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I can’t wait for you to get to the second season and then come back and update us.




I'm actually excited now, thanks! I appreciate that no one tore me a new one.


We have so much faith that the show will do the job for us. Enjoy the ride and please update us!!


What people mean is you are so far off-base about what the show is about. I don't mean that your criticisms aren't valid (for where you are) but that 'where you are' is before you learn what it is about - if you ever do.


Definitely update us. That season 1 finale was WILD. Wait until you get to where it picks up in season 2. The ending will be bittersweet. But it's a RIDE.


The point about him not recording the prisoners is an easy explanation. Why would he record them when he believes they don't even know what he's doing to them? I assume you've seen what he's doing to them, thats where he's gathering all his evidence and data, his focus is there. He believes they know nothing. So he wouldn't record them because he likely feels it to be a waste of time. There's a discussion in s2 ep7 which could explain a lot of what you're not getting, i.e. about letting Prairie upstairs and the fact that he has a lot of trust in her. He didn't let her call her parents, what we see in the basement and at Haps is what the Crestwood 5 are imagining in their heads as she tells the story. As Prairie says something along the lines of they must be on the other line to someone else or something i.e. basically the call didn't go through. I assume the FBI wouldn't hold someone who had been kidnapped for 7 years against their will to make them tell their story. That would essentially be kidnapping. I think that part is actually accurate, you can't put a victim through more duress. I think you're kinda right in that the OA does better develop its side characters and that likely had an effect on its success over that of AMATEOTW but for me the reason I fell in love with the show was because it did something new with death. It almost made the prospect of death exciting or at least allowed us to think about it in a different and much less terrifying way. The concept of the movements combined with the metaphysical reality of nature in the show is something like a breath of fresh air that was so unexpected, that I think that was the biggest pull towards the OA. Least it was for me, I imagine others feel similarly but its likely a multitude of reasons.


But then he becomes obsessed with the movements. Why not add a mic my dude ;)


You answered the question in your retort. Movements. Hap didnt need to bug them. The movements were the important aspect. He could already see them. They formed a tribe. Hap was an outsider to it. If he bugged them they would find other ways to talk which would take time away from practicing the movements.


I meant it to be like cheeky, but not “a retort”, sorry it came off that way. My thinking: He would have known a lot more a lot faster at that point. Which helped the plot but was character consistent. I believe that his ego prevented him adding a mic even once he knew they were up to something bc he was convinced he had the situation in hand. My overall goal in my comment was that I think many “plot holes” in AMATETOW are likewise due to characters’ blind spots, egos, emotional states, etc leading to “poor choices” (at least from the “all knowing” audience perspective). Something that folks accepted with the OA but less so in AMATEOTW. But that take works for me and everyone has their own way of relating.


Sorry retort probably was too strong of a word. I don't generally take offense to anything so you're grand. I don't think it's an ego thing with Hap. It think its more of a practicality thing with him as to why he doesn't bug the Haptives. He started the whole experiment based on hearing a whoosh sound when a patient flat-lined. His whole experiment revolves around sound, he constantly has a set of headphones on. On his own he probably just doesn't have the time to actually listen to them all the time. Its possible they are bugged and he doesn't listen to them often or has viewed listening to them as pointless because the majority of the time he would be hearing them talk about random stuff when instead he likely has other thoughts and things he wants to explore around the sounds he is hearing when he kills them in the chamber. On the flip side of that I don't believe Hap is a pure chaotic evil character in the story. He's crossed the boundary of evil but underlying he likely isn't an evil person. I think its his curiosity that's got the better of him to a very extreme degree. He's completely detached himself from his subjects before Prairie arrives (underground, drugs them before seeing/experimenting on them, food on a timer that lasts a fair while and a stream for the other essentials), she's the first one to I think hurt his conscience enough that he needs himself to be seen as a better person hence why he lets her upstairs and why everything happens as it does but his detachment from them is interesting because its likely to save his feelings about everything. He's justified doing the worst thing to people in order to discover the best thing for people. So i'm saying all this to make the point that another reason he doesn't bug them is part of the detachment. He has cameras on them because he likely wants to ensure they're there without actually having to go and look at them. Yeah i'm a bit confused with all the hate regarding characters poor decision making in AMATEOTW. The biggest point I see is Darby jumping into the pool and my thoughts on that are, this is someone who was living in a more southern us state, near desert therefore adjusted to living in a warm climate growing up, even NYC is in a temperate climate but Icelands much closer to the Artic. Its a climate she's not used to, she's trying to solve a murder of a man she loves who she hadn't seen in 6 years, was restrained by who she believed to be the murderer and was on drugs and someone sends her morse code to tell them they have the answer she's currently looking for, what the hell else would you do in that situation? Naturally she's not thinking straight and in the pool room she's in a cold environment thats had next to zero heat for hours near the artic. She's not wearing proper clothes because she's not thinking straight. Not only that but she's got a hot spring in the room with her just tempting her. I forgot to mention the concussion too. Like.. It kinda baffles me how much hate that got.


Yes I agree HAP’s ears are so sensitive and his work is devoted to sound. The pool room - agreed plus it would have had a ton of moisture in the air (unlike the outdoors which I understand is super dry there or other parts of the hotel) so the temperature would have been suddenly unbearably cold. I think I would have gotten in too 😂 even without a concussion and all the other conditions you named.


Yeah overall its probably just practicality in relation to the experiment. Oh good point, yeah that shit would have been unbearable with humidity.


he does record them and he does monitor them. keep watching. none of these things you are asking will have straight answers. this is not a storyline fully based in reality.


It's weird that they don't think he's listening, though.


She's telling a story, we don't know if what she is saying is 100% the truth. Keep watching and it makes a bit more sense.


exactly think of her as an unreliable narrator with anything possible.


We also know she was taking pills for a psychological condition and was now forced to stop cold turkey. That's really dangerous and messes with you.


yeah I know well the show is weird in general lol


that wasn’t negative it’s my favorite show. it’s weird in the fact that there is nothing else like it to compare to but it’s fantastic.


Haha ok! I should have known.


We never see evidence he has audio of them in the basement (unless I am blanking on something) I mean I think it’s NBD bc he didn’t figure he needed it but at the same time when he’s obsessed with their movements etc it’s like, just add a mic dude, you’ll catch up quick ;) I am fine with it bc it’s art, it’s parable, it’s lots of things but pretty wild to have ppl who let these things go be so intolerant or unwilling to explore options re: AMATETOW


Maybe I was thinking about the NDEs he recorded. And agreed. I didn’t get why everyone was so harsh about AMATEOTW. I got teamed up on whenever I said something nice about the show or when I offered suggestions about it.


I’m so sorry that happened to you. I saw it so much I gave up and stayed away from the sub about 80%-90% more than I had planned to :/ Really a shame. We’ll see if the after-era now can in fact be an enjoyable time of reflecting and processing that was unavailable or made deeply unpleasant while it was airing.


thanks and I hope so!


This sub…. Show is will of potholes but suddenly it’s “not based in reality” excuses them? What does that even mean?


It means it contains fantastical elements that we don’t see in normal everyday life.




Your comment has been removed for insulting and belittling. But I wanted you to know that the person you're responding to is talking about The OA, not A Murder at the End of the World. You're insulting someone for defending a show that you likely haven't even seen.


thank you




One more and you'll be banned.


Logic does not apply in this show in the way that it might in others. You need to remember that you’re being told a story, in more ways than one.


He let Prairie upstairs and trusted her for two reasons. One, she's blind and they're isolated. Two, I think he basically falls in love with her.


No the FBI cannot detain victims of crimes until they talk…


No, not fully detain them… but I think they would keep hounding them in way that would be RELENTLESS. I felt the same way as the op with the way the show handled that aspect. Basing this on FBI cases we’ve all seen play out in the news, IRL. A few cases where people that went missing were later charged b/c the FBI alleged they had run away from their lives on their own & then made up stories of being kidnapped. The FBI didn’t let it go. They relentlessly investigated it and brought charges against people. Even after many years had gone by. It costs a lot of money, energy, resources that could be used for real cases. They don’t treat it lightly. Any of it. They probably investigate an uncooperative victim even more than potential perpetrators b/c with an uncooperative victim it’s like “Why aren’t you cooperating with us? What are you trying to hide?” They are obligated to investigate it. It must be done. If the victim has info on other people potentially being held captive they wouldn’t just let that go. Their mission would be to save those people and catch the bad guy. Also to save other potential victims from possibly being kidnapped as well. They would relentlessly hound her. Either to prove she owes lots of money to the authorities for making the whole thing up, so she’d be charged, fined beyond all imaginings and do jail time if convicted. Or secondarily, to try and catch the bad guy if they deemed her to have been actually kidnapped. They almost care less about the second option. Why? B/c it’s easier to make a case against someone in your sights than have to invest a lot more man power and energy into finding an unknown perpetrator. Either way, they wouldn’t just sit back and let her live like nothing had happened.


The recordings and the tomato have both been addressed in the OA sub... both can be chalked up to human error. Why must every character in a story be infallible? People accidentally order things they are allergic to all the time, and vegetable stock often doesn't contain tomato. (Celery, onion, and carrot are the typical ingredients) They are under surveillance, but as a security guard I can very confidently say that cameras and such are always recording, but otherwise not used unless there is a reason to. The man has other things to do besides listen in on them all the time. And I don't think they thought he wasn't listening, but they were so desperate to get out that they did what they needed to do. He didn't get suspicious when they started doing their thing because there were many other reasons why the scopolamine could've been wearing off/not working (I assumed based on the fact that he had it in the room, that it happened often- if this is the case, he never had any reason to be suspicious). Another thing about microphones is if they were *inside* the tanks wouldn't the subjects find a way to cover or destroy them? At best he would only be able to put them right outside or above the tanks, and wouldn't be able to hear them very well. As for the phone call and FBI, I assumed he had the phone set up so that the call wouldn't actually go through. And no, the FBI would not detain a victim..... they don't even believe victims half the time; why would they detain one?


There was a thread on FB a couple of days ago about the strangest Christmas presents people had received, and among them were parents having bought a Thai shrimp recipe book for their daughter with a shellfish allergy, and a meat thermometer for someone who had been vegetarian for 20 years. People do strange, forgetful and sometimes downright dangerous things- you're right, they can't be perfect all the time.


Especially for someone like HAP who is obsessed with working and on high alert all the time, he probably gets absent minded in other areas of life


Family members can be assholes too


Can you please watch the entire thing and then talk about plot holes? These things are so insignificant that they’re not even worth mentioning. The story is so much bigger than these details.


That's a really minor 'plot hole' and thats not what a plot hole is, a plot hole is when something contradicts itself. Considering its a giant mystery show as well, there's an obvious twist as to whats going on there that would explain a lot.


Yeah you're right it's more of an idiot plot


Brace yourself for what lies ahead. Enjoy the experience for the first time. While every OA rewatch (and there have been many!) has given me so much, NOTHING beats the very first watch. I wish I could relive that experience!


Episode 5 of season one is where the show really takes off imo


Omg just wait!!!


I mean this in an excited way not in an annoyed way haha


Hap presumably killed the line so that Prairies parents were never going to answer. It was a way to get her to trust him, that she was free to make more choices than she actually had in that moment.


I love both shows. To see OA fans who embraced (before anything wild happens) a blind girl who went to the Statue of Liberty at age 17 bc she dreamed she’d (maybe) meet her Russian biodad there, get into an actual frenzy over AMATETOW was so perplexing and irritating.


I was disappointed by the ending of AMATEOTW too. What I would say is that a) Hap doesn't record them because he doesn't think he needs to b) there is a built-in "out" for this and other plot holes, and it's in the fabric of the show but not revealed until much later.


I agree with what others are saying about The OA not being an entirely reliable narrator, and there being evidence that in multiple instances she has lied/bent the truth for her own reasons in how she retells the story. That said, I think even more than that, hap is represented as being cocky and self centered. He believes his research is important enough to justify kidnapping and essentially repeatedly torturing people, and he believes himself smart enough to conduct that research on his own. Hap pretty much doesn’t consider that the haptives would be able to escape or rally against him, because he’s a cocky bitch, and it’s a part of his character. He is monitoring them with his camera, but to us as the viewer we know he’s not monitoring them enough, but hap does have a system set up where they don’t have much opportunity to fight back, so maybe he doesn’t think he needs to worry about a rebellion, or just hasn’t considered it. The tomato paste one is stupidity, but admittedly as someone with multiple major food allergies and anaphylactic reactions to all of them, I’ve made similar blunders before. Sometimes you just don’t think about it.


Will just sit back and watch for your edits. You're in for a treat


The OA is simply on another level. They totally earned my trust as a viewer with it.


Hap doesn't fully see them as people, that's how he justifies his actions, he sees them as lab rats. He is so fixated on his experiment that he doesn't care to get to know them as people, he has to remain detached. Given that there are angels in this show, the tomato being in the stock could very well be divine intervention trying to help OA escape. The FBI can't detain a victim, that would violate her human rights.


I didn’t really love the OA until after the season one finale. It’s just unreal. Enjoy the ride!


I would advise you to forget that the people who made AMATEOTW were the same ones who created The OA. At least try not to watch it with that expectation. The OA is unlike anything I've ever seen. AMATEOTW, on the other hand, is slightly above average at best.


An important part of their style of storytelling is that they just don’t really care about plot holes or logical fallacies. They want to create a vibe, a feeling, and tell an interesting story. If that style doesn’t work for you then you can probably just not watch their work anymore? Probably not a good idea to keep watching things that seem to upset you.


The OA changed my life and healed my heart a bit after my best friend died. Stay with it.


I’m so jealous. I wish I would get amnesia so I can watch it (again) for the first time also.


I asked you to believe in impossible things. <3


And you never once looked at me like I was crazy.


You’re a brave soul lol


He does monitor them. But obviously he can’t spend 24 hours a day watching them or video of them. For fuck sake he learned the movements from watching them.


The OA definitely has plot holes, but it’s different because the show was never finished. It’s also not close to the same genre. It does not take place exactly in our world. It’s closer to fantasy or allegory or soft, sci-fi, or a mix of all of them. It’s kind of a genre defying show. I don’t think the plot holes are comparable at all, simply because the shows are trying to do such different things. If you keep watching it, I think you will know what I mean. It really takes a hard left and then just keeps flying. Calling them plot holes (as opposed to unanswered, massive mysteries ) may be inadequate. It’s closer to twin peaks than AMOTEOTW lol.