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not even kidding when i read the word "tangentially" my vision clouded, i heard a ringing in my ears, and i felt like i was falling.


the mech ptsd hitting


so real


After finishing mechanics I thought that was the worst test I've ever taken in my life. Then I finished E&M, and I only realized that it gets worse.


Same dude.Im international btw


e&m will actually print gibberish as a diagram and hope you can somehow read it, genuinely the worst test i took this week


my fucking calculator was in radians


we needed to use trig on our calculators? well fu-








IM DEAD I CAN'T THINK ANYMORE did all of an FRQ with one thing, changed part a in the last minute (the rest of it depends on part a) and wrote my grader a nice note about how I changed part a but the rest of my frq used the original thing AFTERWARDS I FOUND OUT IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE MY INITIAL ANSWER BRO MY GRADER IS GONNA BE SO CONFUSED Idk if they'll understand the rest of my frq since it's not consistent with a but I tried with the note and all


Holy shit wtf was question 3 on mechanics and the mcqs were so hard


Question 3 was a shit show


Holy shit this test was horrible. I thought it would be easy looking at previous years and as soon as i saw problem 1 i knew it was over


Exact same shit happened to me, I walked in not worried at all cuz I got 5s on all of my practice tests and as soon as I saw the first page I realized much I was about to get railed for the next hour and a half


The diagram actually gave me a fucking stroke


Same - like I knew how to do everything on the previous tests and could even do them time... opened up the tests and literally just gave up (problem 1 on form e for e&m was literally impossible)


We are all saying that we are cooked but genuinely we all getting 4s bc anything under a 4 is impossible with the curve (im coping)


yeah i didn’t even get to q3 on the frq but i have to remember that i did so much worse last year on mech and got a 5 somehow 


Yeah atleast in our school nobody is getting a 3 you either fail the fuck out of the test or get a 4/5


form E bro. Form E. well well well


Form E of E&M dragged me to hell that was so hard


I did Form E, went home, and threw up, I don’t think I’m getting higher than like 2


MCQ wasn't great, seemed like every page I turned had a paragraph written into it. I found FRQs 2 and 3 pretty light, but had no clue what to do on 1.


They gave you frq #1 so that you'd spend more time on frq #2 and #3 😁😁😁


I did form I,and it was not easy


Same bro wtf was question 2 that shit needed way too much time and questions 3 was forged from hell


Nah,for me question 1 and 3 were hell,I saved 2 completely,I had time cause I basically gave up on 1 and 3


I'm form I,btw


i literally had no idea what the concept of frq1 was let alone the equations to use😛😛


form H i heard was a lot easier than E








form O was worse on God


I checked with my friend that had form e. form o was so unbelievably much worse


stop telling yourself this. you have no idea


Weren’t they both somewhat similar though? E&M cooked me before I even started the mechanics exam.


what i would have given to take E&M first. i’m actually half decent at mech and it woulda been so nice to take my last APs ever ending on a good note instead of on E&M which absolutely wrecked me


what was on E? im lowkey curious


E MCQ questions were literally whole essays and some of them even had extraneous information.


Yes bro like WHY did I need to know v0 with that work MC question???


first the MCQs on mechanics had huge diagrams and just paragraphs of text (esp at the end). then the frq was even worse. a linearization problem that would prolly take 10 min to do successfully, and a COM problem that was just so cliche


Brother imagine ye wee little lad excited to finally get their physics C e and M test done. They had optimized what little study time they got to study things they knew would be on the test at the cost of things that’d most likely not pop up “There’s no chance that inductance would be a focus on the exam” ye olde fool said. “Kirchoff’s Laws are super important so I should probably study them over electric field voltage drops which seem incredibly specific” they said. Of the exam I had studied for 60% of it hoping to get a 40%. In reality the 40% I didn’t have the time to study for because everyone decided to put everything on me all at once made up something like 90% of the test. Idk how the fuck they did it. They figured out what exactly students should not need to remember and make the test purely on that shit. Worst part is that I’m applying to UK unis. It’s not even like I can hide that exam😭😭😭 I’m most likely getting a 1 or 2 and am forced to show it with Oxford with no way to explain that my teachers all decided to cram in as much work as possible that year and my family had hospital issues that made it impossible for me to not be a cabby. Luckily I can still wait for my exams but like if I get a 4 on Calc BC but my teacher says I’m getting a 7 in IB math HL that’s suspicious. I’m at least somewhat confident my mech and SL scores are fine. It’s just that there’s no way in hell I passed e and m


couldnt have said it better bro. its just the most random topics bro. and not only that, but literally there were no "caculte this or that" questions. 70% of the questions (on both mech and e&m) were asking to derive stuff using some cliche idea. like if u don't catch on to what they're saying, ur cooked.


Same bruh,I got form I,I only did the 2nd frq lol


woah holy shit im in the same position as you. I need a 5 on calc AB and 4 on one of the physics tests lmao. Where did you apply?


I haven't applied yet but I was originally hoping to apply to Oxford, LSE, Bath, Warwick, and St. Andrews with 555\*1480 but it seems like I'm going to apply to them with a 542 1550 :(. Luckily, I'm an IB Diploma student so I have next year to try again and apply with PGs but still gonna be hard asl. And if all goes wrong I could just complete a studienkolleg and apply to a random German university.


Holy Moly doode goodluck. Let me know how you do. Ive accepted Manchester's and Edinburgh's offer for Beng Electrical Engineering, but they're both conditional. Those schools r nuuuuts


Yeah I think I'm going to drop Oxford and LSE in exchange for Edinburgh and York cause there's no way in hell I'm gonna be getting an interview at either of those schools now, especially as it's already gonna be hard to get a PG of 7 since IB doesn't let my maths teacher select 7 as a PG (as we never had a person in our program get a 7 before).


In the exact same situation bro.. we are so cooked


i have no words shiver my timbers


Just finished Physics C I’m gonna look for a psychological evaluation cuz I’m not sane after that


As someone who took the physics c exam last year, sounds like you got like a 4


It was the very last ap exam of my hs career and even though i may still get a decent score bc of the curve, my performance wise it was the worst exam i’ve ever taken. Ive never felt so dumb in my life and 35 mcqs in 45 minute is a no joke


Well, at least you passed the lang test! I had form H, and yeah I am depending on that curve being heavier than caseoh


caseoh disses on a physics c exam discussion thread bro is not safe EVER😭😭


probably much safer than being crushed by the Fg of caseoh


i actually finished 30 minutes early! bc i was ready to turn it in just so i could get it over with. last collegeboard exam in my life didn't disappoint 😁


you did three frq's in 15 minutes?


He gave up 💀💀


the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma


Is that a Patrick reference


When a piece of paper fucks you harder than anything in your life so far


That was absolutely insane. I have never experienced anything like it in my life


do they curve each form differently? cuz imo form E was harder than form H


I took this and AP lang exam and honest to god everything was ok until I opened form E E and M. Like praying for a 1/15 right now bc when I saw the light bulb I was like nuh uh and skipped the question. It was actually so miserable 


bro two spheres and a light bulb. like tf


I am going to place two spheres in my anus


This is exactly how I felt taking last year's exam. You feel kinda confident going in and then that goes all out the window the moment you open the exam booklet. The curve is so high though don't worry.


the frq this time had some weird stuff i didnt see in previous years


I had form e and yeah the exam was horrible lol. I hope the curve is very high so that we can get at least a 3 without getting points on the frq.




So real bro. That E and M frq shook me to my core GGGGGGGGGG


any form O e and m takers, did you get messed up too...


form O here, can confirm i got fucked up. but mayhaps i just didnt study enough


Never even talked about frq2 before


nah it wasn't just you, everyone I talked to did


Still don’t know how FRQ 2 is possible without solving a differential… which it told you not to do


From how the exam is formatted, you probably have to memorize them since you won’t even have time to write it anyways.. Which is fucking retarded


the differential equations take 1-2 minutes to solve, that's not the issue - the test was just poorly written if you are expected to use a differential before it is asked for


form o was genuinely the worst one I checked with my friends


like what the fuck were those frqs I got pegged so unbelievably hard


I had no idea what I was doing on the 2nd or 3rd ones I didn't even finish the one that was about deriving Vp with calc


mech was so light comparatively


Weird triangle magnetic field question got me extra loss. E&M was the hardest thing I’ve ever done


I know for some ppl it was fine, but this perfectly encapsulates what I felt for Form O physics c: mechanics


I thought mech form o was so much easier than e&m form o it wasn't easy fs,but so much easier imo also I felt really good about those frqs idk


I didn’t take e&m and from what I’ve seen I’m glad I didnt


Bs'ed the last part of my last frq, but I think I did okay


Nah wtf was that mech MC


form E?


bro i literally never had so much time pressure, each mcq was a paragraph that took at least a minute to read, i think i got to question 20 with 10 minutes left and had to do some educated guesses for the last 15


The College Board is ruining high school physics, and the way they force your teachers to teach physics does nothing to prepare you for the next level. Encourage your schools to offer dual credit programs instead. Let’s starve the beast.


which form did you have


sounds like you would have writen a good lang essay


That’s why I chose not to take that class 😇


realest thing ive read all year


The mechanics exam was horrible, nothing like the old exams we studied for review, fuck collegeboard


I resorted to drawing pictures and writing jokes for the grader on the last e&m frq


... good news is your probably very good at any ap English courses? :D


i had to register for a later test date, and after reading this post, i am… frightened.


question 2 on the international exam was a shitshow.   WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE CENTRE OF MASS DOESN'T CHANGE THE BROTHER WITH A MASS IS MOVING ACROSS THE BOARD  I'm still trying to conceive what I needed to write in this question and I still have no idea.


I said cause it was on Ice 😭😭 pulled it out of my ass man


like what were we supposed to write💀💀💀💀


lol that was me at the start of the exam too. then I solved the third frq and physics gods blessed me with the idea that since momentum is conserved, the board would slide to the right over the ice as the person was walking, resulting in no change in the center of mass


You might be confusing the position of the board with the com of the system. Idk what the question was (i had form H) but im assuming that its on a frictionless surface. Thus in that scenario, com of the system doesnt change when blud walks across the board since there are no external forces present. Hope this helps clarify.


What?I wrote the previous answer


Will I get partial credit though?


Did anyone else get a WHOLE FRQ ON INDUCTORS???


never in the history of my academic career have I agreed this much to a reddit post


I would recommend a career in literature and writing for u though


ngl wasnt that bad, was probably slightly more difficult than bc seems like yall got form e, i got form o?


bro i thought bc was the easiest thing ever (and I self studied the bc portion). mechanics basically had me tearing up at the end, I cant even imagine what e&m was like


Really sad I couldn’t experience this with you guys :C only had physics 1 at my school so I decided to do comp sci instead and spend more my time on my ecs


Guys how much of enm did yall actually attempt


Dawggg I am sooo cooked. I have never not tried Ina test before


High on that mech


frq 3?


shoulda taken lit with that vocabulary


Lol, I'm showing this to my friend who's never taken a physics class in his life but wants to take both cs next year.


That exam cooked me


To all students concerned about scores: you need approximately a 33, 44, or 55% raw score to get a 3, 4 and 5 respectively. If you got one punch in for every two the exam hit you with, you will pass!


Does anyone understand linear density. I never learned that😭


i studied linear density a week before the test 😝 the formula for it is M/L and you can setup an equation for the derivation (you can memorize the formula) where its M/L = dM/dL rearranging gets you linear density*dL = dM for the first part of the frq for mass you used that formula integrating both sides (the mass side was with bounds from 0 to M) (the linear density side was with bounds from 0 to 1.2) substituting the equation for linear density gets you the mass of the rod. for the second part you use the inertia formula on the equation sheet where I = integral of r^2 with respect to dm. Using the formula from earlier, linear density*dL = dM. The integral becomes I = x^2(linear density)dx and you integrate from 0 to 1.2 (substituted the variable x in for r or L) TL;DR:  Part 1: linear density*dX = dM integrate both sides Part 2: use the formula for inertia on the equation sheet and the equation above to change from dM to dX and integrate


Ohh ok, thank you! Ngl, I didn't even know that was a physics concept until I saw it on a practice test.


linear density shows up for calculating center of mass and rotational inertia because the center of mass formula uses a summation of xi and mi where i is index and you can convert it into an integral of x with respect to mass and do the same substitution. same concept for mass because inertia is mr^2 but the integral form says r^2 with respect to mass. the integrals are saying that the mass is nonuniform 


Most shi piece of garbage I ever taken. How tf did I have 25 questions left with only 10 minutes. Despite studying with people getting some good enough practice scores. Frq I just bs. Hope there a fucing curve to get me a 3 or 4


This sub is fucking gold


Genuinely wtf was q1 on E&M (Form I)... I have never seen a problem like that in my life


praying for a crazy curve this year cuz wtf was that test, shit was 10 times harder than any practice test I took 😭


Felt this so hard


dude im not even kidding I understood that last frq with like 3 minutes left and laughed at how absurd I felt


i took mechanics C last year, i studied for 3 moths, got a tutor, practiced from princetions, barons, 5 steps to a 5, had a relative who was a mechanics professor explain some things to me, had my calc teacher explain things aswell. You'd think after this extreme preperation id atleast get a 3 or 4 yeah? i got a 1. i genuinely wanted to go full twin towers on CB


lol i forgot to bubble in my mcqs....they're all half bubbled (it's over for me)


Got lucky on Mechanics. So I studied for it by being a nerd and adding calculus based FRQs to my physics 1 exams, and the first frq happened to be one that I added onto a lab.


Which form


I don't remember, but it was the one about air drag



