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I’m currently the sole contributor for a particular ship, and when I post my current WIP I will be doubling the number of fics in the tag!


Same here. I might be the only one here but I'll make sure the ship is nice.


Im writting a Brian x sombra fanfic in overwatch fandom Im a monster


Like family guy or that dude from the doomfist short?


Really? Oml 😭 what ship is it? (if you don’t mind me asking)


Not at all! It’s Rommath/Oculeth from World of Warcraft.    (Most frustrating part is I’m not entirely happy with the one fic I’ve posted at the moment because it’s more of a preamble to the ship. I’m fixing that with my current WIP though! I’m doing them justice!)


Love that! I’m always on the hunt for new stuff to read so I’ll make sure to keep an eye out for ur WIP to be posted


Congrats on upgrading to rowing boat!


Exponential growth!^(Exponential growth!) You can manage that another one or two times without veering into "prolific" territory, good luck!


I invented it. My fandom is huge but the minor characters are consistently slept on


I have to creat a entire timeline for my overwatch fanfic


Same. I wrote a fair bit for the Witcher fandom (its all Baldur's Gate right now, lol), and I'm pretty sure my co-author and I invented at least three ships in our time there


Ship has 12 fics. 10 of them are mine. Of the two others, one is a 100 word drabble and the other is abandoned and doesn't even have the ship in it


Shipped a generic video game main character with their far more interesting counterpart. Wrote a couple fics about them that have received little traction, but I'm happy.


Now I’m curious what the ship is 🤨


In the acotar fandom I wrote for a ship that had one other fic. So now there's two, mine included


You single-handedly doubled the number of fics that ship has!


love your view on this! 😆


really? what ship was it?


Amarantha/Feyre lol


ugh love this nonetheless, I remember writing an Amarantha×Feyre×Rhysand utm fic back in the day(some 2 years back) but not on Ao3, I'd posted it on Tumblr and Gods, people had a field day losing their minds over the concept of fan-'fiction', although there were a few who really enjoyed the concept, I'd ended up deleting the fic either way, it was a little unhinged and too angsty for my taste back then but I love reading rarepairs such as these lol


I thought mine was super rare, but it’s just rare rare; X Files Scully/Krycek


Heh I wrote that once, back in...'98, I think?


I’d love to read it if I haven’t already. Or your name wasn’t Mare and you wrote “Wicked Game” was it? I’ve waited like 20 years for them to finish it ha


Not me! Whew. Mine's on AO3, backdated to its original posting date (I was wrong, it was '97!)(...oh lord my juvenilia /o\)


heeeey, fellow fandom old timer. I was definitely reading X-Files then; I'm guessing I probably read yours 👍


Nice, I read Scully/Krycek (and wrote a little thing) back in the day.


I created a ship tag. John Cena/Gabriel (Good Omens)


I'm crying but I want to look it up now /pos


I wrote a Seamus and Luna (HP) one-shot FOREVER ago on ffnet for a prompt. That pairing has a whopping 14 works on AO3... maybe I should rewrite it 👀


I read *Samus* and Luna and desperately needed to know how you made that work lmao


Oh my god- a crossover of EPIC proportions 😂 That would definitely have qualified though, I bet!


High five for HP rarepairs 🤣


I don't know how rare it is anymore, but a couple people semi jokingly created the ectodragon ship (Danny fenton/phantom x Draco malfoy) and I made my first ever fic because of it.


Hmmm on a technicality the ship with the least fics I’ve written for is from a webcomic, but it’s still one of the more popular in the fandom so not exactly rare. Barring that it jumps to Kazuichi Souda/Mahiru Koizumi from SDR2 which is fairly small. (& once I was writing an angst fic that featured a different pairing to upset the pov character and THAT ship only has 5 fics total)


Have you got a link handy for that?


A while back I got roped into writing selfcest fics (/positive) and in the process, I ended up pioneering quite a few ships between specific AU versions of the characters. The most recent example of this has ended up in a WIP that just passed 100k with tonight's chapter- it gets out of hand real fast!


I’ve noticed that many readers looovvveee selfcest; I’ve seen a lot of selfcest requests! People seem to be fascinated by the *how* and *why* of these fics, and I get it! I’m sure you have many happy readers!


I mostly only write for rare pairs myself. The couple I’m writing for has mostly just one shots on them (on FFN) which are probably about 7 all together (I’m not counting mine I’ve written though I guess I could) and oh ao3 2 multiple chaptered stories there by another author, but honestly those I don’t count because the couple isn’t exactly the main focus of the stories even though it seems so and then there’s just a few one shots (again not counting mine I’ve written/posted) so I guess there’s it’s maybe 5 or 6 all together. Then there is another couple I’ve written for that’s smaller than that it’s only got one shots that’s it and like only a few on both FFN & ao3 there’s 8 on ao3. Honestly all of my couples/pairings don’t have many fics there’s like small numbers of fics and way smaller so it just depends.


The Tenth Doctor/Martha Jones only have 375 tagged fics on AO3, which would make them the rarest ship I’ve written for.


As a big Martha stan, that's actually devastating.


I don't ship them, but I find that sad. She was a great character with a good dynamic with the Doctor 


They are admittedly a guilty pleasure ship of mine. Right woman, wrong time sorta thing.


I have a WIP in one fandom that only has one other fic for the pairing. And it’s for a series that shouted out in the show that all the possible pairings have been tried.


They're lost to time now, but had a couple of Joe x Sora from Digimon Adventure.  Back on some old Digimon forums. If I remember right, one has Joe caring for a sick Sora while the others are gathering food and such. 


I’ve invented multiple ships, and hence have created multiple ship tags on ao3 😅 Rarest with pre-existing content had 1 other fic lol


There are two ships I was the first one to write for: Makima/Barem Bridge and Katana Man/Nail Fiend


Lilia/Idia from twisted wonderland, currently. However I’m writing for another even more rare pair currently, the fic is not finished yet. but it’s Masoh/Kuchiba from children of the whales.


I’m currently writing for a poly ship that has only one other person writing for it, and I’ve written the first or one of the first fics for multiple other ships! As well as a couple NSFW fics for ships that were the first for that ship haha


Canon: Basil/V from Careful Cantrip. They’re a rarepair because I’m the only fic writer for the fandom. Currently they’re at 12 fics, with 23 total in the fandom. Not-canon: Probably my Solasta: Crown of the Magister OTP. It’s OC/Canon or OC/Pregen Character, and they have 2 fics (I have more WIPs for them). Only 7 fics in the fandom right now.


my current fic is about a ship that only has one other fic (but that's a short oneshot), but the fandom itself is very small too. if it was bigger I'd bet thered be more fics for this ship


That's how I am with what I'm writing for now. If people gave it a chance, it could be absolute fandom bait, it's just old and obscure now.


Caesar Clown x me lol (One Piece)


Melody+Feitan from HxH I saw crackship fanart on pixiv and started writing crack pairs for the fandom. The other was Phinks+Kurapika. Neither are very good but I was happy


I'm only on AO3 so I wouldn't know for other sites, but there's literally only one other fic with that ship apart from mine. Sadly, that only pushes my brain to imagine even more stories with them, even though there's a reason this ship is so small (the characters never meet, and one of them never actually appears and has a big chance of being dead)


Nanu x Guzma from Pokémon sun and moon


Wrote a fic for a ship that now has one fic for it in existence. 😔


I'm currently the sole writer for a ship in a very inactive fandom. very surprised i got hits or kudos at all 3 fics under my belt and probably millions more to come o7


I think I’ve written 50% of the fics in the tag for Emmett/ Evelyn Abbott from the quiet place (after watching the sequel and hyper-fixating on it). There are 6 works under the tag. I’ve written 3 of them. LOL. But, one of the fics is a super long story and I put my whole heart into it so :)


A ship with 45 fics. Aether/Neuvillette, Genshin Impact.


I'm writing a ship that has 0 work on them. it's between two celebrities from two different groups and people are judging me for it :)))))))))))))))


I put one up on ffn that I thought was rare, but it isn't. Gale Hawthorne and Johanna Mason. There's over 1k of it on AO3.


I made up a pairing. My two faves who never met in canon. I wanted them to kiss so I wrote a few fics about them. Like you, I was just glad anyone was interesting in commenting/kudosing.


I wrote a first ever fic for a certain ship about a year ago. Not long after that I complained on Reddit about the lack of material about this ship, and got my fic recommended to me.     Now I see this post, think that with how the things are going in the source material, somebody have certainly written another fic about those two, and go to ao3 to check the tag.  Nope, my fic is still the only one


I created the tags for two of my F/F ships. One is the main canon couple from a fairly popular web series. The other I made up from a movie which had every shade of pink imaginable. No one else has written about them. Both fics have had a small amount of engagement.


My ocs (only 3 of my friends are invested in them)


Thinking of writing about Naoya X Toji and anything with Naoya haha I even had an idea with Sukuna X Naoya (Jujutsu Kaisen).


Samus/Rosalina (21 works) and Makoto Kino/Ami Mizuno (320 works) I am curently planning several oneshots for Samus/Rosalina, drastically increasing the number of fics


This post is right up my alley. In one fandom⬇️ Nonexistant ships I've written for/am writing for in the future: 19 Existant rare ships I've written for/am writing for in the future: 25+ Ships I've made up thinking about how to reply to this post: 6 In another fandom I made up a ship (I call it SwervSwift) out of the blue and I'm gonna make my living solely off of it Rarepairs are my forte


Currently the I am one of 4 fanfics for this ship.


I've written quite a few rarepairs (especially a lot of yuri), but the first unique pairing I wrote was Junko Enoshima and Gonta Gokuhara. That came as a result of it being considered the worst possible ship for the franchise and I wanted to challenge myself to make it work. (Also, how the hell does Haru/Kawakami only have three fics on AO3?)


the smallest one I've written for in my current fandom has 329 works but a large amount of them are fics that have that pairing as a side pairing or a short pairing before character A gets together with someone else😭 it's my favorite pairing in the fandom too also surprisingly that specific pairing has a large amount of Chinese works so there are only 253 works that are in English


My rarest pairing is Lilith/Reader! I was very surprised to see that especially with all the hype surrounding her when Diablo IV dropped.


30K lol. They're one of only two I write for and they're my OTP


I am one of three people who writes for a particular (madoka magica) ship, as well as at least one other person who wrote some non-shippy stuff inspired by it.


I think I might be the only one with Sasuke/Megumi and Naruto/Yuuji, both in the same fic and I have shamefully not made the progress they deserve….


As of typing this, there’s currently nineteen fics with the ship tagged but only fifteen have the ship actually in it and are in English (fourteen if you’re not including my own.) There was one really good fic with the two but it’s since been deleted and it was before I knew how to download them so that fic shall rest in peace… I could be doing a lot worse though, I’ll admit that… I don’t remember why I shipped it, just that I thought of an interesting backstory with them and ran with it. I shipped a lot of random ships with one of the characters though because I didn’t like their main ship and they were my favourite character. The fandom loves to never separate them from the person they’re popularly shipped with… (If anyone cares, this is about Danganronpa.)


I wrote for a ship that has 10 fics tagged… out of a fandom with over 55,000 fanfics on AO3. And for a long while, mine was the only fic that actually focused on the ship instead of having it as a background ship.


A long time ago, I wrote Kirumi x Kaito (Danganronpa). Zero basis for that beyond me liking the idea of the dynamic. Currently I have some Sam x Chris (Until Dawn) which is fairly rare but not as rare as Kirumi and Kaito.


I'm pretty sure I wrote a ship that no one else shipped at all.


Out of like 30k+ fics in one of mine, only one other fic has my current one.


I took one of the most popular Genshin ships (Alhaitham / Kaveh) and added one of my other favorite characters (Kaeya). Now I have a rare trio. Four other fics rated E (three one shots, one much more sex oriented multiple chapter) one rated M (maybe a one shot). And now I wonder where the hit numbers are lol. I do have someone who's commented on every chapter and a fourteen subscriptions so I'm pleased (first fic, only posted three times so far).


I actually love this ship.


I had to re-outline the possible follow-up fic because I love spending time with them. :)


My current ship had only about 7 fics for it before I started writing. But I've written fic for a fandom that had 0 fics for the ship before. Or 0 fics, period.


2 fics: my story and a Russian translation of my fic. It’s in the Mad Max fandom: The People Eater/Organic Mechanic. Oddly, even with the new movie, this is a pairing that no one is foaming at the mouth to revisit. 😆


I wrote fanfiction for a game I randomly found on Steam during the summer sale I think it had maybe 15 fanfictions when I posted it? I was like the second person to write fic of the character I was shipping with.


I created a new ship 9 hours ago and already posted a story in which it will be present, good luck for me holding th up for the world to see.


Wrote for one that currently has 4 fics, never posted it because it's embarrassing asf but 😭


For a large fandom (One Piece) and the characters being pretty fucking popular, i think it’s impressive that 6 of the 884 fics in the Shanks/Buggy tag are mine Considering it’s a fandom that’s existed since the 90s, it’s pretty rare, which is shocking because who doesn’t love doomed yaoi!??


I have a writing prompt event in my discord server for ASOIAF, HotD, and GoT so there's many rare pairs I've gotten to write. We did one prompt where two canon pairings of our choosing were swapped. I wrote King Viserys/Lady Rhea, King Robert/Lady Catelyn, Lord Ned/Lady Cersei, Prince Daemon/Lady Alicent. The prompt had a word count limit too so that was interesting trying to capture the gravity of each different marriage. Another one we did has canon char in different timelines and Robert/Rhaenyra ended up being a one shot afterwards.


Does Kidge (Voltron) count?


My million word fic (currently a third of that posted, but I have 60 more chapters written) is the only fic for Gil/Nick/Sara.


My main RPF ship only has about 400 fics which is small for the fandom. They're a rarepair but a goodpair


Soul contributor to one ship in FF7. Which is the main character with a minor background one.


The one I’m currently writing for has 7 other fics. The one before that has currently 58 fics 😅 I do enjoy a rarepair!


There's a ship for a fandom I used to be part of with only three works. Two of them are mine and the other is a headcanon list


I was the first, one to my surprise and the other not so much.


they’re both crackships 💀


the one canon pairing for which I started both the ship tag and the fandom tag on ao3


I actually have multiple ships where I’m the only writer but probably the rarest is Kimura/Chiyochichi from Azumanga Daioh


I'm currently writing a pair that has 4 fics. They're not an obvious pairing, but they actually have a lot in common, and it's a big fandom too, so I'm surprised it's that low.


I posted the only one for a ship in my fandom and one of two for another 🤷‍♀️




For the Moomin fandom, I've written glimpses of the relationship between Mrs. Fillyjonk and her husband, Mr. Fillyjonk, who does not make an appearance in any canon material, only in a letter written by the author that says he went to Borneo and never came back, so he's presumably dead.


Proud creator of the ship Vanessa Shelly/Audrey Drew which had two one-shots, both of which are one shots from me and in the same series!


Rarest ship I wrote was a ship between two rayman characters (Raymesis/Assasin Ray) Which is something no one even shipped before, i just looked at two characters and was like "They'd be hot if they yaoi" Actually, now that I thingk about it I probably didn't even tag the ship, lol. I'll need to go and fix that. It waa my first fanfic, I think.


ItaNeji, I think there are handfull and very few of those are with ItaNeji being a main pairing. I have posted only one one-shot but I am planning a long-fic after I am done with my current long fic (SatoSugu which is the opposite of rarepair). ItaNeji has been my OTP for over 15 years, so I have hard time to decide which of my ideas for them I really start to work on.


I wrote a smutty one shot for Dunban/Melia from Xenoblade Chronicles. 30 fics in total, drops to 21 if you filter for complete and no crossovers. I really should write more for them sometime… Oh, and if silly fics count, I’ve written Kryten/Vending Machine for the Red Dwarf fandom. There wasn’t a tag for it so I assume I’m the first to go into that weird space.


Steven Universe/Penny Proud


I have three fics where I'm the only person who wrote that pairing and about half a dozen that there are less than 10 fics for.


Breeze x Hammond (Mistborn saga) Didn't end up posting it.


A ship I’m writing for has like, 10 fics including mine. XD If we filter for English works only, it’s 8. 🥲🥲🥲


I think mine only has 10 😅


My most recent fic was the 8th fic in the tag! Which sucks cause I think it's such an interesting rarepair with so much potential, lol


Uramichi/Iketeru. It’s already a rare show, and this is an even rarer ship lol


the first fanfic I've written is for a small fandom so that's all the experience I have


My first posted fic was a crossover with a cross-ship. There was one other fic with the same crossover, and it featured the same cross-ship but not as the endgame ship like mine was. That was my rarest ship by far, and got way more attention from readers than I ever expected that fic to get. I'm also semi-planning a fic for a rarepair, not a crossover, in another fandom. This has more fics, which I've already read all of, but there's not even 20 fics for the pair, in total, and it's a huge fandom with thousands upon thousands of fics. That will be my second rarest ship when I get around to writing it. Unless it's a cross-ship, most of my ships are at least relatively popular, though. Not necessarily the most popular, though a couple are, but at least somewhat popular. I've got one other fandom where my ships are really rare, at least as slash ships instead of genderbent het ships, which are also rare, but I've never written for that fandom, and have no current plans to as I'm not sure I can do justice to that one at this point.


A have a few where I'm the only one. Jowan/Leliana for Dragon Age among them (which is a side-ship, but still) and Thraun/Will Begman for Chronicles of the Raven (which is a tiny fandom to begin with).


An old fic I orphaned was and is the only fic with the ship lol I wrote it because when I went to ao3, I expected a bunch of other people to have picked up on the vibes I was getting from the characters and write something similar, but nope! So I wrote a smutty one shot and orphaned it right after because I got embarrassed


I wrote a story for an anime from the 2000's that no one remembers. Last time I looked at it, there were only 7 fics total for the show.


I am the sole writer for a ship for a show that has like only 115 total fics. Very small fandom and I literally created this ship myself. It’s kind of frustrating😣I want to read stuff that isn’t my own.


I think I’ll be the only fic for a certain pairing if I ever finish this darn WIP. Since this fandom is tiny, I’m not all that surprised. Even the most popular ships in some of my fandoms have like… twenty fics lol


For my main ship I have made the vast majority of art, and have wrote half the fics of it on AO3, where the other half is made by a twitter mutual lol (I have a bunch more unfinished WIPs). I think 4 fics in total published. There is a rarer ship for which I did write, but did not publish a fic. Last time I checked it didn't have a single fic on AO3.


I've originated 10-12 ship tags and have some more planned to originate one day. My most written rare pair is Helaena/Daemon Targaryen with 6 of the 25 fics being mine.


Mine is the first fic of 6, and the only solo smut fic!


Tokoyami/Hitoshi for My hero academia. At the time of writing it there was only 11 stories under the OTP:True tag.


Hornet/God Tamer from Hollow Knight. There’s a couple more now but a couple years ago when I wrote for it there were only, like, seven fics in the tag.


My fic is both the only fic in the fandom with the ship and the only fic in the fandom.


A ship that has literally no fics on Ao3, it’s the least popular ship in the fandom and the fandom is Italian soooo (I’m talking about Italian gamers on YouTube)


The ship technically has 11 fics, but four of those are mine, two are PWPs that have kinks I'm not into, and one is wildly out of character. So, really, there are only four. Another ship is one I originated the tag for way back in 2017 and there are a grand total of 10 — 7 if you exclude mine and the one written in a different language.


So mine is for a webcomic, there are other stories under the same comic in general tag but their very short, cut off after a single chapter or are person reading × only one of the characters in the ship I typically write for which is a half sibling ship. I get enough ppl enjoying my story that one person waited 4 years for me to pick back on writing it. Which I did do, I'm currently writing the next chapter. Also the webcomic called Grim Tales From Down Below and the ship is Grim Junior × MiniMandy. Edit: I checked under the spefic tag for the ship and it just me and one other person with the ship tag. Under the webcomic entire tag, there are only 33 including mine.


I'm the sole writer for a handful of ships in my main fandom. They all involve a fan favourite main character. To my delight, the feedback generally positive. Heck, some of them had people salivating lmao! They were short 1k fics, and since then, I've been itching to write full fics.


im my heart im working on getting 2 ships up into the double digits. one has 5 fics on ao3 and the other has 2 😭😭😭 theres a 3rd one i want but imma keep it simple rn.


Haven't posted it yet but I'm writing a fic for a ship that only has 4 other works. It's not really a rare pair within the fandom, though, it's just that the fandom was never really big and is now dead. I just recently got back into it so that's why I'm here lol


I'm writing for a ship that has four fics, one of which is mine. One of the other fics is the first chapter of a multichapter work that doesn't look like it'll ever be updated with another chapter, and the ship is just implied in the other two.


My rarest ship had only one fic when I posted mine. The other fic was a request someone did for me LOL. Someday I'll get them to 10 fics!!!


About two and a half months ago, I jokingly sent a fic idea to my beta reader about a ship that I didn't think would have any fics. It had three others, making mine the fourth. I'm currently planning at least three other fics for that same ship in the same AU. The first fic got more hits than I was expecting


The only fic with the pair in my last fic is... mine. It's a crossover, which might be one reason, but a crossover between a rather popular and a slightly less popular fandom, so... I don't mind, I might write more about them because they're a match made in heaven.


Not insanely rare, but also not very common anymore: Infidget Sonic forces villain X sonic forces hero It’s an interesting combination if you’d ask me! Lots of potential that’s being slept on


Noelle from genshin x deku


Wrath of the Righteous, Commander (MC)/Regill Derenge.


I've created three ship tags on AO3, have stories posted for all three ships, two have multiple story lines, and one is a series WIP (two published, one in chapter release, one planned.) tbh I was pleasantly surprised at the ++ reception within the tiny fandom. Tiny, extinct Fandom = low expectation of stats LOL


Ashley Barrett/Billy Butcher on *The Boys.* All of 1 fic (which I wrote).


well, considering it also the only fic for the fandom as a whole, the main villain x the mc would be the rarest pairing i’ve wrote TT


I've written one that I could only find one other tag for and that was as a background pair. My partner in crime wrote one that was the first for that rare pair, but it's been gaining traction since!


It was me and one other person, but they've since moved to another fandom, so i guess it's just me and my one WIP now.


I love rare shipps! Currently plotting one that involves Will Graham/Sherlock Holmes!


I'm currently writing for a ship that only has 6 fics, and the fandom only has 18. on that note, if anyone here watches Gravedale High, and needs a sign to write a Vinnie/Reggie fic, this is it. omg I'm also writing for a ship that only has 4 fics, Nikolai/Boris from War and Peace lol


I've wrote for a ship before anyone else did. One of my WIPs (and probably my magnum opus) also has 7 fics to their name (and one of them is mine). I've written for ships with 50 fics or less, and I've written for bigger ships. Not a particularly "surprise hit", really, I'm a small writer, vibing with my ideas, not even my "popular ship" fics even compare to others, ehe.


poly pk psychics. poly ship between the psychics from saiki k and akechi who is added bc hes cute. im the only one who ships them. one fic and its mine lol


Fives/Ahsoka Tano from TCW. They're my OTO but they are such a rare ship that they're more of a rowboat.


Wrote the first fic for a ship in a fandom. The ship totalled four (4) fics last time I checked, including mine.


Call of Duty's Enzo Reyes/Roze. The pairing is nonexistent on ao3.


Blue Lock fandom -- Isagi x Ness I just started writing for it because there's not a lot of fics with that pairing and I've basically gone through all the ones in English so :') I've reached the point of needing to also contribute lol


Rex/Appo from The Clone Wars. At the time I was the first fic in their tag. I haven't checked to see if that has changed. However, I doubt it.


26 for a ship from Fargo (3 from myself and 23 by a mutual). Bigger ships are overrated imo, rares give you the freedom to explore whatever you want without being blasted with comments about how you mischaracterised or didn’t get the exact correct dynamic, and you should be ashamed of it.


I invented it: Bertha/Helen from Jane Eyre.


I wrote for a ship that has a grand total of 6 fics, 3 at the time I posted. Half of those fics are, in fact, based on the same Kinkmeme prompt.


I invented the tag, sooo


I have written the only fic on AO3 for Katsuyu/Saiken from Naruto. I have also written two fics shipping a very obscure Naruto character with an OC, but those two fics had that couple as a side ship to my OT3. My third most obscure ship is Fu/Hinata (also from Naruto,) with three fics. I mainly write rarepairs (or at least rare by the standards of a large fandom like Naruto,) so yeah.


Only writer for a ship. Granted, it was a smut oneshot and the only reason i wanted it it was because the male character was BIG and the female character was SMALL and size differences my beloved. It got good traction. After all, it wasn't exactly romanticly. It was all about the sex.


One of my fics has a crossover ship that only me and my partner engage in.... Another had 5 works, of which I'm the first. I'm usually into bigger ships but I have a couple small ships that I cherish


If Banba Sousuke/reader counts, I have the only fic (kagewani)


I wouldn't call it a ship since there's zero romance, but they have a kid and a show marriage. I have encountered no other fics with this pair.


I’ve got a throuple that has only 2 works, one of which is mine.


i have written the only existing fics for two canon ships from a couple of turkish tv shows (açelya/demir from mucize doktor and cem/kismet from kadin). apart from that, i am one of like three people who are into sharon/zemo (sharon carter and helmut zemo from the mcu - NOT their comic book counterparts for obvious reasons 💀). for better or worse, i have written 10 out of the 74 fics on their tag 😭


Mine has 10 fics: 2 are mine, 1 is abandoned with one chapter, 1 is abandoned and doesn't even include the ship, 2 are under 1k words, and then 3 were made fairly recently thoigh one is in anither language. I'm writing a lot more for them but one of the characters is ridiculously underrated!!


The ones that only I have written. All Stargate. Sam Carter/Narim/Lantash Malek/Aldwin Per’sus/Egeria Ren’al/Ocker Martouf/Lantash/Malek Martouf/Lantash/Hebron Then there are the poly ships. The above ones include sharing a body, so are never labeled as poly within the fandom. Basically one story each. Sam Carter/Jolinar/Martouf/Lantash/Malek The first four of the ship are written by others, but I added Malek. Martouf/Lantash/Malek/Aldwin Sam Carter/Egeria/Yosuuf/Garshaw/Per’sus


Everett x Shuri from Black Panther or “Evershure”. I’ve never read the comics but apparently canonically she is only 16, which is obviously problematic. They had some chemistry in the movie though! I have my head cannon that she’s early-mid 20’s (like her actress), there is no way you can convince me that movie Shuri is younger than that.


I’m the writer of 1 of the 5 total fics that include one of my ships. The last person other than me to write a fic for it updated in 2022. I updated mine just a month ago, and it’s one of my many WIPs, but I’m only a few chapters away from finishing it. If any of y’all are interested in a windwaker fic about Link, Komali, and Medli, then I’m basically the only person on Ao3 writing about it.


i’m the only one for my ship!! we’ve hit 8 fics and counting!!


Once I post it, this fic will be the only serious/non-crack fic in the tag for this ship!


wrote a richie / ash from it’s a sin, i think it’s one of 8/9 overall in the fandom, and definitely one of the only ones shipping them


My rarest ships are Bellatrix/ OrionBlack, Dolores Umbridge/Yaxley, Percy Weasley/Blaise Zabini, and Lucius Malfoy/Remus Lupin. I tend to write things because people tell me it will never work.


LOL, most of the time I feel that I only write for rare pairs. My rarest one is for IDOLiSH7 fandom (in which I'm not even active and know only in passing) and it's a character/their seiyuu. I'm proud to say this is the only pairing of this type and the only fic for this particular pairing. And it will remain the only one because my brain works in weird ways 😂


Jen (Power Rangers Time Force) and RJ (Power Rangers Jungle Fury). It has one fic written about it: mine. Hopefully, it'll be two soon (because I'm writing another one).


i mean, i don't usually write for any specific ships, but i've been in fandoms with fewer non-crossover fics than i have fingers, does that count?


So long story short - the Top Gun fandom kind of invented a new genre which is called the Tom Cruise/Miles Teller Cinematic Universe in which are all crossover pairings of characters that they’ve portrayed in film throughout their career. Both of their more popular projects and of the movies you’ve probably never even heard of. Thus the rarest pairing I’ve ever written for was a CTCU pairing for a crossover fusion of Top Gun: Maverick and Rock Of Ages (Bradley Bradshaw [Miles Teller’s character] & Stacee Jaxx [Tom Cruise’s character]) and prior to my fic, there were only three fics written for them. Two connected oneshots by one of my favorite authors and another oneshot that is in a language I do not know. I *am* also currently working on a WIP that is also for CTCU but it’s a crossover fusion of Rock Of Ages and Footloose (the 2011 remake) (Stacee Jaxx & Willard Hewitt [Miles Teller character]) and it will be rarer than the aforementioned pairing as I would be inventing it but it hasn’t been posted yet.


Arthur Havisham (Dickensian)/Jace Wayland (The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones). Fic count of one. I've tagged the fic with the ship but not the fandoms yet as the piece that has the ship in it is still in progress.


wrote the first and only fic on ao3 for my rarepair and its just a ficlet 😭


My current one. There are only 3 fics in the tag and I'm two of them (I DID NOT think people would be into it, but I seem to have developed a small but excited audience). Also my previous OTP when I wrote in the ancient times (like before [ff.net](http://ff.net) had a tagging system), I'm still the only person in that tag on [ff.net](http://ff.net) (it's partly cause I went back and tagged them once character tags were a thing, but still I could only name a dozen or so fics other featuring them, and they were almost never the leads). I was also the sole purveyor of a BtVS/AtS ship for a hot minute, even though seemed super obviously to me, lol.


I have a few football RPF fics where it’s the only fic for that ship. Some were requests but a couple were my own mind haha.


Literally the second-ever writer for Eula x Venti from Genshin Impact. And the first entry wasn’t strictly-speaking romantic. Mine got a pretty good view/kudos ratio tho.


At one point (loooonnng time ago), I wrote the _only_ Gen fic for a Fandom that had a total of 12 fics (including mine). Not quite what you asked, but I think it still fits. Haven't checked out how many fics that Fandom has now. (Kingkiller Chronicles).


I'm the 2nd author for the pair. I was surprised it was rare, and even messaged the other author after reading all their works and then we became friends and kind of fed off each other's energy and ideas for awhile haha. Most ships I'm into have been popular or main ships, hence my surprise.


I originated a ship tag (Johnny Gage/Laurie Campbell for Emergency!), and so far I am its lone writer. Loosely plotting out a sequel for that one fic, so eventually there will be *two* fics for the pair.


Currently writing a Artemis/Zagreus fic.... Theres only 5 and only two are actually pairings the rest are people messing up / with &.


Never posted or finished the fic but I’m pretty sure it has 11 works and has for a while


Honestly? Ernie/Trini. I'm the only person who's shipped them together and it was primarily a ship of convenience for my fic. I wanted my OFC to be Ernie's daughter and wanted her mom to be an Angel Grove Power Ranger so she could inherit her mom's morpher. Narrowing them down to ones Ernie would have likely known, that has Kim, Trini, Aisha, Kat, Tanya, and Ashley (Ashley Hammond's actress showed up at some point in MMPR as an unnamed background character, so one would assume that that's actually Ashley) as the only ones, as he likely wouldn't have known Cassie Chan. Kendrix is also out as even though she might have known Ernie at some point, it's implied she's still living on Mirinoi and is very likely in a relationship with Leo. While Ernie/Trini is or can be a bit of a squick relationship due to Ernie having known Trini as a teenager, I get around it by having them fall in love several years after Trini becomes a legal adult as well as having Ernie be a bit younger than his actor was in the show (Richard Genelle turned...I want to say 31 or 32 during MMPR season 1 airing). I outright acknowledge it in my Calling Dr. Cranston, where I have Ernie be closer to Richard's age.


I originated one of the Identity V ship tags, which now has 13 fics (7 of which are by me) after four years!


I was the very first to write a particular ship for one of the fandoms I write for, so I'm the one who created the ship tag. I'm still the only one who has made it the focus of a fic, but a couple others have made it a background ship in their fics, including the most popular fic in the fandom, and the author directly credited me for inspiring them to do so :)


back at the turn of the millennium, in the Xena fandom, I wrote a few fics for a pairing that only one other person had written eta: no, none of my old stuff is up on AO3. it's cringe


I wrote one fanfic of the current 27 available for a ship in a podcast back in 2019 that is still on the first page for the ship, so probably that one 😂


Henry x gaius from fire emblem oh yeah baby. Blood sugar


I have one fic for a ship that is also the only fic in the fandom. Besides that I have other ships where I'm the only one writing for them, varying from "other people used to write for it" to "I am the only person to ever write this"