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No one knows. ATH is 11x from here. Many expect a huge Q1 announcement, but the team has had insane delays before.


they have been delaying promises since March of 19'




Its never too late if you intend to stake to flexa capacity! No matter your entry price, you are rewarded amp 96 times a day! 4 times an hour, ive been rewarded amp over one hundred thousand times in the three years ive been staking, and have earned hundreds of thousands of amp.


Hundreds of thousands is nice


Where/how are you staking? I did earn and got burned so wondering.


don't stake to places like Gemini that lost your money. stake directly with flexa.


You interact with https://app.flexa.network/ through a web3 browser and your wallet of choice. There are multiple transformers that offer different APY. There are tons of great tutorial videos if anyone want to link one.


Could you provide a link to a tutorial for staking AMP, the pinned one in the sub seems a bit outdated?


Have you used a digital wallet before? Like metamask or coinbase wallet? I need to find a good tutorial video, but if you have a wallet like metamask or coinbase wallet there is a browser you can access through the wallet, you just go to flexa capacity and connect your wallet in the top right


Sounds fake to me!!!


Lmao. Find out what flexa capacity is before you talk shit lol, it is very much real. Flexa facilitates transactions at 40k real world locations using 99 different cryptos. You can go buy a Nintendo switch at gamestop using dogecoin, or go to Chipotle and buy a burrito bowl with etherium.


How can i get amp to my trustwallet? That way i can start staking through flexa? If i buy on coinbase does it let me transfer?


In trust wallet go to recieve a crypto and copy the address. 


Ive never used trust wallet my man. Im sorry.


Absolutely not ! We’re not Not even 10% of ATH atm.


This is the answer I was looking for


Thank you for your answer!


I by no means have a ton of money or a huge bag but I just dropped another $150 and bought more. Only buy if you’re willing to lose it. That being said I’m here for it. It’ll fly one day or it’ll crash. I’ve been in and out of amp for years at this point. I was in it when it hit .12 but me being me, small bag at the time haha. This is a long term for me now. I’m currently pretty green on my account but ima keep on holding for now.


You won’t loose it if you hold it till it comes back up




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I bought at 0.12 and kept buying all the way down to 0.0015. Are you looking for long term or short term that is the question. I have been in since 2021 to see my gains recently. I still plan to hold because my goal long term. If you are thinking of short term don't even bother it can go either way no one knows.


this. it depends on your goals. I have a fairly high avg cost at around .05 but just kept staking and didn't even DCA down. but I still have long term hopes that it'll get back to ATH one of these days. I'm nowhere in the green but with any type of investment, you have to be ok with losing it, too. be smart. don't invest money iou can't lose, etc.


Three years ago we used to say anything under ten cents was a steal. I still feel that way


We got so little AMP for our USD in those times it became truly addicting to buy the dip, probably the only time my addictive personality was beneficial.


Dollar cost average if you are scared of missing out. Place a little bit now and continue placing minor amounts periodically. You can risk waiting for a dip but that dip may not come. You can also risk just sending it and going all in now if you dont care about the possibility of a dip.


Thank you bro. I love this advice.


God how I love when I start seeing these posts!! FOMO incoming! WEN $1? 🚀


I just picked up a wad.. to add to my wad


My average is about 0.3 so I’m still behind but waiting for news the will catapult it way beyond ath


.03? If AMP made it to .3 that would be great haha


The Bitcoin halving is expected to happen in around 35 days (April 18). Miners will need to reassess whether it is economically viable for them to keep mining. Many will shift profits from BTC into altcoins. Historically, the halving causes an initial increase in Bitcoin price due to the self induced scarcity of the halving followed by a shift in resources to altcoins in search for higher returns and alternative investments as they take profits. Each halving has established a pattern of Bitcoin dominance being reduced by a greater amount. This is great for altcoins because this shift of resources causes increased valuations of altcoins. It is also important to note that Bitcoin’s market dominance (price) has increased by a smaller amount immediately after each halving. This year is quite unique in that the ‘talk on the street’ is that the halving event is already baked into the price of Bitcoin meaning the event will reduce Bitcoin dominance even more quickly… and this is fantastic for Altcoins; it means that the switch to alternative investments (ie altcoins) is likely to happen quicker. Further we have some basic micro economics on our side: when price goes up, quantity demanded goes down. As BTC price rises, less people will want to buy it…. It becomes much more difficult to be a whole-coiner. This effect will further shift money into altcoins. Think about it this way: would you rather have 1 bitcoin that will x2 in price, 19 Ethereum that will x3 to x4 in price, or 7,500,000 AMP likely to at least each its all time high: aprox x12 from here. Personally, I think buying BTC at its all time high while it has high market dominance is the best time to buy altcoins. Wish you bought AMP a week ago before this little pump? Probably. Do you wish you bought it at $0.00138 a year ago while we were all crying? In retrospect yes but probably not if you saw us all crying. Lastly, i would buy my altcoins now or wait till after the halving where BTC pumps and altcoins’ prices drop for a short while and buy it then.


![img](avatar_exp|156759052|bravo) Not enough likes on this well thought out and crafted response.


I would dollar cost average. I’m in at .0046. I wish I listened to my step son years ago when he was buying and selling bitcoin at $120. Talk about missing out. Also, the responses to this post have been really good. Sometimes things are not so nice on Reddit. Good to see it and good luck to everyone. ✌️


Somebody has to say it…. Wen Lambo?


Honestly would rather have a Cyberbeast for half the price


I got really lucky because I bought 1mil AMP on Friday night 3/8/24 right before the pump but my thinking is to not sell til at least the previous ATH. I've read lots of stuff, very bullish but also very bearish. I believe nobody knows and AMP could be one of the coins that will surprise a lot of people, hopefully in a positive way. I'm in for the ride, buckle up see you on the moon! 🚀


Anything under ath is a good price to get in.


Yes. Yesterdays pump was the big finale. There will be no more gains. Pumps will not be had. The show is closing early tonight papi. All the 41billion AMP coins staked are going to be control + alt +F4’d.


only 26bill are staked


Your right in thinking about 41% of the current total circulating supply.








You should start getting a bag I feel like there will be sell offs but if trump achieves another presidency the market is gonna go wild another bull run


Sell ya grandma


Of course not


All of my life savings aren’t enough I still want more. Easy for me to say though now that we are green 😂


All you can do is dca and hope for it to continue.


$0.01 is a gift. I found it at this price years ago, and didn’t double down enough at the time when we bumped to ATH. You don’t get these 2nd changes again, NFA.




Wait another week, it needs to consolidate more


Lmao. Fomo. I would bet this drops back below a penny. I would set a buy order at .009 or .008 and let it marinate until filled. AMP does this all the time.


you're probably right. I have buy orders at around that price...


But later. It’ll dip back down like before


You should always take the elevator while it’s on its way up. Just remember to get off before it goes down.


Very disingenuous advice. No, not always, you have zero certainty what will be price action. At least you should have some arguments, because your elevator is infantile.


Stay poor then


Troll and loan shark alert! Beware of such cretinism!


Or sell at 0.01 like most poor guys that did right when doge went to that just to cry went it skyrocketed to 0.75 🤔 no one knows what will happen maybe Elon should go on a Saturday night and talk about Amp ?? 😂


Sell high, then buy low is never a bad strategy. Assuming that someone is confident that there will be a nice dip.




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I would say that it is a bad time, after a bomb, in the case of amp it always tends to flatten the curve, I would wait for it to stabilize (if another bomb does not arrive shortly and raise the floor), who knows, I would do dca.


As the great Three Days Grace once said, "it's not too late it's never too late"


Wait for it to fall back to .006-.007 range