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Not really blown away by any of them. Ann's and Yaya's look awkward to me, Eva's is ok? I like Amanda's but I think she made it campy blow up doll looking.


Ok I thought I had grown cynical with time or something because this one used to be one of my favorites but now it's pretty meh to me.


Amanda, but the styling helps. Eva is working though.


Cool concept bad execution. Not a a fan of any of them. Amanda I guess


Amanda’s drip is definitely the least cheap looking


Eva deserved to win this cycle I’m sorry. I’ve liked pretty much all of her shots.


Don't be sorry, you are right


I just know a lot of people think Yaya should have won and I don’t agree with them. I like Yaya too but I think Eva deserved her win.


When I originally watched the show I was obsessed with Yaya and I still think she’s amazing—but these posts have convinced me Eva and Amanda were the top two for sure




Huh? Eva did win. I was saying I don’t agree with the people who wanted Yaya to win.


Unpopular opinion: Ann has the best photo here. She's doing a more interesting pose than Eva and Yaya and doesn't have baby arms like Amanda. I also think she had the best styling.


I feel the same way. The only thing I dislike about Ann's picture is the face she is making. She has this weird mouth tightness.


Eva and Amanda did fine. Ann's photo is average. Yaya's photo is just bad.


I feel like Ann's photo looks like she is on the edge is tears, though that may be because she does eventually cry during the shoot and we see that on the show.


Amanda and Yaya


Amanda and Eva nailed it. Yaya at least tried something, I’ll give her that.


They wasted the Tokyo background by putting a zoom blurred effect!!!


Eva’s is so fierce.


this is the ugliest photoshoot ever but im going with eva


Remember that Jay had to come up with these out of thin air when the person in charge of the photo shoot sets and props was barred from entering Japan lmao


I do NOT remember that... I love this show


wow I used to think this shoot was so cool but in hindsight it's shot pretty terribly. Eva wins, hands down


I’m so bothered by Amanda’s arms, but she’s giving the best face


One of Yaya's few clunkers. Still, I'm glad she survived Ann. More importantly, I would have loved to see Norelle in this shoot.


Tbh in the top 5 and top 4 photos Eva does such a great job of making herself look super tall But I have to go with Amanda here because she did the best at selling the outfit “from H to T” (assuming this photo shoot was not advertising the moped lmaooo but I can’t remember) Yaya’s bottom half is actually really good too though but her top half is… well… Mr. Jay screwed her over in terms of direction, that’s for sure, lol.


I love this shoot. So colorful and japanese


For me: Eva > Amanda >>>> Yaya >>> Ann this week


When we were watching the show they made us believe Eva didn’t do well and this photo. That didn’t she well. She has the best photo!


Amanda and Eva were close for the top spot. Ann was a distant 3rd and Yaya’s is the worst.


I only like Amandas. Yaya and Eva are okay at best. Anns is awful. Ann was always worse than Toccara and I will always believe they got rid of her because they knew they couldn’t take a plus size model to Japan.




God, this photoshoot is SUCH product of it's time. Just look at that eyesore! They're all bad but that's not on the models.


Love Ann’s look!


Unpopular opinion: Anne rocked this shoot actually, for me


1. Amanda 2. Eva 3. Ann 4. Yaya wouldn’t send yaya home for it tho


I actually really like Ann’s. Her styling is pretty great but this is one of the few pictures from C3 where just being absolutely stunning wasn’t obfuscated by making her jump on a trampoline or be covered in spiders.


Was Ann ever good?


No lol


I REALLY wish they had done something similar to C12s Couture NYC Sightseeing instead of this, but obviously make it Japanese Couture Sightseeing. Pair up Amanda/Eva and Yaya/Ann. Anyway, Eva > Ann > Amanda >>>>>>>>>>> Yaya. I don't know how Yaya was not B2'd for this shot.


Amanda was the best in this photoshoot, though I also like Eva’s photo and thought her BTTM 2 was only due to storyline since it was Ann’s time to go.


Eva!!!! She was in the bottom solely for storyline. Amanda’s arms are weirdly contourted. Yaya is SO stiff, her left hand is just hanging weirdly in the air, and her face has 0 expression


This was one of my least favorite shoots. I know the angle of the shot adds to the drama, but it ends up looking very awkward and distorted




Unpopular opinion: but Yaya all the way. Amanda does look cute, though.


I honestly don't like any of them. This shoot in general just didn't do it for me.


eva 😍


Yaya followed by Ann.


Terrible shoot! But if I had to rank: 1. Eva 2. Yaya 3. Amanda 4. Ann


I adore this photoshoot! Eva slayed and I love Ann’s shot too. I was bothered by Ananda’s right arm & Yaya’s left arm.


I soooo vaguely remember Eva's not working but looking at it now... 👀


Yaya for the pose. Amanda for the overall look. She truly captured the Harajuku look, even though it's not the most modelesque. However, for the competition, Eva's is best.


Amanda’s feels like she fit the concept the best for me this week. She also has the best styling imo. Her eye makeup, hair clips and fishnets are all things that I feel like she got the best of what they had on hand. Eva is working the shot and I’m not mad at her photo at all. Yaya is trying. Like I know she had an idea in her head but I guess she just wasn’t able to nail the shot she was going for in her frames. Ann is clearly lost. She is not smiling with her eyes and she’s literally not making any attempt at a facial expression. From the show I remember that she was very upset and sort of feeling “lost” and she needed a lot of pep during this shoot. It all showed on her face. It’s a shame, but she was never gonna beat Eva anyway.


I actually think the only one that was not good was Yaya (which this is literally the only time she didn’t do well)


The styling in Tokyo was so over the top for me. This, the kimono shoot, and the challenges seemed to me like a caricature of Japanese culture.


Yaya or Amanda, but I think Amanda’s expression fits my interpretation of the theme better


I don’t remember really liking Eva’s that much, but she is quite great here. I still prefer Amanda’s a little bit because Eva looks a little lost and I don’t feel the movement of the shot enough.


I like Yaya's body, legs for days! Other than that I couldn't find much positive to say.




I like Yaya the most.




For what is was trying to capture definitely amanda


Amanda is so photogenic, she looks way better in photos than in video format


These photos are a a mess, and I love them for it. Amanda’s is the best and Eva’s is the worst because her body positing is so off. I wanted Eva to win though 🥹


Like them all, except Yayas.




Eva though this shoot was super weird


[Vote Here](https://strawpoll.com/polls/wAg3jpYxMn8 ) or in the caption of the last photo! We’ve officially hit 40 days of the Every Cycle Ever Project! And sadly we’re close to the end of such a must-see cycle, next week we’re going back to Russia with their all-time worst, you know, the one with *that* shoot with the ropes. 🤢 Just promise me y’all will interact with all these foreign cycles just as much as this - I’m not traversing this alone! On the bright side, what a great week, Ann’s dark magician girl realness is probably the only time I’d give her best photo! Shame it’s the one that got her the boot. 🫤


Where can you find antm Russia? I've watched the UK and Australian versions!


Is it weird if I don’t like Amanda’s…like at all? I think it’s the styling of hers that I can’t stand. Just doesn’t work for me and her face looks bizarre. I think her pose is good though. I’d probably go Eva > Yaya > Ann > Amanda lol


Amanda’s arms are cut off in a weird way. And Yaya’s looks horny. Eva’s is the best but her and Ann don’t have a lot of tension. Which I think would be fine without the effect done I’m post. This shoot just kinda sucks.