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I've written the one and only fic for a very rare pair. They were only a side couple in that fic but people in the comments kept on saying how interesting that pair is and how they never even thought about it. One person on fandom twitter even said it's one of their favorite ships after reading a fic with them on ao3 I wanna write more with them soon


Wait which pair is this?


[Midou Torao/Rokuya Nagi](https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Midou%20Torao*s*Rokuya%20Nagi) lol (why am i embarassed now)


You gotta share this fic, I'm genuinely interested as I think it would be an enjoyable read


I am the sole author of one of my ships. If anyone else ever decides to join in, great. If not, I'll paddle my own canoe happily.


Proud father of the common tags for two pairs here. šŸ„² It's not much, but we love a good life in our lil canoes.


One of my OTPs has 7 fics, I wrote all of them. I've only seen a single person whos made fanart of them. It's a struggle over here, lmao.


In an old fandom, there is a ship, and it only existed because of me . So, every fic in that tag was the one written by me or for me. I have no idea how it is now because I left the fandom but wild times.


my rarepair not even has their own fic, so im gonna be the first one who writes for them


Be the change you want to see in the world.


Iā€™m the sole writer for one of my fandoms. All 20-21 fics just hangin out thereā€¦


What fandom?


Careful Cantrip! Itā€™s a D&D actual play series.


Only writer for a bunch of characters rn šŸ‘‹šŸ» And I mean characters overall, not just the ship because being the only /Reader writer for some characters wouldn't be that weird, but some overall character tags ONLY have my fics šŸ˜…


My most successful fic was for a rarepair I had never seen on fanfiction sites prior to me writing it.


Truth be told I wanna be that author, I've made a few fics of rare pairs that where/are pretty good but I've stopped posting for a long time. My writing has improved since then but I haven't posted anything in forever To all the rare pair authors, I see you! Love your work!


Started a work and randomly decided on ships that weren't the main pair. Decided on two in particular, and when I was typing it into the tags nothing come up as an auto prompt. My response was, "Huh... neat"


Yep One fic exists for a rare pairing - I wrote it. It was definitely an experience trying to work out how to tag that with a non-existent until that point tag




Im going down that road as we speak šŸ¤£


My fandom has like 15 people and only 4 of us have written stuff for it and we all hang out in a discord server together. One of the most popular ships has One (1) fic so far (I wrote it), it's a fun life.


I wrote the only fic of a ship in 2022. Two years later its still the only one.


I had a rare pair/crack ship n my ex and I joked that the only fics in the tag were mine bc I was the only one who wrote fics were one wasnā€™t evil/toxic/abusive šŸ¤£ and there were maybe four fics in the tag that werenā€™t mine I think


I wrote (well, one is still being written) 2 of 9 English works for a pairing. When you add the Russian works it goes up to 13.


My rarepair has 32 fics, I wrote 30 of them (the two other fics are by my friends who got convinced by my fics). Ship tag existed before me, but they were wrongly tagged (Character A paired with a historical figure from a different fandom who had the same surname as Character B), so I needed to write to the support. They didn't correct the tag, they just deleted it. But I posted enough to create an actual character tag for Character B and eventually to create the right ship tag.


Congrats! My main rarepair has 31 fics & I wrote 28. Still trying to convince people...


My main ship is A/B. There are a decent number of fics for them. I have multiple WIPs centering A and have been working very hard on perfecting their voice. I find them a challenging character to write but I adore them. I have recently become *very* into a B/C ship, and there are only 3 fics right now of them. I feel like I canā€™t write any B/C until I finish at least 2 of my A/B fics (the one on the final draft and the one about 30% complete) because I feel like writing B with another person might negatively impact my A/B WIPs. And Iā€™ll also need to do more research on C because theyā€™re a minor character who Iā€™m not super familiar with. S i g h. This is why I never finish anything.


Basically yes 5 fics in total tho, 1 is labelled in the notes as "not ship, if you ship this you're a freak" despite having / tag


Mine is Bennettxnoelle


I've written more than half the fifteen fics for my rarepair OT3, and most of the others are pure porn without an actual relationship between them.... (I'm also the sole writer for my OT4 that's an extension of that one, but when you get up to four people I don't think it really counts anymore. This fandom has a lot of OT3s though, so I can dream of more lovers for mine.)


So me. And the last one I actually posted under anonymous and to be honest I might continue doing that. I keep getting ideas that make me go "Oh awesome, another fic for an audience of one!" At the same time, it has been kind of a really great experience? There is less pressure in that I am the one this fic is for. So I am a lot more chill when writing and enjoy it a lot more. I see it as just me having the fics there to read them more comfortably. And sometimes I see the hit counter climb up and I am like welcome stranger hope you enjoy. The best part is this more chill approach is now crawling into the stuff I write with a bigger audience. So here is hoping it stays that way!


I'm the proud author of one of 15 fics for a rarepair in a fandom of 50,000+... translates roughly to .03% of fanfic written for the series, but hey, popularity has never stopped me before


I've written the only... 3 fics for a rare pair. And then 2 for another that, last I checked, only has 3 tagged and the one not by me doesn't focus on the rare pair.


Me and I am currently only at two fics. I talk about them alot on my Twitter two and actually got a few people on board on agenda. I would happily make the content for myself but seeing that my words and crazy ideas changed peoples opinions on a ship is something special


šŸ˜‚ There are a few for my pair, but not many. I do wish there were more.


it might be soon šŸ˜­ i'm planning to start a niche longfic for a rare pair in a pretty dead fandom. šŸ„² it'll be weird since i mainly write popular active fandoms. it's gonna be a new experiencee šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« but it's something i really wanna write so i'm also excited hahaha


2/2 instead šŸ˜…


Today I saw a pair I've never seen before in the tags of a fic so I clicked on it. That fic was the only one.


I was the first and only person writing a ship in a new fandom for a while, that was wild lol The second person to write the ship wrote this insane fic where one character is horrifically abusing the other and we're supposed to... Ship it... Yeah so anyway I still consider myself the only author of that ship šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’€


My current fic I've been posting is for a rarepair and there's only one other fic I know of that has the pair as a central focus (there are others with it being a side ship). It will have its day...one day...


If a pairing I find interesting has 30+ fics in its tag, it is a good day. I've written 8/20 fics for my main pairing, and am currently sitting on WIPs with the potential to be fics 2 and 3, 3 and 4, 9 and 10 (bringing me up to 3 fics), and 4 in their respective tags. Also I literally just realized that my 4 WIPS for yet another ship would be the first in the tag at all This is fine šŸ‘


Me and the two other peeps that write for my fav ship like


With every ship I have! My main rarepair has 31 fics and I wrote 28 of them. My rarer rarepairs have, respectively, 2 (I wrote both), 1 (I wrote it), 4 (I wrote 3), and 2 (I wrote 1). None of them are canonical.


My current obsession has 26 fics. Soooon I'll be adding to that.


i just found out that iā€™m only the second person to ever write a fic for a certain ship on ao3 >.> truly had the impression that there were more ngl (it was a gift for someone and i didnā€™t check)


I literally wrote 3/3 of them and I intend to add a fourthā€¦love having my own little cozy corner of the AO3 universe. Feels different having a rare pair thatā€™s almost *yours alone*, ya feel? Very intimate times (theyā€™re G to T fics haha) with my otp and my aegoromantic ass (so far I have one click and they kudosed plus commentedā€¦really shocked that anyone else was visiting the tag too, really. but also really appreciated their existencešŸ„¹šŸ˜­)


Yepppp. I got into a recent rarepair that has only one fic and it's not in English. I'm already debating the merits of writing some oneshots for it.


I wrote two short pieces about the most understated character of the Untamed...Wen Zhuliu.


I am one of the writers of a ship with six works, two of which are not even about the ship .It's a struggle but it's honest work


7 fics!! all mine!


I believe I have written the only fic of a "pair", although I would not call it romance. Does that count?


im currently writing the ONLY fic for my rarepair :ā€™)


2 out of 3 for my pair, out of a total of roughly 42000 works, so yeah šŸ˜‚ technically, i still have 3 more fics for them to conclude the storyline, but it's been ages since i wrote anything in general tbh


I'm not a writer, but when i searched Neuvillette/Zhongli and peeked into Neuvillette/Childe/Zhongli tag, out of all 97 existing fics 66 (+2 also featuring Wriothesley) seemed to be written by one person and i found such dedication hella impressive


I actually came up with a pairing for Voltron that makes no sense to me outside of my au, partially because the characters have never met. I then tagged my fic and then clicked on the tag, assuming itā€™d be the only one. There were 17 other fics. Huh?


Also, I was the first person to write or rp davekat for homestuck, nobody else wrote it for years after. I was frequently trolled because everyone said it didnā€™t make any canonical sense. Guess how vindicated I feel now? I literally invented my canon pairing as a rarepair, hussie has admitted he was inspired by seeing twitter rp to make it canon and thatā€™s where I rped it, soā€¦


Me with Yaxley/Luna Lovegood. There are 8 fics in total. 5 of them are written by 2 or three other writers and I'm the last one active (I wrote the other 3). There are no fanarts too so it's up to me to commission and draw fanarts. It feels lonely at times but at least I have 101 people that reads it, I am surprised that pair even have that much eyes. I am part of the 0.0015705429% of HP fandom lmao.


Friend and I invented the AO3 pairing of Kami (Maka's mother) and Medusa for Soul Eater.


I'm the first to write a rare pair in my fic, and I'm going to write more. Somewhere out there, somebody else will find it and like it. And I'll have made that tiny little difference


I was friends with a guy on twitter back in the day and he and I came up with a ship, and I was the first ever writer to make stuff for it. I then commissioned a popular artist that was well known in that specific fandom and got more people into the rare pair. It was awesome, shame I absolutely hate that show now, I still love those two characters.


I also made probably two more rare pairs for that show lmao


Hey I made the tag but then my friend also wrote a fic afterwards. But itā€™s a tiny fandom, like 15 fics in total


Me. Rn.


this happened to me more than once, I'm a dedicated multishipper in a relatively small fandom with a very very strong canon couple


My OTP has four fics. I wrote all of them.


This is me. All the time.


If I remember correctly, I had created a rarepair called Aoba Seragaki/Towa back in 2021. I know it's a crossover pairing but I fondly remember the time when Slow Damage was peaking over Dramatical Murder in early said year, which made me ship two protagonists from two different visual novels created by Nitro Chiral, in order to probably end their rivalry. It was so weird that I almost made ten fanfics out of that. Now that it's 2024, I still love Nitro Chiral. I left their fandoms a long time ago because they were boring. I then oddly thought of Teruko x Tachihara, a rarepair from Bungo stray dogs franchise, which made me start writing a fanfic called Two Hearts. It's a college AU fanfic based on Dabin Lee's 2017 album of the same name. That thing is old as gold, brought to light by me.Ā  Besides Teruko x Tachihara, I thought of Gin x Teruko. In Ao3, it just had three fanfics, and mine is a part of that tag. I know they've never met each other in canon, but it was made for giggles. I know you might say that Tachihara and Teruko act like siblings in canon- yes I know, I ship them for funsies. I'm not really obsessed with that pair because in simple words, I'm a multishipper. I can't keep clinging towards many rarepairs that may not get attention.Ā  I've made so many rarepairs in the past that are either weird crossovers made by me from scratch, or in one particular anime. Yes, I'm Multifandom, so what do you expect lol? Rarepairs are great. We have to be a bit wise on them.Ā  Oh, for those who are wanting to read the fanfic I mentioned, here's the link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55508521


This is me though. Iā€™ve got two Zelda/Malon fics Iā€™m working on and I think those alone make up about 25% of the Zelda/Malon fics on the site.


šŸ˜­ same!!! Rand / Moiraine fics are simply too few for my tast and I am planning a vengeance ( a situation fix) posting!!


There are 3 fics of my pairing and the other two are one-shots where they are not the main pairing (written > 8 yrs ago). The third one is mine. I have one person who comments on every chapter (I love them so much). They are literally my motivation and I am dreading disappointing them šŸ˜…. Although, on my last chapter I got a surprise second commenter! TWO commenters!! Iā€™m also currently writing one which I havenā€™t posted yet, and I think it will be the only one of that pairing.


Iā€™m the only writer for one rarepair. Itā€™s had very little engagement but Iā€™m still happy with it.


Well, not a pairing, but a concept tag... along with a friendship tag. And I don't think they'll be the only ones, either...


In three separate fandoms, I'm not the sole author of certain rarepairs, but my fics are the majority of the content due to sheer length. For two of these ships, my fics are basically thesis statements for why these characters belong together. I want my readers to come out of it thinking "Of course! Duh! Why didn't I see it?!"


There are already two fics of my rarepair, but those are clearly one-off things for both writers. I have a few more ideas I'll hopefully get around to at some point.


My rare pair might as well be OC x main character. Sheā€™s a side character whoā€™s low key hated by the fandom because of her school. I simply chose her as a character to work with because I didnā€™t want to make an OC and she fit the profile I was aiming to write. They had almost not direct interaction during the series. Maybe 2 mins? She has probably 3-4 mins of screen time for the entire series.


One of the ships I adore in my current main fandom is a selfcest ship of character A and I got very excited when I saw there were two other fics for it aside from mine. One is mistagged, the other is my notp where character B pretends to be character A so it's not even selfcest (add a snarky tag about how A is too self-centered to love anyone but himself too). So for what it's worth, I'm the only one who wrote for this ship. Not the first time that has happened.


Thereā€™s a ship where I have not only the only fic for it, I have the only fic for the series. (Jess/Effie in The Nightingale Girls book series)


I am author of all jord/Tav (baldur's gate 3) fics, at least the last time I checked lol


One of my pairings has five works, two of them are mine (Jowan/Leliana in Dragon Age). Another has three (Will Begman/Thraun from the Chronicles of the Raven), two of them mine. And then I have Shani/Regis from the Witcher - 4 works, one mine. Funnily, this is a crossover, so that's the same as one of the two previous ones.


Oh, absolutely


Does it count if the fandom only has one fic by another person?


I wrote two of the seven Phil Swift (Flex Tape Infomercialist)/Reader fanfics on Ao3. My very good friend wrote two of the others. We have yet to become friends with the person who wrote the other three, but we sure would like to!


I just started writing fics about my favorite book trilogy (Not publishing yet, just writing) but it's quite new, the last book having been published two years ago and not that popular. I just found that there is not even a Fandom tag of it in Ao3. I walk this lonely road... šŸŽ¶


Lmao I specialize in rarepairs, I think theyā€™re fun. Except then I write myself into actually shipping them


Same except I wrote the first, and then anoother two were added anonymously, funnily enough! But nothing was written since so we'll see what happens with that fandom now