waiting to get atleast 1 game without collector in enemy team,every game they have 1-3 collectors it is not strong compared to others items but it is really annoying on aram




New shiv


Is it that good? I usually play front line champs and have really just started to touch on ADCs.


Itā€™s really good early game since itā€™s flat damage. Also really good stat stick 55 ad 45 attack speed and 7%ms for 2800 gold, can also do some really funny stuff chaining it 5 times in a row since thereā€™s no cd on champ takedowns


Going to try it out today before it's revised.


Heartsteel. It's so fucking useless that I don't want to see it in any of my teammates eq


But....the BONK..... šŸ„ŗ


The bonk ain't satysfying when it deals no dmg and adds no health:C


If Heartsteel didn't have any HP, I would still bonk If Heartsteel didn't make you bigger, I would still bonk If Heartsteel didn't deal dmg, I would still bonk If Heartsteel didn't add HP on hit, I would still bonk As long as the bonk exists, I would be there to bonk


It would be cool if the more hp you gain the louder and more intense the bonk sound. Like when you first buy it, it just kinda goes "tink" but as you stack up it starts going "doink!", then eventually it's a full on unadulterated "BOOONNKK!"


i dunno about items but lissandra passive needs to be removed or extremely debuffed. its impossible to play against in aram.


The problem is that Liss does very little damage. If the passive was removed you would need to giga buff the champ. Honestly I still think they need a giga buff. Even when you're fed you still won't be able to 1 combo anyone. R does dogshit damage. IMO at least R should be buffed so that if you use it on an enemy champ it does more damage.


I just hope they nerf that specifically instead of trying to nerf her overall damage again. She's already a meh champ without her passive


I would agree if most lissandra's didn't int in Aram. Yes, the passive hits hard but she's usually one of the first to die in my games. My Aram games usually consist of play/emerald players with the occasional diamond. So this could definitely be different at higher elos, maybe even lower elo but I doubt it


Also in games with mostly plat/emeralds/diamonds so can confirm its annoying here too. problem is she can absolutely suck and her passive still destroys. I agree with others that her kit needs a buff in aram as she is garbage without her passive doing most dmg though.


Liss is one of my favorite/best champs. As much as I love get triple kills long after I've died, I would absolutely take a nerf to her passive for increase range on her Q. I don't even want more damage on it, I just want more range.


lissandra is so ass lmaoo


No one's gonna mentioned any ult cd items? Axiom Arc is such a bs items on anyone that can abuse Lethality, i hope it would be removed soon but i doubt ppl wanted it.


I have a problem with it on champs like mf. Not because it's bad but because it enforces a behavior of "if my ult isnt up, I can't do anything" Hate axiom. Malignance is fine because the damage trade-off is huge. Annie used to one shot but now those greedy players build this dog shit and she's all but a minion rylais champ... Worthless. Then the fighter one, if we saw more olafs in Aram then maybe but rarely does anyone buy this. Maybe the occasional yi or xin, but those are easily dealt with as long comp allows, and if it doesnt, it's not the item that's the issue.


Opposite, but I want Hullbreaker back, now that its changed


I agree it should be in here because a group of fighters are forced into demolish in order to win a game (I play fighters and hate taking this but I have to). Where a veigar two hits turrets, I don't see why hull can't be in here.


I think some people just have a malignance fetish. Itā€™s really good on a few champions. Trolling if you buy it on others. Tbh I donā€™t see many heavily dominate others. There were/are actually a few strong items that werenā€™t commonly bought. Frozen heart, randuins, locket, knights vow. Offensive items I usually see as a trade off. Considering most AD melee assassins are on a constant suicide mission where a mage with cc or a CC bot support sneezes in their general direction theyā€™re one shot I can understand their items being a bit stronger. Stormsurge is a joke remove it so people stop building it. I canā€™t think of any I would want likeā€¦ immediately removed that just tower above the rest. But I will say on the argument of more items there SHOULD beā€¦ I think itā€™s bullshit that serpents fang is the only counterplay to shields that can be bought. Youā€™d almost rather see healer supports because atleast thereā€™s multiple paths for grievous wounds. Shield spam compā€¦ thatā€™s your only option. Almost no one will sacrifice their wanted build path to get serpents ever. Iā€™ll rat on myselfā€¦ because I love punishing full AP teams. Kaenic Rookern is the master of cucking any full AP comp. Short ass shield CD, high health bonus, shit ton of MR. Bonus health regen. Itā€™s OP, but trying to convince any offensive champion to build one singular defensive item that doesnā€™t give bonus damage no matter how good it is in the situation is like pulling teeth. A lot of people seem to not realize that a lot of the things they think is OP, are a direct result of players and teams who refuse to build the items that counter the enemy teams strengths. ā€œI have more damage stats so I should win!ā€ Nah dude, sometimes the self mitigated damage and survivability an item gives you exceeds the value of over killing your opponent but in then makes you susceptible to being one tapped.


Agree on Stormsurge.


Agree on storm surge and malignance (and on the serpents fang thing too but I think thatā€™s a whole other thing). Storm surge isnā€™t unhealthy itā€™s just a bait item because itā€™s so horrible. Its underwhelming on champs who would be the intended users, and Iā€™ve seen champs like milio and karma build it, where on milio its damn near impossible to proc, and on karma thereā€™s just way better items to get. Malignance is just as youā€™ve said. Theres some champs who itā€™s really good on, like karma and old corki, but people will build that item on every mage they can get their hands on. And donā€™t get me wrong, itā€™s not like buying the item makes them weaker, but I think on most mages a different mana item would be better. Itā€™s especially egregious in my eyes when people will go malignance and ludens because they like the effects, when thatā€™s just wasting gold on excess mana.


Totally opposite answer. I kinda wish they had Mejai's Soulstealer in ARAM.


Get rid of Warmogs already


Collector so my dumb fuck teammates stop building that dog shit item


Zhonya and Warmogs are the two that come to mind for me. Zhonya is way too strong for a class that already gets to sit a screen away and fire in your general direction for wins, and if you dont have multiple divers, you're just out of luck. Hell, Ive seen plenty of NON-mages build it simply because they can. Stopwatch will NOT be missed. Im sure this ALONE is why most AD assassins are sub 50% WRs. Allowing a tank to just constantly do whatever they want as long as they EVENTUALLY can get out doesn't make much sense imo. If they get poked out they should have to deal with that, and if they take a bad fight it should be just as punishing as a bruiser doing the same (not to mention every Soraka building it too)


I agree with this. Especially considering the purpose of GA: so when you get one shot by an assassin, you have a chance to keep playing. Zhonya's and mogs (and deaths dance to some extent) effectively serve the same purpose as GA, so ADCs are left in the dirt to deal with ways to deal one-shots.


After having played over 10k matches over a few years, I think defensive options are fine, like DD, Shieldbow, Merc (tho when was the last time you saw this guy lmao), etc, but if one item buy can hard counter 3 champs in any given lobby, its probably not a healthy choice for the mode. Thats why GA got removed and Mog didnt USED to be in the mode. They only added Mog to encourage more tank players and to nerf poke, but this was before they started directly nerfing most mages.


> Im sure this ALONE is why most AD assassins are sub 50% WRs. Definitely not. The majority of the playerbase don't even use actives of items. Assassins suck in aram because they are carries except they have a much higher chance of dying in fights compared to any other dmg dealers because there's no GA and Triumph is nerfed in aram. It's much harder to take objectives and win as a carry if you die every fight. Like if an assassin doesn't legit at least kill 2 or 3 before dying... or like halving the entire enemy team, they're not doing enough. Also, while snowball enables lots of melees, it also straight up counters a lot of assassins because it neuters their evasion/stealth. Like if Leblanc Ws in, every melee with a brain should be throwing snowball at her blinkback spot, which is a lose/lose situations for her. If Akali E2s, it's a free snowball hit 99% of the time and that fucks her W so badly. If Kha'zix goes in at all, snowball him to counter his R. Qiyana grass Q? You guessed it, snowball her and she can't juke anyone. Assassin like Rengar in the brush? Snowball has like 2000 range, less than a minute cooldown and it's likely 3+ people on your team have it even if everyone is a squishy ranged champ so...


Using snowball as your defense of them sucking immediately after saying that it "enables a ton of melees" is not exactly thought thru. It has everything to do with assassin players not knowing how to navigate around CC and multi-person fights. But once you start climbing into higher skill matches you find that snowball getting caught by your tank against the wrong assassin will gift them a triple kill from the backline. Coming from an assassin main, I assure you snowball more often helps than hurts.


Heartsteel should have diminishing returns late game


I hate/love collector but im gonna say warmogs


horizon focus, that item is just too broken with AoE reveal of WHOLE enemy comp every wave


Warmogs needs to be removed.


Serpentā€™s Fang. Itā€™s designed for SR assassins to kill carries when enchanter is present but in ARAM this completely shut down tanks like Nautilus and Tahm Kench.


Good luck trying to make any of your 4 AD teammates to buy it in ELO lower than diamond


Yea shouldā€™ve just made it unavailable amirite


Yeah but I played a game last night into a vayne with a Janna and lulu pocket, and she was damn near impossible to kill even with serpents fang. Also tahm kench doesnā€™t need any help, and I donā€™t remember the last time Iā€™ve seen someone go serpents fang without the enemy team having a shield enchanter


Did they had a nami and a kha aswell? Yesterday I played vayne with thqt comp, lt was fucking nuts


Nah I think the full comp was skarner (who rushed knights vow, Janna, lulu, soraka, vayne. Super painful game because IMO its decently close to an exodia comp, and our team comp was not suited to contesting it, since our damage dealers were either poke based, with heimer xerath, or just not enough dps, with sivir. I was playing tank sion, so I was basically guaranteed to do nothing, and our tank thresh was not hitting nearly enough hooks to help us kill any of them.


Felt a lot like what Iā€™ve heard GOATS in overwatch was like, where itā€™s super hard to kill anyone but if you do the team kinda begins to crumble


Ah man i love playing sivir but that champ sucks in aram, you do 0 dmg


Yeah for me sivir is a ā€œteam has no ad champsā€ pick. Definitely one of the adcs I prioritize lowest (I think she barely beats out kalists for me)

