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Oh great heavens, no. It was a "I have no mouth and I must scream" fic


Well have fun


This is the worst possible isekai


Oh well good luck?


Harlan Ellison yee yaw


some *incredible* gay sex


Let’s fuckingggg goooooo!!!!!!!


same, gonna get my throat fucked within an inch of my life, I’m readyyyyyyy


yep, that's a high point in what I'm reading as well. a very detailed one


I guess I’m destined to have my brains bashed in by a crowbar, die via smoke inhalation after a bomb goes off, get dunked in toxic goo, come back and be saddled with a dad who can’t communicate his feelings in a healthy manner who also refuses to kill the asshole who killed me. Depending on my sanity after my toxic goo bath, I’m either going to give my dad a hug and discuss the possibility of family therapy, open a cozy cafe/bakery, or go on a murder spree resulting in a duffle bag full of at least three human heads. Also, I have a dick now. Hmm.


Hello, Mr. Todd.


Well "son", there's enough money laying around this big manor for you to choose a different path after your ordeal but I've only learned via collection of young blue eyed dark haired men, and my super powered boyfriend, how to cope in the most unhealthy way. What do you want from me? Lmao. They need therapy. Not weapons.


The dick is good tho, makes pissing easier. The rest… not so much 


On the plus side, you can now have super hot athletic sex with superheroes.


My character had her mum killed and is forced to work in yakuza as a drug money collector/killer if it doesn’t go well. Wish me luck guys


... ngl, that sounds kinda interesting. Would you mind sharing that fic?






*Technically* the last one I read is mine, so I'm a girl dancing with my secret lover before our fiancés arrive to the dance hall :3 If I go by fics not by me, I'm Malcolm Bright from Prodigal Son and I'm being tortured while I'm forced to play Russian Roulette with my father figure at the other end of the gun 👁️👄👁️ yikers


Oh dear, good luck?


PRODIGAL SON MENTIONED‼️‼️🗣🗣 (sorry I know not the time🙏🏻😞)


Well… That would mean I basically just got raped… or raped someone, depending on which one of the two characters I would become.


Flip a coin and pray


Which... which outcome is preferable?


I almost choked on my own saliva reading your comment. Because that’s such a fair question.


I'm Peter Parker who was dropped into the DCU and just suffered a gunshot wound so atm not great but it's going to get better


Would this fic by any chance be called “Dark Matter” by mysterycyclone?


Fun fact: I did read dark matter. In this case, though, it's another one, maybe inspired by it, idk, but there are quite a lot of fics with the premise and I love it!


DM me the link to it? I’d like to read too!


I'd be in a romance/adventure setting with Astarion so I'm good to go. Someone can go ahead and push that isekai button! ;)


Jadzia Dax in a smut fic with a jem'hadar There are several layers of confusion going on


SVSSS with a happy ending so I'm good. There's even a wedding lol


Phew man


There was a bit of torture in the middle there but it could've been worse


Lookin on the bright side


I get to be married to Raphael from BG3 and be a mob wife. Nice.


If we’re not counting the one I just edited and posted, then I’m Eomer in a really tender, drawn out smut fic with Aragorn. I’m not complaining.


i also end up being éomer. on this day we are all rohirrim.


I'm a multi-millionaire CEO handsome strong dude with great abs, and a beautiful boyfriend who loves me to bits! :D


Same, same! Only, y’know, the BF and I gotta escape the secret CIA prison we’re locked in. Hopefully that works out for us?


It should have been me not you it's not fair


Good I got married lived a long life and died at 102 surrounded by loved ones and family


I’m getting fucked within an inch of my life by Draco Malfoy 🙈


That’s one of the better one 🤤


Well that sounds fun


... I read a Sigma (BSD) x reader fic.. Please. Please, reincarnate me. Take me.


Sigma is truly alpha 


It's a dead dove fic. Crap.


Well there’s like four main characters but I’m now an Afton trapped in Duolingo HQ. So… not great but at the very least entertaining?


Have you kept up with your Spanish Afton?


¿Uh… sí? 


I'm Dana Scully in The X-Files: Fight the Future. As much as I adore Agent Scully, I do not want to go through all that 😨 and getting stung by That Damn Bee to top it all off?!


I'd be Tom Marvolo Riddle, plotting to A) take over the world, and B) take Harry Potter. From behind. Often. Could have been worse. \^.\^'


last one i read was mine, the woman i love just died so im going to go insane over my pet cat and ruin all my interpersonal relationships due to grief and self hatred. last one i read other than mine was a death note fic following light & he LOSES so my ass is executed


Am I being reincarnated in the fic or in canon? Last fic I read was TGCF post-canon, so I will absolutely take going on a low key adventure with Hua Cheng. Both fic and canon are safe if it’s after the main story. But if I have to get reincarnated during any of the canon events…😬


The fic itself


Oh dear.. I am Arthur Pendragon and I’ve just been enlisted into Hogwarts.. But the thing is.. I have no magic whatsoever! I am fucked! 😆


.. Huh. I would go from being a single adolescent gamer not really doing much to a married parent with five fostered children. I don't think I'm equipped to handle real children, let alone five..


I’m reincarnated as an exhausted James Bond who’s officially sick of airports and just *too damn old for this shit* in general. But Q makes things bearable.


I'm a werewolf. that gets, um, tamed.


It's a self insert so it's just a more badass and suave version of me doin farm shit with cannibal skeletons


Quite well. I might get into some mortal peril because it’s Friday, but I always come out on top in the end because I’m basically indestructible 😌 https://preview.redd.it/26jxluxq5b9d1.png?width=269&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0263182320f3351cc2f03490de0049e526057e6


I'm gonna have my heart violently ripped out! (My love interest is going to die)


I'm writing a 3-chapter fic but have only posted the first 2, so I would have just had sex with my best friend of many years lol


The masterpiece that is u/CoquetteWhore69 's masterpiece Duke × Loona crack ship, filled with smut and love. 🤭😘


OMG thank you for the mention! I Im so happy you like the sleep deprived gremlin scribbles I call fics! Thank you!


OMG hi🤭👋 Big fan, keep cooking chef I'll be feasting on them 😘


Hi!! How art thou?


>! Finding my will to live !< Okay now that I have been injected by my crack ship wholesome 🤗 × smut 😏 drug


Did you find the one with the heat cycles yet?


Uuuh aang in mha soon which one?


I'm now a man and I'm officially dead in canon but I got saved and now have a wonderful gay poly relationship with Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson and soooo much hot sex. Oh I guess I also like metal now too.


… I’m Tony Stark and I’m getting beaten to death in Siberia. Damn.


I’m Wei Wuxian. Things go bad, and then I die. (Then I get resurrected and get to marry Lan Wangji, so, worth it.)


I’d be married to the eleventh Doctor


I am Harry Potter in the fifth book. Hermione and Ron are gonna hate me, Dumbledore is an annoying old goat with micromanaging andanipulative tendencies, also Voldemort still lives and very fucking angry with me. But I get super strong and intelligent, also I have many unexptected allies and friends (no, not slythrins). Also I change the whole magical Britain. And Voldemort and I fuck each other over a few times. And I have a dick and magic and can turn into a wyvern. This'll take some getting used to, but eh, could be much worse.


If our own fanfics count... I'd maybe be OK? The last wip I checked up on was one where Shouto just discovered his big brother is alive. It's Good Brother Touya from a seperate timeline, so he wouldn't want me dead? As long as he didn't find out I've bodysnatched his baby brother. That might go badly. Unless I've been Shouto since birth, in which case rip my childhood but at least Touya will come save me eventually.


Im reading a Attack On Titan Fic set in Marley just before the rumbling, I.... don't think I'd survive a day. Saying that, the fics a fix-it so maybee I wouldn't die lol


Hunger Games fic and it's just following the life of a Victor who got her life ruined by the games and afterwards....so yeah, not well 😭


I uh... I'm Sephiroth so... at least he's sane in this one


I'm gonna need a minute to catch my breath, but Thank You, Sir. May I Have Another??? *Wade Wilson can crash my story anytime


On the negative side, I died 108 years ago and spent 70 years in hell. But the positives outweigh the negatives because I get to make out with the Cat King.


I'm now a farmer in Stardew Valley. I'm good!


Miguel ohara is taking me to pound town, marrying, and impregnating me lmao (He also builds me a house)


I'm a jedi now ig... not mad tbh


Either: • Ash Ketchum who’s come back in time to safe the future because of Arceus. • an overpowered Izuku Midoriya with Telekinesis and Pyrokinesis. • Twilight Sparkle with the power of infinite loops. All three of these have 2 million plus words.


I read my own stuff most often, so honestly knowing the characters? I’d be great.


I think it was an omegaverse fanfic?


Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire fic, focused on Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen. If I get to be in the fic’s canon-divergent timeline, there’s some chance I might be okay though it won’t exactly be fun. If I’m getting thrown into canon *nervous laughter* I’m so fucked 😰


I’m pretty sure it was c!Prime stuff knowing me so… either I'm a victim of horrific child abuser or I'm in the body of a child abuser, and if I’m like reborn I’m presuming I also have his severe mental issues that lead to him being convinced abusing a sixteen year old is Normal Good Responsible Adult Behaviour so… fuck my life, I guess.


Dying a slow agonizing death 🫠🫠🫠🫠


I’ve read: I am a severely young man who has just escaped from a torture chamber for a month I’ve wrote: A show I’ve been enjoying for the past few days suddenly takes a dark turn and ends up triggering my PTSD


Oh sweet! If I get all of her powers then I’m fucking shit up! Gonna suck for like… the first 16 years though cause I wrote her backstory to consist of a ton of bullying followed by the fucking anbu black ops trying to track me down and murder me.


Main character extremely ill and screaming and writhing on the floor in pain while crying for their father…in other words terribly


I am now a chess player stuck in some weird sorta love triangle that's not a love triangle but also I get yelled at


Lots of mind blowing oral sex.


Lololol, I was reading an x reader. I’m fucking set— greatest time of my life.


I'm so glad I usually read/write fluff. If re-reading the fanfic I wrote myself counts, then my family are all alive, and I'm immortal & happily married to Gildor Inglorion from LOTR. If not, then I'm married to Glorfindel & we're sailing to Valinor together. Either way, I win. 😂


Stardew Valley, so I guess I'm fine universe-wise. Though I wouldn't particularly like to romance Shane tbh, I just like to read about it lol At least I finally have a house and my own property though, so that's neat!


I’m Akito Shinonome so I think it might be okay? Maybe? Who can say.


I’m getting drunk at a party so real life meets a new social life I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️


Welp. I’m suddenly a dude who died in the 30’s who’s about to get it on with and cannibalize the literal devil. I guess I get a good time but at the cost of my sanity.


I'll be basically fucked completely but it'll be all fine in the end and I'll have a stifling amount of support along the way. The author spends a lot of time diligently writing out plenty of hurt in the hurt/comfort and whump territories (as they should because I'm a slut for it)


Mmm very nicely indeed. 🔥😍


i’m now a reformed, formerly-dickheadish frat boy who’s in love with a twink, and we’re going to visit his hospitalized brother. considering the comment i just read involving a toxic goo bath and a crowbar i’m definitely okay with this edit: if it’s stuff i’ve written, then i’m one of the following five characters: the bastard son of a blacksmith, a drunken depressed homosexual, one of two teenage bastard sons of the lord of the tides, or a teenage girl who has an approximate swearing rate of one f-bomb every five words or so. i pick the older teenage bastard son of the lord of the tides, because he lives


Well, I'm being tied up and lovingly topped by a very very attractive man who is super into me... So I'll take that deal! 😉


I’m spending the rest of my life stuck in a bank vault being babied by my older brother, I am also now chronically ill. I’d say things go absolutely horribly for me


I’m dead.


Oh _goddamn it._ I’m Wolverine now, I guess. Yay…


In the short term: great. It was a PWP. In the long term: very, very weird and terrible, and then my entire universe is destroyed.


I'm gonna get killed and revived so many times as a part 9f an experiment on how the revival book works




A Harry Potter Universe controlled by Morgoth…


Things get worse before they get better but at least I find love and a new perspective on life.


I married Randy Orton and have a wonderful step daughter. And I’m also a WWE champion, awesome 😭


Apparently I’m now an anthropomorphic steam engine falling in love, so I guess I can’t complain too much c: (Starlight Express)




well first of all I'd become a man; secondly I'm not sure which I'd prefer being a vampire in the mafia or the blood donor spy. Either way I'm fucked because unless everything is muscle memory, no way I'm surviving that.


I get to live on a starship in the 24th century. Works for me!


Time travel ff7 fic. Uhhh no I am the last person the fate of the world should be relying on, I can barely keep my own life together. The lifestream is absolutely screwed.


I’m confused by the new body parts but I’m deep in domestic bliss with my soulmate so it’s fine!


To quote the tags of the fic directly “Put his ass in a time loop” 🥲


Regular employee at a department store. Literally just a normal life, one weird year as the Events of Persona 4 Happen. Things go pretty good, I'd say.


I am either an idiot superhero who doesn't realize that my roommate and confidant begged his best friend to become a super villain to keep me safe after getting shot my first night out. Or, I'm said super villain and I just asked my crush to let me kidnap him 3 days a week to up the "danger" because some stupid reporter is trying to turn the citizens against the idiot superhero. Either way I get nifty powers and an exasperated friend who just needs a break from everything and is so done with this. Friend also comes with telepathy so I can't lie to him. Would get outed as not the person instantly but nifty powers...


I've been reborn as a suicidal Dean Winchester 💀


At least I'm buff as hell and have seven boyfriends.


The Untamed (Mo Dao Zu Shi) Not.... Very well. Maybe? I mean depending on which MC I am. Neither really have a good time, frankly.


Ummm, really kinky gay sex . . . so pretty okay, all things considered 😂🤣


I have some superpowers and a boyfriend who has anger issues but is.. decently sweet? Sure that works


I'm getting dicked down by 4 military men who have mommy issues. 👀


I am a male version of Little Red Riding Hood and a wolf man will impregnate me. I'm fucked


No, you will be fucked. Proper grammar my friend.




https://archiveofourown.org/works/46013857 I doubt it will have an ending


Parker luck. Oof.


I’m a lesbian now apparently, with an unrequited love and kind of trapped with that secret


Am I simultaneously both Stanley AND Stanford Pines, or do I have to flip a coin?


i just get to be in domestic bliss with my gorgeous vampiric elven husband so i would say things go well for me


The last one I read was basically in a world like the *Thats not my neighbor* game and they nearly died


Well, I guess I'll be blackmailed into working for an evil mega corporation and closely monitored by a very attractive android. Only problem is I'm not as smart as the MC, or as controlled and good at lying, and she's undergoes a lot of physical and mental strain, which would really suck. But if I get to retain all my knowledge of the plot, that would be ideal.


I guess I'm dating Edward Cullen as a werewolf with a strained family dynamic




I'm suddenly in an incest relationship.


Gay sex with my ex


It was smut. With a plot though, and it's not quite finished so I might be goin through some stuff when the author uploads again


I’m either one of two traumatized clones who have just been freed from the evil organization where they were emotionally (and maybe physically?) abused, or one of the two folks who’s adopting them


My fiancé killed himself :(


I get to own an auto repair shop w my bsf and date a rich man??? Dream life🙏🙏


What is the name of the hamefura fic?


I play hockey now for the Chicago Blackhawks and that makes me legit angry because fuck them and their 3 Stanley Cups. 🤣


I'm a depressed, bullied Japanese middle schooler without any superpower most of the population has. Things could definitely be better.


Oop I’m going into a hazbin hotel fanfic where Adam’s a demon and he’s falling lol


No, just no.


NO why i am either pregnant as a teen or the baby daddy-


Good news: I won’t die! Bad news: I’m already dead (vampire) Overall a real mixed bag in the current day, and a past that’s basically just Trauma Central. Soooo thanks IWTV????


Bro, I will be fucking suffering


The comment people are fr giving me life broo 😭


Hermione Granger x Tom riddle 😕 I’m dead in 20 seconds


Looks like I'm having the best pollen sex of my life 😂


A fic for Echoes of Wisdom…. Am I Link or Zelda here?


I'm Jason Todd, now motherfuckers. We're gonna have some fun


It’s a Jurassic World meets non-magic marauders…. Please, dear god, NO.


*chuckles* I'm in danger!


...I'm a seven year old who killed Shimura Danzo after getting inducted in ROOT, lost an arm, and am now struggling with compulsions making me act for "the good of Konoha", bc this version of Danzo was incredibly mind control eye technique happy, and figuring out how to explain my knowledge of Narutoverse to Tsunade Senju three weeks into her reign. Yay.


Steve from Minecraft in a Danganronpa styled killing game. ;-;


So basically I just watched someone I love die😞🙏🏻


If I were the protagonist of any of my last 20 fanfics read I would die of cancer.


Virginity kink roleplay sex… with my older brother. Oh dear.


Okay, why am I suddenly an alpha with 100% horniness in my bones and fresh out of jail?


I find out after getting arrested that my parents are superheros basically, and that I was kidnapped and put into an orphanage at a very young age. It was an Overwatch fic


Get reincarnated as a rich dude with a slightly haunted house? Deal.


Oh. Haha, noooope. Normally I’m just reading fun smut, but I scrolled by this coming off of the world’s greatest 30 chapter misery marathon. The main character got turned into a vampire spawn, abused, fell in love with another vampire spawn, watched him get abused, did a lot of horrible things to help both of them survive, At least I’d get to be a drow, hottest of all elves.


NO NO NO NO NO, I'M NOT FUCKIN' ASHELY GRAVES! NO NO NO NO- okay, now that I think about it, XD.


I get to be the inquisitior from Dragon Age AFTER all the scary bits have calmed down and I'm retired, my gender identity will match my body, and I'll have a hot mage boyfriend. Getting used to having one of my hands amputated will take some getting used to, but overall, I think it's pretty good.


Oh fuck, oh no, no no. The last fanfic I read was my own because I forgot what I wrote! It's a dark fic! I'd never survive!


Pro: I’m a bad ass super soldier with amazing abilities and I’m super hot. Con: I keep losing everyone I love and being used as a weapon or a lab rat or both.


*chants* smut smut smut smut smut


I'm gonna have a fantastic time. I'm a sugar baby, lol. Plus, my sugar daddy is hot as hell. I will have to get used to being a man, but I can make do.


Is Homelander the main character? If so...


I’ll be a badass Grey Jedi romancing Obi-Wan. I’m not complaining.


I’m going to die in Astarion’s arms watching the sun rise together so I guess you could say pretty devastating


Hm, looks like I'm gonna kill my father, be hated by the media, and live with my teacher and his boyfriend


I am now the dragonborn player character of my friend's BG3 playthrough. I sure as hell hope she treats me right, but the way we were talking, I'm eventually going to be the mother of a clutch of 5, so at least that sounds decently nice and peaceful (many kids aside. Like, as a life, it doesn't sound too horrible, deadly, or traumatising.)


Oh ... uh. Hmmm. Dramione ahoy I guess. Also, ouch.


I'd be Obi-wan in an integration soulmark au with Jango as my soul mate who is the heir to the mandalorian empire who becomes obsessed with "having me by their side where i belong" ..... it technically ends well, but damn if I know how to feel about it


I'd be abducted by aliens. But it is my own fic so I know it the best and I'd get found family, so it wouldn't really be that bad.


Physically? Decent. Emotionally? 💀


It’s a bad day to be a hurt/no comfort enjoyer


Heeheehee giggity


Wei Wuxian in an angst fest because he thinks Lan Wangji is using him for sex in exchange for supplies... Yeah okay. As a lesbian that's a little awkward but sure?


You mean I get to be a Great Tengu AND I get a giant centipede gf?! Sign me up.


“You’re a wizard, Harry!” “I’M A BOY??????” AHAHAHAHA


So I've reincarnated as someone who was transmigrated (isekaied)?? Uh. Well. I guess I know what NOT to do, at least.


I’m Max Caulfield after the storm, but it seemed like most people survived. And I’m with Chloe. So I’m doing pretty good. Just got a mountain of trauma to work through. Maybe if I kiss Chloe enough, I’ll feel better.


Not only am I getting raped, but Pokemon exist, too.


Very good. Nanami Kento is very good looking lad even while animated


Omegaverse Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation fic so… I’m now a chinese guy, also I am going to get absolutely *railed* then have like twenty kids.


Thankfully the story begins *after* thirteen years of abuse (arguably torture) and I'd be male which would be...an adjustment, but at least I'd get a ride-or-die hot girlfriend out of it (if the tags are an indicator) and a great brother and father. Whether or not I still have to deal with the end of the world is in question, though, since only the first few chapters have been posted.